Immortal Sword Cultivation

Chapter 966: After death

Chapter 966: After Death

At the moment when Emperor Xingchen killed the Taixuan Taoist, Wang Chen and Ziwei Emperor realized the difference in the Taixuan Taoist they faced.

This Taixuan Taoist's face changed, and then he stared at Wang Chen and Ziwei Emperor, as if he was about to do something.

"If you drag it on, you will definitely die. I can't think that the emperor of the stars is already strong to this point, breaking through the limit of the third emperor, and coupled with the space avenue, I don't have the perfect array of treasures, and I am not an opponent at all, especially the three avatars scattered. It's not even an opponent."

Taixuan Taoist now regrets a bit. At first, he was a little arrogant. He separated the three avatars and gave Emperor Xingchen a chance. If not, if the three avatars are together, even if the three avatars are together, the emperor Xingchen will at most draw a tie. Kill three clones.

Now that a clone has fallen, the strength of the Taoist Supreme Profound Taoist has been reduced by one-third.

But even so, Taixuan Daoist is extremely powerful. After thinking about it, the number of laws in the avatar facing Emperor Ziwei and Wang Chen suddenly increased.

The fight just now is already obvious. Although Emperor Ziwei and Wang Chen have strong attacks, their defensive magical powers are really average. In contrast, the old guy is just the opposite. The old guy’s attack is not very strong, but the defensive magical powers Very powerful, plus the Yin-Yang stone bridge, even Taixuan Taoist can't be killed for a while.

"At this moment, only these two people can be killed first, and then no matter whether they leave first to slowly recover their strength, or fight against the emperor of the stars, there is no accident."

Taixuan Taoist knew clearly, although Emperor Xingchen was very powerful. But if you really fight alone, Emperor Xingchen will not be your opponent. After all, there are three incarnations of Taixuan Taoist, but now the situation has changed, and he has to do this.

The strength of the two avatars was instantly combined in one person, and the strength of the avatar of Taixuan Taoist instantly increased, and the formation around the body became as if it were real.

The array buzzed, and disappeared with a scream.

This escape is too fast.

The Taoist Taixuan killed himself, and he found Emperor Ziwei in an instant, and the speed of Emperor Ziwei was not too slow. Even among all the emperors, it is considered very powerful, but in comparison, this Taixuan Taoist's escape technique is simply the ultimate in the world, the emperor is simply incomparable, even Wang Chen can't compare.


The bizarre formation mobilizes the power of the five elements of Yin and Yang, wind, thunder and ice, and contains more than 300,000 kinds of mysterious power. It is just one move to beat Emperor Ziwei to vomit blood. It flew out, and the Taoist Supreme Profound Taoist did not hesitate at this time, and continued to greet him, wanting to take the opportunity to kill Emperor Ziwei.

Emperor Ziwei also started desperately, the crape myrtle flowers around his body bloomed and thanked, seeming to stimulate the potential in his body.

The aura on Emperor Ziwei's body suddenly increased as soon as this secret technique was used. Moreover, the escape technique turned out to be faster, and there was a faint tendency to escape.

When Taixuan Taoist's figure turned, he rushed to the body of Wang Chen who had rushed to the rescue.

Wang Chen's defensive supernatural power is not weak, and the escape magic supernatural power is also very fast, but it is compared with the Taixuan Taoist. There was more than one difference, and Wang Chen flew upside down under one move.

call out!

Wang Chen's divine sword flew out. Fight with Taixuan Taoist.

It's just that the divine sword collapsed and flew, but Tai Xuan Taoist was innocent, the power of the two clones fused together was too strong, even Wang Chen was helpless.

With this sword, Wang Chen faintly retreated.

It's just that Taixuan Taoist still catches up.

Now Tai Xuan Taoist has no choice at all. Wang Chen and Emperor Ziwei must behead one, severely wound one, and then unite with the other clone to be invincible. A clone, Tai Xuan Taoist could not resist either.

Now that Emperor Ziwei is injured, using the secret technique, there is no need to worry in a short time, but Wang Chen will have to die, otherwise Wang Chen's kendo supernatural power and the peculiar Dao artistic conception will make even Taixuan Taoists a little jealous.


Now Taixuan Taoist did not hesitate, and went straight to kill Wang Chen. Wang Chen's use of a sword and sword, coupled with the artistic conception of Hongmeng Avenue, was indeed very powerful. It's just that this is just blocking for a moment, there is no other way, and gradually Taixuan Taoist is getting closer and closer to Wang Chen.

"I can't go on like this, it won't be long before I die."

Wang Chen was shocked in his heart, thinking to himself, now that Emperor Xingchen can't come out, the old guy can't help himself, and the Taixuan Taoist can't stop Wang Chen's attack.

Dead end!

However, Wang Chen did not give up. In fact, it was not completely impossible to win. Wang Chen thought in his heart. It was because of caress that the divine sword flew out again and again without any hesitation. People, it's just that despite this, Wang Chen didn't really plan to confront the enemy.

Delay the time.

Wang Chen was waiting for the emperor of stars to come, and he could delay for a moment.

It's just that as time passed quietly, it was just a stick of incense, Wang Chen and Taoist Taixuan were beaten dimly, and they couldn't find a place.

The Taixuan Taoist is getting closer and closer to Wang Chen. The Taixuan Taoist’s formation is a projection of a real innate artifact. It is extremely powerful, but it also has limitations. For example, it has no direct attack power and can only be transformed into an array or made. Defense and auxiliary functions are also the reason why Wang Chen can persist for so long.

Only with the passage of time, the Taoist Taixuan approached Wang Chen slowly with the rapidity of the complete formation, only nearly a hundred feet away.

Within this range, the formation has already had an impact on Wang Chen.

Seeing this, Wang Chen's expression changed, his body turned and walked, and instantly killed the Taixuan Daoist, seeming to hit the Taixuan Daoist.

"Is this man looking for death?"

Taixuan Taoist was slightly surprised, and he could guess what Wang Chen had hidden.

It's just that at this time, absolute strength is the most important thing. Taixuan Taoist has a perfect picture, and there is no need to worry at all, so he is even more happy to kill.

The distance between Wang Chen and Taixuan Daoist was getting closer and closer, and the Taixuan Daoist was about to hit each other in an instant. At this moment, Wang Chen gave a soft drink:


In an instant, the void in front of Wang Chen's body disappeared, and even the Taixuan Taoists disappeared.

A piece of the space in the chaos was suddenly lost, and what was even lost were the mysterious and space laws in this space. The chaotic space around this space was actually swallowed by Wang Chen's world beads, but as this space appeared and the surrounding space quickly filled, this space was instantly healed.

It's just that the matter is not over yet, Wang Chen's stealing of this space's avenue of laws will naturally cause this chaotic rebound.

A series of mysterious laws impacted Wang Chen's body. These attacks were like the supreme magical powers naturally formed by the heavens and the earth. They turned out to be stronger than the previous attacks of the Supreme Profound Daoist, but this attack was not really meant to kill Wang Chen, more It is a punishment, as a punishment for stealing all the avenues in this space.

Punishment, not a talent, an attack hit, and Wang Chen's body that had been attacked by the Taixuan Taoist became broken again.

All kinds of supreme supernatural powers were killed one by one, and Wang Chen's body was repaired over and over again, until finally when Wang Chen was a little unable to withstand it, the surrounding punishment was dissipated.

It's just that at this moment, Wang Chen's body is already riddled with holes, and he can't move anymore, he can only wander in the chaos with the chaotic air current.

"Fortunately, I finally resisted this catastrophe. The Taoist Taixuan is really terrifying. I really don't know how many such abnormalities in the Three Realms back then."

Wang Chen thought in his heart, and the spirit also disappeared from his body and entered into the world pearl.

Among the realm beads, the Taixuan Taoist looked at the surrounding space in It was only a moment, the Taixuan Taoist came to this strange place, this place is a different world, this world Even the law of time is incomplete in it, but even so, it is a real world, different from the inner world of gods and men.

Every **** and man has his own inner world, but that world is fake.

The law is one's own law, the great great is the great great of one's own comprehension, it is not complete, but this world is real.

One Qi Hua Sanqing is the unique supernatural power of the Taixuan Taoist. Others don't know it. He knows it very well. As long as the Taixuan Taoist is in a world, no matter how far away the three clones are, what formation or space immortal device separates them, three The connection between the clones will not be broken, but now this clone of Taixuan Taoist can't feel the other clone at all. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to m. to read.)

Ps: Yesterday, I went out for one day. I can only change it in the evening. Sorry, let’s see if I can make it up today!

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