Imperial Overlord

: Nine hundred and sixty-nine hospital **** battle

"Comrade General! Comrade General! No, the Germans have broken through the courtyard wall!" A company commander rushed in in a panic, pointing to the general who was still holding the phone outside щЩш..1a

Because the situation is already very chaotic, the high-ranking officers can't take care of this side, so the one who came to report is a pitiful company commander.

His face was covered in blood, and his clothes were covered in dust—in fact, he had come from outside the courtyard walls into the basement in one breath.

"Long live the motherland!" Hanging up the phone, he pulled out the pistol from his waist. The general looked at the company commander who rushed in and ordered, "Go and fight! Fight until the last moment!"

In the window of the main building of the hospital, a Soviet soldier just stuck his head out when he was hit in the head by a bullet swept by the German army, and hung on the window sill without any sound.

A second Soviet soldier, whose head was sticking out of the window, shot down a German soldier who was standing next to a tank and opened fire.

Then, before he had time to retract his head, he was also shot in the neck by a bullet, struggling to fall into the room.

The Soviet soldiers behind him hurriedly stepped forward and helped the comrade-in-arms whose arteries were pierced, trying to rescue him from the hand of death.

Unfortunately, the next second, a German Iron Fist rocket flew through the window and exploded in the hospital room.

Inside the room, there were about ten Soviet soldiers, all of them fell to the ground under the baptism of the shrapnel formed by the explosion, turning into corpses all over the place.

Similarly, on the second floor of the hospital, the Soviet machine gun fire points were also taken care of by the German self-propelled anti-aircraft guns.

A few seconds after the machine gun came out of the window and fired, the sound of the Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun resounded through the sky.

The dense anti-aircraft shells penetrated the thick outer walls of the hospital, leaving an eerie-looking hole in it.

The shells shattered the bricks, creating a scatter in the room. Like a shotgun, the shattered stones scattered around the room, piercing through the fragile body and turning the Soviet soldiers into corpses.

After a frantic burst of anti-aircraft artillery fire, the windows on the second floor could no longer be seen as they were, and the Soviet machine gun positions there also completely disappeared without a trace.

Under the cover of various new and old-fashioned weapons, the German soldiers quickly approached the main building of the First Hospital.

Outside the room that had just been cleaned by the iron fist, the German soldiers who rushed through the hail of Soviet bullets leaned against the wall and panted.

Then, a German soldier with a submachine gun jumped into the building from the window where the Iron Fist rocket flew in.

The rest of the German troops jumped in immediately, one by one in an orderly manner. The German soldiers who entered the room aimed their weapons at the door of the room.

Between the courtyard wall and the main building of the hospital, lay the corpses of German and Soviet soldiers. The seemingly smooth German attack, in fact, suffered heavy casualties.

In just a few minutes, at least 30 German SS soldiers were killed and almost 30 wounded.

"Give me ammo! Give me ammunition!" In the corridor of the hospital, the cry of the desperate Soviet defenders echoed, and the Soviet soldiers stationed in many rooms had run out of bullets at this moment.

They had to defend with grenades or bayonets, so there were more casualties than the Germans.

The German soldiers who rushed into the house leaned against the door. When they were ready, they rushed up and rushed out of the house.

"Tutu! Tutu!" There was a sudden sound of gunshots in the corridor of the hospital. The sound was the sound of the German submachine gun p-38.

"It's the Germans! The Germans are rushing in!" In the corridor, a Soviet soldier shouted such a warning to his comrades before he died.

In the next second, he was shot through the chest by a bullet, and he fell unwillingly to the corner of the wall, becoming a corpse.

The German soldiers rushed into the corridor with ferocious fire, and then began to clear the Soviet soldiers in the corridor.

Under their feet lay the corpses of Soviet soldiers who had died before they could be treated. Some of them didn't even die, but they couldn't move at all because their injuries were too severe.

"Boom!" A Soviet soldier pulled the grenade in his hand, and the explosion echoed in the corridor, and the German attack was suppressed at once.

At least three German soldiers were killed by the grenade, and several were wounded, lying on the corpses of Soviet soldiers, moaning loudly.

The Soviet soldiers in other rooms rushed out and opened fire violently in the direction of the German soldiers.

The rest of the German troops could only hide, some people retreated to the starting room, and some people hid in the opposite room.

Dodging to the German army across the room, I found that there were Soviet soldiers standing in front of, so a more intense battle started in the room across the corridor.

These Soviet soldiers, who had run out of ammunition, swooped forward, and the Germans with weapons in their hands fired desperately.

The bullets swept through the crowd, and the Soviet soldiers fell one by one. In the end, three German soldiers were killed by unarmed Soviet soldiers. They were still full of unwillingness when they died.

After all, because the distance is too close, and because they have to change their ammunition, how could the German soldiers armed with submachine guns be killed by these Soviet soldiers who only had bayonets?

The real battle is so bloody, and sometimes even with bare hands, you have to stand up at the critical moment.

It's a pity that the German army who found someone in the room opposite him threw a grenade into the room opposite after the gunfire died down.

They shouted a few words of German, but did not hear their own cries. So they threw the grenade confidently and without the slightest hesitation.

"Boom!" With an explosion, there was no more noise in the next room. Several German troops rushed over and occupied the room opposite the corridor where the corpse was located.

More and more German troops entered the first floor of the main building of the First Hospital, and the Soviet soldiers fought less and less.

Listening to the noisy shouts outside, the Soviet commander standing in the basement was holding his pistol, expressionlessly waiting for his own final glory.

"Comrade General! Comrade General! The German army is about to reach the top of the stairs! Go upstairs! You can hold on there for a while..." A battalion commander rushed in with a ** submachine gun and said with great persuasion. .

In the sight of the battalion commander, the general raised his pistol and pulled the trigger to his temple: "Bah!"

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