Immortality: I can absorb the memories of the dead

Chapter 98 Breakthrough, Divine Emperor (Subscription Request)

Zhou Yi did not let him go as he said, but looked at him indifferently.

Buddha's expression suddenly changed.

"You are treacherous? You want to break your oath?"

"Isn't this normal? Do you really think that after I release you, your body will agree to form an alliance with me?

Maybe you are just a clone and your brain is simply not enough. I can tell you clearly that this is absolutely impossible.

Any truly strong person will not allow others to take advantage of him casually, nor will he allow an ant to be compared with him.

Although my strength is very powerful compared to yours, it should not be enough in front of your body. If you really leave this world, I'm afraid it will be me who dies in the future. "

"You beast, my body will never let you go. Sooner or later, he will come and tear you apart in person. You will eventually go to endless hell and die without a burial place."


Zhou Yi shrugged and activated the Chaos Clock. The next moment, the glow filled the interior of the Chaos Clock and turned him into ashes.

"Ah ah ah I curse you! I curse you!"

The last remaining thoughts of the golden body let out bursts of screams.

And the power of Buddhism has completely disappeared in this world.

Zhou Yi waved his big hand gently, and the Chaos Bell immediately flew back to his hand.

Watching it rotating gently in his palm, Zhou Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Thinking that this thing is such a precious treasure, if I let others know about it in the future, I'm afraid I won't end up well. I can no longer display this treasure casually in the future.

In addition, I have to find a way to seize the time to find all the remaining fragments of the treasure. "

According to what the other party just said, if these treasures can be gathered together, not only can they exert their true power, but they should also be able to obtain some unprecedented powerful means from them.

After doing all this, Zhou Yi turned around and left.

When he came back again, he was already inside the tavern.

In the tavern, the Lin Territory God, the Qin Territory God, and the Gongsun Territory God were all still waiting here. When they saw him coming back, their expressions suddenly changed. Then they coughed lightly, stood up, cupped their hands and said:

"I didn't expect that Zhou Yushen would be so powerful. It's simply daunting. We really admire him and are willing to form an alliance with Zhouyushen and become each other's best friends. I wonder what Zhouyushen will do?"

Zhou Yi looked at them flatly.

"It seems that some of you haven't recognized the relationship between us yet. I have given you several opportunities before. If you had been obedient at that time, I think we have become mutual friends now. A good friend to rely on.

But it is a pity that the reason why you agree now is after I showed my strength.

You should have heard the old saying that it is better to add something to the cake than to provide help in times of need. Therefore, our current alliance no longer holds. "

Lin Yushen couldn't help but sigh deeply. He had already guessed this situation before, but he didn't expect it to come true.

There is nothing that can be done about this. The other party’s strength is so strong that they cannot help but agree.

As long as a few people present dare to show a hint of displeasure, they are afraid that they will all follow the Supreme Light Buddha to hell in the next second.

In order to give himself some dignity, save himself from being ridiculed by others, and save himself from being beaten before continuing to agree, Lin Yushen, although the oldest, was also the first to speak.

"From today onwards, Lin is willing to surrender to the God of Zhou Territory."

"Senior Lin!"

When Gongsun Yushen and Qin Yushen saw this scene, they couldn't help showing a sad look in their eyes.

As a domain god who has been practicing for more than a thousand years, the Forest God is now being asked to be someone else's follower. This is such a sad thing.

Thousands of years of hard work have now all turned into someone else's wedding dress.

But they no longer have time to express too much emotion to others, because they are now faced with taking a stand.

After Zhou Yi made his statement, Zhou Yi looked at the two of them, and his meaning was very obvious. Either surrender like him or die!

The two had no choice but to nod in agreement.

"Since Senior Lin has already decided, it's hard for the two of us to say anything. From now on, we are willing to submit to the Zhou Territory God."

Zhou Yi nodded and shot a golden light directly into the heads of the three people. It was his exclusive mark and was used to control the three people.

Although they have surrendered on the surface, they are still not of the same mind as themselves. If something unexpected happens in the future, they may betray themselves immediately.

Zhou Yi didn't want to leave any safety risks for himself, nor did he want to leave any safety risks for his men.

The three people did not resist. When things came to an end, they no longer had any time to decide on their own rights.

After solving these three people, the battle between the kings will begin.

The forest god said:

"Zhou Territory God, I wonder who you are planning to make the next realm king now?"

Zhouyi thought briefly.

"I have not yet made a decision on this matter. As I said before, each of you has a chance."

To him, it doesn't matter who becomes the king of the realm as long as the subordinates are conquered by him.

Zhou Yi is not so petty, nor is his vision so shallow.

His goal from beginning to end was not this little realm king.

In his eyes, there is a more ambitious goal, that is, the domain above the three thousand worlds!

A true strong man will always set his goals higher. Once the goal is set too low, it is easy to cause self-satisfaction, and the consequence of self-satisfaction is stagnation from then on.

Lin Yushen and others were shocked.

"Zhou Yushen, are we really qualified to compete for that position?"

"Of course."

"Thank you Zhou Yushen."

At this moment, the three suddenly found that their minds seemed too narrow. Zhou Yi didn't care about them at all, or that he didn't care about that position at all.

And they were still foolishly holding it in their hearts like a treasure.

Just for this point, they have already opened up a gap with him.

Zhou Yi waved his hand.

"Go back and practice. The Supreme Light Buddha was killed, and the battle for the Realm King has been opened. There are still two places left. After I get these two places as soon as possible, I will directly start the battle for the Realm King."


Several people nodded in agreement and left this place quickly.

Zhou Yi summoned the Demon King and Li Xuanjiu.


The two will soon arrive at this place. They are very close to Zhou Yi's location, almost in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Yi nodded.

"You should have known that I just destroyed the Supreme Light Buddha in the West."

"Master is strong, it is our blessing."

"Don't talk about these empty words. Now almost all the masters in the whole West have been killed by me, but the area there is vast, and there are still many people who continue to practice there, and there are many resources there, which are very rich. If others take them away, it would be a pity.

You two can each send your own elite soldiers to the Western world to spread each other's methods, so as to occupy the West and enhance each other's strength."

When the two heard this, their eyes lit up instantly, and they immediately bowed to him.

"Thank you, Master."

Zhou Yi waved his hand.



After the two left, Zhou Yi began to meditate in seclusion to experience the realm of the God Emperor.

He now felt that he was only one step away from that realm. As long as he found that feeling, he could break through to that realm in an instant.

As long as his strength was raised to another level, not to mention the current world, even several worlds combined would not be his opponent.

At that time, he would have more means of self-protection, and he could go to other worlds to find the fragments of the Chaos Bell without worry.

At the same time, somewhere in this world.

A huge golden eagle quickly flew in front of one of the figures.

This figure was wearing a black robe, but the black robe was embroidered with a five-clawed golden dragon with gold thread.

There was an extremely domineering feeling between his eyebrows, which made people dare not look at him, and it was chilling.

After the golden eagle came in front of him, it quickly turned into a human figure, and then knelt in front of him.

"Young Master, I have found out that the guy who destroyed the Supreme Light Buddha is called Zhou Yi, a powerful domain god who suddenly rose in the Haotian Palace area."

"Zhou Yi. I have never heard of this name before. I didn't expect this guy to be so well hidden."

After a pause, he spoke again:

"But no matter what. I must win the battle for the Realm King this time! Pass my order and send people to the Western Heaven World to preach the Dharma first. I must fight for as many resources there as possible. Only by further improving my personal behavior can I ensure that I win the battle for the Realm King!"


Time passed in a flash, and in the blink of an eye, it was several years.

On this day, Zhou Yi, who was in retreat, suddenly felt that he had entered a mysterious state.

It is hard to say what this state is, but it gives people an extremely mysterious feeling, which makes people a little unpredictable.

When he had this feeling, his whole body seemed to be no longer completely in this world.

It was as if his eyes could directly penetrate the current world barrier, cross more dimensions, and go to other worlds.

Zhou Yi slowly opened his eyes and found that he was in a void.

To say it was a void was not entirely accurate. To be precise, this was a world full of rosy clouds.

The energy of this world was purer. If it was the realm of the Domain God, perhaps it could still last for a while. If it had not even reached this realm, it would probably turn into ashes in just a few breaths.

"The energy here is so strong. When the shadow of the ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas wanted to escape from this world, the space crack that opened seemed to contain this kind of energy."

So. This is actually the dimensional space where the major worlds intersect?

"Because my strength is currently at this stage, I was guided here. If I can understand the mystery, then I may be promoted to become a God Emperor. If I fail, I may be left here forever, or even turned into the energy and nutrients of this world."

Zhou Yi pondered for a moment, and immediately began to perceive this world seriously.

It was soon discovered that the power of this world actually consists of two main parts.

One part is time, and the other part is space!

In other words, this is a combination of time and space. Only by understanding the power of time and space can one completely absorb power from this world and enter the realm of the God Emperor in one fell swoop.

He began to try to contact these two forces. When he absorbed the power of space, he found that his soul began to grow larger and irregularly shaped.

This is because he could not control the power of space here, which led to his inability to maintain his body shape after absorbing it.

After a pause, Zhou Yi began to absorb the power of time again, but after absorbing the power of time, he found that his body began to age faster again.

However, at this time, the immortal fruit in his mind burst into a ray of light, and his lost life was replenished again.

"It's still better to have the immortal fruit. By the way, the immortal fruit itself is also related to the power of time. I don't know if it can suppress the power of time."

He did it as he said, and immediately began to try to communicate with the immortal fruit in his mind.

The next moment, the immortal fruit responded to him and released more time power.

With these time powers, he can easily suppress the time power he absorbs, and Zhou Yi's strength becomes stronger and stronger. Soon, the time power in his body reaches a balance with the concentration of time elements in the current world.

In this case, he has passed the test of time power here.

But there is not only time power here, but also space power. He must subdue the space power at the same time.

Zhou Yi thought of a way.

"Since the time power and space power here complement each other and intertwine with each other, then the two powers represent that they can suppress each other.

I have mastered the time power here now, and I should be able to suppress the space power easily. Yes, this is a good idea."

He immediately tried to use the time power to suppress the space power, and found that the effect was significant. The space power was ruthlessly compressed in his body. Even if he wanted to struggle to destroy his body, he could not break through the blockade of the world power.

Zhou Yi used the means of Wuxiang Gong to let the two powers flow in his body, like Tai Chi, connected from beginning to end, but not infringing on each other.

So far, the two powers he proposed have reached a balance.

And he also officially declared that he had entered the realm of the Divine Emperor!

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