Imperial Overlord

: Two hundred and ninety-eight revenge

Some people think of the **** in bed when they are full and warm, and some people are more idealistic, such as Li Le who is eating steak.


While dealing with the beef in front of him at the dinner table, he asked Bowman, who was eating with him, "Bauman, do you think we gave Churchill too much good looks and made him forget something?"


"What did you forget?" Bowman didn't react for a while when he heard the question from His Excellency the Führer, and subconsciously asked back.


"Our lovely Prime Minister Churchill seems to have forgotten my shadow behind him!" Li Le cut a piece of beef, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it twice and swallowed it.


Otherwise, pure natural and pollution-free beef tastes good. The beef specially provided to the Prime Minister's Office is obviously ten times better than that of ordinary people.


The chef at the Prime Minister's Office is definitely a craftsman. He cooks a piece of beef smooth and delicious, without the feeling of being hard at all.


Coupled with the carefully selected condiments, this piece of steak made Li Le, a foodie, very satisfied, and even felt a little unfulfilled.


Putting down the knife and fork in his hand, Li Le swallowed the mashed potatoes next to the beef, nodded contentedly, and said, "It's not bad."


After giving his stomach full satisfaction, Li Le felt that he should find something for Churchill to do. He looked at Bowman and said, "Cancel the afternoon meeting for me."


Bowman didn't ask who Li Le was going to see, but nodded, and then called for people to start cleaning up the Fuhrer's table. Li Le stood up, turned and left the table where he was eating.


After he returned to his office, he grabbed the phone in his hand: "Pick up Adrian for me... I want to see him in the afternoon."




On the edge of a rubble on the outskirts of London, the wreckage of a crashed ju-88 has not yet been cleared. Helpers in charge of maintaining law and order, assisted by several Army soldiers, are examining the wreckage.


The beautiful cockpit like a flower house has changed beyond recognition because it hit the ground at this moment, and it can't be seen at all.


On the few remaining pieces of unshattered glass, there were several conspicuous bullet holes and some bloodstains. The fuselage of the plane was lying on the ground, but one side of the wing had broken off.


"Where's the pilot?" An army officer walked over with his hands behind his back and asked when he saw the busy people.


"Sir!" The officer in charge here stood at attention and saluted, then pointed to the other side of the plane: "It's all over there!"


The officer who opened the question walked around the wreckage of the plane and saw five corpses lying there side by side, covered with canvas.


The machine gunner pilot, bombardier, and navigator in this plane, a total of five people, no more than one, all lay there neatly...


"The victory the day before yesterday was really too timely. General Dawding is really a formidable commander." The officer in charge at the scene praised: "We saw many enemy planes being shot down."


Indeed, the interception the day before yesterday was too inspiring for the United Kingdom. Everyone saw hundreds of planes densely intertwined in the sky.


The chaotic fighting, the roar of the engine, and the tracer bullets like fishing nets were all reminding everyone on the ground that the battle the day before yesterday was fiercer than ever.


In the battle the day before yesterday, the Luftwaffe planes were shot down one by one, and the ju-88 bomber even canceled the attack mission and was so frightened that it immediately returned.


Even so, the wreckage of the downed plane is still being counted and counted to this day, and some scattered parts and parachuted enemy pilots are all waiting to be counted and confirmed.


The British are not sitting still, they are also working hard to win the war. In order to ensure that enemy pilots will not slip through the net, the British army also has a department dedicated to auditing.


Comparing the downed planes with the bodies of the pilots found, we can finally get a rough idea of ​​whether all the German parachuting pilots were captured by the British army.


Of course, there will still be a certain gap in the number in the end, but it will be compressed and reduced to a tolerable range, which is still a very useful statistical measure.


"A total of at least 52 planes have been confirmed to be shot down, and the report of another 56 planes is being verified." While looking at the wreckage of the planes scattered in the distance, the officer said a shocking number .


According to the British statistics, at least one hundred Luftwaffe fighter jets were shot down in the battle the day before yesterday.


But in fact, this number of shot downs is just a simple summary of the air force and anti-aircraft artillery units. The actual shooting down of the British Air Force, excluding the propaganda moisture, the number of shooting down is far less than that.


According to the Luftwaffe's own statistics, the German bomber unit lost a total of 41 ju-88 bombers and 22 me-109e fighters in the air battle the day before yesterday.


These two types of aircraft together, there are only more than 60 aircraft, not as many as the more than 100 aircraft claimed by the United Kingdom.


But even with only 63 aircraft, it was a huge loss for Germany, and in the eyes of Goering and Li Le, this loss was to be revenge for.


"Really? So many? It's really good." The army officer nodded with a smile. As the number of German planes coming to the UK gradually decreased, his mood improved.


During the days when the German planes were the most rampant, the boot camps in the southeastern peninsula were attacked, and the life of the army was not very good.


Well now, as the number of British anti-aircraft guns gradually increased, and the air force began to join the battle, everything seemed to be moving in the direction of victory.


"Yeah, it's not bad." The senior officer stood beside the body of the German aviation pilot, nodded and said with a smile.


Because he was in a good mood, he threw a nice cigarette to the junior army officer, and the two of them stood beside the corpse and began to breathe.


With a faint smell of blood, the two stood there enjoying the cigarettes that had been rationed and listed as luxury goods.


Although the maritime transport route has been changed, the number of German submarines has also begun to increase, the number of **** ships is always insufficient, and the materials transported to the UK are also very precious.


Much of the capacity has been converted to flour food, along with much-needed steel and other industrial parts. Cigarettes are still on sale now, but they are only some stocks, and they are used a little less.


It can be said that Germany is not only using air strikes to paralyze the British local industry, but also using increasingly effective submarines to break the war, restricting the reconstruction and recovery of the United Kingdom.


The two situations are superimposed, and the current situation in the UK is not optimistic. Out of sight, the advantage is being eroded little by little.


However, at least the British air defense system has returned to combat effectiveness, which reassures everyone that they were able to shoot down so many German aircraft, indicating that it is not far from driving away the German aircraft.


The reconstruction of the radar station has been completed, and the working radar has provided sufficient air warning for the homeland. More aircraft and more anti-aircraft guns have made the British side more confident.


Just as the two were chatting and chatting, the sound of air defense sirens suddenly came from the sky in the distance.


"Huh?" Throwing away the cigarette **** in his hand, the officer frowned and questioned with his nose. Didn't the Germans just suffer the day before yesterday? Dare to make trouble again today?


The young junior army officer also looked into the distance in confusion. According to past experience, the Germans have not launched a large-scale air raid every other day for a long time.


"Air defense siren? What are you kidding?" He asked in a low voice, and then he saw an anti-aircraft gun with a camouflage net on the edge of the woods not far away, raising its barrel.


"Enemy aircraft invasion! Find a place to hide!" A commander of the air defense force shouted to them next to the anti-aircraft artillery positions piled up with sandbags.


The other party shouted and waved, indicating that the auxiliary defense members and army soldiers gathered around the wreckage of the ju-88 bomber should leave the open area quickly.


Because of the radar warning, their reaction time was greatly So before they saw the enemy plane, everyone began to prepare.


The army officer reluctantly supported the hat on his head and ran to the woods beside the anti-aircraft gun with a few soldiers with dish-shaped steel helmets on their heads.


In this kind of wilderness, there are no air-raid shelters for them to hide. But the advantage is not without, the general Germans will not drop their precious bombs in these places.


Within a few minutes, including the officer with a higher rank, everyone found a hiding place to hide. The roadside, which was lively just now, soon became empty.


At this moment, on the clouds in the sky, small black dots began to appear one after another. At first there were ten, then twenty, and then thirty forty, as if these little black spots like sesame seeds had no end at all.


"My God! Are the Germans crazy?" Holding his telescope, the anti-aircraft gun commander next to the anti-aircraft gun muttered as if frightened.


Inside his binoculars, densely packed German bombers formed a dense formation and were approaching the airspace where he was.


Just by looking at the number of these planes in the vanguard, we know that the scale of this air raid is much larger than the bombing the day before yesterday.


As for how big it is, only God knows. Because after watching it for so long, the air defense artillery commander has not seen the end of the formation of these bombers... (To be continued. . . )

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