Imperial Overlord

: Sixty preparations to be done

The French got on the road this time. When two cargo ships from Italy arrived at the port of Toulon with crude oil compensated for the French, the position of the French navy also loosened up.

You see, human beings are so shameless: they can't be revered by being beaten, and they can't be subdued by exploiting them, but as long as the benefits are shared, many people will be willing to stand up and betray their country.

Of course, even if there are only a few people who consider interests, the Vichy French regime has to consider how to live.

France's overseas colonies have now remained largely neutral in good faith, or simply surrendered to Britain.

Under such a one-sided situation, the domestic economy of France is naturally not much better.

What's more, France has to pay Germany's huge war reparations and pay for the German troops stationed in France.

Under the circumstance of internal and external troubles, the situation of the Vichy French government is not very good, although the arrival of Li Le has greatly improved the situation.

First of all, Li Le improved the relationship with Vichy France, and arranged the production of small-caliber howitzers to France.

The delinquent purchase price can be offset by the use of physical objects, and Li Le gave a very favorable purchase price - which relieved the pressure of the French government a lot.

And this time, giving priority to giving France's oil dividends to France is also a bold diplomatic attempt by the Axis powers.

Although there was not much oil in hand, this was the first time the Vichy French government had gained additional benefits after following the Axis powers.

It was seeing this benefit, and a first-of-its-kind way, that made the French Vichy government finally break the idea of ​​not participating in the war as much as possible.

Although the French were still cautious, they only dispatched the fleet to ensure the safety of the French transport ships on the route between Tunisia and Toulon, France.

But you must know that this shipping line belonging to France is in front of the route between Libya and Italy, and is closer to the British H fleet in Gibraltar.

Once the British fleet entered the Mediterranean Sea and tried to cut off the sea route of the Axis countries, the first thing they had to face was the French route.

But fortunately, the H fleet just lost the battleship Resolve and will not enter the Mediterranean for safari for a while. At the same time, Malta is now owned by the Germans, with 20,000 Italians stationed on it, and more than 60 German aircraft. .

At the very least, Li Le liked to wait for the goodwill of the French. The French fleet has made its position clear, at least providing peripheral vigilance and protection for the routes of the Axis countries.

"Is the Air Force having a good time in Malta these days?" Li Le has become accustomed to his empty office these days.

This huge room made Li Le gradually discover the advantages: the lighting is good and he can "walk around" in the office.

Now, in this huge office, Goering sat proudly on the sofa, playing with a diamond from Italy.

Germany is far from the point where oil supplies are exhausted, so Goering is not in a passive state.

Now that he is attacking from all sides, he has just won the battle of Malta, and he is naturally proud of it.

His paratroopers were as strong as ever in Malta, and the oil benefits earned Göring a personal dividend from the state.

Oil resources are national strategic resources, and naturally, Goering, the head of state and others cannot be allowed to deal with them privately.

Under this premise, the state will use the purchase price to purchase the oil held by Li Le, Goring Himmlechs and others, and regularly provide money and other wealth like dividends.

This time, at Goering's own request, this huge diamond was used to pay the oil dividend. Goering likes luxury, so he has been carrying it around for the past few days.

"Of course, my head of state, we have dropped countless bombs on Malta and destroyed the British defenders." When Goering mentioned Malta, he was indescribably proud.

Having mastered this important island in the Mediterranean Sea, his oil industry gained basic security. If it wasn't worth his pride, it wasn't worth it either.

As he replied, he laughed: "Our troop losses were very slight, only a few planes were shot down, and less than 2,000 people were lost."

Li Le also heard about Malta's victory process. It is more appropriate to say that the British gave up Malta rather than the wise German paratroopers and the courage of the Italian landing troops.

As a traveler from the 21st century, Li Le knew all about the remaining power in the UK. In the Battle of Malta, the British really couldn't have enough troops to compete with the Germans.

It's one thing to have an early advantage, but another thing to actually win. The victory in Malta is also a huge encouragement to Li Le. This is the first battle he has planned since he crossed over.

"Can the air force bombs consumed by the island of Malta be replenished in a short time?" Li Le did not continue to rest on Malta's victory, but aimed at the British Isles.

Goering has also been preparing for the British air battle. Although some of his air force has been dispatched to Italy, since yesterday, most of these troops have begun to concentrate in northern France.

For the world's largest air invasion, Germany has prepared more powerful forces than history.

Including 1,500 bombers of various types, as well as 350 Stukas, plus 700 ME-109Es and 270 FW-190 fighters, in addition to supporting 150 ME-110 twin-engine heavy fighters.

Thanks to the good news of the discovery of oil in Libya, there are hundreds of more German fighter jets than the British during the same period in history.

A large part of these extra planes are drawn from various places, and only the FW-190 fighter jets are from increased production.

Assembling such a powerful air force, Li Le's purpose is to destroy the British air defense system as much as possible when he still understands the opponent.

Li Le didn't intend to waste his advantage of knowing the enemy's military deployment by making small troubles. He would use a few days to completely destroy the air defense network in the south of England, forcing Dawding to move the northern reserve to the south.

As long as these British Air Forces are annihilated, then he can gain air supremacy over Britain, and there is no need to waste precious V2 missiles to engage in expensive city raids.

Compared to the German aircraft of the same period, only the number of ME-110 fighters has been weakened, because a large number of ME-110 fighters are being converted into night fighters.

"My head of state, you have nearly 3,000 fighter jets assembled in northern France and Norway. These troops are elites with actual combat experience. There is no force in the world that can compete with such a powerful aircraft group." Full of confidence.

In fact, the same is true of him in history. Even with the addition of radar and other important factors in the bombing of the British, the Germans still fought on a par with the British Air Force.

The elite German pilots even gained an advantage in some areas for a time until the Führer ordered the retaliatory bombing of London.

"Because the bomb factory has a new wartime work system, the ammunition produced is enough for us to consume." After a pause, Goering answered Li Le's concerns about the ammunition.

By the way, he also added the question about oil: "In addition, because of the future replenishment of Libyan oil fields, the strategic material department has agreed to remove 10% of the oil reserves to strengthen the air force's oil rationing."

Compared with the same period in history, the current Goering has more power at his disposal.

Because in 1940, in another time and space, he did not have the support of Libyan oil fields, so he could deploy and add more aircraft to perform tasks at will.

"Let the pilots hurry up to train and identify all aviation targets. It must be done as soon as possible!" Li Le said nervously to Goering.

This is the second time he has emphasized that the troops must destroy the target in the first wave of attack, because if the British change the positions of these bases and radar stations, then his "invisible intelligence department" will not It worked Therefore, only by using all our strength, destroying the radar station and the airfield in one wave, as well as those camouflaged fighter production workshops, can we achieve the purpose of suppressing the British Air Force in a short period of time.

"I see, Führer! I have emphasized discipline. When the reconnaissance force confirms the targets you specified, we will distribute photos and let the attack aircraft group assign targets." Goering solemnly answered Li Le's words.

He had already believed the intelligence in the hands of the head of state. For the sake of oil and money, he certainly wouldn't doubt Li Le's statement.

So compared to the doubts at the time, the current Goering chose to trust Li Le, and the targets identified by Li Le were indeed very important.

"Continue to accumulate strength, and strive to officially start the attack plan codenamed Blizzard on August 1!" Li Le set a time for the new British air battle. In fact, the real battle had already started on July 10.

However, during this period of time, because the main focus of the Luftwaffe was on Malta, the British airspace was only a small matter.

"Trust me, my head of state! The Air Force will give our British adversary an unforgettable surprise on August 1!" Goering said to Li Le.

The German high-level officials have temporarily set the plan for a large-scale sneak attack on the United Kingdom on August 1, because Li Le, who knows the weather, knows that the weather over England has been good for a short period of time and can last until mid-August.

The British are also waiting, waiting for the arrival of the Luftwaffe. The British Air Force Commander Dowding is experienced and is definitely a tough opponent.

If it wasn't for Li Le's invisible advantage, it would be really difficult for the Germans to win this war, or to put it another way: Germany, which has already distorted its technology tree, has now lost the British air battle!

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