Immortality: I can absorb the memories of the dead

Chapter 54 The Secret History of Daqian (Please read it later)

"Master, this guy hasn't been a coroner for a long time."

Yin Tianli slowly descended from the sky, looking at the middle-aged Zhou Yi in front of him, his eyes were both excited and full of chill.

"(o)! That's right, it's him!"

None of the three coroners killed before, although this guy in front of him looked a bit middle-aged, Yin Tianli still recognized his identity in an instant.

He had been awakened by anger in countless days and nights, and whenever he thought of being attacked by a shameless old man, he felt that it was the biggest shame in his life.

He looked like a idiot!

Now, he finally waited for this day, and he finally found this bastard!

He wanted to kill Zhou Yi, to pull out his tendons and skin him!

He was so excited that he was going crazy, and he wanted to do it directly in the sky to cheer him up!

Just when he was about to speak, a sudden thought came to his mind.

No, why should I tell him my identity?

I can just not tell him, just like he didn't tell me his identity at the beginning, beat him to death, beat him to death, let him never reincarnate, and die without knowing who killed him!

Yes, do it.

Including him, there are three big clans, three to one, the advantage is on me.

This dog coroner is just a turtle in a jar, destined to be played to death by me.

Thinking of this, Yin Tianli put his hands behind his back, raised his chin slightly, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with an expression that he had won Zhou Yi.

"Cut off his limbs, seal his cultivation, I want him alive."

As soon as the words came out, Zhou Yi disappeared without a trace.



Yin Tianli didn't understand what was going on, and Zhou Yi didn't know when he came in front of him. What was even more confusing was that Zhou Yi's big hand easily pierced his chest, dug out his heart directly, and crushed it in front of him.


The explosion was as loud and clear as a slap.

Yin Tianli: “╭(⊙o⊙)╮?”



What’s going on?

What happened?

He died again?

Didn’t he have time to make a move?

He finally got such a good background, got such a good divine body, and cultivated to the level of a great master.

He just came back, and he didn’t even say a single move, and he didn’t even have time to curse him, but he was killed again?



His consciousness began to fall into a coma, and darkness began to erode.

Zhou Yi’s strength was too strong, and a simple move even directly shattered his soul.

Before his consciousness completely disappeared, he vaguely heard the angry voices of his men.

"Shameless, how dare you sneak attack!"

"Damn it, he killed the young master, we can't let him live, otherwise the elder will definitely skin us alive."

In reality, his men did exactly as he heard, and rushed up to avenge him the moment he was killed by Zhou Yi.

Zhou Yi didn't even bother to look at them, with just one thought, the four men exploded into four balls of blood mist three feet in front of him, and their cultivation, blood essence and memories were all swallowed up by him.

【I'm reborn! I became the grandson of the elder of the Sun and Moon Sect, hahahaha, in this life, I want the sky to not cover my eyes, I want the earth to not bury my heart, let the gods and Buddhas tremble, the world is only the devil! 】

【Three thousand domains in the Great Wilderness, three thousand realms in one domain. Um. Uh. Ah. I take back the last sentence. 】

【It doesn't matter, compared to those garbage living at the bottom, I'm already very lucky. People should be content, and contentment is happiness! 】

【This Sun and Moon Seal is much stronger than my Heavenly Demon Seal, wonderful. 】

【This Sun and Moon Cult is actually related to Daqian? Hahahaha. I have hope of revenge. That damn coroner, this time, I will make you pay with blood. 】

【After twenty years, I am finally back. This time, I will take back everything that belongs to me. 】

【I will kill him ruthlessly, break all his bones one by one, throw him into the Ten Thousand Insects Cave, let him be bitten by thousands of insects, peel off his skin to make lanterns, and pull out his tendons to make pendants, hahahaha.】

【Hey, am I dead again? 】

【Fuck, me! @#¥% @%……\u0026%¥! ! ! ! ! ! 】

Zhou Yi's face changes unpredictably, as exciting as it can be.

He said that he was always cautious in doing things. He would never provoke others, or he would kill them if he provoked them, and would never leave them alive. How could someone come to surround him? It turned out that this guy was the reincarnation of the old demon from the Demon Cult.

Under normal circumstances, reincarnation would not have memories, but some masters with strong mental power could remember part of their memories.

"Reincarnation is reincarnation, can't you practice well? Why do you have to come to me?"

Zhou Yi shook his head speechlessly.

However, what made him even more speechless was that although he had just shattered this guy's soul, he was not dead.

It turned out that masters like the old demon who specialized in practicing mental power would often leave a hand for themselves, that is, to divide a little of their soul power and make it into a life card. When they died, the life card would automatically break and reincarnate.

Although this would weaken most of the soul power, at least it would not make him completely extinct from this world.

However, the soul power of reincarnation would be even more slim to preserve the memory of the previous life.

Even if it is saved, it can only save the memory before the spirit is divided, but not the memory of the current encounter.

So Zhou Yi does not have to worry that he will make his affairs public from a far distance.

"This is a good way to save life. I wonder if I can get some long-range sniping means, like the seven arrows in the novels of the previous life, so that I don't have to worry about others getting a bunch of soul tablets."

Zhou Yi continued to explore the memory, and the expression on his face became more exciting.

"The Sun and Moon Divine Sect, the Heaven and Earth Society, the chief leader. This guy is not the eunuch Chen next to Li Qingxuan! Good guy, it turns out that he was the one who turned into a black-clothed man in the Beimang battlefield and taught Li Qingxuan the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Art!

Instigating the two dragons to fight and destroying the descendants of the King of Yan. This guy is actually his man? Hiss~! He is so forbearing."

Zhou Yi was shocked and speechless.

The complexity of this world is still far beyond his imagination.

Just the love and hatred of Daqian alone has given him a headache, but he didn't expect that Daqian is so small in the whole world.

I can't play anymore, I can't play anymore, I have to keep hiding, and improve my strength again, no, I have to improve it several times.

But now, I have to destroy the branch of Tiandihui first. They already know that Yin Tianli is looking for Tianlao's coroner. If they find out about me, it will be a big problem.

Cut the grass and get rid of the roots!

On the first day of August, I wish you all good health and harmony.

August is the day to make a fortune. I hope everyone will have good luck this month! Make a fortune!

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