Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 117: The sky is filled with will-o'-the-wisps and dead elephant bones

Chapter 117 The sky is filled with will-o’-the-wisps and dead elephant bones

The silent and desolate underground.

 Like the place of eternal darkness where the golden wisteria falls.

A group of five people were holding lamps, holding swords and guns, and their eyes were filled with fear. From the beginning, their blood was boiling, but now they have felt unspeakable uneasiness in their hearts.

 This place is really weird.

 There was no light, no movement...not even signs of life.

Even Zhang Yunqiao, who went to the tomb for the first time, knew that although the ancient tomb was a place that isolated the yin and yang of heaven and man, it should not be so dead. Obviously something was wrong.

 However, I had made a promise to the boss before coming down.

 You can’t just leave empty-handed.

“Brothers, if you bite the bullet again, if you really go back like this, you won’t be able to hold your head up for the rest of your life.”

Zhang Yunqiao carried a spear on his back and walked in the front. He glanced at a few people and said solemnly.

“That’s right, **** it, there have never been any cowards among our bandits in Xiling. It’s a big deal if a person dies and a bird turns up in the air, and the eggs fall into the air.”

   Seems to be aroused by the words "can't raise my head".

The few people who were still a little anxious at first felt as if they had been beaten to death.

"Okay, I know that these brothers are all upright men."

  Feel the atmosphere being rekindled.

 Zhang Yunqiao couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He has spent most of these years in the mountains and is not very proficient in fighting in graves.

But he knows one thing well as he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child.

 People have three fires of life.

 It is difficult for ghosts and gods to invade.

However, once you are discouraged, panicked, and your life fire is weak, you will easily be haunted by evil spirits.

 When the fire of destiny is blown out, it will be a dead end.

Such a strange place is so gloomy that it looks like a place where evil things are hiding.

Now that they have few people, they have the only way to break the situation.

 It can only be done by working together.

“Next, I’ll take the lead, follow closely and don’t get separated.”


The group took courage and continued to go deeper.

 After walking for about half a quarter of an hour.

 Suddenly, Zhang Yunqiao, who was leading the group, stopped and seemed to notice something.

Several people immediately stopped.

 Look up and look around.

But the surroundings were still shrouded in darkness and nothing could be seen.

Some people couldn't help but ask.


 “Hush, listen carefully!”

But before he could say a word, he was interrupted by Zhang Yunqiao's dagger-like eyes, and he made a silence gesture.

Seeing this, several people looked at each other, but they did not dare to delay, and they all listened with their ears pricked up.

 The silence around him was as quiet as death.

The only sound seemed to be the muffled breathing of a few people.

But looking at Zhang Yunqiao's solemn expression, they did not dare to question it and could only suppress the distracting thoughts in their hearts.


There was a strange rustling sound.

The eyes of a few people brightened and they continued to listen. The movement became more and more obvious, and it suddenly seemed like something... was crawling on the ground.

This thought comes together.

 It was like a basin of biting cold water being poured down on my head.

 Let their newly agitated minds sink instantly.



 “Or...a ghost?”

Countless strange thoughts flashed through my mind.

"Step aside!"

A few people were still hesitating, but Zhang Yunqiao, who had been motionless, suddenly shouted angrily.

  With a flick of his backhand, he pulled out the spear from behind.

  It stabbed fiercely into the darkness ahead.


The red tassel trembled, and the cold light passed by.

 A chirping sound suddenly sounded.

 It sounded like the sound of a cowhide bag being pierced.

Before a few people could react, the next moment, a strong fishy smell hit their faces.

At the same time, rain-like crashing sounds sounded one after another.

 “What is it?”

 “Grass, so **** disgusting.”

 “Still talking nonsense, form a formation!”

Having the courage to go to the tomb in advance and competing for the first place, you have more or less strong confidence in your own abilities.

 It takes almost an instant.

The five men had their long knives raised, loaded their cannons one after another, and strode out with lanterns in hand, forming a five-line mandarin duck formation to protect Zhang Yunqiao.

 Pairs of eyes swept around like swords.

 It wasn’t until dozens of breaths later that the surroundings fell into dead silence again that the five of them turned back.

 “Zhang Boutou, are you okay?”

Zhang Yunqiao's body was like a spear, and he shook his head with a stern expression.

However, no one noticed that there was a hint of scarlet oozing out of the mouth of the spear he was holding.


 Only one shot was fired.

 couldn't even see clearly what the **** thing was coming from the fog.

 He was already injured.

 But his tiger's mouth burst open, his energy and blood surged, and the other party also felt uncomfortable.

 “It should be okay for now, please turn the light closer.”


Hearing what he said, the five of them hesitated. They immediately raised the lantern, endured the pungent smell, and quickly approached.

 The lights dispel the darkness little by little.


The figure of the thing gradually appeared.

It turned out to be a toad with a red back and poisonous sores all over its body!

 The spear passed through its belly.

   Crucified it to the ground.

The key is…

The toad was more than half a man tall, with thick limbs. It looked like a calf when it rested on the spear.

 “Fuck, has this **** toad become a spirit?”

 “Why is it so big!”

Not only the five guys, but also Zhang Yunqiao looked shocked.

Originally, I just noticed the rustling crawling sound coming from far away, and the shot was all based on instinct.

 But he never expected it.

 The person who was stabbed to death by a gun turned out to be a toad.

Judging from the force returned by the spear, it would be an exaggeration to say it was a tiger or leopard.

At this moment, I don’t know if the toad is not completely dead or what happened.

Hands and limbs were still moving unconsciously in mid-air, and black blood was seeping out from the hole in his abdomen.

 What I heard before was like the sound of rain.

 It was caused by spilled blood.

 “Zhang Tou...what should I do?”

 The five guys looked scared and subconsciously looked at Zhang Yunqiao.

If it weren't for the fact that his spear was astonishingly sharp.

 They couldn't imagine whether they would have a chance to survive now.

That time, the chief executive personally selected a gun and stick master for Kunlun Commander, and Zhang Yunqiao stood out from the crowd.

 Afterwards, word of his superb marksmanship spread throughout Changsheng Mountain.

 After all these years.

 He is also the first person to be able to be a Kunlun master.


 There are also people who are dissatisfied.

  After all, since ancient times, there has been no first in writing and no second in martial arts.

 A few of them had secretly doubted it.

 But now I saw the toad that was pierced by a spear.

That doubt has long since disappeared, and all that remains is conviction.

 “Cut off the head and bring it back.”

 “Please always keep your head in mind!”

 Zhang Yunqiao secretly took a breath.

I just feel that this long trip has really enriched my experience.

  That time they met the Water Dragon King on the Nanpan River. Although they did not see it in the cabin, they were shocked for several days when they heard it from the guys running the boat afterwards.

 There was also the big snake in the lake yesterday.

 Toad was assassinated by his own hands today.

 There are really evil things in southern Yunnan.

He is just a martial artist, not as knowledgeable as the general commander, and not as good as Yang Kuishou in terms of kung fu.

Is this ghost a water demon or a mountain spirit?

It was also difficult for him to tell.

 It would be best to take it back and ask the boss for instructions.

The key is. Zhang Yunqiao was also worried. Toads always live in groups, and there may be countless toads in one head.

 Beheading one of them would be a fluke.

If another group comes, the lives of several of them will definitely be spared.

 “Okay, just listen to the leader.”

"I come!"

 Hearing this, the five guys’ hearts suddenly dropped.

 Hands of people responded immediately.

Even fearing that he would hesitate, he immediately took out his knife and chopped off the toad's head hard.


 A sharp sword flashed by.

 The toad, which had been dead for a long time, was immediately dismembered.

A few people didn't care about the foul smell, so they took out the corpse rope and passed it through the toad's mouth, carrying it in their hands.

 Watching from a distance.

 It’s like a pig’s head carried during festivals.


 See them move so fiercely.

Zhang Yunqiao didn't say much. He drew out his spear and shouted at several people in a low voice.

 “Take a walk.”

"Lao Qi takes the lead. I'll come to the back. Zhang takes the lead and you take a rest."

"Need not."

Zhang Yunqiao held a spear in one hand and shook his head at the man. His calm words contained a somewhat unquestionable meaning.

The guy was startled for a moment.

There was no argument either.

 That shot just now had already subdued them all.

Since Zhang Baotou took the initiative to come to the rear, they naturally did not dare to have any objections.

 The group quickly returned along the way they came.

Because the place was so dark and they were worried about losing their way, they left a lot of marks when they came down.

 It only took a few minutes.

The anxious group of people saw the stone steps that were opened between the cliffs.

 “Go and don’t look back!”

Watching the group of people climbing up the stairs, Zhang Yunqiao, who was at the end, reminded them in a deep voice.

This journey is less than two miles.

 But he felt that it was as difficult as two hundred years.

Especially the head of the toad on the rope kept shaking back and forth, and the dripping blood was like a whistle in the already silent night.

But we can still see it at least.

 Real fear exists in the unknown and imagination.

 He wanted to look back countless times.

I always feel like there is something following me closely behind me, like a maggot attached to my bones. ,

 But Zhang Yunqiao did not dare.

He was afraid that if it was true, the people who were already in panic would lose their faith.

 But at this moment…

 Looking at the group of people going up the stone steps.

He couldn't hold it back any longer and glanced back quickly.

In a flash of surprise, his pupils quickly dilated, as if he had seen a ghost.

The look of horror and horror on his face was much stronger than before when he saw the toad on the head of the gun clearly.

"what is that?"

Zhang Yunqiao gritted his teeth and murmured in a low voice.

 I saw a very far distance behind me.

I don’t know when countless stars appeared, like will-o’-the-wisps all over the sky, finally dispersing the thick black fog.

 That is a vast and boundless water area.

 White shadows floated on the water.

 The most terrifying thing is.

In the direction they left before, there stood black shadows as high as mountains, maintaining a strange posture.

 He looked at it for a long time.

Only then did he barely recognize it.

That mountain of bones turned out to be elephants one after another.

This is due to the fact that on the way here, every time we disembarked from the boat and passed through the piers, we could often see the barbarians riding on the backs of elephants swaggering through the city.

 But at this moment, on the stone beach beside the big lake, there is a mountain forest made of elephant bones.

How many elephants are there?

Furthermore, looking at the direction and calculating silently, if they had not been stopped by the toad before, if they walked forward for a few minutes, they would have bumped into the mountain of bones.


 Zhang Yunqiao, who had always been dull, couldn't help but curse.

What the **** is this place?

Even the "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" described by Mr. Storyteller is not even one-tenth as scary as this one.


 At the moment when he lost consciousness.

The strange fire came and went quietly.

 As if there is an invisible hand in the dark.

 Fiddle controls it all.

 Picked up the fire wick in the lamp.

Then... the deathly silence fell into the distance again.

Zhang Yunqiao's heart skipped a beat. He took a few deep breaths and ran up the stone steps without daring to delay any longer.

 After a full two or three minutes.

 In the dark fog ahead, a ray of light finally appeared again.

 Just like the scene I saw yesterday when I passed through the underground river.


By the time he crossed the last stone step, the light in front of him had turned into a scorching sun. He felt a buzzing in his ears and people were falling like a mountain, rushing forward.

 “Master Zhang?”

 “Open your head!”

 “Oh my god, is that a toad head?”

The sharp buzzing in my mind was quickly suppressed by a burst of exclamation.

 Zhang Yunqiao struggled to open his eyes.

 Familiar faces appeared one after another, the nearest ones being Kunlun and the boss.

"Don't talk yet. You are exhausted. Take a good rest."

 He subconsciously wanted to speak and tell everything he saw at the foot of the mountain.

 But it’s not too late yet.

The gentle voice of the general manager has already come.

 “Help the person to a ventilated place and get water!”

Chen Yulou frowned.

 Although I expected that this trip might not go well.

 But the reactions of Zhang Yunqiao and others were somewhat beyond his expectations.

 Everything he knew came from what Hu Bayi and the others saw when they went underground decades later.

 But now, the time has been advanced by several decades.

 Even he couldn't guess what changes there were.

 A group of waiters hurriedly carried the person under the shade of a tree and gave him water to drink.

 Have rested for a long time.

 Zhang Yunqiao and the six of them gradually recovered.

 “Don’t be in a hurry, speak slowly!”

 Glancing at the toad head on the ground with a ferocious face that looked like a demon, Chen Yulou said in a deep voice with a solemn expression.

 “Yes, always the leader…”

 Zhang Yunqiao organized the language slightly.

 Then, with everyone's complicated expressions on their faces, they recounted everything they saw along the way.

 When he said.

 The five guys added a few words from time to time.

 Hearing him stabbing a calf-sized toad to death with one shot, there was a burst of exclamation from the surroundings.

 Until Zhang Yunqiao, he talked about the last sight he saw after leaving the underground.

At this time, not only the people who stayed outside, but also the five guys who went down with him, all looked horrified.

 They were all trying to escape at that time.

I just want to leave as soon as possible.

 In addition, Zhang Yunqiao kept reminding them not to look back.

Who would have thought that he couldn't hold it back.

  For a moment, while being frightened, the five of them couldn't help but feel a little happy in their hearts.

 Fortunately, I didn’t look back.

 Otherwise, just verbal descriptions would make them feel breathless and depressed.

“Big lake, toads, dead drifters, will-o’-the-wisps, burial pits…”

 Different from everyone’s frightened and complicated reactions.

 Chen Yulou’s expression remained calm.

 In his mind, he kept silently counting what Zhang Yunqiao and the others saw.

Whether it’s a toad or a burial pit, these are to be expected.

 The only change.

 Appeared on the will-o'-the-wisp.

So, what exactly was the will-o'-the-wisp that Zhang Yunqiao saw?

 Will it become a variable in the given?

“You guys, let’s take a rest first.”

“Qi Hu, there are bamboo forests nearby. You can put up as many sky lanterns as possible. You don’t need to carry weight this time. The only requirement is that the longer they float in the air, the better!”

 (End of this chapter)

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