Imperial Overlord

: Five hundred and thirty two peace

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, King George VI of the United Kingdom felt that he was haggard. He glanced at the Prime Minister Clement Richard Attlee in front of him, and asked annoyed, "How dare he?"

The matter of betting on both sides has already been a strategic plan unanimously decided by the top and bottom of the UK, and of course it must be implemented according to the plan in the end.

The person who originally launched it was Churchill, who had the prestige and the support of the United States. It is a pity that the old man's landline was shot down by the Germans by luck.

Now that Churchill is dead, there are very few candidates who can take over. During World War II, Britain did not have another outstanding man who could match Churchill in terms of prestige and ability.

So, George VI thought of another solution. He gave Phillips a secret weapon and ordered him to pick a time and leave England.

His plan was that Phillips would take a battleship, so that the British explanation for Germany would be simple and the compensation needed would not be too much.

But who knows, the heavens did not fulfill their wishes, and Phillips was so bold and self-assured that, with the connivance of the royal family, he took away the entire fleet.

Logically speaking, this fleet is now in a state of defecting. But emotionally speaking, the United Kingdom could not really use its strength to embarrass the fleet.

After all, these soldiers are also passionate about the British Empire, and some of the senior commanders inside actually have special orders from His Majesty the King.

In the eyes of the defecting naval officers and soldiers, they are now fighting to the end for the British, which is very embarrassing.

"Your Majesty, are you sure that there is a document with your name signed on the battleship Rodney?" After hearing His Majesty's complaint, Prime Minister Attlee realized the complexity of the problem.

If only one fleet left the port, there would be more means to deal with it. Find a way to cut off the supply of this fleet, and you can solve it by promising something.

But now, if His Majesty the King and top British officials are involved, things get complicated.

"Then...that document...isn't...not on Phillips. I don't know, they, will they, take out this document." George VI stammered out these words.

"The problem now is that once the trouble breaks out, you can't tell." Attlee felt like a little daughter-in-law who was angry at both ends.

On the one hand, the stupid grass-roots officers and soldiers are causing trouble for him, and on the other hand, the stupid His Majesty the King is also causing trouble for him.

The king actually agreed to the departure of a battleship. If Germany knew about this, it was estimated that more benefits would be delineated in the treaty to quell the anger.

The point is that as the Phillips fleet and Montgomery's troops resist more fiercely, the more difficult the bad debts that His Majesty the King has left to Germany today.

All of these must be counted on the British royal family. If the Germans do anything out of the ordinary to vent their hatred, the country and the royal family will suffer completely.

"It won't help the Phillips fleet to come back now, because they won't listen to our telegrams at all." Knowing what happened, Attlee deduced that what happened next would be logical.

Since it was acting, and it was a full set, the UK would naturally send out an emergency call to recall the fleet, and of course the fleet would not listen to this so-called "order".

Not only did the posturing telegram serve no purpose, it only conveyed congratulations on their successful breakaway.

"Germany is expected to ask us to hand over the families of sailors and officers. We must be prepared." After thinking about it, Attlee still believes that the most important thing at the moment is the placement of relevant personnel in the fleet.

This is definitely a problem, because there are so many options on the British side, and it may also affect the direction and future of this fleet.

The first option is to hand over the families, wives and children of the rebel naval personnel to the German army...

If it is handled in this way, of course, it can get a full impression on the German side, which is beneficial to the implementation of the treaty.

But if it really did, it would mean that the fleet was forced into a real rebellion. It is estimated that this fleet will go directly to the United States, and then continue to die with Germany and the United Kingdom.

The second option seems more reasonable, they can arrest the family members and find a safe place to settle them.

As a result, the British navy's fleet has become a lone force, and although the exchange is costly, it may play a role in the future.

The question is how much pressure the Germans will put on Britain, and how much pressure Britain is willing to bear for this matter.

"Hand over... these people... to the Germans, yes, it is impossible, since, since we have already paid the price, then these people, yes, can't be handed over again! ' said King George VI firmly.

The port of Liverpool has been leased to the Germans. In this case, if the family members of the navy are handed over, the UK will be said to have paid the price twice.

Unless Germany is determined not to Liverpool, would rather have thousands or 10,000 naval soldiers' wives and children.

It is estimated that the Germans would not do such a thing. If the British government starts, these people can still play a certain role in alienation and persecution. If they rely on the Germans to do it themselves, they can only exchange anger and hatred.

Use these hostages to threaten, if the other party does not compromise? Is it possible to kill all these people? You must know that this is not equivalent to controlling the fleet, but just asking for a lot of old, weak, sick and disabled.

Compared with these old people, children and women, the German executives will naturally feel that the Liverpool port in their palms and the intact shipbuilding equipment inside are more important things.

As for those naval family members, let the British handle it themselves. It is worthwhile to use Liverpool to exchange for a few battleships with many additional clauses.

"I will try my best to keep these people. The treaty has come into effect now, and the Germans have no good way to take us." Attlee replied.

At this moment, the German team is busy receiving the land ceded by the British. The natural moat of the English Channel no longer exists, and it is a foregone conclusion that Germany controls the south of the Thames.

Compared with the gloomy gloom and negativity in Britain, and the confusion and helplessness of the upper echelons of the United Kingdom, Germany and the rulers of Germany, today's days can be described as heaven.

There is nothing more exciting than the end of the war, and the moment the treaty was signed, the whole of Berlin was on fire.

Everyone cheered in the streets, and Adolf Hitler's shout for long live resounded through the sky. For the first time, people worshiped a person like an emperor, and everyone hysterically shouted the name of the Führer.

"I heard that the Führer is planning to hold a grand military parade at the end of March... to review the armed forces of the Empire in Berlin." Hearing the shouts like a tsunami, Ribbentrop asked Goebbels who was standing beside him with satisfaction. minister.

Goebbels was completely immersed in the picture he dreamed of, countless German girls burst into tears with excitement, and many men raised their arms.

"Victory! Führer! Long live Adolf Hitler! Victory! Adolf Hitler!"

France was defeated, the Netherlands was defeated, Belgium was defeated, Poland was defeated, and now the last evil country, Britain, was also defeated by the Führer!

In the days to come, Germany will be bathed in peace. No amount of beer is needed to celebrate the long-lost peace.

"The war is over!" a German SS soldier with a weapon on his back shouted to the girls waving flowers in the street.

He was greeted by the bright smiles of countless young girls, as well as daring girls, who even threw the bouquet in his hand and smashed it at the feet of this German SS soldier.

The war is over, the British have surrendered, their representatives have signed the agreement, and Germany has finally avenged the revenge of the Treaty of Versailles twenty years ago.

"Führer! We love you!" I don't know who made the new slogan, and countless Berlin citizens cheered.

The wind blew through this huge city, shuttling in the streets and alleys. Then it gently lifted the huge red **** flag hanging from the building and fell to the ground, swaying back and forth.

"Germany! Germany! Above everything! Above everything in the world..." I don't know from that corner, the majestic national anthem began to echo.

Then countless people sang along and made After hearing the national anthem, the SS soldiers had to stand at attention, holding their chins up and waiting for the song to end.

The crowd that was still shouting began to gradually quiet down, and everyone sang the national anthem, even the children.

Everyone is standing upright, and everyone is feeling the security and pride that the country brings to them. This country is no longer weak, this country is the strongest in the world.

The German police officer far away on the French border put down his pocket watch and looked at his Spanish student with a smile.

The unsightly Spanish officer had to wave and order the soldiers to move away from the barricade.

Then a following German carriage crossed the border, piled high with weapons and ammunition, or full of German soldiers with rifles.

Because most of these soldiers are second-line troops, their weapons and equipment are not well-equipped. Because of the shortage of cars, they also brought many carriages.

But when they sang their battle songs and their voices drifted far away in the sky, this army was like steel and could not be defeated.

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