Imperial Overlord

: Six hundred and thirteenth frontline

"Do you know why they stopped?" Wittmann asked Karl Wegener, the gunner beside him, while packing his bags. . fastest update

Carl Wegner laughed and said, "General Guderian said that once someone needs a rest, their tanks will run out of oil."

This is a joke, from Guderian's evaluation of his armored forces. During the French campaign, German armor was advancing so fast that they often lied about running out of gas and stopped to rest.

Only this time I heard that the troops on the front line stopped advancing because of a small loss and waited for the troops in the rear to follow up.

For the German armored forces, being stopped by the enemy's offensive can definitely be regarded as a great shame.

But this also shows from another aspect how little Germany knew about its enemy before the Führer's intelligence department entered the state.

"Maybe they will have enough gasoline to move on after we reach the front line." Wittmann looked at the Iron Cross in his suitcase, and his movements suddenly slowed down.

That was the Iron Cross he got in England, when he was the number one tank killer in the German Panzer Army.

Driving the Panther tank, the proud work of the head of state, slaughtered dozens of British and American tanks in England, and can be said to be a veritable king of tank warfare.

It is a pity that this record has now been broken. There is a young tank commander on the Eastern Front who has achieved an extraordinary record of destroying 75 Soviet tanks.

Every time he thinks that he has been surpassed by others, Wittmann's heart is not very good.

He really doesn't know what else to be proud of if he's beaten at what he does best.

Fortunately, he finally arrived on the Eastern Front in time, and arrived here when the fighting on the Eastern Front was at its most intense.

They had just disembarked from their own train, and the freight train in the distance had already begun to unload the Panther tanks that had just been sent to the front line.

These new Panther tanks are the latest and improved actual combat models, that is, the "latest improvement" that is closer to the needs of front-line combat.

On the new Panther tank, the hatches of the commander and the loader are equipped with machine gun brackets, which can be installed according to needs.

Of course, there is also an accessory in the trunk of these tanks that can be installed on the machine gun rack and used as a shield for the machine gun.

At the same time, these newly mass-produced Leopard tanks have board skirts mounted on the side body to strengthen the side defense of the tank.

There are many improvements, and this is also an optimized design based on the feedback from the front-line troops.

"With this machine gun, I can also rely on my own judgment to attack when dealing with infantry." Wittman smiled and looked at the Panther tank in the distance and the empty machine gun racks on the roof.

Although due to time constraints, all the tanks in this batch are not equipped with the commander's special machine gun, but with the shelf, at least there is the possibility of improvement, right?

The German commander has always had only one task, and that is to command the tanks with peace of mind. He did not have the task of firing attacks, which did affect the combat efficiency of the tank to a certain extent.

You must know that when the commander found an enemy infantry on the flank of the tank in the past, all he could do was to inform the gunner to turn the turret to attack the infantry on the flank.

Obviously, this is not worth the loss. Now that the commander has his own special machine gun, he can use the machine gun to kill the threat while spotting the enemy.

Moreover, another important improvement is that with the commander's machine gun and the front machine gun shield, it is safer for the German tank commander to lean out to command the tank battle.

Loader Bowman packed his bags, stood up and looked outside the small station that was repaired.

It's definitely a wilderness here, and it's a full 10 kilometers from Minsk. There are trees everywhere, and there are piles of supplies needed for front-line operations.

Because Germany has absolute air supremacy, not even basic air defense camouflage is placed here.

The goods were piled up in the open area like that, and the busy logistics soldiers had not had enough experience to ask the air safety questions of those goods.

Countless trucks are busy, and countless carriages are busy here. Without the support of the railway, the workload of the German logistics force is already too much to be described by the adjective horror.

In order to allow the troops to have as many offensive resources as possible, many materials were compressed to an unbearable level.

For example, the cigarettes supplied by the front-line troops have been reduced to the level of dispensability because they have to transport enough splurge on gasoline.

Similarly, as a luxury canned food, limited distribution has also begun. Most of the attacking troops relied on the most basic food rations to ensure that they would not die of starvation.

"God bless, the food here may be worse than the British side." Seeing the soldiers unloading all kinds of low-quality food from the train in the distance, the electrician Ehoff complained.

You must know that when Britain was fighting, because of the capacity of the Strait, the food in Germany was very bad.

Sometimes everyone can only run out of their own station and go to other places to find something to eat.

But now, seeing the food being distributed, everyone knows that their days in England are far from hell.

"My Those things are eaten by humans?" The driver Duke Wen looked over and saw piles of dried vegetables thrown off the train.

Those dried vegetables have lost most of their water in order to keep fresh, and now those things are about the same as seaweed, and they can only be soaked in soup to satisfy hunger.

But they saw that the soldiers who were responsible for transporting these dried vegetables were clearly stealing these dried vegetables, and they didn't mean to dislike it at all.

Germany is a country with few strategic resources. Even if it has won a series of foreign wars, it will take at least a solid decade to really defeat the countries it has won.

To transport a barrel of gasoline to the front line, half the barrel will be used halfway. Such a war is really desperate, and it is also desperate for all the senior German commanders.

Their troops were not defeated by the enemy, but were dragged down by their own logistical supplies.

The Soviet counterattack in the Krupki area also made the German armored forces aware of their own crisis and inadequacy, and deployed a line of defense in place, and began to wait for more German soldiers behind them to arrive.

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