Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4596: The Secret Technique Against the Sky

The God Son of Purgatory Demon's Palace, Blood Slaughter, is extremely arrogant and fierce. He is definitely a killer in the Taishi Realm. As long as he can kill his opponent, he will do everything.

As soon as he came up, he used that horrible Void Devourer to kill more than a dozen immortal emperor-level followers of the third Pingtian prince Yan Xun, which was extremely sinister and cunning.

Although the third prince Yan Xun was extremely angry, he still quietly took away the group of Void Devouring Insects with a jade bottle.

The God of Blood Slaughter allowed the third prince Yan Xun to take away the Void Devouring Insect, but did not stop it because he had the Void Devouring Insect King in his hand.

This Void Devouring Insect is a group of creatures, and when it appears, there is a large group. Among a group of Void Devouring Insects, there must be an Insect King. This Insect King is extremely powerful and can even threaten the Immortal...

Moreover, only the Insect King can control this group of Void Devouring Insects, and the Insect King's reproductive ability is amazing, so even if a group of Void Devouring Insects is taken away by the Third Prince Yan Xun, he doesn't care.

Just when the three princes of Pingtian and the gods of the Purgatory Demon Palace were about to fight, a very discordant voice suddenly sounded.

"He didn't even die?"

Everyone was scared, how could this guy not die.

That was the power of a dozen killing arrays that blew themselves up, and they didn't even kill him. The immortal-class formations that the two great ancestors of the sect had worked so hard to make were ruined.

The two great ancestors of the Zong family, Zong Chen and Zong Feng, looked at the figure stepping out of the dust in the sky, and finally did not hold back, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

"This monster."

The ancestors of the clan family stared at Venus, and almost fainted.

"Is this guy an extremely holy immortal? Play as a pig and eat a tiger here and play with us?"

Zong Chen's voice trembled when he thought of this.

"Extreme Dao Saint Immortal?"

Hearing what Zong Chen said, Yan Xun, the third prince of Pingtian, suddenly raised his eyebrows.

I saw Gu Fei walking step by step from the void with his hands, and glanced at the crowd indifferently, his eyes finally fell on the God Son of Purgatory Demon Palace.

"Those bugs are pretty good, they look fun, hand in the bug king!"

Gu Fei's tone was like ordering the God of Blood Slaughter.

"Does your kid know who I am?"

The God of Blood Slaughter said to Gu Fei with a grinning smile.

"Who are you, better than their rubbish?"

Gu Fei pointed to Pingtian Third Prince Yan Xun and the others.

"Huh! You guy's life is so hard, you can't die."

The third prince of Pingtian Yan Xun seemed to have the sun and the moon sinking in his eyes, and a terrifying breath came from him, and the surrounding void was rippling with visible ripples.

One after another big dragons appeared around the body of the Pingtian Third Prince. Although they were only phantoms, the powerful aura that came out made the ancestors of Zong Chen and Zong Feng far behind.

"His Royal Highness the Three Princes..."

The two ancestors of the Zong family were shocked. Although they knew that His Highness the Third Prince was very strong, they did not expect that His Highness the Third Prince had already stepped into the realm of the ultimate holy immortal.

Had it not been for the shackles of blood, His Royal Highness the Three Princes would have finally jumped and become the second ultimate holy immortal of the Pingtian God Dynasty.

The shackles of blood are too strong, and it is far more difficult for the descendants of these ultimate saints to become ultimate saints than ordinary people.

The bloodline inherited from the sacred celestial beings is like a huge mountain that is almost insurmountable in front of them. Some descendants of the sacred celestial beings will never become the sacred celestial beings.

Even people with great perseverance and great wisdom can hardly do it.

However, in this Taishi Realm, there is an ancient legend that there is something in this world that can make monks change their fate against the heavens, reshape the true self, and cut off all past causes and effects.

However, that kind of supreme divine thing is even rarer than that undead medicine, and it is almost impossible to find this kind of supreme divine thing.

Otherwise, in this Taishi realm, so many sacred immortals of Extreme Dao have long gone to find the Supreme Divine Martial for their descendants, so that their cultivation base can break through to the realm of Extreme Dao.

Laogui, Qin Yao and others are all descendants of the Jidao, and even Gu Ling is a descendant of the Jidao.

Although Gu Ling was not born when Gu Fei was in the realm of Ji Dao, she still has Gu Fei's blood in her body. As Gu Fei's cultivation level continues to improve, the Ji Dao blood in Gu Ling will gradually change.

This kind of blood connection is very mysterious and subtle. It is unclear or unclear, and it will feel.

Now Gu Fei has returned to the realm of the extreme realm. He no longer needs to use the life lamp and life card to perceive the life and death of his daughter Gu Ling.

Now Gu Ling, no matter where he is, even if he enters another world, Gu Fei can still sense the vitality of his daughter in the dark.

The supreme divine object that can cut off all the causality from the monk, it is said that it was obtained by the Sirius Supreme.

However, this Sirius Supreme was ruthless to the enemy, and even more ruthless to himself, he had actually built a terrifying tomb for himself, even if the Supreme Dao broke in, it would be a life of nine deaths.

You know, this Sirius Supreme has a great existence, once dominating a realm of Taishi Realm.

At this time, in the Sirius Mountains, monks could be seen everywhere. There were a lot of big people and countless little ones.

The big players compete for the great luck in the Sirius Cave, while the small ones are there for those who watch the excitement, for those who want to try their luck, and for those who come from experience.

In short, the current Sirius City is overcrowded.

"Who is that person, dare to be presumptuous in front of the Pingtian Third Prince Hall."

"The face is very good, is it a **** son who came out of a certain supreme holy place?"

"I'm not mistaken, it seems that guy really only has the cultivation base of the realm of transforming gods."

Above the sky, many people pointed to Gu Fei.

"You two guys live and die!"

Gu Fei looked at the mighty God of Blood Slaughter and the Third Pingtian Prince Yan Xun, and he was also very disdainful. When Lao Tzu ran the world, neither of you knew where to play in the mud.


The Blood Slaughter God in the Purgatory Demon Palace made a move, and saw that he stretched out his right hand and grabbed it directly at Gu Fei, and the power of the violent magic way broke out.

The monstrous devilish energy enveloped the entire area, as if the night had suddenly fallen.


Gu Fei smiled, did not move, letting the opponent's magic hand grab him.

"What is this guy doing."

"Does he want to force the blood to kill the gods?"

"He's crazy!"

No one is optimistic about Gu Fei, the small ant in the realm of transforming gods wants to challenge the gods of the top powers. This is simply a joke.

However, the next moment, everyone's eyes almost fell in shock.

The moment when the magic hand captured by God Xue Tu was about to grab Zhong Gu Fei, his hand suddenly turned back and grabbed it towards himself.


The surprise of the Blood Slaughter God is really no small thing, he can actually reverse my attack, how is this possible!

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