Imperial Overlord

: One hundred and ninety-five tight UK

Compared with the db engine series, the -213 engine is closer to the pinnacle of German aviation engines, allowing the Luftwaffe to continue to maintain a strong combat capability in the next two years.

As for two years later... Li Le feels that the German jet fighters will definitely teach those Allied pilots how to behave!

While Li Le and his designers were working hard to make the German team use more advanced weapons, Churchill had to face a difficult life.

Dudley Pound stood in front of him, handing him a report on the failed siege of the Scharnhorst, with a look of decadence on his face.

Submarines of the German Navy have been threatening the lifeline of Britain, and this kind of encirclement and suppression has become more and more terrible as time changes!

To know the number of submarines owned by Germany before, it can only guarantee that it can concentrate about 20 ships in the main direction.

To tell the truth, the United Kingdom can fully endure the losses caused by such a force, relying on the transport fleet to endure the losses to continue the war to 41 years.

But now, with the increase in materials invested by Li Le in submarines, the speed has also accelerated, and the number of German submarines dispatched has doubled.

40 submarines operating in the Atlantic Ocean, carrying out planned sabotage activities against British sea supply lines, this is unbearable for the British mainland.

For a whole month in August, the British transport ship that was sunk had reached 1.1 million tons due to the accurate intelligence command of Li Le, and two very important transport fleets were destroyed, resulting in the route between North America and the United Kingdom. Nearly collapsed.

In the most half month of September, the British transport ship sunk by the German Navy also reached a terrifying 700,000 tons.

For at least two months, the number of British transport ships lost has greatly exceeded the number of British built transport ships.

It is precisely because of this that the transportation and dispatch of materials from the sea in the United Kingdom has fallen into a passive state. Even if the existing losses are maintained, it is enough for the United Kingdom to taste the bitter fruit of failure.

The British Navy has been hit too hard because of intelligence. It is still unknown that Germany has begun to increase the number of submarines in the Atlantic to 50.

If Germany can build 20 more U-boats next month, the British navy will face more U-boats wreaking havoc in the Atlantic.

Don't doubt Li Le's ambition to develop submarine warfare. You must know that under the disadvantaged situation, the only ones the German Navy can compete with the British Navy at this stage are these submarines.

Therefore, Germany, up and down, is sparing no effort to develop and build submarines and develop more advanced submarine technology.

From snorkels to radar warning devices, the German Navy is now investing more in anti-submarine technology than it has in real history.

Because Li Le knows what kind of anti-submarine technology will appear in the future, and what kind of submarine technology will appear in the future - so the targeted improvement is very purposeful.

Under this highly targeted research and development, the speed of technology development is also very high, at least much higher than in history.

"Failure...failure...don't you all think about it, how long can I be the prime minister like this?" Churchill angrily threw the report aside and roared.

In the past month, he seems to have no way to calm his mood. First, the air strikes, the pressure of defending the mainland is huge, and secondly, the successive failures in North Africa, the loss of the naval fleet and the air force also make him unhappy.

Especially in North Africa, now that even Alexandria has been lost, the Germans may attack Cairo next. How should he respond?

yesterday! Just yesterday, the Luftwaffe once again launched a propaganda war, dropping thousands of propaganda leaflets with only one thing written on them, that they had captured Cunningham and captured Alexander!

Few civilians in the UK know about Matrouh, and not many people know about El Alamein, but everyone has heard of Alexandria!

It's as if some Chinese people don't know Kaesong, Nampo, Wonsan and other North Korean place names, but they must know Pyongyang.

After all, this city is too famous, so famous that people are familiar with it. Alexandria is an important British port in the Mediterranean Sea, and everyone knows that there is a barrier to the Suez Canal!

Now that the barrier of the Suez Canal is lost, is it possible that the Suez Canal cannot be preserved? If the Suez Canal is occupied by the Germans, wouldn't the waterway between the British Empire and India be cut off?

With this reason, countless people are trying to find people they know and find out what happened to the British team in North Africa.

As people who know the truth solve their doubts a little bit, everyone knows that the German team is invincible in North Africa, and it has defeated the British team again and again!

Including the first victory and then the defeat of the Compass operation, including the so-called victory that claimed to keep the Germans out of Egypt, including the subsequent fall of Matrouh...

In the streets, the British civilians are angry, angry that their prime minister has deceived them, fooled their right to know, and also angry that the army is incompetent, and even lost to their opponents again and again.

Although this suppressed emotional fluctuation has not yet erupted, Churchill knew that sooner or later, someone would find him to settle the account.

"The cu-17 transport group was discovered and attacked by a German submarine, and 13 transport ships were lost. The news last night." Pound reported a news that made Churchill speechless.

cu is a special oil transportation fleet between the United States and the United Kingdom. They are all high-speed and large-capacity oil tankers. In this case, 13 ships were sunk, which is almost equivalent to cutting off the entire British oil transportation route.

At this time, the United Kingdom had no North Sea oil fields, and most of its oil was imported. It is precisely because of this that the United Kingdom has now begun to use its pre-war oil reserves.

"What? Cu fleet? You mean the oil tanker fleet? Could it be that our **** destroyers are all fools? Is there something wrong with such an important fleet?" Churchill slapped the table angrily and shouted loudly.

It is no wonder that Churchill is so angry. The transport fleet of this important level is usually escorted by destroyers. Unfortunately, it is obvious that the destroyer does not play a role in covering.

Dudley Pound lowered his head and explained to his subordinates: "Sir, the destroyer units in charge of escorting are all newbies, and their combat effectiveness is really insufficient..."

"They're all rookies? They're all rookie destroyer fleets? It's not like I've never worked as an Admiralty. Tell me why they're all rookies?" Churchill didn't believe Pound's **** explanation, this situation is simply impossible. okay?

Dudley Pound spoke helplessly and answered Churchill's question: "Sir, the senior commanders of this destroyer fleet are all under investigation, and it is related to the confidentiality of the route."

Churchill just remembered that he personally approved the review plan a few days ago, and the purpose of the plan was to find German spies inside the Navy.

It is a pity that this review is the same as the previous one, and there is no result at all. It has continued to this day, and no suspicious characters have been found.

In order to interfere with the judgment of German spies, Churchill deliberately released several false news, but did not deliberately change the timetable for the distribution of convoys between Britain and the United States.

It's not that he is unwilling to do this, but because the top-secret fleet allocation table that was finally drawn up cannot be changed at will.

The reason is actually very simple, the time is too short, and his new scheduling plan cannot be completed at all, so he can only make do with the original old version!

How many ships are there across the Atlantic? There are more than 700 convoys formed by these ships! Arrange the scheduling of the shuttles of these Every day, countless ships are arranged to leave the port and enter the port, unloading and loading...

This is a huge overall planning project, just like the train timetable. A little change will affect other trains, and it will cause the chaos and collapse of the entire railway network.

The same is true of shipping by sea - a random change can cause a mountain of ships waiting outside one port, while the opposite port is empty and the goods waiting to be transported are unattended.

Coupled with dispatching a fleet to **** and arranging the right time... Although Churchill has already begun to arrange a new transportation plan, he has not changed the conditions for the shipping schedule for a while.

He originally thought that he could last for a month even with losses, but now it seems that he underestimated the determination of the German Navy to use intelligence and the power of German submarines!

Of course, there is another reason, that is, he underestimated the impact of investigating the spy "shadow" on the overall operation of the British Navy.

Now his command team is completely chaotic, and the army generals are busy shirking the responsibility of fighting in North Africa, and no one has the ability to stand up and clean up the mess.

The Air Force has finally calmed down and repaired two radar stations, which basically constitutes the local air defense network.

But on the one hand, they were held back by the already heavy losses of British local industry, and on the other hand, they were caught in a struggle of mutual distrust with the intelligence services.

The Navy has also been investigated again and again because of the leakage of the transportation route and the sinking of the battleship Resolve...

As a result, when everyone is finally exhausted, the Army is suspected of being defeated in North Africa because of intelligence leakage. Because of the analysis of the battle, the Germans seem to have completely mastered the supply and logistics trends of the United Kingdom - what is shattering is that it seems that Germany is a "shadow", and the United Kingdom is turned upside down!

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