Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4690: Playing formation in front of Lao Tzu?

Outside the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, Emperor Jiutian finally broke out, and the Nine Dao Dao Body shot at the same time, actually directly blasting the **** magic eyes.

At this moment, the emperor nine days domineering to the extreme.

Is this the true strength of Di Jiutian?

The powerhouses in the heavens and the world were shocked and inexplicable. Emperor Jiutian had long been known to have moved the world and fought for nine days. He had never heard of a defeat.

Until he met Gu Fei.

The emperor Jiu Tian struggled all his life. At this time, there had been obvious changes in his Nine Great Dao Body, and an eternal aura lingered on the Nine Great Dao Body.

This is a sign that Emperor Jiutian has taken the eternal first step.

The cultivation base of Emperor Jiutian, if there are no accidents, will break through the shackles of the Extreme Dao and step into a half-step eternal realm.

However, just as Emperor Jiutian blasted the strange **** magic eyes, a magic shadow appeared in this space, and the magical aura from the vague magic shadow actually dispersed hundreds of thousands of miles. All the chaotic mists within.

One after another ancient magic patterns emerged and intertwined on this vague magic shadow.

The appearance of the demon shadow shook the ten directions, and the nearby ancient ancestors did not dare to approach.

The face of Di Jiutian's Nine Dao Dao incarnation became extremely solemn.

"Little guy, you successfully angered me."

A wave of divine consciousness spread from the vague magical shadow.

Even calling Di Jiutian a little guy, everyone couldn't help but move.

"Stop talking nonsense, fight if you want."

Di Jiutian said coldly with the spear in his hand.

The movements of the Nine Dao Dao avatars were all the same. The pressure from the Nine Dao Dao Dao avatars shook the void, and the surrounding void was constantly shaken by the impact.

"Since you want to die, I have no reason to fail you."

Mo Ying's divine consciousness fluctuated, and a voice rang directly in the hearts of everyone.

"Huh, I'm afraid you don't have this ability."

Di Jiutian shook the war spear in his hand. The next moment, nine figures rose up into the sky at the same time, and directly attacked the magic shadow. The terrifying aura that broke out shook the world.

"This emperor nine days..."

All the ancient ancestors couldn't help being moved when they saw this scene.


The Great War broke out, and the Xeon's power fluctuated vigorously, suddenly the sky broke and the ground broke, and countless black space cracks appeared in the void.

This battle is more fierce than just now.

Just when Emperor Nine Heavens fought against the demon from the eternal world, in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, Heitian was overtaken by the eternal prince of God and intercepted.

"Oh, I didn't think you still have some skills, you can catch up with me."

Heitian was a little surprised.

"Succumb to death!"

The eternal **** prince Heng Chao didn't have too many words. He came up with a punch hitting Hei Tian's face, and the violent punch shook the void.

This is the eternal **** fist of the eternal gods.

With this punch of Heng Chao, even the extremely stable void in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace was directly shaken. If this supreme divine fist was cast from the outside world, it would probably explode the entire void.

The Eternal God Fist is the supreme killing technique of the Eternal God Dynasty. Only the direct royal family of the Eternal God Dynasty can practice. The general royal family is not qualified to practice.


Hei Tian smiled suddenly, and the next moment, he suddenly disappeared into the void.


Heng Chao was taken aback. The fist he had hit could not be retrieved. The next moment, he suddenly raised his head and saw a big foot stepped directly on top of his head.


Heng Chao is angry, this guy doesn't put himself in his eyes at all!


The power of endless stars burst out from Heng Chao, and countless stars appeared in the void around him, just like a star appeared in the world.

The power of the stars that burst out directly shook Heitian back.

"The power of stars!"

Hei Tian frowned, and saw his hands dancing, one after another divine light rushed out of his hand, each divine light was like a peerless heavenly sword, directly splitting the void.


A ray of divine light swept Zhong Heng Chao, and a trace appeared on Heng Chao's body armor, as if it had been hit by a peerless Taoist weapon.


Heng Chao was taken aback. No one knew the defensive power of the **** armor he was wearing better than him. Even the most powerful quasi-sovereign Taoist weapon could hardly leave any traces!

However, now, this despicable and shameless guy could leave a hacked mark on his armor, which is unimaginable.

"Can you actually block my Fei Xian Dao Slashing Technique?"

Heitian was also shocked. You know, the secretary he used was one of the good things he got from the flying fairy land on Ziwei Zuxing.

The divine light he evolved was the light of flying immortals, which could kill Quasi-Supreme, and to the extreme of cultivation, even the Supreme Dao-Supreme could kill.

Of course, with Heitian's current cultivation base, it is naturally impossible to kill Extreme Dao Supreme with Flying Immortal Slashing Technique, but it is still possible to kill Quasi Supreme.

"You have a lot of babies."

Hei Tian stared at the **** armor on Heng Chao, his eyes lit up.

He was about to sack these guys from the eternal world. There are definitely a lot of treasures in this eternal **** prince. This time he encountered a big fish.

"Despicable and shameless ant, want to rob this prince?"

Heng Chao was furious, and when he thought that this guy had ransacked his fiancée, he went crazy, wishing to smash this ant into pieces.


Heng Chao raised the sky and roared, the next moment, the light of stars burst out from his body, branding in all directions, and three hundred and sixty-five big stars appeared between the sky and the earth.

"this is……"

Hei Tian couldn't help being surprised when he saw this scene.

"Haha, if you can die under this prince's Zhou Tianxing Star Killing Array, you can be considered worthy of this life."

Heng Chao laughed wildly, the origin of the stars in his body actually attracted the power of Zhou Tian's stars, which was unexpected even for Gu Fei, who was sitting in the world of Xianfu.

Gu Fei immediately perceives the force of the nine-day stars as soon as the sky star kills the formation this week.

"Good guy!"

Gu Fei couldn't help but nodded secretly. He had to admit that this Heng Dynasty was indeed very strong, and among the Quasi-Supreme, it could be regarded as a forefront existence.


Heng Chao roared, the next moment, he desperately urged Zhou Tianxing to kill the formation, only to see the three hundred and sixty-five big stars rolling towards the black sky at the same time.

"Haha..., playing formation in front of Lao Tzu? You are looking for death by yourself!"

Hei Tian laughed and said, Lao Tzu's strongest ability, isn't it the formation? It is ridiculous to want to kill Lao Tzu with a formation.


Suddenly, Heng Chao had a warning sign.

"Today, I will let you, an arrogant fellow, see what the real formation is."

Hei Tian showed a sneer, the next moment, his body shook, countless formations immediately rushed out of his body, and instantly sank into the surrounding void.

At the next moment, the three hundred and sixty-five big stars that were crushing towards the black sky stopped in the void.

"how is this possible……"

At this moment, Heng Chao suddenly realized that he had lost control of Zhou Tian Xingchen's killing array.

His surprise was truly extraordinary.

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