Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 334: Stone Eye in the Well Kunlun Fairy Mount

Yuan Hong is wandering in the sky.

I was so scared that I almost jumped up.

Until that familiar voice came.

Looking down at Yang Fang who emerged from the water, it twitched the corners of its mouth, grabbed the edge of the hole with both hands, and jumped up and landed in the stone chamber.


Yang Fang jumped out immediately after.

Sitting on the ground, breathing in the air, I felt that the stale air was so fresh and delicious at this moment.

Thinking back to last night when I first arrived.

Relying on his good swimming ability, he still took the initiative to ask for help. Looking back now, I can only say that he was still too young.

Still under the protection of Shopkeeper Chen's Taoism.

Stay out of water.

This is still the case after two sneak dives.

If he plunged into the underground lake, Yang Fang couldn't even imagine that he would have drowned long ago.



Behind them, Partridge Shao, Kunlun and others also came ashore.

They each lit their wind lanterns and waited for the fire to dispel the darkness. They looked at the ancient buildings around them and couldn't help but marvel.

Fighting in the arena.

There is an unfamous rule.

Take Qin and Han as the boundary.

Most people may not be able to find one of the pre-Qin artifacts in their lifetime.

Two thousand years have passed.

The land alone has already turned into mountains and rivers.

Without any real skills and a thorough knowledge of humanities, history, and feng shui, even if he walked past Fengtu, it would be difficult to notice that there was a pre-Qin Dazang dozens of meters below him.

Even if there are unearthed artifacts from the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

Spread a little bit of news.

It will also be taken down in the shortest possible time.

It will not flow into the black market at all.

Most of the things that were actually traded were after the Song and Yuan Dynasties.

But since entering the Western Region, time seems to have stood still here. An ancient city in the desert can easily last a thousand or two thousand years.

A ship's coffin blown out of the sand.

The years are even longer.

Not to mention the current Kunlun Mountains, the monuments from thousands of years ago are so well preserved.

It is simply unimaginable in the mainland.

However, upon careful consideration, it seems reasonable.

The change of dynasties in the Han Dynasty was accompanied by years of wars and exposure to wind and rain. Countless ancient buildings only exist in ancient poems and prose.

As for the underground tomb.

The profession of eating the dead has existed since ancient times.

Especially in troubled times, it is very common to open a coffin and fight upside down in order to survive.

But the Kunlun Mountains are far away in the Western Regions, located in a corner. They are subject to conflicts and wars, and the rolling glaciers that never melt all year round are a natural protective agent.

Off the beaten track.

Even wild animals have difficulty reaching it.

The monuments thousands of years ago are frozen in the ice. Apart from natural decay, they will not suffer much damage.

The group of people are all veterans.

With a casual scan at this moment, you can basically tell that the stone chamber beneath you has at least several thousand years of history, and is most likely a remnant of the Demon Kingdom era.


It's really hard to imagine.

Thousands of years ago, in the tribal era where hair and blood were still consumed, how did the ancestors of the Demon Kingdom arrive here, cut through the glacier, and build such an astonishing stone chamber deep underground.


They are even more curious about what is the purpose of being so meandering and secretive?

Looking away from the surroundings, several people holding lamps quickly gathered around Chen Yulou. At this moment, he was still staring calmly down the well.

See this.

The group of people couldn't help but look at each other.

He really couldn't imagine what was in the well that made him so curious.

"Come and see."

He seemed to be aware of the actions of several people outside him.

Chen Yulou raised the corners of his eyes slightly.

He took a few steps away and pouted toward the well.

"What is it?"

"Isn't it some kind of trick?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just take a look and you will know."

Yang Fang and the old foreigner looked at each other and were talking in low voices. Kunlun beside them had already strode out, walked straight to the stone well, and looked down.

See this situation.

The two of them dared to hesitate.

All eyes were fixed on the change in his expression.


The strange thing is that Kunlun didn't know what he saw. He was startled at first, and then a thoughtful look appeared on his face, and it seemed to make sense.

We've known each other for so long.

This was the first time they had seen such a change in him.

Without thinking, the two people quickly stepped forward and surrounded Gujing on the left and right.


The bottom of an endless well.

A raging fire burned.

Like a dormant fire dragon.

And in the flames, a huge eyeball was reflected.

It's just not the same as what they saw in Jingjue Ancient City.

The eyeballs deep at the bottom of the well reflected colorful luster in the firelight, as brilliant as a ball of heavy-colored ink.

Volcanic glazed stone!

The moment I saw it.

The same thought came to their minds subconsciously.

On the former volcanic island.

They met a lot.

They are all translucent stones that have been melted at high temperatures and are shaped like glass, with gorgeous colors.

As a tribe that worships the snake god.

The presence of eyeballs in the well does seem to be expected.

As for the dormant fire veins, it also explains why hot springs appear in the glacier and snow valley.

"Shopkeeper Chen, I keep talking about the ancient capital of the Demon Kingdom. What is this place called? Does it have a name?"

Look away from that weird eyeball.

Yang Fang asked a question that everyone had been curious about for a long time.

"Evil Luohai City!"

"It means the city of demons in Tibetan."

Hear this.

Chen Yulou, who was standing inside the stone room, saw a stone door that was soaked with water vapor and almost looked like a blue-black color. A hint of admiration flashed in his eyes.

Yang Fang is also inexperienced.

After all, compared to them, the time spent in and out of the world is still too short.

But as a disciple of Jin Abacus, this generation of Jin Touching successors can definitely be regarded as extremely talented.

Not to mention a keen sense of smell.

A sudden flash of inspiration.

It can make people’s eyes brighten.

"Evil Luohai City?"

Everyone who had seen Ishii's sneaky eyes chewed on this word silently, feeling that it was extremely difficult to pronounce.

In fact, most of the records about the Snow Demon Kingdom are handed down from Tibetan Tantric Buddhism.

Even the demon kingdom is like this.

For Tantra, ghost mothers and priests are all human demons without exception.

So much so that the ancient ruins left by the Demon Kingdom are still regarded as forbidden areas by them countless years later.

Especially the nine-story demon tower.

Ordinary people would not dare to approach it.

In their view, only Bodhisattvas and Vajra Buddhas can suppress it.

"When you have the opportunity, go to Tibet. You can find traces of the existence of the Snowy Demon Kingdom in the ancient Tantric scriptures and poems."


Although I was surprised that he was so far away in Xiangyin, why he knew so much about Tibetan Tantric Buddhism.

But it is shopkeeper Chen after all.

He knows astronomy from above and geography from below. He knows everything from ancient times to the present.

It seems reasonable to do some research on Tantra.

"Honggu, can you open this stone door?"

Without explaining too much, Chen Yulou changed the topic and pointed to the door on the stone wall.


The red girl's heart moved.

As a member of the Moon Gate, she has shown amazing skills in breaking through obstacles since she climbed the mountain.

The lower bucket opens the coffin and closes the pin.

There is almost no mechanism that she cannot break.

When she was in the ancient city of Jingjue, she was left outside the city and was responsible for searching for the golden weapon together with the kidnapper. She had no time to show off her skills. She didn't expect that now that she came to the ancient capital of the demon country, she would have an opportunity. "Shopkeeper, let me take a look."

He took a deep breath.

The red girl quickly approached.

The attention of the remaining people was also attracted, and they gathered around with curious eyes.

From the moment you walked in.

They were actually curious about the function of the stone chamber.

It's impossible to go through so much effort to carve out a road from the underground lake just to build an ancient well and then put a stone eye into it.

This is obviously unlikely.

When she walked to the door, Miss Hong made a visual inspection. The stone door was about one person tall. It was carved and polished from a whole piece of volcanic rock. Many traces of knives and axes could be seen faintly.


The eyeball totem is even more essential.

However, compared to the ancient city of Jingjue, the eye marks from the Demon Kingdom era are obviously much rougher.

It can even be said to be somewhat abstract.

A circle.

Then add two traces in it.

If you don't look carefully, it's hard to imagine the shape of the eyes.

After a casual glance, Miss Hong withdrew her gaze and tried to get closer to the stone door. She slightly curled her green jade fingers into a half-fist gesture.


Tap gently.

A dull sound came.

The red girl's nose moved slightly, as if she was judging something. Soon, the hand she was holding moved a few inches to the side.

Button, button, button!

Several knocks on the door came in succession.

Her eyes became clearer and clearer.

"It's Liuliang Guangsuo..."

Guangsuo, also called Shaosuo, Hengkaisuo or pillow lock, is one of the most common machine locks in ancient times.

Carry forward through Jianghu Locksmith.

Still in use today.

However, this kind of lock was not originally used in ordinary people's homes, but was used to defend cities in ancient times.

Lock the gate with wooden bolts.

As for six liang, it is a later saying that it means the lock is heavy, but now Miss Hong is obviously talking about the lock cylinder.

"Is there any way to open it?"

Guangsuo Chen Yulou also heard about it.

After all, he was born in a family of inauspicious fighters, and he came into contact with people from all walks of life.

"Shopkeeper, keep an eye on it!"

The red girl smiled.

While speaking, he took out the golden hairpin from the ends of his hair, and slowly inserted it into a gap in the door under the astonished eyes of everyone.

Astonishingly, it was an eyeball totem carved on the stone door.

Centrally positioned pupil.

Because of the heavy moisture and the oxidation of thousands of years, even Chen Yulou couldn't find it at a glance just now.

The red girl is still as thoughtful as her hair!

He sighed with emotion.

The former has already inserted the golden hairpin into the door hole.

While listening to the movement behind the door, he held Jin Chai's hand and squeezed it gently!


In an instant.

A slight movement came from behind the door.

Although it was inaudible, it could not escape the ears of those present.

A smile appeared in Miss Hong's eyes, and she pressed on the stone door and pushed hard.

A dull and slow sound sounded.

The stone door that was integrated with the stone chamber also opened.

"Here, shopkeeper, how do you do?"

Pulling back the golden hairpin and tying it back into her long hair, the red girl smiled.


Facing that confident and beautiful face.

The admiration in Chen Yulou's eyes was almost beyond words.

"This is a beautiful hand."

"Miss Hong, is this the craft of opening doors?"

Among the group of people, only Yang Fang was absent from the trip to Pingshan, so he had not seen the tricks of Red Girl Moon Gate.

At this moment, he raised his eyebrows slightly and couldn't help but ask.

Since ancient times, there have been three religions, nine schools, three schools of Five Elements, and countless schools of Dharma in this world.

Just for the eight major rivers and lakes, there are eight clear gates, eight dark gates, eight inner gates and eight outer gates.

Among them, the outer eight gates are the Pirate Gate, the Thousand Gates, the Orchids, the Life-seeking Gate, the Physiognomy, the Divine Tune, the Red Handkerchief and the Organ Gate.

"The agency door follows the Mohist approach."

"How can my daughter's family have the opportunity to learn that kind of method?"

The red girl shook her head.

The Moon Gate, to be precise, should belong to the Caimen among the eight gates of the Ming Dynasty, which is where people go around the streets to perform and perform.


I knew I had mistaken my origin.

Yang Fang couldn't help but blush.

In today's world, although there are some theories about the Eight Gates, they are no longer popular compared to those at the top of the mountain.

He is a figure who firmly sits in the second place on Changsheng Mountain, one of the thirty-six mountains in the world.

What agency door.

Isn't this a satire?

"Aren't you curious, what is hidden behind this door, is it worthy of the Demon Kingdom's deployment of troops?"

I noticed that hint of embarrassment.

Chen Yulou shook his head and smiled.

The world's top 108 mountains, the eight professions, and the top nine, to him, are nothing but false fame and fortune.

He Changshengshan is said to be the leader of green forests in sixteen provinces in the north and south.

But it really depends on the interests.

Who cares about you Chen Yulou or Zhang Yulou?

They will only cut off the King's flag at the top of the city. If you, Chen Yulou, can sit on the Mount Everlasting, why can't they?

Only young people like Yang Fang.

At his level.

If you don’t have the time to fight for fame and wealth, you might as well seize the opportunity to meditate and practice.

The red girl obviously took it lightly.

There was no care at all on the face at this moment.

"Let's go and have a look with me."

Holding the lamp, Chen Yulou stepped out. The swaying light of the fire dispersed the black fog shrouded behind the door, and a white tunnel suddenly appeared in sight.

"Is this...possible?"

Looking at the tunnel, the faces of Partridge Whistle and the others couldn't help but change.

In front of the ghost cave that day.

The encounter in Thunder Mountain is still fresh in my memory.

Now that they saw this strangely colored road again, the group of people could only feel the memories flooding through their minds.

Only Hua Ling, Yuan Hong and Miss Hong looked at the others in surprise.

Although Yuan Hong entered the Queen's Palace, he did not go deep into the ghost cave.

So I have never seen a white tunnel.

At this time, I couldn't understand why the old foreigners and the others suddenly changed their expressions.

"It's a blessing, not a curse."

"It's a disaster...just get over it."

Sensing the changes in the minds of the people behind him, Chen Yulou raised the corners of his mouth slightly and laughed coldly.

So what if Mahakala strikes the Thunder Mountain?

The evil **** is still sealed in the jade box. He is just waiting for the end of this trip to find some free time to retreat into meditation and refine it into a weapon spirit.

What's more, this is just a tunnel in front of me?

Hearing his slightly cold joke, several people couldn't help but look at each other and smile.


Even in front of the ancient gods, he can retreat completely.

What is there to worry about now?

Carrying lamps, the group of people filed in. It took them about three to five minutes to pass through the circular tunnel. The unexpected change did not happen.


When a group of people walked out of the tunnel.

Walk to the stone platform outside.

When looking up.

Only to find that an astonishingly large crystal cave burst into view, and the swaying lights reflected thousands of rays of light from the crystal mountain.

The dome above the head is also as transparent as jade.

From time to time there is water, gurgling and dripping.

Swinging back and forth in the silent crystal cave.

It seemed like... the top of their head was the underground lake where they came down before.

However, none of this could completely shock them.

What's really amazing is that.

Deep in the cave where everyone was standing under the stone platform, countless clouds and mist were as misty as the sea, rolling up and surging continuously.

And they seemed to be on top of the clouds.

Looking across the middle of the sea of ​​clouds, a topaz-like peak rises into the sky.

It's like the legendary Kunlun Fairy Mountain! (End of chapter)

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