Imperial Overlord

: Two hundred and sixty-eight postponed

In the Soviet Union, in the Moscow Kremlin, many military officers and government officials were standing there, daring not to look at Stalin, who was already very angry. . fastest update

And Stalin didn't seem to speak for a long time, he just sat like this, and then played with the pipe in his hand.

Looking at the subordinates in front of him, he knew that if he didn't speak up first, or directly order to kill one or several of them, then this kind of silence could last until tomorrow or even the next morning.

So, he still spoke, with a slow tone, let his beard tremble: "When I need to demonstrate the justice of the Soviets, you told me that the Red Army, which is the iron fist of the Soviet will, can't use it. ?"

"The 2 million Soviet Red Army is ready to attack this country, but you tell me that you, as commanders, cannot provide these heroic soldiers with winter coats and enough weapons and ammunition?"

"Our country has so many reserves, and our industrial production is more than ten times that of the past, but now you are telling me that you cannot safeguard the will of the country!"

"Under the leadership of Comrade Lenin, we have defeated countless enemies who tried to invade the Soviet Union. We are invincible and have always eliminated all the white bandits!"

As if reminiscing, Stalin was full of fantasies about the great era he once lived through, led by Lenin.

"At that time, we were still weak, but we dared to fight! Now we are a hundred times stronger than before, but we are as timid as mice!" Stalin spoke at a very fast rate when he said this.

When he said that they were timid, all the military representatives swallowed involuntarily. These officers were really afraid that Stalin would drag them out and send them to Siberia.

Although too many people persuaded Stalin to finally cancel the order to launch the attack, no one was able to extinguish the anger in Stalin's heart.

Although Stalin agreed not to attack Germany immediately, he demanded that the thunderstorm plan be brought forward to an earlier time.

This account of Stalin and Hitler, he is not not ready to settle, but to save first, and eventually liquidate it together with the interest.

"It's the same sentence! I have to prepare a plan for a major thunderstorm before May 1941! It must be prepared! Understand?" Stalin slammed the table and yelled loudly at his men.

In fact, the thunderstorm plan has been revised, and the scale has become so large that the Soviet Union is ready to dispatch a full 4 million troops on the Soviet-German border to destroy the German border troops and occupy Berlin and other areas in one go.

If conditions permit, before the United States enters the war, the Soviet Union should occupy central Europe and plant the red flag on the city head of these places!

"The great leader, Comrade Stalin... It is relatively easy to transfer personnel. The lack of equipment and materials is the most direct problem that delays the Thunderstorm plan again and again." Finally, an officer opened his mouth to explain.

He also has no choice, because the colleagues around him are looking at him and need him to stand up at this time and sacrifice himself to remind the great leader Comrade Stalin.

Obviously, Joseph Stalin is not a person who does not listen to opinions. He is still willing to listen to the opinions of his subordinates, but it is not clear whether he will settle accounts in the autumn.

"In terms of military industry, we must ensure the continuous production of the most powerful weapons. This is the top priority. As for related auxiliary materials, there is no need to be too entangled." Stalin's suggestion was also a matter of choice. .

Li Le is also choosing for Germany, and Stalin is also choosing for the Soviet Union. In the process of this choice, the Soviet Union also gave up some things.

"For example, in tents and other supplies, we can save some money. Soldiers can sleep in enemy houses, in foxholes and trenches, and don't necessarily need tents!" Stalin soon I found my own feeling and opened my mouth to give my opinion.

It is a pity that although Stalin could barely be regarded as a military strategist in strategy, he was not a qualified tactical expert.

He doesn't understand that a lot of materials that don't seem to be important are actually an indispensable part of a war.

Soviet troops could sleep in the wilderness, but could not continue fighting without food. These soldiers can overcome many difficulties with their spirit, but they cannot fight the enemy without ammunition.

What's more, in modern warfare, there are high-tech arms such as the Air Force, which require huge logistical support and more powerful soldiers to control.

"We need to replenish about 2 billion rounds of ammunition on the Western Front to support a large-scale offensive battle..." A Soviet officer followed suit, daringly reminding Stalin.

This general has concealed the actual number, because the 2 billion bullet gap is actually only the estimated amount of ammunition consumed in the first stage of the attack. And if you want to continue to attack, this number will increase by 2 billion or more.

"There is also a quality gap between the i-16 fighter jet and the aircraft in the hands of the Germans. We lack enough high-quality pilots, and the training work is still in progress..." When it comes to the implementation of the thunderstorm plan, the Soviet military has one A lot of hardships are waiting to be told.

Stalin was fed up with all kinds of reasons and excuses, and in this case, he knew that if his people were unwilling to do something, there would always be a whole host of reasons to prevaricate.

"Enough!" Stalin's scolding made the remaining officers and other officials who were eagerly waiting to join the ranks of complaining shut their mouths.

They all looked at Stalin, waiting for the absolute core leader, and continued to speak his mind.

"Difficulties exist at any time. What we need is the courage to overcome difficulties, not complain here!" Stalin glanced at his subordinates and said coldly.

If he shouted at this time, "If there is difficulty, you must go up, and if there is no difficulty creating difficulty, you must go up", the funny effect may be better...

Anyone can shout slogans, even people in this room, better than Stalin. But what the Soviet generals standing over there were thinking about was much more complicated than shouting slogans.

There is intelligence that the German army is increasing their firepower, including guns to heavy weapons and equipment, are constantly increasing.

These enhancements forced the Soviet Union's plan for thunderstorms to be changed over and over again, and the speed of improvement did not improve much.

The changes in the German army on the other side of the border, although most of them are still indistinct, they cannot completely conceal the observations and detectives of the Soviet military. These generals were more professional than Stalin, and they knew that the Germans were also strengthening their border forces as much as possible.

Taken together, the Soviet Union wants to have an advantage on the Soviet-German border, and the advantage is enough to launch an attack, and the thunderstorm plan is twice as large as it is now... Obviously, this is something the Soviet Union cannot afford.

"The German troops are approaching, and even crossing the Suez Canal! If we don't take the time to prepare for the countermeasures when the situation collapses, should we wait for the Germans to come to Moscow?" Stalin said, and the topic returned to the bottom line after all. problem.

The Soviet Union failed to threaten Germany, and voluntarily retreated the troops on the border, which was already a shame for its own country...

In this case, as a famous national leader, Stalin's character determined that he could not easily forget this shame.

Of course, at the national level, after the threat is unsuccessful, it is also an inevitable choice to find ways to find your place from other places or at another time.

"The foreign ministry has sent special envoys to Germany and the United States, and we are trying to find ways to gain more diplomatic advantages," said a foreign ministry official.

At this moment, the special envoy of the Soviet Union has arrived in Berlin, and the team of special envoys to the United States is still on the way. The Soviet Union is not a fool. means.

The team of envoys to Germany was responsible for interpreting Soviet foreign policy decisions and finding ground for the failure of the Soviet threat.

As for the diplomatic team that went to the United States, they contacted the United States for support, and strived to obtain the support of the United States when looking for a place in the future.

Whether Russia or the Soviet Union, can become a world power and continue to 1991, long-term rivalry with the world hegemony the United States, this country is not a simple-minded player.

What really persuaded Stalin was not the unprepared minutiae in the thunderstorm plan, nor the generals' pleadings, which made Stalin In fact, it was twice against Poland and against Finland. Expansion attempt.

The two expansion "rehearsals" both ended in a tragic victory or defeat for the Soviet Union, which to a certain extent made Stalin more cautious in his decision-making.

When faced with a more powerful behemoth Germany, Stalin was timid. He was unwilling to rashly attack without preparation. Even if the Germans were also unprepared, he was unwilling to try easily.

"Don't soften your hard-line attitude towards the Germans, and continue to reiterate our consistent position in the Middle East!" Stalin thought for a while and then commanded.

Looking at the unsatisfactory officers and generals over there, Stalin finally said: "The border area must hurry up, I need to complete the operational deployment of the thunderstorm plan as soon as possible! Attacking Germany is a must do, and the Bolshevik flag must be Will be inserted all over Europe!"

"Yes! Comrade Stalin, the great leader! We understand!" All the generals replied with salute.

As long as they are given time, they will be able to continuously improve the thunderstorm plan, although there is no end to the improvement, it may be possible to gain more time, which is obviously a good thing that everyone is happy with. (To be continued.)

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