Immortality: Start Cultivating Immortality From Pingshan Mountain

Chapter 109: The feng shui of Yundian Tianchi is invisible

Chapter 109 Yundian Tianchi Feng Shui is invisible

 It only takes less than half an hour.

 Six or seven rafts were pushed into the lake one by one.

A few guys jumped up and tried it, and the cold water splashed all over them, making them grinning from the cold.

This lake is formed by the melted water from the snow-capped mountains.

 It is an absolute alpine cold water lake.

From time to time, you can see fish and shrimp swimming by, their bodies are almost transparent, and you don’t know what species they are.

 “Can it be done?”

Chen Yulou stood on the shore and asked.

  "No problem, shopkeeper, it's very strong, a few people can walk around casually."

Hearing this, he couldn't help but look back at the man behind him.

“Qi Hu, let me remember you first.”

“No, it’s nothing, Master Chen, my father told me to follow you and work hard.”

 Qi Hu scratched his head and smiled shyly.

 Among a group of fierce guys, he seemed to be quite careless.

Before setting off that day, Chen Yulou specially took him with him because he was worried that the Kongming Lantern might be damaged on the road and would not be able to break the Feng Shui pattern of King Xian’s Tomb.

 He was silent most of the time.

ˆAlmost no sense of presence.

 Unexpectedly, I showed off my skills a little today.

  After all, he is an expert in playing with bamboo.

These bamboo rafts are basically made by him.

“It is the rule to reward those who have merit.”

Chen Yulou patted him on the shoulder and said seriously.

Seeing that he was so approachable, the tension on Qi Hu's face finally dissipated and he grinned.

  It is somewhat similar to Kunlun.

 “Go and get ready, we’re about to set off.”

Seeing that everyone was ready to go, Chen Yulou did not waste any time and reminded him.

 The group of people moved very fast.

They jumped on the bamboo raft one after another.

 He walked up to the snake bones, cut off a piece of snake meat, pricked it a few times with leaves, and held it in his hand.

 See this scene.

Hua Ling couldn't help but curiosity flashed in her eyes.

 “Brother Chen, what are you...”

 “We’ll find out later.”

 Chen Yulou smiled slightly mysteriously.

Without explaining too much, he jumped onto the nearest bamboo raft.

“Everyone, sit tight and cross the water!”

A few guys who were good at water skills held up their bamboo poles hard, and the bamboo raft suddenly broke through the lake like an arrow from the string, and rowed straight towards the area under the cliff.

The water cave is quite vast.

 The bamboo rafts disappeared one after another.

From a distance, it looks like the devilish mountain demon in the legend of Maluzhai, opening its mouth to swallow them one by one.

 Don’t feel a bit weird.

However, everyone who entered the water cave did not have any extra thoughts.

Torches were lit one after another to disperse the thick black fog around them. The surroundings were silent. Apart from the sound of rushing water, there was almost no other movement.

 Chen Yulou was half sitting on the bow of the boat.

 A pair of night eyes twinkled in the darkness.

 The more he was in this kind of environment, the more he took to it like a fish in water.

The walls on both sides of the cave were soaked with water mist and covered with unknown moss. The further inside, the lower the temperature, and the howling water and wind made the group shiver.

 It seemed as if the water hole beneath me was connected to another world.

  When Ming Ming comes in.

 The sun is still scorching outside.

 Although it is under the snow-capped mountains, it is not too cold.

  "I have opened my eyes and cheered up."

Seeing that the mist around him was almost as thick as gauze in the water and could be picked up with just one hand, Chen Yulou frowned slightly and shouted in a deep voice.

 This water hole is not as peaceful as it looks.

 In fact, it is dangerous.

Looking down, in the dark depths of the river, there were clearly figures standing one after another.

 The whole body is gray and discolored.

 The expression is dull and the eyes are empty and lifeless.

 Like a crudely made stone man.

But Chen Yulou knew that it was the evil man created by King Xian with the help of the witchcraft of Dian Kingdom.

  Raise worms with living people.

 Become a source of evil.

Even his soul was sealed and guarded the tomb for him from generation to generation.

 It can only be said that these methods are extremely cruel.

 At the same time, it is also extremely dangerous.


 “What’s the noise?!”

Wait until half way through.

 The man on the bamboo raft who was responsible for exploring the path seemed to have discovered something.

 Suddenly he stood up from the bamboo raft, holding a torch, and looked into the deep and dark river water.

next moment.

 A flash of silver light.

The guy seemed to have been bitten by something, and he let out a muffled groan in his throat.

 The pain was so painful that I almost couldn’t stand still.

 The guy next to me is still quick-sighted.

 Hold him up.

Several people looked down one after another as if they were facing a formidable enemy.


“You’ve become a **** spirit, how dare fish bite you?”

By the light of the torch, several people could clearly see it.

It turned out to be a fish that was about the length of chopsticks and looked quite weird.

 The people next to you subconsciously pick it up.

 But the man who was bitten did not dare to act recklessly. He endured the severe pain, took out a dagger with his backhand and stabbed the fish's belly fiercely.

  Waiting for fish to be killed.

At this time, several people saw that the mouth of the strange fish was actually filled with densely packed teeth as sharp as jagged teeth.

 The bite wound was so deep that the bone was visible, and blood was constantly gushing out.

 A group of people frowned and took a breath.

They have never heard of this kind of ghost fish, let alone seeing it.

 The most terrifying thing is that the black shadows surging under the water are clearly countless shoals of fish.

 “What’s going on in front?”

 “Why did you stop suddenly?”

“I don’t know, did I hit a stone wall...”

 Because I am worried about the winding terrain in the water cave, underwater reefs and the like.

 So, six or seven bamboo rafts are spaced apart from each other to prevent them from colliding in special circumstances.

 At this moment, I heard the movement in front.

 The bamboo rafts stopped one after another.

But it was too dark in the water cave, and even the firelight could not illuminate very far due to the black mist flowing like ink.

 Everyone looked surprised.

Without even noticing, a figure stepped on a bamboo raft and passed lightly through the water.

 “Quick, bandage the wound!”

 Several people are still in a daze.

 Chen Yulou didn’t know when he stepped on the bamboo raft and appeared beside several people and shouted.

The guy just came back to his senses.

Hibernating the severe pain, he tore off a piece from the corner of his clothes and quickly wrapped the wound.

Chen Yulou threw the piece of snake meat in his hand into the water.


 Almost the moment you enter the water.

The water flowing in front of you seemed to be boiling. In the swaying light of the fire, unexplainable strange fish rushed madly, fighting for the piece of snake meat.

 Those who did not get the meat would eat the same kind.

 A large pool of blood soon floated on the river.

 It looked like a pot of red paint had been poured on the black cloth.

It looks amazing.


Slap the guy holding the pole next to you.

 Chen Yulou’s eyes flashed and he said decisively.

 “Yes, from the shopkeeper.”

The man was so frightened by the movement under the water that he shivered all over.

 But facing the shopkeeper’s gaze in the dark night, a sense of confidence suddenly came into my heart.

Pick up the pennant and put it against the rock wall, pushing it hard.

 The heavy bamboo raft drifted forward instantly.

 “Don’t look around.”

 “Cross the river as quickly as possible.”

Chen Yulou turned around and used his blood to activate his voice. In an instant, Lang Lang's voice echoed in front and back of the water cave.

When the people behind heard this, they quickly caught up with him.

Suppressing the curiosity in my heart, I raised my head and looked forward.

 Some people were attracted by the underwater movement and took a sneak peek.

 Then I saw schools of fish fighting in the water.

 In the stirred up water, you can still vaguely see strange faces.

 Although it was just a fleeting moment.

 But the more this happens, the more gloomy the feeling becomes.

The few people felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave. They sat down on the bamboo raft, their faces pale, and they kept thinking about ghosts in their hearts.

 Others take a look.

 The curiosity in my heart disappeared instantly. This is the first time since I stepped into the Worm Valley that the shopkeeper could be reminded like this.

 They are not strange people.

If you are contaminated with evil things, ten lives will not be enough to kill you.

 “Senior brother, that’s...”

 When the last bamboo raft crossed that section of water.

 Except for the guy in charge of punting the boat, he didn't dare to look sideways and didn't dare to look around.

 The remaining three brothers and sisters of Partridge Sentinel did not show the slightest fear.

At this moment, although the movement on the water surface is much less than before. But the scene of the fish fighting each other still gives people an incomparable impact.

 It’s just…

 The three people’s gazes did not stay for long.

 Soon I was attracted by the ghostly faces under the water.

 But they don’t have Chen Yulou’s night eyes.

The light cannot penetrate the river water.

 Apart from a few ghost faces, I only noticed an...indescribable aura.

 The old foreigner’s brows almost formed a frown.

 He thought that by following his senior brother, he could be considered well-informed.

 But at the moment, it is completely impossible to tell the origin of that aura.

 It does not belong to any kind of monster, ghost, or even dead person.

“I don’t know, I guess it’s a kind of witchcraft.”

Partridge Whistle was also surprised.

That aura was so weird, just a glimpse of it actually made him feel like he was being spied on, which pierced his heart.


 Hear the word.

Hua Ling and the old foreigner couldn't help but look at each other.

 When I was in Maluzhai, I heard that Xigu Qiuda was a wizard with all kinds of incredible abilities.

However, they have never entered Long Mo Ye, and they have no way to talk about Mo Ba's witchcraft.

 Almost half an hour later.

 In the darkness ahead, a ray of light finally appeared.

Although it is extremely weak.

 Like the scorching sun obscured by heavy dark clouds.

 But to the guys on the bamboo raft, it was no different than an oasis in the vast desert.


“Brothers, work harder to get out of the water hole.”

A group of people cheered for joy, wishing they could roar a few times to vent all the depression in their chests.

Who knows what kind of torture they endured during this journey.

 The end that cannot be seen.

Weird schools of fish, as well as those ghostly faces that make people shudder.

If it weren't for the calm and rock-solid back at the bow of the ship.

 They all wondered if they were going crazy.


 “Light, really light.”

   When the guys on the bamboo raft behind heard this, they all raised their heads and looked around.

 Then, surprise came over my face.

The people in charge of punting the boat felt like they had a shot of chicken blood instantly, and they felt that their strength had returned to their bodies.

  After a while.

The halo is getting bigger and bigger.

 So much so that everyone is a little uncomfortable with it.

Especially when they walked through the water hole and rushed into a bay, the blazing sunlight fell through the gaps in the dense forest, and everyone subconsciously closed their eyes.



Wait for the bamboo raft to dock.

 Looking out at the dense forests, mountains, and blue sky.

 Breathe the fresh air.

The guys jumped off the bamboo rafts one after another, feeling as if they were surviving a disaster.

Chen Yulou also breathed a long sigh of relief.

This section of the waterway seems to have no other dangers except for fish, but the reality is far more terrifying than what you see.

 Be able to take everyone away safely.

It can be considered a small achievement.

 “Brother Chen, those fish…”

The three members of Partridge Whistle were the last to disembark.

Looking at the lingering sadness in his eyebrows, you can tell that he has been thinking hard along the way.

 See him and ask.

Others also pricked up their ears.

 That means he didn’t dare to speak, but who wouldn’t be surprised?



 Hear this name.

 A group of people changed their expressions one after another.

Especially the guy who was bitten looked scared.

 Had it not been for the timely appearance of the shopkeeper.

I'm afraid those piranhas would have torn him into pieces long ago.

“So, Brother Chen...that piece of snake meat is just for them?”

 Inexplicably different from their fear, Hua Ling was thoughtful and suddenly remembered the scene before jumping on the bamboo raft.

Chen Yulou smiled, which was regarded as acquiescence.

 “What about the faces under the water?”

Partridge Whistle continued to ask.

Chen Yulou never thought that he could hide it from him.

 With the strength of Partridge Whistle, he would definitely notice such a big movement underwater.

 “Hateful person!”

 “That’s the demon that Xigu Qiuda said…”

 Hear this unfamiliar word.

Partridge Whistle’s face was even more ugly.

From the moment he stepped here, he felt an indescribable feeling of powerlessness.

Not only does it come from the inexplicable palpitations, but also from the fear of the unknown.

 There is a way to move mountains!

 This so-called technique is not Taoism. In the final analysis, it is actually the way of restraint.

Nothing in the world can escape the laws of yin and yang, and the five elements are in conflict with each other. Taoist Banshan relied on this characteristic to slay demons and fight upside down to find pearls.

But the visit to King Xian’s Tomb was different from any other time.

 The feeling given to him seemed to be a little beyond the Five Elements.

  Earlier on the bamboo raft, I caught a glimpse of that mysterious shadow passing by.

 He once thought about using the method of moving mountains and reclamation, but there was no response.

 That's why when the old foreigner asked, he was so helpless and hesitant.

Having traveled around the world for so many years and fought countless battles, the technique that has always been invincible has no effect.

 This made Partridge Whistle feel unprecedentedly panicked.

It's just that he gives people the impression of being cold and cold, and keeps strangers away, but no one notices him.

“It is said that the ancient Dian Kingdom was best at evil magic and witchcraft, and those who mastered it were called priests.”

“When King Xian left the Dian Kingdom and came to Zhelong Mountain, he secretly took away the high priest of the ancient Dian Kingdom, so...”

 Chen Yulou explained softly.

“So, everything here is arranged by the high priest?”

Partridge Whistle frowned slightly.

These were completely beyond what he had imagined.


  Seemed to notice his worries.

Chen Yulou smiled and said with relief.

“However, brother Dao, you don’t have to worry too much. How can a small barbarian country’s witchcraft and evil arts not be broken with the cooperation of you and me?”


 The group took a brief rest.

 Chen Yulou immediately asked people to observe the surroundings.

 According to the human skin map, the entrance is nearby.

  But it was formed in the Han Dynasty, more than 2,000 years ago.

 The environment here has already changed drastically, and the vast mountains and forests cover everything up.

 As long as you can roughly identify the direction.

 He will have to prepare air raid tactics.

 Let that old guy King Xian see the people who will be born two thousand years later and the world will collapse!

Not long after, the three teams that went out to explore the road turned back one by one.

Chen Yulou briefly compiled the news they had seen.

 Also compared with the human skin map.

Within a few minutes, a direction appeared in his mind.


Almost in unison.

 He and Partridge Whistle both thought of it.

Chen Yulou didn’t waste any time. Taking the main peak of Zhelong Mountain behind him as the criterion, he looked far to the southwest.

 I saw that area just between the two mountains.

  Formed a very special landform.

It's like...the Tianchi floating on the top of the clouds, except that the Tianchi is not water, but an endless primitive jungle.

The clouds in the sky are very low.

 Coupled with the fog generated by the melting of the snow peaks on both sides under the scorching sun, it accumulates all year round.

Sight is almost completely obscured.

But seems that a huge waterfall can be seen hanging in the mountains.

 The moment I saw that piece of terrain.

There seemed to be a voice cheering in Chen Yulou's mind.

 “You can’t be wrong, the dragon’s halo is invisible and the feng shui has no roots, so I offer it to the king!”

 (End of this chapter)

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