Qin Niu's current insect identification skills are more than one-star level, and he can identify quite a lot of species.

Can you identify so many types? A one-star appraiser only needs to identify one type. Choose the one you are best at!

Master Hu was a little surprised after hearing this.

Can I directly certify a two-star appraiser?

Qin Niu wanted to become a fat man in one bite, in one step.

Although I have a good relationship with you, skill recognition is a serious matter and must be carried out according to the process. First, certify the one-star appraiser, and then proceed to the two-star certification.

Master Hu can give special consideration to the matter of queuing, but the exam will not let him go.

Public is public, private is private.

Then I'll choose the bee!

The only knowledge Qin Niu had systematically studied was bee breeding, including bee identification.


Master Hu stood up and walked to the large cabinet behind him, climbed up the ladder, and opened the upper drawer.

You can see the word bee written on this drawer.

It feels a bit like the medicine cabinet in a Chinese herbal medicine store. Each drawer has a species of insect written on it.

What was taken out was a thick booklet.

If you are tall enough, you don't need to use a ladder.

After Master Hu opened the book, he could see that there were bee specimens on the first page.

The design is very clever.

The bee specimens were flattened into specimens and then sealed with wax.

Write down its species and other information, the more detailed the better.

It is equivalent to Master Hu asking questions and Qin Niu answering.

It’s just that this way of asking questions is very special.

In Qin Niu's opinion, the insect master's certification was extremely simple, but he did not expect that the appraiser's certification would be much more complicated.

In fact, it is difficult to become a pest master.

Under normal circumstances, the insect needs to be commanded to perform a series of actions on the special white jade stage in Chairman Li's office. Including walking through holes, crossing obstacles, etc.

Many insect masters cannot command insects to the level of Qin Niu. It takes repeated training to make them perform a commanded action before they can understand their master's intention and complete the corresponding action.

After completion, food rewards generally need to be given.

Not every insect master has the insect language skill.

Even if there is, the level of insect language is often very low, and it is impossible to communicate and talk with insect pets as easily as Qin Niu.

For most insect masters, being able to make insects accept a few simple commands and actions is already very good.

Just like when Qin Niu's insect language skills were at a beginner level, he could communicate simply with other termites, but they might not be able to understand him.

Even if the insect understands what its owner means, it cannot respond.

President Li's insect master level must be extremely high, and he has rich experience in examinations and has read countless people.

Qin Niu asked Lao Si to crawl out of the jar. The whole process was extremely easy.

There were so many termites, but only the fourth one crawled out.

This shows that Qin Niu's ability to interact with insects has reached a very high level. Therefore, the subsequent series of command assessments on Baiyutai were directly waived.

Qin Niu picked up the bee specimen and observed it carefully.

It was discovered that its surface was not sealed with wax, but with a transparent resin.

This allows him to better see some details of the bees.

Because wax is less transparent than resin.

The head and abdomen of this bee are black and very large. The middle chest is yellow and the whole body is covered with downy hair.

And its down looks longer and softer.

Although it is unknown how long it has been dead, its body color is still bright.

The mouthparts are well developed and the bite force must be very strong.

The down on the chest is dense and neat.

The tibiae of the hind legs are wide, smooth, and covered with long hairs around the ends, which are the pollen baskets.

The tarsal segments of the hind feet are wide and flat, with neat brushes distributed on the inner surface.

No external genitalia were seen.

Explain that this is a female bumble bee.

Before it is made into a specimen, the bee age should be relatively large, obvious signs of aging can be seen on the wings, the body is slightly shrunk, and the antennae are flat and straight. The six legs are slightly closed.

It's a bit like the natural death of human beings from old age.

The whole thing presents a more natural look.

After Qin Niu completed his appraisal, he wrote it down directly.

The female bumble bee belongs to the family Bombus in the family Hymenoptera and has a lifespan of about 7 months before dying of old age naturally. It has no special abilities, but its antennae are longer and have a thin tip, and its ability to sense floral fragrance is stronger than that of ordinary bumblebees.

The abdomen is flat, the tail is small, and the reproductive ability is poor.

The mouthparts are extremely developed and the nesting ability is strong.

Qin Niu wrote down its basic situation, advantages and disadvantages one by one.

Good boy, no wonder you dare to say such arrogant words, you immediately want to be certified as a two-star appraiser. This appraisal level is indeed very high.

After Master Hu read his answers, his face was full of surprise.

This is the expression of joy when seeing an extremely talented person.

There is no need to ask any more questions later. The questions for the one-star appraiser are very simple, and it is a waste of time to take the test again. Congratulations, you have successfully passed the certification of the one-star insect appraiser.

After speaking, Master Hu called a female staff member in.

It has to be said that these female staff members of the Insect Master Association are all tall, beautiful in appearance, and have good temperament and image.

Yu Xue, help Qin Niu handle the registration process for a one-star insect appraiser. This is his answer. Then bring in an application form for a two-star insect appraiser.

Master Hu may not seem tall, but his status in the Insect Master Association is very high.

Instructing these female staff to do things, their tone was indifferent.

They were also submissive.

Yeah, I passed after only answering one question!

After reading the answer sheet, she was shocked.

It doesn't take much to answer a question. The answer to this question alone is enough to beat many people who answer ten or even twenty questions.

Master Hu said calmly.

The lower the level, the more questions you need to answer.

Because the examiner cannot judge whether the candidate's appraisal level is up to standard through one or two questions.

There are many one-star appraisers, but there are far fewer two-star appraisers. If Mr. Qin can really pass the appraisal, I am afraid he will become the youngest two-star appraiser in our Insect Master Association!

Yu Xue looked at Qin Niu with her wonderful eyes, with a smile on her face.

In her eyes, although Qin Niu was poorly dressed, it was not important at all.

The youngest two-star insect appraiser, as long as he reaches a higher level in the future, he can become a distinguished being like Master Hu. By then, if you join the Insect Master Association, you will definitely become a high-level official.

She thought about it in her mind.

If you can marry such a potential stock, it will be much better than marrying an ordinary rich man in the city.

Miss Yu Xue, thank you!

Qin Niu was a little embarrassed by this beautiful female staff member.

Girls in this city are so bold. How can a young girl stare at a man like this?

I never praise people randomly, and I really admire you! If you need anything done at the Insect Master Association in the future, you can come to me. I will basically handle all file-related matters.

Yu Xue said hello with a smile and went out with Qin Niu's information.

Not long after, she came in again.

I have an application form for a two-star appraiser in my hand.

Here! Just press the top and fill it out. If you don't understand, you can go and ask me. It's in the archives over there.

She placed the form in front of Qin Niu. Whether intentionally or not, she lowered her body slightly and pointed at the items on the form.

The faint feminine fragrance also rushed into Qin Niu's nose.

Her hair hung down and touched Qin Niu's face. It was ticklish and fragrant.

Master Hu saw everything and didn't say much.

Although his status is higher than that of the female staff member, the relationship between the two parties is not that of a slave, but rather similar to that of superior and subordinate colleagues.

As a leader, he will naturally not prevent his female subordinates from pursuing personal happiness.

Yu Xue fell in love with Qin Niu, which was a good thing in Master Hu's opinion.

If the two of them can really become a couple, it will be much easier to deal with Qin Niu.

If such an outstanding young appraiser could be recruited into the Insect Masters Association and then personally taught and carefully trained by him, he could become the top insect appraiser in Black Tiger City within a few years.

It is even possible that he is better than his predecessor, surpassing him as a three-star appraiser.

By then, Black Tiger City will welcome its first four-star appraiser.

It’s exciting just to think about it.


Qin Niu didn't seem very moved by Yu Xue.

If they knew that Qin Niu's neighbor had a super beautiful girl, they would understand why Qin Niu could be so calm in the face of the beauty's pursuit.

Master Qin, don't be polite to me! I'm going to go and register you as a one-star appraiser first.

Not long after she left, she came back.

He looked at Qin Niu and found that he was filling out the application form with his head down.

Master Hu, I need your seal here!

After Master Hu took it, he took out his seal and stamped it on the file.

She took it and went out.

The seemingly simple one-star insect appraiser certification is actually extremely strict in terms of procedures.

The seal of the examiner and president is required.

The file entry clerk needs to sign and verify.

This way it can be well documented.

After Qin Niu filled out the form, Master Hu asked him to hand it directly to the female staff member at window three. Then come back and take the exam.

Those people are still queuing up outside.

Seeing Qin Niu coming out so quickly, some people showed gloating expressions.

You can think with your toes that the one-star appraiser test is so difficult, and Qin Niu must have failed the test if he came out so quickly.

Please help me go through the two-star appraiser certification procedures!

Qin Niu did not line up.

Hand the form directly to the female staff member at the window.

Ah... you completed the one-star appraiser certification so quickly?

The female staff member's face turned pale and she looked at Qin Niu in surprise.

Passed by luck.

Qin Niu responded calmly.

Okay, okay, I'll handle it for you right away. Master Qin, please wait a moment.

The female staff member changed his name to Master Qin.

If you can pass the two-star insect appraiser, you are really qualified to be called a master.

It's just that the title of master has some water.

If you get three stars or above, you are a genuine appraisal master.

You actually passed the one-star assessment? Cheating, it must be cheating!

Some envious people are out there speculating wildly.

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