Immortality: I can absorb the memories of the dead

Chapter 10: Innate power, sword energy like a dragon

The indignant Zhou Yi could only put down his weapon and walked to one of the stalls selling soup medicines. He pointed to a soup medicine he often drank before and said:

"How much is this soup medicine?"

"Sir, this soup medicine is three packs of ten taels of silver."

"How much?"

"Three packs of ten taels of silver."

Zhou Yi was stunned. It was so cheap, only more than three taels of silver per pack?

"Is your soup medicine legitimate?"

"Sir, don't worry. I have been doing business in this black market for decades. I have countless repeat customers. If you don't believe it, you will know if you go out and ask."

The other party spoke confidently.

"Compared with the soup medicine of Huichuntang, how much difference is there in the efficacy of your soup medicine?"

"Hehehe, sir, if I tell the truth, you will probably be angry with me. To be honest, these soup medicines and the soup medicine of Huichuntang are all purchased from the same place, and they are all Huichuntang's products."

Zhou Yi looked puzzled.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Why should I kid you? This is indeed the medicine from Huichuntang."

"Then why is it so cheap?"

"Is this your first time here?"

The vendor laughed and said:

"Sir, let me be frank. Don't you see where this place is? There is no village in front and no shop behind.

Those who dare to come here to buy things are either stingy poor ghosts or bandits who have committed crimes and cannot enter the city.

They also need resources for cultivation. As long as they pay, we will sell them, which can be regarded as opening up more customers."

"Shouldn't it be more expensive?"

"Sir, you are joking. Those who dare to come here to buy things are all desperate criminals, not those law-abiding citizens in the city. If they really do this, it will kill people.

In addition, another reason why it is cheap here is that you may not be able to take the things sold to you out."

Zhou Yi understood. Sure enough, cheap things are not necessarily bad, but there must be a reason for it!

"I want to buy some alchemy materials."

"Are you an alchemist?"

The other party's eyes lit up instantly.

"I know a little bit, a little bit."

"What materials do you want?"

Zhou Yi took out the list he had prepared in advance and handed it to the other party.

The other party glanced at it.

"They are all good medicines. It seems that your alchemy skills are not low. However, it may not be so easy to collect all these materials at once. So, if you are willing to trust me, come back in two days and I will definitely collect them for you."

Zhou Yi nodded.

"Okay, but I won't pay a deposit."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, if you don't buy it, I can just split it up and sell it to someone else. May I ask your name?"

"I am Xiao Yan!"

When you go out, your identity is given by yourself. You can't just grab someone and take advantage of them. If you are taken advantage of, you will be humiliated. Changing a few identities can also provide more protection.

"It's Master Xiao. I'm Chen Hua. My friends in the martial arts world respect me and call me Tongtianshu. In addition to the elixir, I also help to make connections. Master Xiao can find me if he has other things in the future."


Zhou Yi said goodbye to the other party and left. At this time, there was a commotion in the black market. A group of men and several vendors had a dispute.

"Fuck you, don't touch it if you can't afford it!"

"You little bastard, dare to speak rudely to your grandfather? When your grandfather was traveling all over the country, you didn't even know which bastard's crotch you were in!"

"I think you are looking for death!"

"Do I fear you?"

After a disagreement, several people started fighting directly.

They were strong and vicious. In a blink of an eye, someone fell in a pool of blood.

Zhou Yi shook his head and left quickly.

"The black market is so scary. Fortunately, I was wise and came to the black market after I became a master. Otherwise, if I encountered this kind of thing, I would be helpless."

A place without the rule of law is already scary, and what's more scary is that the people here are powerful. The ending is like putting a group of wild beasts in a cage, and they will explode with a poke.

Outside the black market, several strong men were lying in ambush in the woods, sharpening their knives.

"Brothers, there is a fat sheep coming."

"Hehehe, we are going to open the business today, brothers, sharpen your knives faster, so as not to get stuck in the bones when fighting later."

As soon as the voice fell, several people suddenly felt that the sky became much brighter. When they looked up, they saw a sword light more than 20 meters long, shooting rapidly from not far away, as if it had eyes, and fell straight on several people.


After a shocking explosion, several people were blown into pieces before they understood what was going on.

Zhou Yi sensed them early.

The Xiantian realm is not just a simple increase in strength, it seems that there is also a special communication between him and nature. He can feel the movement in the surrounding area from the wind, such as where the strong are hiding, and where there is danger, as if the sixth sense has become clear and specific.

Looking at his full-strength attack, Zhou Yi nodded with satisfaction.

"Just entered the Xiantian realm, I have such strength. I wonder how powerful it will be in the future when I can cut off the river with one sword?"

After quickly touching the corpse and absorbing the memory, Zhou Yi left quickly.

Because several people have been shredded into pieces by the sword, the Heaven Devouring Demon Art can no longer be used, which is a bit of a pity.

And not long after Zhou Yi left, several people came from the black market.

When they saw the scene on the ground, they couldn't help but tremble and became wildly excited.

"This is a way to release the Gang Qi to the outside world, it's the Innate Grandmaster! An Innate Grandmaster just came here!"

"Oh my god, there is an innate master who has come to the black market!"

"Which sect's innate master is this? Has he come down from the mountain?"

Time flies by, and another day passes.

Zhou Yi came to a small town three hundred miles away from Kyoto.

"Chive box~freshly baked chive box!"

"Shaobing, fragrant and crispy."

Zhou Yi bought a leek box. He doesn't need to eat now, but as a foodie, it's hard to give up the craving for a while.

Following the memory he obtained, he came to a house in the town.

From a distance, I saw a few older children playing with the wooden horse. Next to them, a little boy with a beautiful face was rubbing his clothes with an envious look on his face. He wanted to join in but didn't dare to come forward.

"Candied haws on a stick, delicious candied haws on a stick."

Zhou Yi waved to the candied haws seller.

"Bring me a candied haws."

"Okay, young master, which one do you choose?"

"Just this one."

Zhou Yi picked a bright red candied haws with plump grains and walked towards the boy.

The hesitant little boy was suddenly covered by a shadow. When he raised his head, he saw a sunny and handsome big brother.

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