Immortality: I can absorb the memories of the dead

Chapter 20: Sword cuts the snake spirit and swallows the demon pill

"Not good!"

Everyone was terrified. Two of them immediately tried to stop the black python. However, the 100,000 strength of the innate master had no effect on the black python. They could not even resist for a moment and were swallowed by the black python.

Seeing that the black python was about to catch up, Li Xiaoren was extremely desperate.

"My life is over!"

But at this critical moment, a sword light suddenly shot down from the sky.

The sword light was like lightning, spreading hundreds of meters away. When the sword fell, it swept the black python over a hundred meters long.


The black python let out a wail, and the scales on its body, which were like fine steel, were blown apart inch by inch. Its body was strangled by the sword energy and turned into pieces of meat.


The earth was violently shaken, and a huge sword mark over two hundred meters long and more than thirty meters deep was imprinted on the ground.

The lake water began to backflow, but Li Xiaoren and others looked at everything in front of them in confusion.

"What happened?"

"My Lord, look, there is someone in the sky!"

At this time, Li Xiaoren just looked up at the sky and saw a figure standing in the air.

Seeing this scene, Li Xiaoren's heart moved.


His face was happy. The grandmaster was the strongest person under the national martial saint. It was hard to find one on weekdays, but now he was lucky enough to see one.

If he could use it for himself, he would definitely be a great assistant to ascend the throne in the future!

Thinking of this, he immediately stood up and bowed to the figure in the sky.

"Junior Chu Wangfu's prince Li Xiaoren, thank you for saving my life"

Zhou Yi in the sky heard this voice, turned his head and glanced at the people below, and then slashed with a sword again.

The moment the sword light enlarged in the pupil, Li Xiaoren and others didn't react.

What's going on?

Why did they attack them?

They had never offended the great leader in front of them!

With a loud explosion, Li Xiaoren and others were also blown up to the sky.

Zhou Yi had known about Li Xiaoren in the memory of the thief god Li Guangling before. He was an out-and-out bad guy, and he was also stupid and bad.

He oppressed the people and supported the dead soldiers. Even the Jianghu didn't know how many righteous men died in his hands.

Before Zhou Yi took action, he had already noticed that there were many corpses of civilians tied with ropes on the lake, and he had guessed that the other party used people to catch the snake spirit.

So he directly killed them all, leaving no one alive!

With a wave of his hand, the Heaven-Devouring Demonic Art absorbed the power of several people who had just died, and directly extracted the power of several dead people. The body pieces were taken, and the memories were also searched one by one.

"A stupid pig who is blinded by greed actually wants to be an emperor? Really."

After obtaining Li Xiaoren's memory, Zhou Yi was speechless.

This guy is an extremely narcissistic person!

His mother was originally a singing girl in a brothel. Fortunately, she was favored by the King of Chu and gave birth to him, so she entered the palace.

Although she entered the palace, her status was humble, far inferior to other princesses, and she didn't even get the status of a princess.

In this case, Li Xiaoren was naturally not liked by other brothers and sisters.

But this guy thought that this was God's training because he read some cool novels on the street stalls.

As the saying goes, if God wants to give a man a great responsibility, he must first work his muscles and bones and starve his body.

From then on, Li Xiaoren began to work hard and study martial arts.

Originally, things didn't develop into a narcissistic path, but he found that he was actually talented when he practiced. He started practicing martial arts at the age of nine and entered the realm of innateness at the age of thirty-two.

Entering the realm of innateness at the age of twenty-three can be regarded as a medium level among geniuses, and can be ranked in the top five among his five brothers and sisters.

But he didn't think so, because his mother's blood was low and her origin was humble, so his bloodline power was only half of that of others. Then according to this calculation formula, if his mother's blood was as noble as that of other people's mothers, his talent would be doubled, and he would enter the innate realm in about ten and a half years.

This result was faster than the second son of the most talented Chu Palace who entered the innate realm in eleven years!

So, he began to be arrogant, thinking that he was the son of destiny and would definitely inherit the throne in the future.

From then on, he began to build his own power and make plans for the future.

After obtaining the Martial Saint Map, he felt that God was blessing him in the dark, and even felt that he was qualified to be an emperor.

"People can be confident, but being overconfident is overestimating one's own abilities."

Zhou Yi shook his head speechlessly.

Like him, who has opened three plug-ins, he still honestly follows the path of Gou Daoliu. You, an ordinary genius, also want to get involved in the throne.

You must know that Li Xuanqing in Kyoto has the qualifications to sweep the entire Chu Palace.

It's really a blind spot!

Zhou Yi landed and looked at the two snake spirits he had killed. He couldn't help but sigh at the wonder of this world.

These two snakes were so spectacular. If they were put in a park in his previous life and sold tickets, the money detector would smoke.

However, when he performed the Heaven Devouring Magic Art, he did not absorb any power.

"When I absorbed other people's memories before, it seemed that these monsters that were tempered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth would condense their inner elixir, which is where their essence lies."

Zhou Yi swept his mental power over and soon found that there was a ball hidden in the heads of the Jiaomang and the black-scaled giant snake.

He waved his hand, and the Qi turned into claws, sucking the two balls directly through the air.

To Zhou Yi's surprise, the balls of the black-scaled giant snake were larger, while those of the Jiaomang were smaller.

But the balls of the black-scaled giant snake were more like meatballs, while the balls of the Jiaomang were a little golden and transparent, as if they were made of jade.

And the energy in the Jiaomang's balls was several times stronger than that of the black-scaled giant snake.

"One should be the beast essence that has not yet transformed into a pill, and the other is the inner pill that has completely completed the transformation."

Zhou Yi could sense that there was still a strong evil spirit hidden inside.

According to the absorbed memory, the inner pill of the monster contains the monster's ferocity and obsession in life, which needs to be refined into a pill and the ferocity can be removed before it can be absorbed and refined.

"My Heaven Devouring Magic Art is originally a magic art, so it should not need to be refined."

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi directly used the Heaven Devouring Magic Art to absorb it.

In an instant, the majestic power was swallowed into his body through his palm, and along with it, there was also an astonishing evil spirit.

That was the evil spirit accumulated by the two monsters when they were alive.

It's a pity that they were not Zhou Yi's opponents when they were alive, so how could they be Zhou Yi's opponents after death?

Zhou Yi ruthlessly smashed them with just one thought, and at the same time, he practiced the Prajna Dragon Elephant Sutra to cultivate more dragon and elephant power.

Brothers, please read it again, it is really important to read it again, and the recommendation on the website depends on reading it again!

Thank you very much!

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