Imperial Overlord

: Nine hundred and thirteen that

"Yes! Obey! Mr. Bryon!" The businessman humbly agreed, without the arrogance he had just now.

Then he suddenly realized something, and looked at Levi von Berlein with wide eyes: "Why, the Führer is going to make a big move again?"

"Don't ask if you shouldn't! Isn't it enough to wait to get rich?" Levi von Berlein squinted and snorted, then turned and walked out of the office.

Now, it is not easy to get on the big ship of the Imperial Consortium, because there are too many profitable projects developed by the Imperial Consortium.

For example, Reich Oil Corporation, which has recently become a topic of conversation in Germany, is a subsidiary of the Reich consortium.

Although it is a subsidiary, it is a super oil company that owns a large number of shares in Libyan oil fields and a large number of shares in Saudi oil fields.

Compared with the American oil giant Mobil Corporation in 1941, Imperial Oil Corporation is no less or even larger in size.

And this is just a subsidiary of Imperial Finance. Coupled with an Imperial Pharmaceutical that has recently made profits like printing money, the Imperial Consortium has just been established for half a year, and it has become a cornucopia.

It is not easy to enter this cornucopia, because the umbrella of this cornucopia includes several generals and marshals from the army, the air force commander and imperial marshal Goering, and the deputy head of state Hess and other dignitaries.

Of course, the biggest umbrella is the head of the Third Reich. This country has the highest prestige and is about to become the richest man - Adolf Hitler.

It is a pity that no one knows that this Adolf Hitler is no longer the original one. The body of this fake Führer lives in a soul called Li Le.

But who cares? Now even if Li Le admits that he is not Adolf Hitler, no one will care.

What everyone likes is a Führer who can lead Germany to victory, and a Führer who can lead everyone to get rich together.

As long as the head of state can do this, then who will be the head of state, and what difference does it make?

Levi von Berlein is a rising star in the Führer Group. He is mainly responsible for dealing with the Führer... or the economic aspects of the Führer Group.

Nowadays, countless gold marks flow through his hands every day. It can be said that he is the big housekeeper in the imperial consortium.

And now, the big housekeeper does know some insider information: the Führer does have a new research direction, and he really needs to invest a lot of money in research.

What is even more shocking is that the head of this kind of research opened two in one go, which belonged to completely different research directions.

On the one hand, the head of state ordered him to build 40 large-scale thermal power plants, plus several new hydroelectric power stations, the total power generation in Germany will be doubled on the original basis!

This is not 40 small workshops, but a super power station with huge power generation. Before the birth of nuclear power plants, they were probably the largest power plants in the world.

It is not cheap to build these power stations, and it is not easy to use the electricity.

Even in the 1980s, China's power generation was still low, with frequent power outages. Although there were many inconveniences in production and life, there were no serious problems at that time.

It can be seen that it is difficult to generate electricity, and it is actually difficult to use electricity. It was not until the 21st century that a large amount of electricity consumption really started, and the real meaning of a stable power generation foundation and a reliable power grid was realized.

No one knows what the Führer needs so much power for. However, there are countless new things that use electricity, which everyone is very sure about.

For example, TVs that are being mass-produced, refrigerators, which are already very popular, as well as lamps and various electrical equipment.

In others, electricity is more widely used. For example, the radar base station established by the Imperial Air Defense Force is an emerging power consumer.

German scientists are developing a new generation of computer systems based on British "computers", which are also inoperable without electricity.

In addition, there is a secret development project, and it is said that only the head of state knows the entire planning system.

When people mention this secret project, they only mention "that" in a vague way. It is said that it is a super weapon that can end the war, and it is a trump card to ensure that Germany can win the final victory.

It's just that there are very few people who know the "that" plan. Even if they only know the name, they are already the most core figures in the German high-level circle.

Even Levi von Berlein himself does not know what "that" is, how big and heavy it is, or whether it is round or square.

Some people speculate that the Fuhrer is going to use electricity to change the climate, and some people think that a large amount of electricity can form a magnetic field and use it to launch ultra-long-range artillery shells.

Anyway, no one really knows that the Führer is urging Heisenberg and his team to recalculate the nuclear explosion formula, design new experiments and complete the calculations as soon as possible.

A large amount of electricity is to be used to purify the uranium used in the atomic bomb, and the more powerful plutonium to be used later.

And Germany's atomic bomb, the current progress, and the United States are comparable. Even, in the overall direction, and the degree of emphasis, but also some more than the United States.

After all, the United States did not have the Manhattan Project in 1941, and Germany had already started its own "final chapter" project.

The fake Führer not only advanced Germany's nuclear weapons, but also chose the method of purifying uranium raw materials farsightedly, saving a lot of experimental time and money.

In addition, Li Le, who is from the 21st century, also knows the simple nuclear physics knowledge that many middle school students know. In this respect he was not much worse than Heisenberg, who even got the directions and formulas wrong.

Another advantage is that Li Le, a soul from the future, is even more familiar with the concept of systems engineering explored by the Manhattan Project.

The seemingly huge and terrifying investment in the development of the atomic bomb will become all tangible assets in the future, and even to a certain extent, the Manhattan Project can be regarded as a profitable project!

When everything is over, Germany will gain a valuable nuclear weapons laboratory, a purification plant for nuclear materials such as plutonium and uranium, and an unparalleled international status...

With the extension of future technology trees such as nuclear power plants, atomic technology, and microphysics, it can be said that this is a lucrative business.

Of course, Li Le would not miss such an investment - not to mention that after possessing the atomic bomb, the scythe that was defeated and committed suicide hanging over Li Le's head would completely disappear because of this!

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