Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and eighty-two Minsk air battle

The advancing speed of the German ground forces is faster than that of the German air force. They have already penetrated hundreds of kilometers into the territory of the Soviet Union and carried out their own attack missions.

Hundreds of fighter formations are responsible for competing for air supremacy over the entire battlefield, and dozens of bomber formations fly to the long-established attack targets according to the pre-assigned tasks.

The Soviet air force has long lost the ability to resist, they let the Luftwaffe slaughter, and even the courage to fight back is gradually disappearing.

The German fighter pilot flew above the clouds in his beloved latest fw-190 fighter jet, and his wingman was responsible for clearing the airspace of all incoming Soviet aircraft.

It is a pity that he has not waited for the goal he was looking for until now. Because there are really fewer and fewer Soviet planes that dare to take off against them.

Beneath the German fighter wings was the only Soviet military airfield in the area, which was being attacked in turn by six Stuka dive bombers.

Only a few minutes into the attack, the entire airport was engulfed in flames, and the smoke even obstructed the line of sight, but the crazy attack pilots were still diving and strafing any target they could see.

Once attacked, German pilots were accustomed to dumping all the ammunition they were carrying to achieve greater results.

The camouflaged Soviet i-16 fighter jet on the ground has been completely destroyed, and a pile of wreckage is paralyzed on the runway like a dove of peace.

The small amount of anti-aircraft fire around the airfield had been completely suppressed by the 20mm cannons equipped by Stuka, as evidenced by the bodies scattered around the two pitiful anti-aircraft guns.

The Stuka was not an advanced bomber, and its performance was definitely not a state-of-the-art representation even in 1941.

However, like many successful weapons, it has its own very distinctive characteristics: durable, reliable and suitable!

These conditions are the necessary conditions for a well-cast weapon. Only weapons that meet these conditions can become the darling of the battlefield.

It is precisely because of this that this dive bomber, which does not fly very fast, but throws bombs extremely accurately, has become the main fighter of the Luftwaffe's ground attack.

"Commander! Commander! Below the clouds! See? There are two Soviet planes! Obviously not ours!" In the fighter pilot's intercom, the wingman's voice came along with the sound of radio interference.

"Wingman! I'll go down to clean them up! You continue to be vigilant!" The German pilot pushed the joystick dashingly, and his plane rushed down immediately.

The fw-190 fighter jet is much more powerful than the i-16 fighter jet that the Soviet Union is now using in large numbers. The German pilots who fought over Britain are definitely not comparable to the Soviet pilots.

The most fw-190 provided to the Air Force is the air-cooled engine model, which is similar to the aircraft used by the Navy. It is a mass-produced model for medium and low-altitude combat.

Because the fw-190 was originally a two-way choice to fill the gap and use the air-cooled engine production line.

This kind of aircraft performs better at low altitudes, but the engine performance of the aircraft at high altitudes is very mediocre.

Although the fw-190 fighter at this moment is not a high-altitude special model, it can fly to an altitude of more than 8,000 meters, but there is no problem at all.

By comparison, the Soviets' planes would hardly have fought at such altitudes, where their planes would have become as clumsy as a solid weight.

"Wingman! Pay attention to your surroundings! I'm already in an attack position!" The German pilot aimed at a Soviet fighter jet that was swaying from side to side trying to escape, and calmly dived to the tail of the enemy plane, then pulled the trigger.

The fuselage of the fw-190 fighter trembled slightly when it was firing, and the guns in the nose shot out flames.

The tracer rounds, carrying more common ammunition, poured onto the fuselage of the Soviet i-16 fighter jet, knocking the plane into parts in just two seconds.

The damage capability brought about by large-caliber ammunition allows German fighter jets to easily shoot down enemy planes.

At an altitude of about 3,000 meters, the German fighter jet flew sideways nimbly, passed by the jet that was smoking and spinning, and directly bit the tail of another dodging Soviet fighter jet.

The plane circled at the fastest speed, trying to get rid of the pursuit of the German fighter jets.

But then the pilot of the Soviet fighter jet reluctantly found that even though the speed was too fast and turned around for a long time, the German fighter jet was still biting the tail of his plane tightly.

Not giving an opponent of this level any chance, the German fighter pilot fired again, allowing his bullet to penetrate the fuselage of the Soviet plane in front.

The 20mm caliber cannons equipped on German fighter jets are very powerful. They are basically used to suppress the ground and intercept bombers.

So the shells easily passed through the cab of the Soviet fighter jet, beat the body of the Soviet pilot into a sieve, and drilled into the front engine with little speed.

The Soviet fighter jet suddenly smoked, and before it began to fall, it exploded into a splendid spark in the air.

"Leader! After you go back, you can fill in two more records for your landline." The wingman congratulated on the intercom: "God! I can't imagine that you have already shot down 23 enemy planes. !"

In the lower sky, Stuka was still slaughtering the airfields of the Soviets, dropping bombs and ravaging Soviet planes that dared not take off.

The runway was full of fire and explosions, and the Soviet air force had been almost completely overwhelmed by the Germans a few days earlier.

The defeated Soviet Air Force pilots were like ostriches. Facing the arrogant eagle, they could only lower their heads and put their heads in the sand to pretend to be deaf.

When approaching Minsk, the Soviet Air Force started a frantic counterattack as if it had been beaten with blood.

Perhaps it was because they had gathered their courage again, perhaps because Stalin's orders had worked as they should.

The order that the pilots who did not carry out combat missions and did not take off to intercept German planes, who themselves would be exiled to Siberia with their families, seemed to reawaken the will of the Soviet pilots to fight.

During this day, the Soviet Air Force showed their unparalleled courage. Although it has been confirmed that the gap between the aircraft is too large, there are still 271 Soviet fighter jets heroically taking off to perform combat missions to intercept German aircraft.

Only 63 of these planes returned, and the rest were all German combat aircraft.

Only about 27 pilots successfully parachuted and returned to their combat units. The remaining Soviet pilots gave their lives for their homeland.

On this day, of the 750 fighter jets dispatched by the Luftwaffe, only 112 aircraft got their results - the vast majority of German aircraft did not even see Soviet aircraft.

Of course, there were 3 other Soviet planes shot down by the self-defense weapons on the Stuka and Ju-88 bombers...

Compared with the evenly matched British fighter pilots with strong air combat capabilities, the skills of the Soviet pilots were much rougher.

They are often unable to make decent maneuvers, and can only clumsily drive their planes to sway left and right, which is almost as little as a target.

Therefore, they could not get rid of the pursuit of the Luftwaffe at all. Once discovered by the German fighter force, it was almost impossible to escape the fate of being shot down.

In the rear, inside the Soviet Air Force headquarters, a general put down the phone in his hand. Then he grabbed another call to report the losses his unit had just counted.

"Yes! Yes, General! Most of our planes have been lost, and we can't get close to the German bomber group at all. It's impossible to get close to the sky over Minsk..." He reported weakly, and seemed reluctant to mention the painful loss. .

Hundreds of Soviet fighter jets were shot down by the Germans, and hundreds of valuable Soviet pilots were lost on the front lines - it sounds painful, UU read www.uukanshu. com This may be the second peak of the Soviet Air Force's loss since the war.

The previous time, more than 3,000 planes were destroyed on the ground, and that was March 20th and March 21st.

"The great leader, Comrade Stalin, will not allow Minsk to be easily given up! You and I are very clear about this! Let all the planes that can take off take off to fight! Otherwise I will shoot you!" On the other end of the phone, the more senior The commander said in a hoarse voice.

Stalin's order to the front-line troops was very simple: Minsk must be defended to the death, and no one step back.

If this task cannot be completed, then all military chiefs will die for the country, and all officers and soldiers who leave the battle will be brought to court-martial.

With such a high pressure, the Soviet army will naturally fight to the death. They fought back in the sky and on land, trying to make a final struggle for their own destiny.

It was with this order that Karyus and the others ran into a Soviet army that was unwilling to retreat near the town.

Although the Soviet troops finally collapsed and retreated, they were much more tenacious than the Soviet troops that the Germans had encountered before.

"I will now issue an order to continue the counterattack... Please rest assured, I will fight until the last moment!" Hearing his commander mention Stalin, the commander was so frightened that he wiped his sweat and assured.

He can't care whether his plane is going to die now, because if they don't go to die, he may be hanged himself - no, it's not possible, it must be hanged...


In the seventh update, Long Ling went on to code words... With gold stars in his eyes, Long Ling has used the power of the Great Desolation today.

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