Imperial Overlord

: One thousand one hundred seventy-two hibernation

In the end, the Japanese envoy agreed with the figures given by the Germans, and within a few days, 100 fighter jets and 30 Panther tanks were packed into the transport ship bound for Japan.

The reason is actually very simple. The US military operations in New Guinea are becoming more and more frequent. Just before and after October 3, the US military dispatched 400 sorties of bombers to carry out frequent bombings on New Guinea.

It is very obvious that the US military is brewing a counteroffensive in the Pacific region, and they hope to regain the real battlefield initiative through a large-scale counteroffensive.

Because the U.S. military recently launched two new **** aircraft carriers, so that the U.S. can use as many as six aircraft carriers.

With these aircraft carriers, the U.S. Navy felt capable and confident to counterattack the Japanese Navy and ensure the absolute safety of the landing site.

On the other hand, the U.S. Army also believes that the fighter jets they take off from Australia's Parmaga, Mapong, Morton and other areas can cover the landing sites in the New Guinea island area, and can fully support the U.S. Army's landing operations with Army aviation.

In this way, the U.S. military's reliance on the navy for landing operations can be minimized. Moreover, the distance between the straits is also very short, only about 150 kilometers, and there are islands in between, which is a perfect landing site.

That's why the top American asked if Patton's 1st Panzer Corps could go into battle. They really hoped that the 1st Armored Corps could go into action and develop an armored advantage in the jungle plains of New Guinea.

As long as a part of the plains can be occupied, the powerful logistical supplies of the United States can destroy the Japanese army on the island of New Guinea, and sound the horn of the United States' Pacific battlefield counterattack.

It is a pity that the strategic deployment of the Japanese army on the island of New Guinea is also very powerful. In addition to the supplementary soldiers transferred from the rear, the original garrison on the island is as many as 20,000.

With the arrival of the follow-up troops, there are now about 30,000 Japanese soldiers on the island, and few are equipped with tanks and heavy artillery, which can be said to be well-prepared.

Both sides were making final preparations for this war, but the German army, which had already entered the periphery of the Caucasus, suddenly fell silent.

Before winter arrives, the German side is already preparing as much as possible. They went farther and were better prepared than the Germans in history.

First, Germany, using the integrated European textile industry, has equipped every German soldier with coats and padded clothes.

These materials were originally piled up on the transportation line, and now they are slowly being transported to the front line. The German high-level officials have assured the Führer that throughout the winter, no one will freeze to death in the occupied area!

What they guarantee is that no one will freeze to death in the occupied area, which means that the German side even counts civilians in Ukraine, Belarus and other regions within the scope of protection!

From this data, we can analyze how many cotton coats the German army has prepared, as well as the corresponding materials to keep out the cold.

In addition, in order to ensure that the front-line tanks and armored vehicles and other heavy weapons can survive this cold winter, the Germans even equipped the tanks with cotton-padded jackets to keep out the cold.

Moreover, almost every tank platoon has specially prepared fuel to keep the cold out-to warm the frozen tanks and start them smoothly.

At the same time, the German side also asked Farben Group to produce and reserve a large amount of antifreeze and antifreeze oil in advance.

Thanks to the commissioning of oil fields in Libya and Saudi Arabia, Germany has no shortage of fuel. Even Germany's oil reserves are slightly higher than before the war, completely getting rid of the oil-poor country.

Therefore, the Farben Group has sufficient crude oil processing and production, as well as sufficient preparations for antifreeze and antifreeze fuel. With these antifreeze oils, the Germans are naturally less afraid of this winter.

The severe cold was never aimed at destroying one aspect of the war, but made everyone involved in the war "share weal and woe".

The Soviet Union is also desperately preparing for the winter, and they pay more attention to this winter than the German side, because in the coming year, they will face a more ferocious German attack.

Stalin dispatched troops and hoarded all kinds of military supplies on the front line as much as possible. The Russians were familiar with winter, so their preparations were more casual.

Contrary to the German side, the Soviet Union did not have to prepare too much for the detailed preparations for the winter. What they had to prepare were the tanks and aircraft that must be consumed in the coming year.

For today's Soviet Union, the production of T-34 tanks and the work of fighter jets such as Lagmigs is the most headache for them.

After all, their industrial system has been destroyed a lot, and the remaining industrial cities have to face problems such as insufficient workers and backward equipment.

But anyway, on the Soviet-German Reich and the Soviet Union, the two behemoths, like polar bears, began to prepare for a cold hibernation nap for a while.

There is no need to hibernate on the Pacific battlefield. Even in the weather in December, there will still be no terrible weather such as snowfall.

So, for the United States and Japan, there is no concept of a pause in this war. The scale of the Battle of New Guinea, with the constant investment of both sides, has become more and more unimaginable.

In order to regain the initiative on the Pacific battlefield in one go, the U.S. military sent all its domestically elite troops to Australia.

Including the 1st Army, the main force of the U.S. Army, you can tell from the name that the combat effectiveness of this unit can definitely be described by the word terror.

The commander of the corps is Major General Charles Thompson, the chief of staff is Brigadier General Clovis Byers, and the artillery commander is Brigadier General Horace Harding. They are all very experienced combat commanders.

At the same time, the 2nd Army was also transferred to this direction. This army was commanded by the famous Major General Joseph Stilwell, and its combat effectiveness was also very strong.

With such two armies sitting in the town, the US military's troop input in New Guinea is already terrifying.

You must know that the U.S. Army has never played the leading role in the landing operation, but the Marine Corps. Including the U.S. Marine Corps who are about to enter the battle, the Americans will definitely invest no less troops here than the Japanese army.

If it is not suitable to invest in a large-scale armored force, the US executives even have the idea of ​​putting the US 1st Armored Corps formed by Patton into the New Guinea operation.

The U.S. Army Aviation Corps is also under pressure. It has invested more than 400 fighter jets in Australia and a huge force of more than 300 bombers - just the strategic bomber B-17, there are more than 100 terrifying scales!

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