Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and fifty beaten

When the gunner Till desperately shouted that he wanted armor-piercing bullets, the gunner named William had already stuffed the armor-piercing bullets into the barrel of the Panther tank.

Clean and neat tactical movements are the basis for efficient killing by German armored forces. Karjus felt his tank vibrate slightly, and a shell hit the enemy in the distance.

After all, at a distance of less than 100 meters, it is almost inevitable to hit the target accurately. The shell destroyed the T-26 tank without the slightest accident.

The hit T-26 burst into flames, and the entire tank exploded into a pile of shattered parts.

Today's tanks, especially the thin-skinned and stuffed Soviet tanks, have very thin armor and cannot contain the power of the explosion at all.

At this moment, from the other side of the Karyus Panther tank, a heavy artillery shell flew over and directly hit the side of the Karyus tank.

The side of the Panther tank is hung with armor plate skirts, which is actually a layer of steel plate that is not thick. This layer of steel plate can only play a partial protective role, and cannot directly resist the impact of artillery shells.

The flying shells pierced through this layer of steel plate at once, and then hit the track of the Panther tank, directly breaking a track.

"I X, we were hit!" Erich, the driver sitting in the cockpit, was the closest to the place where he was hit, and he shouted loudly first.

Karyus felt the shock of the shell hitting his tank almost at the same time, but the next second he realized that his tank had not been penetrated.

"There is an enemy on the side! There is an enemy on the side! Reverse! Reverse!" Karius was also startled by this blow, and instinctively wanted to retreat.

With the cover of the buildings on both sides, if the Panther tank reverses, it will soon return to a safe place.

Then Karjus can easily think of countermeasures to deal with the Soviet tank that suddenly appeared on the other side.

It's just a pity that when Erich, the driver of the tank, pulled the joystick and drove his tank to reverse, the broken track quickly fell to the ground from behind.

Then the Panther tank lost power on one side. The crawler on the other side was still turning, and the car body tilted a little.

"Bastard! There seems to be a problem with the left side of our tank!" The moment Erich found that his tank had a problem, he sensitively gave up the idea of ​​being reckless.

Receding is not feasible now. With the track on one side, the only thing the tank can do now is to turn at a large angle.

If he forcibly reversed, he might have turned the more fragile rear end of the car towards the other side, so he couldn't continue to risk reversing now.

"Calm down! Our tank was not penetrated! Aim the turret to the other side! There is an enemy over there!" He gave the order to turn the turret, and then looked to the other side through the observation window with a wider field of view.

"The tank moves forward! Use the car body to follow the steering and save the time for the turret to turn!" Karjus knew that he couldn't run away, and the rest could only be let go.

As for giving up tanks, he didn't think so subconsciously. This may be the occupational disease of all tank soldiers. They are unwilling to give up the iron brothers who fought **** battles with them easily.

A KV-1 tank was parked at the end of the small village, which was the direction Karyus had just scouted. It wasn't there originally, and apparently just moved into place.

Although the bombing has destroyed most of the Soviet heavy weapons and equipment here, there are still fish that slip through the net.

After the Panther tank was hit, the members of the Soviet tank crew did not fire immediately. In their impression, their own 76.2 mm caliber cannon was also invincible.

They were waiting for the opposing team to abandon the tank and escape, or the tank exploded after it burned inside for a while.

It is a pity that the Soviet tank commander saw not the explosion of the Panther tank in his observation window, but the turret on the Panther tank, turning over a little bit.

"Armor-piercing bullets! The enemy was not destroyed!" He quickly gave the order to fire, waiting for his men to re-read for battle.

At a distance of about 100 meters, the shell did not penetrate the side of the enemy tank - this matter surprised and panicked the Soviet tank commander.

In fact, the side armor of the Panther tank is not that thick. It's just that the luck of this cannonball is really not very good.

The shell first penetrated a thin layer of skirt, and then hit the tank's track. The shell that broke the track had already lost its forward force and hit the side armor without producing a penetrating effect.

If the shell did not hit the track, then it is estimated that Karyus would have experienced a bloodier battle at this time.

Having said that, in fact, the body of the German Panther tank has a general thickness on the side armor, which is much smaller than that of the historical Tiger tank, but its shape is indeed more protective.

The side of the low Panther tank is almost covered by other bits and pieces, such as tracks, such as road wheels, such as glove boxes, all of which take on part of the protective function.

Such places cover 80 percent of the side of the tank, leaving only a few weak spots.

The Soviet tank crew did not know the weakness of the Panther tank, and they had not been able to capture a Panther tank to study it.

Therefore, without penetrating the chassis of the Panther tank, the Soviet tank crew resolutely raised their gun barrels and aimed at the rotating Panther tank turret.

In any case, after a failed attempt in one place, it is an act of wisdom to keep trying in another place.

Another experience tells us that those who travel a hundred miles are half-ninety, easily give up their efforts in one direction, and easily give up halfway...

So experience is often unreliable, and sometimes the result is the standard for the inspection process.

Success proves the method of effort is right, and failure proves the process wrong.

"Boom!" The Soviet KV-1 tank, which took the lead, fired again, this time the shells rushed to the turret part of the Panther tank.

The turret of the Panther tank was turning, and the shell hit the side armor of the tank's turret.

After the loud noise, the projectile that hit the inclined armor was bounced into a strange direction by the inclination angle of the armor, which was not huge.

From their sights, the Soviet gunners could clearly see the straight line drawn by the light from their shells, folding a weird angle on the enemy's armor.

"No breakdown!" he shouted loudly, informing his comrades of another failure.

Then anxiety spread in his heart, because the opponent's tank seemed to be unable to penetrate at all, as strong as a solid steel casting.

However, the turret of the tank was still turning, reminding the Soviet tankers that the opposite was indeed a real tank, not an iron lump that could not fight back.

"Quick! Quick! Load armor-piercing bullets!" The Soviet gunner reminded loudly and nervously, and then prepared to fire again.

It's a pity that after two failures, he clearly felt the sweat from his palms and the trembling that was easily imperceptible.

The second enemy shell hit Karyus's tank. The turret was painted with 111 numbers. The 1 in the middle was hit by the shell, and now there is only a burnt mark left.

However, everyone was surprised to find that their tanks were still not penetrated, which gave all the people in the tanks great courage.

"Continue to turn the turret! Aim at our target!" Karyus lowered his heart a little bit, his tank gave him an unparalleled tactical advantage.

The weapons provided by the Führer had a huge advantage in the face of the enemy, which gave the German armored troops unlimited confidence.

Such confidence has always existed, from the beginning of the war to the end of the Although no one knows the future, it is enough for everyone to face the enemy calmly at this moment.

"I'm turning!" Tyr, the gunner who pressed the button and didn't let go, replied loudly. He felt that the turret was hit just now, but it seemed that the motor drive didn't lose its function.

As time went by, the turret of the Panther tank was turning around a little bit. The Soviet tank saw this scene, and of course panicked.

Because of the panic, their third shell had just been loaded, and the turret on the opposite side had turned around - this is definitely not good news.

"Fire!" The third time, the Soviet tanks made an attempt, but unfortunately it was where they aimed, this time the front of the turret of the Panther tank.

The shield there is more than 100 mm thick, which is so heavy that the Panther tank can resist the Soviet Union's not so powerful 76.2 mm caliber artillery at such a close distance.

So, what made the Soviet tank crew desperate happened. Their third attack hit the heavy shield of the Panther tank and was bounced off again.

And this time, the initiative seems to be back in the hands of Karjus. His tank turret has been pointed in the direction of the target, and now there is only a slight adjustment left to do.

The slender-looking 88mm cannon on the tank was aimed at the target, and then shot out a dazzling cloud of flame.

Let the enemy's tank be hit 5 times with artillery shells, Karjus is now in a rage, whoever gets hit 5 times will not be in a good mood.

He pressed the communicator on his throat and loudly ordered Tyre, his gunner, "Fire!"

"Boom!" This time, the German tank fired a cannonball. A cloud of white smoke spewed out of the tank's muzzle. The cannonball drew a beautiful straight line and rushed towards the target parked in the distance.

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