Immortality: My talent for cultivating immortals can be refreshed

Chapter 552 Encountering two late Nascent Soul masters from Xingyu Sect

"The simultaneous practice of the True Spirit Art and the Infant God Technique has promoted each other, and the progress is faster than I expected."

On the Seven Immortal Rocks of Ziguang Island, Chu Ning looked at the proficiency in his mind.

[True Spirit Art (3000/640000)]

Although most of his energy during this period was in the three secret arts of Void Escape, Void Split and Void Finger.

However, the Infant God Technique and the True Spirit Art have not been relaxed, and they are interspersed.

With the cooperation of the two, they have improved a lot. Chu Ning thinks that half of the credit should be attributed to the treasure of the Infant God Wood.

About seven months after obtaining the True Spirit Art, the proficiency has been cultivated to 3000.

When Chu Ning released the Nascent Soul, he could clearly feel that the Nascent Soul was much larger than before he came to the Tianmu Continent.

"One foot, three inches and five centimeters. It seems that I can reach the one foot and four inches I want in advance.

If I wait until I cultivate to one foot and four inches, I should be able to officially perform the secret art of the Infant God Art.

But before that, I should first gather the last few materials for the Black Turtle Shield.

Calculating the time, it's almost time to start..."

Chu Ning looked up at the sky, and then summoned Bai Ling and the two golden thunder eagles to his side.

He had intended to leave Bai Ling and the two golden thunder eagles on the island before, anyway, he was just going to Jian Qingshan to get some refining materials.

But after a change of mind, he gave up this plan.

Jian Qingshan might not be able to gather all the materials, so naturally he would have to spend some time to go to other places.

Although this island is equipped with various formations, it is hard to guarantee that it will not be discovered by other cultivators.

If he is on the island, it will be fine. Chu Ning can deal with anyone who dares to break in.

If he is not on the island, relying on Bai Ling alone, ordinary mid-stage Nascent Soul cultivators will have no problem. If he encounters late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators, or multiple Nascent Soul cultivators

Bai Ling might have a hard time dealing with it.

Anyway, he didn't carry any rare things on this island. For Chu Ning, it was just a place to stay, and it wasn't that important.

If Bai Ling or the two golden thunder eagles had any accidents, it would be a big loss.

Thinking of this, Chu Ning let the two golden thunder eagles get into the spirit beast bag.

He let Bai Ling sit on his shoulders, then flew away, drove the leaf flying magic weapon, and flew away from the island towards the land.

With the experience of coming here, he felt that the target of the golden thunder eagle was too conspicuous and it was easy to provoke some ordinary cultivators, so it was best to fly by himself.

Flying from Ziguang Island to the shortest distance on the land of Tianmu Continent, Chu Ning would need more than ten days even if he flew at full speed.

Chu Ning had been here once before, so he was familiar with the road.

Because this direction was the closest to the Jian family, he didn't deliberately avoid Xuanshui Sect.

Although he was chased by the Yuanying cultivator of this sect for a while, after all, so much time has passed, Chu Ning thinks it is unlikely that the other party is still waiting for him.

Of course, if the other party really wants to attack him, Chu Ning naturally doesn't mind teaching him a lesson.

Before, he just felt that the date agreed with Master Hansong was approaching, so he didn't want to cause trouble.

When his cultivation level was low before, Chu Ning often used the shape-changing spell to avoid trouble.

With his current cultivation level, there is no need to change his appearance just because of such a sect.

After flying for several days, nothing happened along the way.

He also met some cultivators on the road, but after they showed the aura of Yuanying cultivators, they all avoided them.

Seeing that he could reach the inland in another day, Chu Ning, who was flying, suddenly had a slight flash of his eyes.

At the same time, his consciousness swept towards the east.

"A late Nascent Soul cultivator, judging from his appearance, he is Tong Changhong from Lingyu Sect."

Recognizing Tong Changhong's identity, Chu Ning raised his eyebrows inadvertently.

"I guess this person should be here for the Xuanling Sect cultivator. The outside world doesn't know that I helped Xuanling Sect to drive the Void Spirit Key, so there is no need to worry too much.

However, I fought with Wang Jifeng in the yellow sand of the Tianji Grassland.

Although the other party's body was destroyed mainly because of the Sky Palace, I am afraid he will also hate me.

My appearance should also be known by the people of Xingyu Sect.

I don't know if the other party has discovered me just now, and whether they will come for me."

This thought flashed through his mind, and the next moment, Chu Ning continued to fly forward.

As he flew away, Tong Changhong on the east side also accelerated to catch up.

"The other party really discovered me!"

After Chu Ning snorted in his heart, he did not use the forbidden magic to escape directly.

Instead, he continued to fly forward as if he had not discovered the other party.

"Since we have already made enemies with Xingyu Sect, we will inevitably meet again in the future. Instead of doing that, it is better to take advantage of not being in Xingyu Sect's territory and destroy a large part of the other party's fighting force."

Chu Ning had a flash of murderous intent in his mind at this time.

"And we must fight quickly, otherwise I am afraid that the other party will have help.

Since Xingyu Sect came for Xuanling Sect, I am afraid they have received some information.

Moreover, Tong Changhong would not come alone."

As the saying goes, the more skilled you are, the more courageous you are. After Chu Ning had fought with many late-stage Nascent Soul cultivators, he was not afraid of the late-stage great cultivators.

Instead, he felt that this was a good opportunity.

So under Chu Ning's intentional control of speed, Tong Changhong quickly caught up with Chu Ning.

Chu Ning looked back at this moment, pretending to show a trace of panic.

This made Tong Changhong behind him suddenly show a fake smile.

Seeing that the two sides were less than a hundred feet apart,

the next moment, Tong Changhong suddenly used the teleportation technique to close the distance between him and Chu Ning by twenty feet.

Then, he used the teleportation technique again, trying to get closer again.

At the same time when Tong Changhong disappeared, Chu Ning did not retreat but advanced instead, and did not flee in a hurry as Tong Changhong thought.

Instead, he suddenly used the Void Escape technique to close the distance between him and Tong Changhong by forty feet.

In this way, when Tong Changhong completed the teleportation, he suddenly found that Chu Ning was less than twenty feet away.

At the same time, a blue-white lotus shot towards him.


Tong Changhong couldn't help but let out a surprised sound at this moment.

He really didn't expect that Chu Ning would suddenly be so close to him.

But at this moment, he could not think too much, seeing that the blue-white lotus had already shot several feet away from him.

When Tong Changhong waved his hand, a star-like light flew out of his hand.

Seeing that the other party was directly attacking his Hunyuan Fire Lotus, Chu Ning's eyes lit up.

He immediately stretched out his finger and lightly pointed forward.

Void Finger!


At the same time that Chu Ning activated the Void Finger, the Hunyuan Fire Lotus was hit by the starlight.

After making a not-so-loud sound, it suddenly exploded!

The next moment, a powerful wave of blue-white air swept towards Tong Changhong.

Wherever the blue-white passed, the spiritual energy was swept away!

As for the starlight that Tong Changhong hit, it had long been annihilated.

Tong Changhong could also clearly feel the power of the explosion of the Hunyuan Fire Lotus at this moment.

Feeling that this power would cause him to be severely injured, his face immediately changed.

He was about to use teleportation to dodge.

But at the same time, he suddenly felt the strange fluctuation of the space force around him.

Under the influence of this space force, he could not use teleportation.

At this moment, ordinary escape techniques could not avoid such shock waves at all.

However, Tong Changhong was indeed a great cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage.

Seeing that the shock wave of the Hunyuan Fire Lotus had already attacked, his body was forcibly pulled back about three feet.

At the same time, the starlight on his body shone, and a defensive shield was quickly formed.

In front of him, there was a silver feather fan at this moment.

The fan bones were silver and the fan surface was light blue feathers.

As soon as the silver feather fan appeared, it collided with the oncoming blue and white air waves.

The feather fan immediately floated and swayed in the air waves, and at the same time, wind blades were wrapped around it.

At this moment, it actually blocked a lot of air waves in front of Tong Changhong.

However, it was not able to completely stop the huge impact of the Hunyuan Fire Lotus.

The blue and white air waves immediately hit Tong Changhong's starlight shield.

The next moment, the starlight shield disintegrated and turned into dots of starlight.

Together with the blue and white light formed by the Hunyuan Fire Lotus, it fell downwards.

Tong Changhong, who was hit by this, also flew back several feet away, his face slightly pale.

"The late Yuanying cultivator of the top sect in the Tianmu Continent is really powerful!"

Seeing that he unexpectedly used the Hunyuan Fire Lotus to attack, it only caused Tong Changhong to suffer some injuries.

It did not cause fatal damage to the opponent.

Chu Ning couldn't help but be secretly surprised at this moment.

However, he was already prepared. In a flash, he flew forward again with the help of the Void Escape and came to Tong Changhong's side.

Holding the Five Elements Spirit Sword, he chopped down directly at the opponent.

But at the same time, Chu Ning suddenly felt that a qi locked on him, and it seemed that there was a powerful attack coming.

"There is also a late Yuanying cultivator!"

Realizing this, Chu Ning immediately became alert and did not have time to hit Tong Changhong.

Chu Ning only shot out a sword beam, and his figure flashed away.

The next moment after Chu Ning's figure disappeared, a starlight pierced through the sky and earth like a meteor, and hit where he was standing.

At the same time, a figure appeared.

After flying back thirty feet away with the help of the void escape, Chu Ning's eyes were looking at the figure that appeared in the air at this moment.

"Shan Tianqi!"

Chu Ning looked at the other party's figure, which was colder and more arrogant than Tong Changhong, and blurted out the other party's name.

He had seen the portraits of the three late Yuanying cultivators of Xingyu Sect from Master Hansong a long time ago, and at this moment he recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

I didn't expect that there were two late Yuanying cultivators of Xingyu Sect here, and Shan Tianqi was so close that he was not noticed.

This made Chu Ning's heart sink.

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