Imperial Overlord

: The power of the three hundred and sixty-one example is infinite

Getting the Navy ready to sail is not an easy task. . There are so many things that need to be revealed in the middle of the fastest update, so much that it makes people dizzy.

For example, the maintenance of the battleship Bismarck is a major project in the port of Brest. It takes time to dispatch staff, fix and install equipment, and repair damaged cranes.

There is also the ammunition of the battleship. This brilliant hunt, including the confrontation with the two battlecruisers of the British Navy, has consumed a lot of shells.

The shells and charges used by the 381mm and 280mm cannons are not trivial, at least there are no reserves in the port of Brest.

Therefore, the German Navy needs to use the transportation force to transport these large-caliber artillery shells to the port, which also takes time.

As for why these shells were not transported in advance, on the one hand, it was to keep the battle plan secret, and on the other hand, it was also because the preparations for reception were not completed in the port.

After all, it was only five months since Germany occupied France, and the planned use of the port of Brest was only about four months.

It takes a lot of time to transform the port and complete the defense, not to mention preparing the berth for two battleships Bismarck and Tirpitz and an aircraft carrier.

In addition, in order to keep secrets and confuse the British Navy, neither Li Le nor Redel rushed to send large-caliber artillery shells to Brest. There are a large number of British spies in France, and many of them are new spies that Li Le cannot eradicate.

Raeder also had to prepare enough fuel for the entire German navy fleet, which was also a big hassle.

Because the mechanization of the German Army has nearly doubled compared to the same time in history, the consumption of then has also doubled.

The problem of insufficient fuel oil has begun to plague economic development. Although Libyan oil fields have begun to feed back to the country, the effect is not obvious now.

The Air Force and the Army are already trying their best to expand the fuel they control, and the fuel reserves in the Navy have become the focus of their competition.

Of course, after the navy threw off the British fleet and wiped out the British t transport fleet, there was no market for the call to divide up the German navy's fuel reserves.

Now that the German navy has returned in triumph, it is even more impossible to use the fuel of the navy at this time.

On the contrary, at this time, Goering and Brauchitch lost their voices. They even hoped that the Führer would not think of them on a whim…

After all, at the glorious moment of naval victory, it is also possible that the head of state will allocate a large amount of fuel to the navy as soon as he is happy.

It's not that Hitler has never done such things, interfering in the development of the navy, or even forcibly discontinuing the production of certain weapons, developing tanks on a whim, these are all precedents...

This ability of the Führer can often make Germany lead the world at the right time, and become a choice to kill teammates at the wrong time.

In the late World War II, the head of state eventually became an idiot who took the lead in detours due to the continuous deterioration of the war situation and the malicious guidance and deception of some of his subordinates.

The most direct example is the rejection of the stg-44 assault rifle project, and the idea of ​​​​using a railway gun to hit enemy tanks...

However, because he has already transformed into a transmigrator, the head of state will of course not go down the old road of history now. Li Le knows the development of weapons in the next 70 years, and it is impossible to make any mistakes.

He not only knows the power of German weapons, but also the classic ideas of opponent's weapons, and even things that others dare not think about, he has a sound theoretical basis.

For example, even a cutting-edge aircraft designer now, who dares to think about such a sky-defying thing as a stealth drone?

Of course, it is one thing to know the principles and ideas, but whether it can be done with the current level of technology is another.

Instead of tangling with the weapons that crush the enemy, what Li Le has to do now is to deliver enough weapons to the front-line German soldiers as soon as possible.

In the history of World War II, behind Germany's quest for glory is the extreme lack of resources and weapons.

What shocked Li Le the most was the phrase in the classic World War II TV series Brotherhood, where the American paratroopers shouted to the German soldiers walking in neat line: "Say hello to Ford and General Motors, look at you! You only have horses!"

Irony? The country that first developed mechanized propulsion and first advocated rapid attack did not really mechanize its troops until it was defeated.

The German troops on the front line can only rely on horses for transportation most of the time, and the armored troops have never been fully staffed from the start of the battle to the defeat...

How sad is this? If the German soldiers were given enough tanks and enough gasoline, would they really lose under the city of Moscow? Is it really going to drink hate on the vast Russian plains?

Li Le is not trying to crush his opponent, he is just trying to get Germany to use its limited strategic resources where it is most useful.

Provide enough equipment for the troops on the front line, let them use equal weapons, and similar numbers, to go to the showdown with the enemy.

He just wanted his generals to stop being held back by ten times the force. No matter how beautiful the encirclement and annihilation battle was, they would continue to face ten times the enemy's force.

"If possible, let the French Vichy government provide us with convenient conditions." Li Le said to Rader: "You will visit France on my behalf. At this time, they should also understand that cooperation is the most beneficial attitude to France. ."

Raedl nodded. At this time, he brought the big victory to France, which could make the scumbags think carefully about how to face the outcome of Germany's real victory in the war.

Although the French side does not want to see Germany unifying Europe, the situation of the Vichy government is worse than that of the United Kingdom.

If Britain does not surrender, at least it has not been occupied by Germany, and France has now become a puppet regime. How can you completely ignore the attitude of Germany's master?

Millions of French youth are still in German prisoner-of-war camps, and although Germany has planned to release some of them, they are still a small number.

"My head of state! I understand, if France can open a port to us, so that we can transport petroleum products there, it will save a lot of time." Raeder replied understandingly.

If the oil shipped from Libya first goes to Italy, then back to Germany, and finally to Brest, it will make a huge circle.

It's a waste of time. The easiest way to do this is to go ashore in Toulon or some other port in France and ship directly across France to Brest.

As long as France does not interfere, this route can provide a steady stream of fuel for the German Navy. Even the consumption of German submarines can be replenished in the next few months.

There is no need to transport oil resources from the mainland to the French occupied areas, which relieves huge pressure on the local oil reserves and saves transportation costs in disguise.

"You just understand! Remember, don't blindly coerce, but find ways to lure them." Li Le instructed Raidel: "They are our allies, and they will also be potential helpers in the future!"

"Besides." Li Le paused when he said this, looked at Ryder and smiled: "We have sunk so many British warships, can it be regarded as revenge for France?"


"Of course!" A few minutes later, German Propaganda Minister Goebbels, who came to celebrate the Führer, clapped his hands excitedly and praised: "The Führer is really a natural propagandist!"

While smiling excitedly, he nodded and said, "That's right! I will immediately force all the newspapers and radio stations of the French government to come out and preach this victory."

To be able to publicize a victory that belonged to the German Navy is good news in itself. The German newspapers and radio stations are all ready, waiting for an order to go full steam ahead and sing praises of this great naval battle.

While praising the victory of the German naval battle, it can also divide the relationship between France and the United Kingdom, and plant a seed of hatred for both sides. This is definitely something Goebbels dreamed of.

"Don't be in a hurry to be happy, because there is another news to tell you." Seeing Goebbels dancing, Li Le smiled and handed the other party a document he had just received.

"You mean... our submarine sank another aircraft carrier of the other side, and also sank a wounded battleship?" Goebbels asked excitedly after reading the contents of the telegram.

"Yes, and...the submarine that sank these two warships was U-47." Li Le threw out another big This...this...this is really a miracle news! ' Goebbels stammered with a surprised face.

This submarine U-47 is too familiar to him. From the start of the war in 1939, the surprise attack on Scapa Flow and the sinking of the Royal Oak, to the sinking of another battleship today, this is definitely, definitely a big news!

"Let Prinn get back, I'm going to give him a Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with oak leaves to reward the greatest German submarine commander..." Li Le pretended to be unwilling and said. joked.

Goebbels laughed along, and suggested half-jokingly: "My Führer, if you want a sensational effect, you can't be stingy. Giving only one oak leaf seems a little too cautious."

Hearing Goebbels' advice, Li Le was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "You're right! I'll give him the Sword and Oak Leaf Iron Cross! Set this great example!"

"The British are really unlucky this time... Your decision, Führer, is really amazing." Goebbels heard the Führer accept his advice, and the expression on his face was that of a flattered horse who doesn't want money. Shit, sent a whole truckload.

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