Imperial Overlord

: Eight hundred and seventy-eight officers waiting on the dock

The warm sea breeze of the Mediterranean blew the marina, and the bustling harbour was busy with people coming and going. North Africa is rebuilding, at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Alexandria, Benghazi, Tripoli... Every port controlled by the Axis powers is a busy scene.

An ocean-going submarine slowly docked on the edge of the port pier, and the soldiers on the shore helped to tie the cables.

The gangway was set up, and a scruffy bearded man in a dirty white navy cap jumped from the deck of the submarine to land.

As the commander of a submarine, the captain has the right to choose his own order of landing, you can jump first, second or last.

Prien, who has been drifting at sea for more than a month, moved his shoulders, feeling the reliability of the solid ground under his feet to the soles of his feet.

He hadn't felt this way for a long time. He had not felt reliable and steady for a long time in the sea that was drifting with the current.

"It feels so good to be back! I want to have a good, delicious meal." Prien turned to his side and said to the first mate who had just jumped ashore.

"Yeah, it feels so good to be back. The last time I ate the food here was more than a month ago. I miss the taste very much." The first mate replied with a smile and nodded.

To be able to return safely is a matter of celebration for the German submarine officers and soldiers. If they want, they can take a boat back to Italy and then go back to Germany for a holiday, or spend a wonderful holiday in Egypt.

The mission on duty has not been very busy recently, and the war at sea seems to be over. Although two Indian fishing boats were attacked, they did not actually go too deep into the Indian Ocean.

Those old rhetoric, like telling the British we're coming, haven't caught on in the Indian Ocean.

After discussing the relevant geopolitics with Karl Haushofer, the Führer came to a very important conclusion.

At this time, draining the strength of the British government-in-exile in India is helping Japan's expansion in Asia.

And Karl Haushofer believes that after defeating the Soviet Union, Japan is a more dangerous neighbor than the United States, and should not help Japan solve India's troubles at this time.

The head of state also believed that it would not be in the fundamental interests of the Axis powers to cede India to Japan. So the result of the discussion between the two is to adopt a wait-and-see attitude in India as much as possible.

So, twenty ocean-going U-boats were ordered to stop attacking the warships of the British government-in-exile, and they are now in the Indian Ocean, doing patrol and surveillance and the like.

Priyan's cruise this time was to perform a similar mission. During this patrol, he even saw the battleship HMS Vengeance of the British government-in-exile from a distance...

"Are you going back to China?" Prien asked a little tiredly. He doesn't plan to go back to China. He takes this holiday to take a good rest and enjoy the scenery of Egypt. At least he can keep his spirits up.

The monthly salary of German submarine officers and soldiers is almost three times that of ordinary soldiers in the army, and there are additional bonuses, so submarine officers and soldiers are a popular high-income group, whether in France or elsewhere.

These sailors know how to have fun in time and are willing to spend money while they are alive, so they are very generous.

Moreover, the story of these sailors fighting bravely in the submarine can be told for three days and three nights, and the tendons raised by long hours of work are also very manly.

Of course, when it comes to smell, what better way to reveal male hormones than not taking a shower for a month?

Women like generous men, as well as strong and rude men, and they also like men with stories-the popularity of submarine officers and soldiers can be imagined.

If the uniform of the German SS is handsome, then the uniform of the Navy is decent in one adjective. The dresses of the navies of various countries are beautiful, solemn and expensive.

The gold rank logo is displayed on the cuffs, which looks gleaming. The black fabric is well-cut, paired with trousers of the same color with straight trousers... Wearing such a dress to social occasions, as long as the girl is not blind, it will be posted to chat up.

This is also the reason why there is such a jingle: the army soil, the navy ocean...

"I don't go back, it's rare to have a holiday, I think the girls in Egypt need me to save." The adjutant took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth and said with a smile.

"Colonel, this is your adjutant's order and the 17 people on board to be transferred from the U-47 submarine. Please sign." Just as the two were smiling, an officer came over and said to Prien in a salute.

His words surprised Prien, shouldn't this kind of thing be said in an office or something?

Moreover, the transfer of 17 skilled sailors at once, including the first mate on the submarine, was not a joke order.

"I was ordered to wait here for your submarine to dock. It has been more than an hour... The task is urgent, and I have to read the order directly to you here." The officer handed the document to Prien, and the expression on his face also changed. so awkward.

After all, Prien was a hero of the German Navy. He sank the submarine Royal Oak and also sank tens of thousands of tons of enemy ships. Everyone in the Navy admired him.

If he was given a choice, he would also be willing to find a quiet conference room, and then carefully talk to Prien about the ideals of life and so on, and then bring up the matter of recruiting sailors.

It is a pity that he has no choice. The above command card is very tight, even to the point of racing against time.

"Why? So many people at once?" Prien asked with a frown.

"It's probably all good news for them, sir!" the officer answered loudly with his chin up.

He had to be louder, because there was a cruise ship entering the port in the distance, and the sound of the whistle made it impossible for everyone to hear what the other was saying.

"Everyone must be promoted... We lack sailors with experience at sea, and everyone must be promoted. This is the order of the Supreme Command." The officer clutched his military cap and shouted loudly.

Prien's first mate was going to go out to command a submarine alone. The remaining sailors were either promoted to helmsman or weapons technician, and two were transferred back to the Naval Headquarters for training...

At this moment, Raidl is really desperate for talents, so he decided to hit the first-line ace like Prien. Each submarine has to send half of its people out, and then bring recruits to train and fight while training...

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