Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and sixty-nine Smolensk's line of defense

Hearing the good news, Guderian had a smile on his face, and the iconic beard on his mouth also curved to a good angle.

"Very good! Let the front-line troops continue to advance, and the remaining troops continue to expand the breakthrough! I need the flank to be absolutely safe! This time we will advance to Smolensk in one go!" He logically ordered a series of operations Order.

It is inevitable to expand the gap in the defense line, and it is also inevitable to advance in depth. In fact, these orders do not need to be issued at all, and the front-line troops will execute them step by step.

The troops of the 501st Armored Battalion were advancing on one side, while the troops of the 1st Armored Division were expanding their gains on the other side, and the two units formed a small pincer attack.

And the Soviet troops between this offensive were the most uncomfortable. They were only a few kilometers apart, but they had to face two of the most terrifying German troops on their flanks.

The Germans attacking the Soviet Union have now almost liberated most of Belarusian territory. And the position they are attacking now is the traditional core area of ​​Russia.

Budyonny was going insane, he had not dealt with the troubles about the direction of Vitebsk, and the front line was opened by the German troops.

He has only one choice now, and that is to stay in Smolensk as long as possible.

During this time, he has not had enough support, and will almost be cut off by German troops.

In other words, he had to hold on for as long as he was surrounded to buy enough time for Moscow to react.

During this time, all the agencies in Moscow city and the time for the dignitaries to retreat, and the time for the defense in Moscow.

Of course, there is also the mobilization of reinforcements to stick to Moscow. The time to withdraw from Moscow is a battle, and it takes all kinds of time to prepare. It is not something that can be done just by saying a word.

That is a capital city, and it is a very important transportation node. Moscow is a transit station for the Soviet railway. If you take it here, you will almost cut off all the railway lines.

Soviet troops in the north could not leave by train to fight in the south. Troops from the south were also unable to pass the railroad and maneuvered to the north for support.

Unlike Paris, Moscow is a strategically important place, so capturing here, in addition to having a more intuitive political significance, also has a very important strategic significance.

"Order the soldiers to prepare the barricades! We are running out of time!" The commanders of various units stood in front of Budyonny. They now knew what kind of fierce battle they were about to face.

It is almost impossible to stop the German attack in the wilderness. They can only rely on the city to attack to prevent the possibility of German troops coming under Moscow as much as possible.

"Comrades! We must fight here to the last minute! We have to shed the last drop of blood for the motherland! We will use the last bullet to destroy the enemy!" Budyonny raised his tone as much as possible, encouraging his officers morale.

In fact, whether or not this place will be lost in the end, he may have to fight here until the last moment.

Stalin in Moscow, at least, has given him a death order, he can only stay with Smolensk and can't take a step away.

In this case, he can only concentrate his forces here as much as possible, and strive for the last chance to turn defeat into victory.

Now, his last hope of atonement and not being hanged by Stalin is left to hold on in Smolensk until the Soviet troops counterattack and regain the initiative on the battlefield.

Of course, this is just one of his good wishes. In fact, it would require him to stay in Smolensk for at least a year, which is simply impossible.

If under this circumstance, he can hold on for so long in Smolensk, Li Le, the transmigrator, doesn't have to wait for the end, he just pulls out his pistol to kill himself.

"Sir! The German army is very close to here, we still lack enough ammunition, not enough tanks... anti-tank guns..." an officer said depressedly.

If you want to fight street fighting for a long time, you need enough material reserves. But there is no such reserve in Smolensk, which is indeed the most worrying issue.

Most of the supplies assembled by the Soviet army on the front line have been lost in Brest, Minsk, Vilnius and other areas.

Smolensk, as a base far behind, did not have much ammunition reserves. Food is not abundant, and even the supply of troops can only be considered barely.

But there is also good news, that is, this is already the traditional sphere of influence of the Russians. The civilians here are Russians, the most die-hard Soviet supporters.

They were easy to mobilize, very united, and had a high fighting spirit. All men, women and children began to act to help the Soviet army perfect its defensive offensive.

Smolensk was also huge enough for Soviet troops to conduct street battles. With proper defense, they could make the Germans pay the heaviest price.

"Ask for reinforcements from the great leader, Comrade Stalin! We will never take a step back!" Budyonny gave his advice: "Telegram to Moscow, I, Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny and Small Lensk coexists and perishes!"

Like Guderian, Budyonny also has a beautiful beard, and his beard is more exaggerated and more joyful.

When he spoke because he was too excited, his beard quivered, which made his face look more interesting.

"If there are enough weapons, arm women and children! We will fight the Germans in every room, every corridor!" As he planned to hold on to Smolensk, he had the idea of ​​​​burning everything .

The Soviet army had no sympathy, and there was no glorious tradition of not recruiting women and children. They are fighting the last stand now, so they don't have the slightest scruples.

"As ordered! Comrade Marshal!" The ordered officer stood at attention and saluted, then turned and left the headquarters. Beside him, another officer stepped forward and said, "Sir! Do you want to build more defense lines in the suburbs?"

"Is that a question? If there is enough concrete and other materials, they will be used to build fortifications!" Budyonny answered without thinking.

"The is easy to be suppressed by German artillery fire? Comrade General..." The officer swallowed a mouthful of saliva and warned.

"There's nothing wrong with it! Let the army of recruits and women and children go to the defense!" Budyonny gave his order in a cold voice.

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