Imperial Overlord

: Nine hundred and thirty four shells

A shell rolled in the air, flew directly to the rear of the Leopard tank, and finally hit the upper left corner of the rear of the Leopard tank. The board flew out.

Almost rubbing the rear of the Panther tank, the shell changed a subtle angle and flew to the ruins on the other side, hitting it and splashing a cloud of white smoke.

On the front of Karjus, another armor-piercing projectile directly hit the front armor plate of the Panther tank, leaving a trace on it, and then bounced off.

But the angle of the bounce was a little different. It was like a beam of laser light that flew directly into the sky in front of Karjus's eyes.

Caljus shrank his neck in fright, and then he realized that his tank had survived such a front and back attack.

"Boom, boom." The crawler chain of the Panther tank was flipping. Although the glove box at the rear shattered, and the shovel inside didn't know where it flew, it could still move forward.

The upper left corner of the tail was cut off by a shell, and the jet holes above were still steaming. However, as the Panther tank advanced, its body was completely covered by the ruins, and the crisis behind it was completely lifted.

On the front, inside the Soviet tank, the commander was in a panic, preparing to fire for the second time.

But he has already seen that the thick 88mm barrel on the Panther tank turret has been aimed at where he is.

"Boom!" Then, through the periscope, he saw that the opponent's artillery spewed out a thick smoke, and a huge fire group emerged.

Then, he felt something hit his tank, something in the car shattered, and then shrapnel flew everywhere, and the sound of metal crashing filled the small space.

Then, the Soviet commander felt something hit his thigh, as if a bullet had gone through.

In the next instant, his head was pierced by a small metal fragment, and the boundless darkness buried his consciousness.

"Destroy the target! Go forward! Go forward! Go forward!" Karyus shouted happily when he saw that he was in a desperate situation.

The Panther tank accelerated towards the destroyed T-34 tank, ignoring that the smoking T-34 tank might explode at any time.

After crossing the smoking T-34 tank, Karyus discovered that there was another T-34 tank turning behind the tank.

Because many of the Soviet tanks did not have radio stations installed, they could not form effective communication.

Maybe even the crew members of the Soviet tanks that had entered the town did not know that there were already four killed friendly tanks at the street corner of the town.

However, they knew about the tank that was destroyed in front of them. Through the narrow observation window, these Soviet soldiers saw their companions being hit and smoking.

It's a pity that they don't know which direction the other's shells are flying from, and they can only find all the nearby places by themselves.

This is the world of difference brought about by the level of coordination. The Soviet tanks are basically fighting each other. They can't inform each other about the situation, and they can't know what's going on around them.

They were not blind, however, and were quick to see when a German Panther tank dashed out from the side of a smoking-crippled friendly tank.

"Quick! Aim! Aim! Fire!" The Soviet commander who saw the Panther tank called Karyus shouted loudly.

At the same time he shouted, Karyus was also giving his own orders: "Directly ahead! Soviet T-34 tanks! Fire!"

"Om!..." With the slight vibration of the motor, the turret of the Panther tank began to rotate rapidly, and it only took two seconds to aim the muzzle at the Soviet tank in front.

Then, with the T-34 almost muzzled against the muzzle, Thiel pressed the fire button.

"Boom!" An armor-piercing projectile shot out, penetrating the front armor of the T-34 tank at a distance of about a dozen meters.

Because the distance was too close, Karyus had no time to even observe the situation of hitting the target, so he had to retract into the car.

A huge wave of air blew over his head, and the steel rain formed by the explosion of the tank hit the armor of the Panther tank, making a clinking sound.

This is no joke. If he was hit by the shrapnel formed by the explosion at such a close distance, Karyus would have to die here.

The Panther tank did not stop and continued to drive forward, but there were no Soviet tanks in sight, and I don't know how many Soviet tanks were left in the town.

"What about the tank in the back? What about the T-34 tank?" Karyus lifted the hatch again, trying to see further through the wreckage of the two Soviet tanks behind him.

But his efforts failed. The second destroyed Soviet tank was killed, and the burning black smoke blocked his view, so he couldn't see anything clearly.

Presumably if the Soviet tank had the guts to chase after it, it would have been the same: they couldn't find the German Panther tank here because of the smoke.

"Go ahead! Don't worry about the car behind! Find a new target! Hold on!" Karius instructed, and then carefully looked for a new target.

"There are 7 more armor-piercing shells left! Commander! We have to figure out a solution!" William loaded an armor-piercing shell into the cannon and reminded loudly.

"I know! I know!" Hearing this number, an optimistic Karjus also became somewhat After the fierce battle just now, and the previous struggle, there were not many The armor-piercing projectiles became even more stretched.

Fortunately, the T-26 tank was destroyed just now, using the commander's machine gun. This saves armor-piercing rounds, otherwise everyone would be in a worse position now.

If he wanted to keep fighting, he had to get the shells for the artillery anyway—not an easy task, because if he could replenish the shells, he would have replenished them long ago.

Now, the entire German army is running out of ammunition. The reason for this is that the ability to replenish supplies is one aspect; the front-line battle is more intense and the consumption is faster.

"Don't be nervous! We can still destroy at least 7 Soviet tanks, right?" Karjus had to encourage everyone.

His optimism affected those around him, and Erich felt that they still had the chance to win this time.

Likewise, William and Tyre, and Joseph thought so too. In such a desperate time, they still maintained their beliefs, and they still believed that they were the one who could win.

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