Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 63: Qi Town Ghost Curse God Walking Lu Jia

Chapter 63: Qi suppresses ghosts and curses gods


 “Thank you, Brother Chen!”

 Looking at the Chuchen face not far away, and the congratulations from the heart.

Partridge Whistle was stunned for a moment, then quickly came to his senses, hugged him with both fists, and thanked him with the same sincerity.

 There was a hint of joy that could not be concealed on his weather-beaten face.

That golden elixir really helped him cross the barrier where he had been stagnant for more than ten years, and finally opened the door to the Qi Refining Pass.

 For him, it was a big world that he had longed for but could not enter.

 Now, we are already among them.

 It would be a lie to say that I am not excited.

 He is just a mortal with seven emotions and six desires.

It’s just that being tense all day long gives people a sense of depth.

“Brother Dao deserves it, and Chen didn’t do anything.”

Chen Yulou waved his hand.

 Looked at him carefully again.

 I just feel that the partridge whistle at this moment, from the inside to the outside, exudes an amazing momentum.

It's not the usual murderous look.

 It’s purely a change in temperament.

“It seems that the foundation-building skill of submission is very compatible with Taoist brother.”

 He can see through his own changes at a glance.

 There were not many surprises at Partridge Whistle.

 After all, this period of time spent together.

 He has confirmed many times that Chen Yulou has already gone a long way on the road of spiritual practice.

 The majestic aura I felt outside Yizhuang that day.

 It is still fresh in my memory.


 The more you step into this realm.

 When I went to see Chen Yulou again, I felt more and more like I was seeing flowers in a fog.

There seemed to be a layer of fog surrounding him, making it impossible for him to see through it.


How could he imagine it?

 What he practices is Taoism, while Chen Yulou practices Immortality.

"should be."

 Chen Yulou's words woke him up.

 Along the way, Partridge Whistle was still a little confused.

 Because everything seems to be going too smoothly.

 Just in the middle of the night.

 When he opens his eyes from trance.

  Can already clearly feel the faint breath existing in the sea of ​​qi.

  The aura floating between heaven and earth.

 The smelting of water and fire.

 Even the breath of all living creatures.

That was something magical that he had never felt before.

However, after thinking about it, Partridge Whistle only thought that he was proud of the effect of the golden elixir.

 But now I look back and think about it.

  The greater possibility seems to be due to the foundation building skill of Xuan Dao.

 After all, that golden elixir just ignited a fire in his sea of ​​qi.

 But to really introduce Qi into the body and refine Xiyi internally, you still need to cooperate with the technique of guiding and subduing Qi.


That method is truly amazing.

 When I have experience, I can guide my juniors and juniors to get started.

 The most important point is that he has vaguely verified one thing.

Those are the two paths that the clan has been pursuing for thousands of years. It seems feasible to suppress ghost curses through cultivation.

 Before last night, he could feel the signs of the outbreak of ghost curses from time to time.

 But now, the whole body is extremely transparent.

When he came up, he secretly opened his robe and took a look. The ghost eyes on his body were still there, indicating that the ghost curse had not disappeared, but was just suppressed by the true energy.

 Just like the medicinal power in old wild ginseng.

 Suppressed the old wounds and hidden diseases in his body.

Thinking of this, Partridge Whistle's heart became hotter and hotter.

 Although this day comes a bit late.

Now the people of the tribe are withering away, and not even one of them is left, but at least there is hope.

 Hua Ling and the old foreigner are young enough.

The chance for them to find the Muchen Bead will be greater.

 “Senior brother!”

 The sound of a group of people talking outside the tent finally alerted Hua Ling.

The little girl rubbed her sleepy eyes.

 Seeing his senior brother return safely, his eyes lit up.

 She stayed in the tent until dawn last night, but couldn't bear it anymore and took a light sleep.

Wait until you have opened your mouth.

 She then discovered that there were not only two senior brothers in the camp, but also others.

For a moment, the little girl's reserve and shyness came to her mind, and she timidly called out "Chen Boss".


“Brother Dao has been busy all night, so Chen will not disturb you three brothers and sisters from sharing the joy.”

Chen Yulou smiled slightly in response.


Partridge Whistle is not a pretentious person either.

  I immediately raised my hand.

  He took his junior brothers and sisters to his tent.

 Soon, the campground became empty and quiet again.

The guys worked hard until midnight last night before returning to the camp, and now they are sleeping deeply.

 He only had a sleepless night.

 By the way, there is also Kunlun.

That boy is as stubborn as a cow.

I told him several times to let him go and rest on his own, but he refused to listen and stayed outside the tent door.

 And he was immersed in the magic of magic.

 I don’t think much about it either.

Unexpectedly, this research would be completed in the blink of an eye.

I also saw the two brothers, Partridge Sentinel Master, returning from Pingshan Mountain from a distance. Naturally, I couldn't pretend that I didn't see them. This is what happened just now.

 “Kunlun, are you sleepy?”

He turned back and glanced at the tall figure behind him.

 Chen Yulou suddenly smiled.

  For some reason, Kunlun seemed to see a hint of a battle or challenge on the face of the shopkeeper.

 It's just that he can't see through more.

 Shaked his head subconsciously.

"That's good. Do you dare to compete with me, the shopkeeper?"

 “How about being faster than anyone else?”

It really is!

Kunlun’s eyes suddenly widened.

 I read that correctly.

But he still didn't understand, why did the shopkeeper suddenly go crazy this early in the morning?

 I didn’t sleep a wink all night.

  Why don’t you go and have a rest quickly?

But he couldn't speak, and he had no time to gesture before he was interrupted by Chen Yulou.

“I won’t bully you, the shopkeeper.”

 “How about putting it in the right place... Pingshan?”

 He stretched out his hand and pointed into the distance.

 Suddenly it was the top of the mountain where they were yesterday.

Chen Yulou put his hands behind his hands and chuckled, his eyes eager to try.

 In one night, although I couldn't understand the divine behavior thoroughly, to be precise, I didn't even get half of it, but I just managed to get a feel for it.

The seventy-two techniques of Disha are worthy of being the true method of Taoism.

 Incomparably complicated and obscure.

However, the more this happened, the more excited Chen Yulou became.

He didn't bother to think about things that could be seen through at a glance.

 Finally, he had some experience. How could he endure it? After much thought, Kunlun was the most suitable.

 His agility made even Chen Yulou amazed.

 Especially in the mountains and jungles.

Just like a dragon entering the sea and a tiger returning to the mountain, the agility attribute skyrocketed for no reason.

 See what the shopkeeper said about this.

Kunlun hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded.


Seeing him agree, Chen Yulou couldn't help laughing.

"But one thing, you kid are not allowed to let go."

 “Give it your all, otherwise it will be too boring to compare.”

Kunlun thought for a moment, then bowed his body and assumed a posture of going all out.

 See this situation.

 Chen Yulou did not dare to hesitate.

Take a deep breath, activate your spiritual energy, stretch your hand across it, as if drawing a talisman, and then pat it on your body.

 In an instant.

The wind seemed to rise out of the air under his feet, lifting him up and walking through the air.

 Feeling such an amazing situation.

Chen Yulou couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

 He suddenly remembered someone.

 Water Margin, Dai Zong, the magical eunuch.

It is said that whenever he travels, he never rides a horse or takes a boat.

 Instead, he tied four pieces of divine walking armor to his legs, and he could travel eight hundred miles a day at the fastest.

 When I was reading a book in my previous life.

Chen Yulou also felt that it was a bit too exaggerated.

 Eight hundred miles, even one person and two horses would have to break their legs. But now that he thought about it, he suddenly felt an indescribable sense of familiarity.

 If I remember correctly, Dai Zong was born in a Taoist sect. Maybe he practiced the divine movement method among the seventy-two techniques of Disha, which allowed him to achieve such astonishing speed.

 Suddenly lost consciousness.

 Suddenly there was an explosion in my ears.

But Kunlun couldn't wait any longer and had already rushed out of the camp with rapid strides.


Seeing this, Chen Yulou couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

Who can think of Kunlun, there are times when martial ethics are not respected.

 “God’s move!”

 Laughed and cursed.

 He silently recited the word "Shen Xing" in his heart.

Chasing towards the figure in the distance who was about to rush out of the camp.

 At the beginning, Chen Yulou was still unable to control the wind in his legs, stumbling and teetering.

 But the further back he went, the smoother his pace became.

 It almost feels like Feng Xu Yufeng.

 The distance between the two people is getting closer and closer.

Kunlun was obviously aware of this, and his face was full of astonishment. You know, he grew up in the mountains since he was a child, and he was no different from a savage.

 From the camp to the top of Pingshan Mountain, there is dense forest all the way.

 He used all his strength again.

  Judging from past experience, the shopkeeper should never be his opponent.

At the moment, he feels an unprecedented pressure.

 The scariest thing is.

 In the corner of the eye.

 The shopkeeper’s figure became increasingly clear.

 His big sleeves were swaying and his breathing was steady, as if he was not using all his strength.

How can it be?

Kunlun frowned and couldn't figure out why even if he thought about it.

You can only give a low shout and use your strength again.

 The whole person is like an old bear, walking through the dense forest with great arrogance.

Wherever he passed, bushes fell to the ground.

Even for smaller trees, he didn’t even bother to take a detour, but ran straight into them.

 Smoke and dust are everywhere in the mountains and forests, and fallen leaves are like snow.

 See this horrific scene.

 Chen Yulou, who was following closely behind, was secretly dumbfounded. Such a powerful physical body was the ultimate dream of many martial artists who practiced hard qigong.

 It just so happens that this guy has never been exposed to martial arts.

 Purely relying on a perverted talent.

At this moment, Chen Yulou suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

From memory, he picked up Kunlun from Yandang Mountain.

How could a person who grew up in the mountains without enough food have such a strong body?

 Is it possible that this guy ate randomly when he was a child?

  Inadvertently swallowed a big medicine.

 That's why it's so terrifying.

 But the side effect is that I can’t speak since then.

These thoughts together are like a prairie fire that cannot be extinguished when blown by the wind.

 After all, this world cannot be deduced by common sense.


 Just when he was having random thoughts.

There was a sudden loud noise from the front.

Chen Yulou looked down attentively and saw Kunlun leaping forward and landing heavily on a rock.

 Under the terrifying force.

The weathered rocks were unable to withstand it and exploded with a loud bang.

 But he didn't even look at it and continued running towards the mountain.

 In Chen Yulou's sight.

 The **** of Pingshan Mountain shrouded in the morning sun is like a ball of fire going backwards.

"This guy."

 “I’m afraid it’s a desperate effort!”

 Seeing this situation, how could he not understand?

Kunlun was obviously being chased and fell into madness, with all his energy and blood burning.

 If we continue like this, winning or losing won't matter. I'm afraid it will leave the root of the disease or even destroy the foundation.

Taking a deep breath.

Chen Yulou jumped out in one step, activated the magic movement to the mechanism, and the person quickly passed through the dense forest like blue smoke, and landed outside Kunlun in the blink of an eye.

 His eyes were all bloodshot.

 Having breathlessness.

 I saw a figure suddenly appeared in front of me.

Without even thinking about it, he ran straight into it.

Like a wild bull elephant that has been enraged to the point of losing its mind.


Chen Yulou frowned.

Raised his hand, slapped him with a light palm, and at the same time let out a low drink from his Dantian.

The word    was exploding like thunder in his ears.

 Suddenly there is a sense of magical power like a roaring lion.

Kunlun stopped for a moment, and his red eyes gradually became clear and clear, and there was still a bit of confusion.

He didn't even know when the shopkeeper came in front of him.

 “Are you crazy?”

 See him finally wake up.

 Chen Yulou breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

 Originally I just wanted to try the magic method.

 Unexpectedly, this guy Kunlun was so reckless that something almost happened.

 Looking at the shopkeeper, he looked angry and hateful.

Kunlun will gradually react a little bit now.

 Like a child who made a mistake, with his head lowered and a look of bewilderment on his face.

Seeing this, Chen Yulou could only forcefully swallow the words he spoke, feeling both annoyed and pitiful.

 You can only ask him to stretch out his hand with a straight face.

Kunlun looked puzzled, but he still obeyed the instructions. He quickly put his hand between his wrists and checked his pulse.


 It's just that the qi and blood are relatively disordered.

  No bones in the body were hurt.

 Until this moment, Chen Yulou's hanging heart finally fell back into his stomach.

“Okay, I’m the shopkeeper and I didn’t think carefully this time.”

“You kid can’t be so desperate next time, remember?”

Looking at the shopkeeper secretly, seeing that he had no intention of getting angry anymore, Kunlun nodded repeatedly and patted his chest a few times to show that he had remembered it.

 “Okay, let’s adjust our breath and recover.”

 Chen Yulou was angry and funny.

 He waved his hands tiredly.

After a while, his energy and blood became silent again.

 Chen Yulou took him slowly down the mountain.

 In his mind, he kept recalling every scene he had just performed when he performed the magic technique.

 Get insights from it.

 It has to be admitted.

 His voice was indeed a bit too loud last night in the Yi Renzu Cave.

 The magic method is not only useless.

On the contrary, only after experiencing it personally do you know how useful it is.

  Chasing the stars and chasing the moon, making every move a success.

This is still just a touch of the door.

He couldn't even imagine how amazing it would be to chase the wind and the sun once he had completely mastered the magic method.


 The two of them have returned to the camp.

 Compared to the deserted scene before leaving, this meeting has gradually become more lively.

 The curling smoke adds a lot of pyrotechnics.

 Chen Yulou casually recruited a waiter.

 Inquiry about the White Ape from him.

 I came back yesterday and was busy studying Shen Xing's method, but I forgot about it.

There is a high probability that we will set off back to Xiangyin today.

By then, traveling all the way over the mountains and ridges, those bright weapons would be enough of a distraction, and he would have no time to pay attention to them.

 So, in order to prevent it from escaping halfway.

 Before going back, Chen Yulou must be fully prepared.

That old ape is naturally psychic and is much smarter than he looks.

After asking for directions, he led Kunlun straight to a tent at the back of the camp.

 The guy who is responsible for guarding it at the door.

 Didn’t sleep much all night.

At the moment, he is taking a nap against Liangmen.

 “Always in charge.”

Seeing him coming, the man was startled and thought something had happened.

"I'm just going to see the old ape. You have nothing to do here. Go back and rest."


 Hearing this, the guy felt relieved.

 He was almost exhausted, how could he disagree.

Yawning all the way to the residence.

Chen Yulou opened the curtain door and got into the tent.

The old ape’s limbs were still tightly bound.

I guess I didn’t sleep much that night, and I looked a little depressed.


 Seeing the two people coming, it seemed to have a premonition of something.

The slightly cloudy eyes were full of anxiety and uneasiness.

 (End of this chapter)

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