Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 28: The Dragon Tower Palace in the Mountain

Chapter 28 The Dragon Tower Palace in the Mountain

 If it is something else.

 Chen Yulou would never be so cautious.

But that **** six-winged centipede, in the entire world of ghosts blowing lanterns, can still be ranked as a great monster.

 There is nothing wrong with being careful.

 You will know just by looking at the reactions of the next group of people.

 He fished it out in advance, which is definitely not a bad thing.

 Transversators have obvious advantages, but they are by no means without weaknesses.

 Unless he was prepared to fight alone from beginning to end.

Obviously, with his current strength, he is far from being able to sweep across Pingshan, so he chose to rely on external forces from the Banshan lineage.

“If it were really a centipede, it would have had at least a few hundred years of Taoism.”

 “Brother Chen, what are you going to do?”

 After a short silence.

The Partridge Whistle spoke again.

 This has been going on for about ten days.

The Chen Boutou in his impression, wearing bright clothes, angry horses, and young spirit, is now so mysterious that it is hard to see through.

 It was the dangerous time just now.

  I didn’t see much uneasiness from him either.

 As if... there is a feeling of having everything under control.

Even he can't be so calm.

 So, he handed over the choice to Chen Yulou without hesitation.

 “Did Brother Dao forget that Angry Chicken?”

Chen Yulou smiled faintly.

 A few simple words.

 Let Partridge Whistle's heart move.


  How could I have forgotten that divine thing?

 In fact, I don’t blame him.

 Having just experienced a terrible horror like that just now.

 It’s good to be able to calm down so quickly.

Looking at the red girls on the side, you can tell that all of them are in a daze, and they even peek into the depths of the mist when they feel uncomfortable, as if they are worried that the monster will appear again.

 “In the meaning of Chen.”

“That poison has been hiding in Pingshan for hundreds of years and will never leave its nest easily.”

“In this case, let’s set up a dragnet in advance and catch it again. When the time comes, a few of us will join forces to surround and kill it, and we will naturally have no worries.”

Chen Yulou quickly told his plan.

 He didn't say a word.

That is the best place to surround and kill the six-winged centipede. In fact, it is the cave at the bottom.

 First, it is open enough.

 Second, the topography of the cave is like a gourd mouth, narrow on the outside and wide on the inside.

Once the six-winged centipede takes the bait and enters the depths of the cave to swallow the spiritual energy, all it takes is to seal off the escape route and it will be like catching a turtle in a urn.


 After hearing this, Partridge Whistle frowned.

“That kind of old monster is so cautious, I’m afraid it will be difficult to take the bait again.”

“Brother Taoist, don’t worry about this.”

 Chen Yulou shook his head.

That six-winged centipede also followed the path of breathing and practicing Qi.

 The aura condensed by Aoki Gong.

To it, it is an irresistible temptation.

 When the time comes, it will jump in even if it knows it is a trap.

 This is also where his confidence lies.

“Since Brother Chen is already sure, I won’t say more.”

 See how confident he is in his words.

Partridge Whistle couldn’t help but nodded.

Then he did not hesitate, waved his Taoist robe, and took the initiative to ask for Taoism.

“Brother Chen, Yang is willing to be a pioneer, and we will find a way.”

 “Senior brother, I’m with you.”

As soon as Partridge Whistle finished speaking, the old foreigner beside him couldn't help but say.

"I am coming too."

Hua Ling’s lively voice also came over.

Seeing how active the people who moved the mountain were, Miss Hong, who felt that she could not lose the majesty of Xiling, immediately stood up and proposed to visit the tomb.

Although Huamaguai is afraid.

 But when it came to Xiling’s face, he didn’t hesitate at all.

As for Kunlun, he couldn't speak. He just stepped out and stood behind Miss Hong, which showed his intentions.


   When you see a few people, you fight for me to grab it.

Chen Yulou shook his head, "Okay, the Pingshan Ancient Tomb is far more dangerous than you think, and you will need more time."

"Today's trip, Brother Tao and I will go down."

"This...can't be done. Shopkeeper, you have a rich body, so you must not do it."

  Huamaguai was the first to disagree.

 They can all die. Only the shopkeeper cannot make any mistakes.

 “Okay, kidnapper, I’ve decided there’s no need to say anything more.”

  "Just support Brother Dao and me outside."

 His prestige on the mountain is very high.

In addition to doing justice and saving money, robbing tombs and fighting is also an example.

Huamaguai also knew that he was stubborn.

 Once something is determined, it will never be changed easily, and it can only be acknowledged.

 Go to the side and get two centipedes hanging on the mountain ladder.

 “Senior brother, here is the elixir.”

While the two were preparing, Hua Ling suddenly stepped forward and handed Partridge Whistle a pill.

Then he walked outside Chen Yulou and said, "Chen Baotou, this is a detoxifying elixir from my Feishan lineage. Just hold it in your mouth and it can detoxify and relieve miasma."

 “Thank you.”

 Chen Yulou cannot easily refuse.

Putting it in your hands, a strong herbal aroma suddenly spreads out.

One sniff made him feel energetic.

 It is indeed a good thing.

Without any further hesitation, he held it in his mouth and said, "Brother Dao, let's go!"


The Partridge Whistle has been prepared for a long time, so there will be no delay.

 The two shook the hanging ladder in their hands.

There is an iron hook at the top of the ladder, which is hung on the side of the cliff. Then it falls down, through the clouds and mist, and deep into the ground.

 Subsequently, Chen Yulou took the lead and stepped on the hanging ladder.

Partridge Whistle is not slow either.

Such a terrifying cliff in the eyes of others, but in his eyes, it was just a leisurely stroll.

 Huge diggers and mountain climbers have never been used.

 The two of them are extremely fast.

 Not long.

 Under the dark cliff.

The two figures were on the left and right, almost walking hand in hand. Only the wind lantern around the waist of the partridge whistle could be seen, constantly moving in the darkness.

 As for Chen Yulou, he was born with night eyes.

This level of dimness cannot block his sight at all.

Unconsciously, the two of them had gone down twenty or thirty meters, but the black mist was still billowing underneath, and it was bottomless.

  And the further down you go.

The cold air became stronger and stronger.

 Those two of them, if they were ordinary people, if they were blown by his sinister wind, their life lights would probably be blown out.

Partridge Whistle held the ladder in one hand and the wind lantern in the other, looking around like fire.

A pair of brows were furrowed.

There is a deep murderous look in his expression that is hard to see on a daily basis.

Chen Yulou knew very well that he was wary of the six-winged centipede from before.

He had already observed this journey attentively several times.

 There is no smell of the monster nearby.

 There is a high probability that he has returned to his old nest.

"There is something strange about this old mountain stream. It has never seen the sun all year round, but there are so many weeds growing on the cliffs."


Chen Yulou looked at the opposite side and said pointedly.

Hearing this, Partridge Whistle subconsciously raised the lantern and took a look from a distance.

 In a crack in the cliff a few feet away.

 Sure enough, many bushes and bushes emerged.

However, it is not an ordinary weed. Hua Ling’s medicinal skills were all passed down by him personally, and he is also extremely proficient in worldly herbs.

At this moment, by the flickering firelight in my hand.

 He recognized it at once, and there were clearly many spiritual herbs and precious medicines hidden in it.

However, right now he was only thinking about visiting the tomb.

How can I take care of picking medicine?

Just shook his head and said solemnly.

“Brother Chen, this cliff is extremely dangerous. It’s not easy to find a place to surround and kill the old monster.”

Seeing that he didn't hear what he meant.

 Chen Yulou didn’t care either.

He just smiled and said, "Brother Dao, there's no need to be too anxious."

“As the saying goes, there are always twists and turns, and maybe the place you are looking for is right at your feet.”

 Partridge Whistle only thought that he was comforting himself.

 Just about to say something.

The next moment, an invisible cold wind suddenly blew from the depths of the crack, blowing away the thick fog.


 He saw a cave appearing in his sight.

You can still vaguely see an ancient palace with double eaves resting on the mountain deep in the cave.

 “This…Dragon Tower Palace?”

 (End of this chapter)

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