Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4678: Demon Reappearance

The powerful enemy of the world directly broke the boundary wall and entered the world of Chaos Immortal Palace. All the creatures in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace were panicked to the extreme.

A big hand directly broke through the sky and slammed into the world of Chaos Immortal Mansion. This was truly ruining the world, and any laws of heaven and earth were as fragile as thin paper in front of this big hand.

All the strong who saw this scene will never forget.

Even the half-step eternal Tong Yu is not the opponent of supreme existence. He is firmly suppressed by that big hand, and he will be wiped out by the big hand.

But at this moment, a sword light shot up from the earth and strangled directly towards the big hand in the sky.

The sword light flashed, and the big hand that suppressed Tong Yu was actually cut off.


All the powerful creatures who saw this scene were all dumbfounded, who was doing it? Is it Gu Fei?

"Only Gu Fei can contend with that kind of existence."

A quasi-supreme from the Ancestral Realm sighed that he came from the Ancestral Realm, and he was very clear about Gu Fei's deeds in the Ancestral Realm. This peerless and ruthless man almost overturned half of the Ancestral Realm.

Even the first demon of the ancestor was desperately killed.

Back then, Gu Fei used the cultivation base of the eternal realm to fight the first demon of the ancestor, and he even forced the first demon of the ancestor to start reincarnation with his life, and put Gu Fei into the cycle.

However, the first demon of the ancestor was dead, but Gu Fei was still alive.

When the news came back to the Ancestral Realm, an unwilling roar came directly from the Ancestor Demon Race.

Their strongest demon is dead, but Gu Fei is still alive. Doesn't that mean that the strongest ancestor Mobai of their ancestor Demon Race is dead?

In the Ancestral Realm, the entire clan of the Ancestor Demon Clan could not wait to break Gu Fei's body into pieces, but they couldn't help Gu Fei.

The last time they took action against Gu Fei, they also killed an ancestor demon by Gu Fei, which was a heavy loss.

The fall of an ancestor demon is definitely an irreparable loss for the ancestor demon clan, and the power of the ancestor demon clan has been weakened again.

They were already public enemies in the Ancestral Realm, and they were surrounded by major forces. Without the First Demon of the Ancestor, the Ancestor Demon Race was immediately in a precarious situation.

In the current Ancestral Realm, there is almost no decent demon. Those great demons are all shrunk in the Origin Demon Land, and they dare not come out to do evil.

Siyuan Demon Land is the source of the ancestor realm demon. According to legend, the depths of the Siyuan Demon Land are connected to the real Siyuan Demon Realm.

In the endless years, no one has ever been able to penetrate into the depths of Siyuan Demon Land, and no one knows the great secrets in the depths of Siyuan Demon Land.

At this time, outside the world of Chaos Immortal Palace, a figure of a demon was looming.

"Haha, Gu Fei is in trouble."

There was an old voice coming from the chaotic zone, the voice full of magic, and the monk with a weaker cultivation level immediately turned red in his eyes, fell into a state of madness, and frantically attacked the people around him.

"An ancestral demon?"

Someone sneered, and one after another powerful aura rushed out of the chaotic zone.

"Are there fellow Daoists hunting demons together?"

A round of Shenyang also came out, and he dissipated the chaotic energy in a radius of 100,000 miles like a big day, and the void baked by the strongest Shenyang power was distorted.

"Lord Da Ri, you are not qualified to be my opponent."

A group of demonic energy emerged, and that old voice came out of the demonic energy, still full of demonic nature, as if it could arouse and demonize the inner demons in the hearts of all living beings.

"what about me!"

At this time, another figure that dominated the world came out.

The person's body was filled with chaotic energy, and his eyes were many times brighter than the stars. The terrifying coercion made everyone breathless.

This is a supreme being that is extremely powerful, and there is even a hint of eternal breath coming out of him.

"Di Jiutian?"

A bright spot of blood suddenly lit up in that group of magical shadows, and it was a pair of blood-colored magic eyes, which was intriguing.

The man who stood up, dressed in black, holding a war spear in his hand, swept over Jiutian with an intent to fight, watching the world, daring to fight eternal.

"This lunatic..."

Someone wanted to stand up and hunt the demon, but when they saw Emperor Jiutian appearing, he immediately retreated. This Emperor Jiutian was a fierce man who dared to challenge Gu Fei.

The current Di Jiutian is already Gu Fei's named disciple. With such an identity, Di Jiutian is even more unscrupulous. He dares to challenge anyone.

"I don't know if I am qualified to fight you."

Di Jiutian stared indifferently at the group of demonic energy opposite.

"It's been a long time since I met a decent opponent. It's time to stretch my old bones." The old voice sounded.

From his words, everyone could hear that this demon regarded Emperor Jiutian as an opponent, and directly ignored Lord Ori, which made Lord Ori extremely embarrassed.

However, the opponent was Di Jiutian, and he was also convinced.

You know, this emperor Jiutian is a fighting madman, even the top powerhouse in the Ancestral Realm, few dare to underestimate this fighting madman.

The Lord Dahi came from the realm of Ancestors, but he knew the fighting power of Emperor Jiutian very well.

Since this emperor Jiutian followed Gu Fei, his cultivation seems to have advanced by leaps and bounds, with a hint of eternal aura on his body, and he is probably about to take that step.

"Haha, if there is an emperor's shot, I will just watch from the sidelines."

Lord Da Ri laughed, then retreated from the open zone.

Di Jiutian just nodded towards the Lord Da Ri, without saying anything.

"You can't miss this battle!"

Soon, the news spread, and more powerhouses appeared in nearby areas.


The demon in the devil qi yelled, and the endless devil qi burst out suddenly, covering one hundred thousand li in an instant, and immediately submerged Emperor Jiutian in the endless devil qi.

The whole world is like the sudden fall of night.

The terrifying demon aura suddenly increased, and any creatures contaminated by the demon aura are undergoing amazing changes.

A small tree growing in the chaos, under the erosion of the devil energy, turned into a devil tree and attacked the surrounding creatures like crazy.


A strong man waved his hand, a sharp sword light flashed past, and he directly chopped the magic tree in half and turned it into dust.

Even a quasi-supreme-level powerhouse, his arm is only stained with a trace of magic, the whole arm becomes black, and black scales grow on the arm. The five fingers are thin and long, like five small hands. Like a sword, it was instantly demonized.

The quasi-senior directly cut off his left arm.


Di Jiutian also moved, only to hear him roar, a little divine light suddenly resounded from the devil qi, and one divine light directly broke through the heavy devil qi and rushed out.


A big collision broke out in the devilish energy, and the violent power fluctuations rushed out in all directions, terrifying.

The entire chaotic zone is shaking.

The war broke out, but it attracted the attention of most Jidao Supreme. However, the battle in the world of Chaos Immortal Palace shocked the supreme being among the four worlds.

"Eternal Realm, there really is an Eternal Realm in this world?"

An old-fashioned existence exclaimed.

"Today, my sword is forever!"

Gu Fei's voice spread throughout the chaotic world.

Then, countless people saw another unforgettable scene, saw a sword light that was cut into the chaos, and a huge figure was cut off by him.

Amazing blood spilled from the sky.

One of them fell on the ground, and instantly turned into a sea of ​​blood, and the smell of blood rose to the sky.

While Gu Fei was fighting against the Supreme Being, Gu Ling was fighting endlessly with Chen Zhou and Wu Fan, and Zhou Qi and Ziyun brothers and sisters also stepped forward to help.

And the cultivation base of Na Chenzhou and Wu Fan was really terrifying, even if they were two enemies and four, they still didn't fall under the wind.

The more Gulin fought, the more shocked they were. These two guys were eating their power. In this way, wouldn't this guy already stand in an invincible place?


Wu Fan directly used the strongest supernatural powers, and the terrifying power of destruction enveloped all directions.

Without any suspense, Gu Ling and the others were directly shaken away.

After Gu Ling stabilized her figure, there was a sudden flush on her face, and the next moment, she spewed out a mouthful of blood. Almost unsteady.

Apart from Ziyun brother and sister, Zhou Qi was the most injured and coughed up blood constantly.


Wu Fan is extremely arrogant, but he does have arrogant confidence.

"Yin and Yang open up the world!"

Brother and sister Ziyun shot, a yin and yang map appeared in the void, and the next moment, a force of swallowing the sky came out from the yin and yang road map.

The endless heaven and earth essence madly gathered towards the Yin and Yang Daotu.

The sky and the earth shook.

"Reincarnation? Who are you bluffing?"

Chen Zhou sneered.

However, Ling Chenzhou's stunned scene appeared, that Ziyun brother and sister evolved the world of Yin and Yang, and actually took Wu Fan into it.

"how is this possible……"

Chen Zhou was also stunned by this scene.

Just when everyone was overjoyed, a loud noise suddenly came, and the void suddenly shattered, and a figure rushed out of the broken void.

That person was Wu Fan who was beaten into the void of Yin and Yang by Ziyun brother and sister.

This Wu Fan is really against the sky, he is simply a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten, and it is really difficult to kill him.

However, if they were hit by his killer move, then Gulin and the others might be hit hard, which would be very unfavorable to Gulin and the others.

"Kill, I don't believe that you can't kill this demon."

Zhou Qi roared, the next moment, he immediately took out something, it was a scroll, a scroll that exuded the strongest aura.


Without any hesitation, Zhou Qi opened the scroll directly.

In the next moment, the endless flying sword rushed out of the scroll directly, piercing the sky and the earth towards Wu Fan and Chenzhou, speeding to the extreme.

This kind of large-scale attack blocked all retreats of the two powerhouses.


Both Wu Fan and Chenzhou were taken aback.

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