Immortality: My talent for cultivating immortals can be refreshed

Chapter 3 Entering the sect, the immortal and mortal paths

When Chu Ning heard the voice, she looked over and saw a middle-aged man with a gentle expression wearing the robe of the Qingxi Sect standing at the front of the team.

His eyes were deep and simple, as if he could see through people's hearts. Although he kept a gentle smile on his face, people didn't dare to look directly at him.

This person held a test jade pillar in his hand and said to the person standing at the front of the team:

"Put your hands up."

The man put his hand up, but Yuzhu showed no reaction at all.

"No spiritual roots."

After the middle-aged man finished speaking, the man immediately walked away with a disappointed look on his face.

"No spiritual roots."

"No spiritual roots."

I tested nearly ten people in a row, and they all had no spiritual roots.

"It seems that there are not many people who have the qualifications to cultivate spiritual roots." Chu Ning couldn't help but mutter at this moment.

The number of people who came to Qingxi City for the test today is estimated to be less than one thousandth compared to the entire number of people of the same age in the nearby area, and less than one of the ten people tested now is qualified.

This also means that those who can cultivate with spiritual roots can be said to be one in a million.

At this time, the test had reached the eleventh one. The person put his hand on it, and the test jade pillar suddenly showed five colors.

"The Five Elements Pseudo-Spiritual Root can be regarded as barely capable of cultivation."

The middle-aged man spoke with a normal expression, but the person doing the test was overjoyed.

Except for a few people who participated in the test, the rest also cast envious glances.

Chu Ning also found out clearly during this period that in the world of immortal cultivation, single-attribute spiritual roots are called heavenly spiritual roots, dual-attribute spiritual roots are called earthly spiritual roots, and three-attribute spiritual roots are called true spiritual roots.

The above three spiritual roots are all very fast to cultivate, among which the heavenly spiritual root is the fastest.

The four-attribute spiritual roots and the five-attribute spiritual roots are called pseudo-spiritual roots, and their cultivation speed is slow.

Therefore, sects usually select disciples with three or more spiritual roots to vigorously train them, while those with pseudo-spiritual roots are generally recruited as sect servant disciples. While practicing, they are responsible for planting, breeding, mining and other chores.

Of course, some large sects have higher requirements.

But even the sect's handyman disciples' status is completely different from that of ordinary people. Especially the handyman disciples also have the opportunity to enter the outer sect through practice.

Even occasionally some handyman disciples can get the opportunity to enter the inner sect and even go further.

Because of this, many people are still extremely envious even when they hear about the Five Elements Pseudo Spiritual Root.

The test of T-zilie continued, and the next seven people were directly wiped out without spiritual roots.

Finally it was Chu Ning's turn. He stood in front of the test pillar and looked at the jade pillar in front of him curiously.

"Put your hands here."

The middle-aged man's voice came, and Chu Ning placed his hand in a groove with anticipation.

The jade pillar quickly flashed with light, and four rays of light appeared: green, white, red, and yellow.

The middle-aged man continued to use his plain voice and said calmly:

"Pseudo spiritual roots with the four attributes of wood, water, fire and earth."

As the middle-aged man finished speaking, people around him looked over one after another, especially the young people who had failed to win the election. They looked at Chu Ning with unspeakable envy and jealousy.

Although Chu Ning also has a pseudo-spiritual root, he is better than the person just now.

Among the top nineteen people in the D-list, Chu Ning is clearly the one with the best talent.

At this moment, Chu Ning felt quite uneasy.

"The four colors should represent the four spiritual roots, and the green color should represent the wood attribute. I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that the green color is brighter. Could it be related to my Yinmu spirit body?"

Although he had this idea in his heart, Chu Ning had no plan to propose it. He just thanked the middle-aged man, walked out of the team, and was guided to the group of people who had passed the test.

These days, he has heard a lot of information about spiritual roots, but no one has ever talked about spiritual bodies.

"Spirit bodies must be very special beings. Even if they are not unique to my golden finger, they are certainly very rare.

You cannot reveal your secrets at will until you understand the specific situation. "

Chu Ning made up her mind.

People are unpredictable, so keeping a low profile and being humble is the way to survive.

The test is still going on because there are indeed a lot of people and it takes a lot of time.

By the time the entire test was over, it was already noon.

The most sensational event during the process was when one person tested out to have a dual-attribute earth spirit root.

But this is undoubtedly extremely rare. Not to mention earth spiritual roots, even if there are three attributes of true spiritual roots, there are only more than ten people.

Dozens of other people have the same pseudo-spiritual roots as Chu Ning.

"The current selection of Qingxi Sect is over, and the next selection will start in three years."

The sound echoed through the sky the next moment.

In the envious eyes of everyone, Chu Ning and other people who passed the test boarded several spirit boats in batches, soared into the air, and disappeared into the air in the blink of an eye.

The people standing there stared at the sky for a long time and refused to move away. Everyone realized that from now on, there were two paths between immortals and mortals.

"This is a magic weapon, it's really magical to cultivate immortality!"

Chu Ning felt a completely different experience from flying in her previous life. Looking at the figure of the middle-aged man in green robe standing on the spirit boat, she felt inexplicable excitement and expectation in her heart.

The expressions of other teenagers at this moment were even more excited and excited.

Hundreds of miles away, arrived in a blink of an eye.

The middle-aged man who had previously given Chu Ning a test drove the spirit boat to a house at the foot of a mountain range.

Soon, another middle-aged man with a beard and short stature who looked to be in his forties walked out of the house, quickly came to the middle-aged man, and said respectfully:

"Elder Chen!"

The middle-aged man nodded, and then said to the visitor:

"Deacon He, these are all disciples with pseudo-spiritual roots of the fourth and fifth attributes. They should go to your Baiyi Hall to train first. If there are good seedlings, we can then cultivate them."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the other party to speak, he turned to face Chu Ning and said:

"This is Deacon He Changyouhe of Baiyi Hall. He will take you to Baiyi Hall to serve as handyman disciples. The sect will also arrange for people to teach you some basic cultivation methods.

You guys must not belittle yourselves, and don't slack off, practice hard, and one day you will be able to enter the sect to practice formally and step into the great avenue. "


Chu Ning and the others responded one after another.

Elder Chen nodded slightly, and a jade slip suddenly appeared in his hand. He handed it to He Changyou without saying a word, turned around and left in the wind, disappearing in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he left, He Changyou, who was originally respectful, stood upright, looked at the new group of people, and said with great momentum:

"Now we will assign rooms to you. There are fire stove rooms, spirit animal rooms, spiritual plant rooms, etc. People who go to different rooms are responsible for different affairs and practice different techniques."

When Chu Ning heard this, he immediately became serious. For him, it was undoubtedly best to go to an office where he could practice wood techniques and spells.

I just don’t know what the other party’s basis is for allocating rooms.


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