Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4598: Take my punch first

In the chaotic crack between the Taishi realm and the heaven realm, a huge immortal palace floats and sinks in the chaotic air, giving people a feeling of infinity and vicissitudes.

At this time, around this fairy mansion, on the ground, in the void, there were cultivators everywhere.

The monks who can enter the chaos cracks must have at least a cultivation base above the immortal **** realm, and those who can enter the immortal palace will definitely not be many if they are replaced.

Because the layer of chaotic energy outside the Xianfu blocked countless people, only the powerhouse above the quasi-superior could have it, but now, the layer of chaotic energy outside the Xianfu had been swallowed by Gu Fei in one bite.

In this way, everyone can enter the Chaos Immortal Mansion.

However, this Chaos Immortal Palace is full of dangers, and you will die in the Immortal Palace if you are not careful, and you will never be able to go out.

At this moment, an extremely powerful aura suddenly rushed out from the front gate of Xianfu.


As soon as that breath appeared, the heaven and earth void where the fairy mansion was located directly shook, and countless monks were panicked to the extreme, directly lying on the ground, shivering.

Even the most ferocious beast, the mighty and cruel beast, was honest at this time, and also lay on the ground with his head hanging down.


Even the nearby Quasi Supreme felt that the soul was trembling, and the breath that came out of the Immortal Mansion was the Extreme Supreme.

Moreover, more than one Extreme Dao supreme aura came out from the fairy gate.

"what's going on!"

"Could it be that there has been a war of extreme ways inside?"

Those old guys were all shocked and inexplicable. The Battle of the Extreme Dao was the most terrifying battle in the world. Let alone who won the two supreme, the first thing that would suffer was countless ordinary creatures.

After a great war, the world will be destroyed and hundreds of millions of lives will be wiped out.

Fortunately, there is generally no war between those supreme beings, but now, in the Chaos Immortal Mansion, those Extreme Dao Supremes have no scruples.

There is no doubt that a great Dao-level war broke out in the Chaos Immortal Mansion.

This series of battles was terrifying, and the news spread, whether it was the Taishi realm, the heaven realm, the human realm, and the ancestor realm, all caused a huge shock.

"What the **** is there in that place, even the Supreme is shooting."

The power holders of the top powers in the Ancestral Realm are all curious. You must know that the things in this world that can be fought between the Supreme Dao Supremes are absolutely incomparable.

"Well, it seems that I have to go out and walk around."

In the human world, a voice suddenly rang from the depths of Jiang's family.

The human world at this time, compared to the heavens, was still calm, but the heavens were different, and the heavens were smothered by the gods and saints from the Taishi realm.

The so-called **** sons and saints of the Taishi Realm even set up a ring all over the heavens to challenge all the cultivation geniuses of the heavens.

In the central **** realm of the heavens, in the Tiandi City, the son of Taichen from the Taishi Realm had defeated the quasi-sovereign in the Tiandi City, and even the quasi-sovereign who came from other places were defeated by his own hands.

These days, the **** son of Taichen has lost his mind. Since setting the ring in Tiandi City, he has not failed.

He is arrogant, arrogant, and arrogant. He regards the monks in the heavens as ants. He actually uses the monks in the heavens to feed his battle pet, the golden lion with two wings.

It was a divine beast, it was a Tianshi. This Tianshi clan was not a weak race in the Taishi Realm, but there were very few Tianshis in this race, and even fewer Tianshis could grow into adults.

The fighting power of Tiens is amazing. It is a beast that Taishi Realm wants to surrender, because once Tiens surrenders, it will always be loyal and will not betray.

At this time, in the Tiandi City, everyone was panicking, countless monks fled, even the Yuan family of the Tiandi City, some children were eaten by the Tianshi of God Child Taichen.

Tiens feeds on human monks. The higher the cultivation level of the monks who devours, the faster the cultivation level of Tiens will increase.

"Well, three days are up, Gu Fei, Demon Lord, Emperor Jiutian, none of them appeared. It seems that I am afraid of this seat, haha!"

On the arena of Emperor Tiandi City, the voice of God Child Taichen spread throughout the city.

"Close the city!"

God Child Taichen gave the order directly, and when the time came, Gu Fei and the others did not show up, he began to massacre the city.

The next moment, a formation was activated, and the entire Celestial City was directly enveloped by a large formation. Even if it was a quasi-extreme powerhouse, it was impossible to leave at this time.

This is a powerful formation that can trap Quasi-Supreme.


Heavenly Emperor City, Yuan Family, all the secret rooms of the Yuan Family, all the high-level members of the Yuan Family came.

"Father, the son of God has ordered the city to be sealed off. Does he really dare to massacre the city?"

A young man in black looked at Yuan Tian, ​​the Patriarch of the Yuan Family sitting on the head.

"Big brother, Taichen child doesn't seem to be joking."

A middle-aged man with a Chinese character face frowned and said.

Their Yuan family took refuge in God Child Taichen, but who would think that God Child Taichen didn't put these people in his eyes at all, and would kill if he wanted to kill, without frowning.

"Whether he is joking, we should prepare for the worst now."

Yuan Tian, ​​the head of the Yuan family, glanced at his younger brother and son and said.

The Heavenly Emperor City originally had three powers, the Yuan Family, which was only the weakest of the three powers, but the two powers that were stronger than the Yuan Family have now been destroyed.

Time is fading, and a day's time passes quickly.

Heavenly Emperor City, on the ring, God Child Taichen looked at the Shenyang slowly rising in the east, and under the ring, there were actually a large group of people in black standing, and every person in black had a powerful aura.

This is the elite of Taichen Shenzi, the Black Wind Guard, his own and personally trained guard, this Taichen Shenzi, another immortal dynasty from Taishi Realm, Taichen Shendy.

At noon.

Godzi Taichen directly waved his sleeves and ordered the Black Wind Guard under the ring.

"Begin the massacre, kill all of them, kill me all."

The voice of God Child Taichen spread throughout the entire Tiandi City.


After hearing this sound, countless people in Heavenly Emperor City were all frightened.

At this time, the Black Wind Guard under the ring was like a black wind, rushing in all directions.

Seeing that countless residents in the Tiandi City were about to be slaughtered, a loud noise suddenly came, and the next moment, the big formation that enveloped the entire Tiandi City collapsed.

A figure rushed into the city directly from outside the city, and rushed directly towards the ring.


God Child Taichen couldn't help being surprised when he saw the figure rushing towards him.

"Want to challenge my Master Gu Fei? Give me a punch first!"

The incoming person directly hit the Taichen divine child on the ring with a punch, and the violent and powerful punch came out, directly shook the sky and the void.

The whole arena shook, as if it might collapse at any time.

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