Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 135: Mountain demon zombie god's armor division

Chapter 135 The Mountain Demon and the Corpse God’s Walking Division

 Chen Yulou is on the top of the coffin.

 At this moment, he looked like a duckweed in the wind, rising and falling with the coffin lid.

 It feels like there are roots under the feet, and there is no tendency to collapse at all.

He looked extremely calm and showed no signs of panic.


The Partridge Whistle, who was flying in formation not far away, saw this scene, but he broke out in a cold sweat in the palm of his hand holding the mirror umbrella.

 Although with Chen Yulou's ability.

 It shouldn’t be a big problem to deal with the murderous corpse in the coffin.

But the sound of the nine important towns collapsing one by one was like a bow string urging death, making people feel uneasy.



The cracks in the last town are dense, just like a cracked tea cup, and the squeezing sound was crushed into countless.

 The locks flew open.

It landed on the ground paved with green bricks and made a crisp sound.

at the same time.

A hand with a long purple tip, like a bone... also stretched out from the gap in the coffin lid.

 “Purple stiffness?”

Partridge Whistle’s pupils shrank slightly.

But the idea just came up and was immediately rejected by him.

Purple zombie refers to a person who has died not long ago, but the body is dead but not rotten, and the whole body is purple-green in color. It is the lowest status among the walking corpses, even inferior to the black corpse and white zombie.

This bronze coffin is so amazing.

 Except ancient mirrors and important towns.

At this moment, it experienced a violent vibration, and the heavy dust on the coffin dispersed, revealing green copper flowers underneath.

 But if you look carefully, you will find that those are not patina, but corpse-suppressing runes engraved in it.

 Such a heavy blockade.

 You can think of it with your toes, it’s definitely not just a purple head.

 “Could it be... 郃?”

Thinking of this possibility, Partridge Whistle's heart skipped a beat.

Black and white walking corpses, flying zombies and wandering corpses, copper-skinned iron bones, jade-armored gold bodies, and above them are the demon, jade, and immortal bones.

It is said that Ba is a demon god. Wherever it passes, the red ground will be thousands of miles away. When it dies, it becomes Ba. It can drive divine objects. Foxes can avoid thunder disasters. Wherever they are buried, nothing will grow.

 As for those with 郃, it is said that the corpse is similar to Zi Zhan.


If a demon corpse was really buried in the bronze coffin, it would no longer be considered dangerous, but a catastrophic disaster.

It would be good to kill and suppress it again. Once it escapes from the tomb of King Xian, it is feared that dozens of miles outside Zhelong Mountain and even the entire Yunnan and Yue territory will fall into a catastrophe.

“Brother Chen, be careful, the corpse in the coffin is most likely the legendary demon…”

 Think of this.

How dare Partridge Whistle hesitate even a little bit.

 Even if there is only a chance, don’t bet.

 Otherwise, one step is wrong and every step is wrong.

 The mistakes caused by that time are simply irreparable.


 But before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a fierce sound that broke through the air.

 In the remaining light, the cold light was like snow, cutting from top to bottom.

 “Dragon Scale Sword!”

 In that cold light, he felt a familiar sword energy.

However, it was even more amazing than the sword that cut through the scales of the python in the valley and lake that day. It was sharp and sharp.

Invisible sword intent surged, and suddenly a shadow shaped like a black dragon roared in the air.

 The long sword slashed **** the bone hand.

 Only heard a clang of metal and stone colliding, even though the five senses were closed in advance.

But when it fell into Partridge Whistle’s ears, it still made him feel deafening.

 The buzzing in my mind is constant.


 Feel the strong resistance.

 Chen Yulou shouted in a low voice.

 The Qingmu spiritual energy dormant in the sea of ​​​​qi surged up.

 Hundreds of veins from the limbs, pouring into the sword body.


 In an instant.

The bone hand was cut off at the wrist, just like cutting paper.

 The wound is extremely smooth.

 But the strange thing is...what flows out of it is not blood, but streams of black smoke.

Chen Yulou waved his long sleeve to disperse the smoke.

Then he raised his head and glanced at the partridge whistle not far away with a smile.

 “Brother Dao, what did you say?”


After thinking about it for a while, Partridge Whistle still shook his head.

 Get the thought out of your mind.

If this was a demon with jade armor and a golden body, this sword would never be able to cut off the hand so cleanly and neatly.

 So, what was in the coffin that made King Xian pay so much attention to it?

Partridge Whistle Head was once again confused.

I feel like I have no clue.

But soon he was attracted by a more terrifying crashing sound.

The demon corpse, which had one of its hands removed, was obviously completely enraged and banged against the copper coffin outside of it like crazy.

 “So urgent?”

Chen Yulou sneered.

Those clear eyes were full of coldness at the moment.

At that time, the high priest calculated the shadow bones of King Xian from his first three lives.

So he took great pains to dig out the three skeletons and send them here.

 The first one is a demon, the second one is a ghost, and the last one is a spirit.

 One is to conform to the three hells.

In addition, it also means to guard Xuan Palace.

Especially the bronze coffin. The corpse was so murderous that it was a murderer in life. After death, it turned into a demon corpse. If thieves came here, they would die if they opened the coffin.


 Chen Yulou killed monsters.

 It doesn’t matter whether you live or die!

Feeling the frantic movement inside the coffin, he took a light step forward.

Since you want to come out, then do as you wish.


 Almost the moment the others left the top of the coffin.

The coffin lid, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, could no longer withstand the impact of the violent wind and rain inside the coffin. It was lifted up and spun around in the air several times before falling heavily to the ground.

 Inserted diagonally on the stone tile floor.

 It stirred up countless smoke and dust.


Partridge Whistle was shocked.

 Ignore the dust blowing in my face.

Looking through the dust and fog, he stared at the open bronze coffin.

Soon, another bone hand clattered and landed on the edge of the coffin.

That hand is surprisingly strong.

There was a strange sizzling sound when the bronze coffin was grabbed.

After fighting for half a lifetime, this was the first time he saw such strange bones. Even after seeing the hands, Partridge Whistle still couldn't imagine what kind of monster was hidden in the coffin.

 Invisible oppression shrouds.

 Almost suffocating.

 The temperature in the tomb chamber seemed to be dropping rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  In the blink of an eye.

To him, it seemed like thousands of years.


 Finally, a sound different from the sound of a bone hand drawing across the coffin wall came out.

Although it was extremely weak, it was like a pair of invisible hands, disrupting the sense of oppression.

Partridge Whistle's tense mind relaxed.

 Subconsciously, he breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, he seemed to notice something again, and he suddenly raised his head and looked intently.

I saw... the hand on the edge of the coffin had disappeared at some point, and was replaced by a huge white bone corpse more than two meters high.


  It is not necessarily true that it is white bones.

 By the light of the stroke lantern in the hand.

 He clearly saw that there were still pieces of carrion left on the gloomy white bones.

 You can even see countless maggots squirming back and forth in the carrion.

 The dark blood was dripping continuously.

 That weird ticking sound just now.

 It was astonishingly blood falling into the bronze coffin.

At this moment, the rotting corpse stood up from a sitting position, staring at the two of them sideways.


 What a face that is.

Most of the flesh and blood has rotted away, and the two holes in the eyes are flickering with fire.

 The two eyeballs were hung by a **** thread that looked like an intestine.

As the corpse stood up, its eyeballs swayed back and forth.

Even though Partridge Whistle had killed countless Zongzi with his own hands, seeing the appearance of the rotting corpse clearly made his stomach churn.

 Things that cause rigor mortis.

 The reason why it is called stiffness.

 It is because the corpse does not decay after death.

The corpse in front of me has rotten to the point where almost only the bones are left, but it can still move freely.

 This simply broke his understanding of rigor mortis.

 No wonder it is said that there must be a monster when something goes wrong.

 This is no ordinary monster. "It's rare to see a monster corpse!"

  It is different from the partridge whistle that has a great change of mind.

 Chen Yulou in front looked calm, not at all flustered, and even looked at it carefully with interest.

Like those rotting flesh and blood, squirming maggots, and the demonic fire burning in the pupils.

 It has no effect on him at all.


 Hear this assertion.

Partridge Whistle frowned.

 “The ghost is close to a ghost, and the sprite is no different from a demon.”

 “The corpse is the corpse of the mountain monster.”

It is recorded in Sou Shen Zhi that there are giants in the mountains in the south, with two arms and one leg. They feed on tigers and leopards. After death, their bones will not turn into white, and they will swallow the blood of the mountain people. They are called monsters.

 He had actually speculated before that whether it would be the type that would not turn into bones.

 But until now.

He finally understood.

 This is clearly the corpse of a monster.

I don’t know where the old thing Xianwang dug it up from and stuffed it into the coffin by force.

 In other words, this giant bronze coffin was tailor-made for it.

 It is two to three meters long.

 Even a person as tall as Kunlun can swim in it.

There is one more thing that he finally understood.

 Why is it that out of the three demon coffins, only the heaviest one is hoisted into the air with iron chains?

The same reason is because the mountain monster Zannai draws all its strange power from the earth's veins. If it is suspended in the air, it is equivalent to cutting off its vitality.

 It is most likely the work of some high priest.

 Other than him, Chen Yulou couldn’t think of anyone else who could do it?


 See the origin clearly.

 Chen Yulou's last bit of patience also completely disappeared.

 He is bound to get the ancient Legalist mirror.

 So, I can only let you die!

Holding the dragon scale sword in his hand, he took a deep breath, like a whale drinking water. In an instant, a sound of tidal waves came from the body under the blue robe.

 Take one step forward.

 The floor tiles beneath him shattered.

 “God’s way!”

  A low drink.

 Taoist seventy-two techniques of earth evil.

Now he has used it more and more purely, almost to the point of proficiency.

Only the roar of swords and roars of dragons and the drumming of energy and blood were heard, but the others seemed to disappear into the tomb chamber out of thin air.


The partridge whistle shook the umbrella in his hand.

 Looking full of surprise.

Although I have seen his miraculous light-body kung fu before, this is the first time like this.

If it weren't for the fact that I could still sense the invisible energy.

 He even doubted whether this was the legendary flight to the sky and the earth.

 He is still like this.

The corpse in the bronze coffin, which had been suppressed for two thousand years and had only just escaped the magic mirror's spell, was unable to turn around.

 Just raised his head sharply.

 In a pair of eye-bone holes, the two rays of fire became more and more astonishing.

 Looking from a distance, it looks like a demon crawling out of hell.


 Just a moment of hesitation.

A shocking sword energy slashed down from the top of his head.

The figure in green shirt seemed to appear out of thin air, with demonic aura billowing from the dragon-scaled sword in his hand. At first glance, he looked like a big demon and a fierce soldier, but the sharp sword aura also contained a sense of awe-inspiring righteousness.

The sword's power reaches the sky, like thunder.

 The corpse knew that it was inevitable to avoid it.

He let out a roar and raised his broken arm in front of him.

 The sword energy cuts down like cutting paper.

 The skeletal arm split into two instantly.

The sword energy remained unabated and continued to slash down. However, in this short moment, the rotten flesh on the corpse squirmed quickly and piled up on the chest.

 As if wearing a layer of iron armor.

 The dragon scale sword is the sharpest, even the blue scale python armor and dragon scale demon armor cannot withstand it.

 But after the sword energy pierced the flesh and blood.

To Chen Yulou, it felt like a punch punched into the soft air.

At the same time, a strange force crazily eats away at the sword energy.


By the time the sword energy was gone, the rotten flesh had been turned into a puddle of dark blood, dripping down the white bones.

 Looks like he was seriously injured with a sword.

However, there was only a white sword mark left on the dense white bones.

“To deal with such monsters, swordsmanship is still not as useful as talismans.”

 See this scene.

Chen Yulou sighed secretly in his heart.

In Chenzhou, western Hunan, there are two thunder altars, which are specially made of cinnabar to deter evil spirits.

 The time when I returned to Chenjiazhuang from Pingshan.

It was also the experience of getting the angry chicken in Beizhai that made him realize the use of talismans.

 In addition to the cultivation method, Aoki Kung also has the four arts of cultivation.

It’s just that I have been unable to get started.

That’s why I sent people to Chenzhou and spent a lot of money to buy a few Chenzhou talismans and come back, thinking that they might be able to get a glimpse of the way of talismans.

It is a pity that although Chenzhou Lei Tan considers itself a Taoist sect, it practices witchcraft and evil techniques.

 Just like Guanshan Fengjia, all the things learned in the heavenly books and strange weapons are witchcraft.

However, it was not all without gain. At least after trying those evil-suppressing talismans himself, the effect was truly astonishing. Normal feng shui evil spirits and evil spirits could be suppressed with just one talisman.

If you can draw a corpse suppressing talisman now.

Why bother with so much effort?

 He has made up his mind that when he goes back this time, he must go into seclusion and study the Tao of Talisman.

 Several thoughts flashed through my mind.

next moment.

 Chen Yulou's figure flashed.

In the night above the copper coffin, three figures seemed to appear in an instant, and the dragon scale swords were slashed at the same time.

 The sword energy is like a waterfall.

Even with the mirror umbrella in hand and the partridge whistle guarding the tomb door, there is a sense of being torn apart by the sword energy.

 Look up.

In the black mist that was as thick as ink, sword lights flickered one after another, and the deep cold light seemed to illuminate the tomb as bright as day.

 The corpse didn't even have time to rest for a moment.

Feeling the storm-like offensive, the fire in his eyes flashed, and his heart trembled. He no longer dared to resist, but fled out of the bronze coffin.

Grabbed the coffin lid that was leaning on the ground with one hand.

 It is like holding a large shield.

  Protect yourself airtight.

It is a pity that Chen Yulou could not have expected that in order to kill with one strike, he even activated the Qingmu spiritual energy without any reservation and used the magic method to the extreme.

 Divine action divides armor.

At this moment, with him as the center, the sword energy was like a waterfall falling outside Lingyun Palace.

 Completely shroud the corpse.

 Dong dong dong!

 Sword energy swept across.

The bronze coffin lid, which weighed hundreds of kilograms, was not blocked even for a moment, and was instantly cut into countless copper shavings by the sword energy.

 The coffin lid is broken.

There is no obstacle outside the corpse.

It was like being in a meat grinder, the invisible sword energy was frantically chipping away at its white bones and corpse armor, like gold cracking through stone, and the numbing sound of bone cracking kept ringing.

 In the blink of an eye.

The corpse, which was more than two meters high, was cut into a human stick.

  To be precise, it’s a bone stick.

Only one leg, a few sternums, and the shaky head on the neck bone were left, as if it would break at any time and roll to the ground.

 Chen Yulou landed lightly on the ground.

Standing outside the corpse.

  Without even looking, he struck out with his sword with his backhand.

The dragon-scaled sword swallowed a faint light, and a white line dividing morning and dusk seemed to appear in the dark night, slashing through its neck bone.

 Until Chen Yulou put the dragon scale sword back into its scabbard.

The skull just crashed to the ground.

Rolling all the way towards the depths of the tomb.

 Finally, it seemed to hit something, and then it slowly stopped.


 Until that thud sounded in my ears.

Partridge Whistle's eyes finally showed a slight fluctuation, and he swallowed secretly, his eyes full of horror.

   It was said that he was allowed to sweep the formation.

 In fact, throughout the whole process, he seemed like an outsider.

At this moment, his mind was filled with Chen Yulou's last sword, which was indescribably chic...and sharp.

 “Brother Dao, come.”

  Still hesitating.

Not far away, Chen Yulou was already holding a long sword, took the ancient Legalist mirror, passed through the two remaining demon coffins, and walked to the door of the inner room.


 Sighed secretly.

Partridge Whistle did not dare to hesitate and quickly chased after him.


 As soon as I walked in.

 The light of the wind lantern dispels the darkness in front of you.

 What came face to face was a ferocious face covered with black scales and without lips and sharp teeth!

 (End of this chapter)

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