Chapter 871 Shot

"You want to kill my apprentice, you are so bold."

A sound like a sword ming appeared from the huge sword light and the mysterious fairy base, and the figure of Wang Chen also appeared in front of the numerous immortal emperors.

The immortal emperor of Nangong's face was full of joy, and at the same time, his heart was full of incredible expressions.

Before, they also knew that there was a master in Nangong Qingyue, but this master was just a monk in the lower realm, and it was nothing to be in the immortal realm. The cultivation base of Xuanxian was even the same as that of Nangong Qingyue. Therefore, Nangong The family didn't pay much attention to it, and even the high-level officials didn't even see each other.

Who knows, this time it was the master of Nangong Qingyue who made the shot, and the strength of this immortal emperor turned out to be so terrifying that the magical powers of the fifteen immortal emperors turned out to be completely resisted.

The fifteen immortal emperors of Ziyun Xianzong and Jinhuang Xianzong have changed their faces. They were originally two immortal emperors, but who knew that it was three immortal emperors who made the shot. There is also an immortal emperor hiding in the dark. This immortal emperor is the master of Nangong Qingyue.

"The two of us hold this person, the others, quickly kill Nangong Qingyue, don't delay, wait for the immortal emperor of the Nangong family to come over."

Immortal Zikui made an arrangement in an instant, and then he and Immortal Jin Huang made countermeasures and began to besiege Wang Chen alone.

The strength of these two immortal emperors is extremely terrifying, the profound mystery that they can comprehend has reached 18,000, which is nearly twice as high as the ordinary immortal emperor, and their strength is far beyond.

After comprehending the 20,000 types of profound avenues, the immortal emperor rarely appeared in the Three Realms, but went to places outside the Three Realms. Continued experience. Looking for nine-pin immortal materials.

certainly. If the strength reaches the limit of the immortal realm, becoming an emperor, further experience will have no effect.

Immortal Emperor Zikui and Emperor Jinhuang were already the strongest among the Three Realms, apart from the emperor, so naturally they were not afraid of Wang Chen.

However, Wang Chen could resist the magical powers of fifteen immortal emperors with a single sword, and even the two of them were a little guilty.

A stream of weak water for nine days. A golden golden horseshoe crab surrounded Wang Chen from left to right, staring at him, Wang Chen was also very helpless. In terms of defensive supernatural powers, Wang Chen's strength is really average, and he can only break power with strength and supernatural powers of swordsmanship. Break the magical powers of the two immortal emperors.


Wang Chen's divine sword flew up, and Huang Huang sword intent appeared, that detached breath. The coercion of the audience, both the Purple Kwai Immortal Emperor and the Jinliu Immortal Emperor changed their expressions.

"This sword intent is too powerful. Fellow Daoist Zikui, what should I do?"

Immortal Emperor Jinliu asked even if it was the voice of the divine sense, that the purple sunflower immortal was helpless, and no one thought that Nangong Qingyue would have such a terrifying master.

The strength of this person is, to some extent, more terrifying than the Nangong family.

However, Nangong Qingyue must die. If he doesn't die, if he truly becomes an immortal emperor in the future, it will be a mortal end, and neither the Ziyun Immortal Sect nor the Jinhuang Immortal Sect can bear it.

"No matter how strong this sword intent is, the two of us can last for a while. Now we can only rely on the other immortal emperors to be able to reasonably kill Nangong Qingyue, otherwise there is no other way."

As the Zikui Immortal Emperor said, it was the voice of the divine consciousness that allowed the immortal emperor in the door to exert all his strength, and the same was true of the golden horseshoe crab immortal emperor.

At the same time, the two immortal emperors did not have the immortal emperor's three thousand weak water supernatural powers and metallic alien beast supernatural powers to continuously besiege Wang Chen, and Wang Chen had no time to take care of him for a while.


The five immortal emperors immediately surrounded the three immortal emperors of the Nangong family. The three immortal emperors could only parry and could not guard Nangong Qingyue at all.

Around Nangong Qingyue, the sea Qingyue Sheng Xianji appeared again, this time Xianji appeared, but it once again proved the powerful realm of Nangong Qingyue. Even with the cultivation base of Xuanxian, the entire Qingyue Land seemed to obey Nangong Qingyue's command, and the power of the entire Qingyue Land surrounded Nangong Qingyue.

Although this power is not the immortal emperor, it is truly comparable to the immortal emperor.

The eight immortal emperors were also a little surprised in front of this power, and then obeyed the instructions of the two ancestors, and began to use their magical powers to attack Nangong Qingyue.

Each of these eight immortal emperors is a great supernatural power, although the prestige is weaker than the two ancestors, but the power is not inferior too much, because the great supernatural power has been sacrificed by them to the realm of consummation and displayed. More handy.

Eight immortal emperors shot at the same time, even if Nangong Qingyue took advantage of the power of Qingyuedi, they were beaten back steadily, and the sea Qingyue Shengxianji became unstable, and it seemed that there was a tendency to be broken up by life and life, even Nangong. Qingyue also kept backing back after being beaten, vomiting blood.

"Well, as soon as Nangong Qingyue dies, let's go quickly, lest this immortal emperor gets angry."

Immortal Emperor Zikui and Emperor Jinliu thought in their hearts, and they were ready. After only a long time, the two felt that Wang Chen was too difficult to deal with.

A sword intent is simply unmatched. No matter what the magical powers of the two people are, they can't enter the body at all. They are forced to retreat by this brilliant sword intent. If it is not that the magical powers displayed by Wang Chen are not strong, the two It can't last such a long time at all.

Although Wang Chen displayed a very high level of sword intent, his own strength has not yet been fully displayed, and he is able to face two extremely powerful immortal emperors.

Until the eight immortal emperors besieged Nangong Qingyue, Nangong Qingyue vomited blood one after another, and some of them couldn't support it, a five-color light appeared in Wang Chen's body. In the next moment, Wang Chen's five-element clone appeared, and because of the almost indestructible characteristics of the five-element clone, he began to fight the two immortal emperors, and Wang Chen's body quickly reached Nangong Qingyue's side.

"Huh, stay!"

Wang Chen's mind moved. This time he did not use the realm of kendo, but the magical power of the Taoist appeared, and an emptiness world appeared in an instant.

In this world, a little bit of mysterious starlight turns into nothingness, the yin and yang, five elements, wind, thunder and ice, and the aura of the mysterious yellow merge into one and merge into nothingness, and then the breath of nothingness evolves into everything, and nothingness arises.

Supernatural powers, Huadao!

This blow is Wang Chen's biggest gain so far. He has comprehended more than 18,000 kinds of mysteries. With this magical power, Wang Chen is no weaker than Zikui Immortal Emperor and Jinliu Immortal Emperor.

As soon as the magical powers of Huadao were displayed, the expressions of the eight immortal emperors changed drastically, because within the scope of magical powers, the power of Xuan'ao was greatly weakened.

Not only that, but within the scope of this magical power, the eight immortal emperors were greatly fettered, and they couldn't even feel the profound path between heaven and earth.

The expressions of the eight immortal emperors changed drastically, and the magical powers were displayed one by one. The power of these magical powers was much weaker than before, and even when they reached Wang Cen's magical powers, these magical powers turned into nothingness and were swallowed by the Huadao Immortal Foundation.

"Sure enough, when the strength was weak, this nihilism dao celestial foundation could not show any supernatural power, but now when it reaches the immortal emperor, this power is displayed. This vain dao supernatural power itself is born out of nothing, evolving the world's avenue in nothingness. Isolate all the profound avenues, even more powerful than the realm supernatural powers."

Wang Chen wondered in his heart that after such a long time, Wuhuadao Xianji finally showed his strength.

The nihility transforms into the nihility evolution avenue, which basically excludes other avenues and mysteries, and this kind of rejection is more powerful than the realm supernatural powers. Domain magical powers only reject certain mysterious powers of the fairy world and increase the power of one's own mysterious powers. Such rejection will not work if the magical powers are a little weird or strong.

This is not the case with Wang Chen’s Void Huadao One hit, Wang Chen didn’t take it back. Huadao Xianji surrounded the eight Xianji, it turned out to be the cultivation of the eight immortal emperors. Turn into nothingness.

The eight immortal emperors were angry, and their hearts were full of chill.

"It's really bold to want to refine us."

To become the emperor, which one has not experienced the ups and downs, there are countless opportunities and great good fortune to succeed, although after the emperor, their potential is almost exhausted, but it is not easy to refine them, also Only Wang Chen, who has endless potential and Xianji who has just shown his might, dare to do so.

The eight immortal emperors had to escape first. Naturally, they displayed their strongest strength. All kinds of magical powers shined out, including great magical powers and supreme magical powers, attacking magical powers, defensive magical powers, and auxiliary magical powers. Even Wang Chen also watched. His eyes were dazzled, but these supernatural powers were of no avail before Wang Chen's emptiness.

Anything will eventually become nothingness.

The power of Xianji Nihhhhhhhhhh was initially revealed. (To be continued...)

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