Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4585: Kill easily

Seeing Gu Fei actually challenged Chi Sha and Mo Hong, everyone was stunned.

"Even if the Seventh Junior Brother cultivated Hunyuan's life and death battle, it is impossible for Chi Sha and Mohong to compete!"

Lin Feng, the third disciple of the Chixiao Clan master, looked at Chu Shaoyun in the sky with an extremely solemn expression.

Master Zhao Jianyu has been defeated, and now, no one can stop the powerhouses of the two great combined realms of Heisha Lake and Refining Demon Mountain, which makes the Chixiaomen all desperate.

Some old people at the Chixiao Clan thought that the door was about to be destroyed, and they couldn’t help tearing up their tears. Although the Chixiao Clan was a small sect, it had been passed down for nearly ten thousand years and was destroyed like this. All the disciples of the Chixiao Clan were very unwilling. .

The opponent was too despicable, and even joined forces to kill the Scarlet Heaven Gate, and still suddenly attacked.

"The Chixiao Gate is about to end."

"Well, this Black Fiend Lake and Demon Refining Mountain are not worthy of being a member of the Demon Dao, they are cruel enough."

Above the sky, there are powerful figures looming, and there are big people watching the battle, but they don't plan to intervene, because this kind of small sects attacking each other is too common in the Taishi Realm.

Even the Five Elements Gate did not intervene.

Moreover, the Five Elements Sect actually encourages those large and small forces under its command to fight each other, because only in the constant fighting and experiencing the baptism of life and death can they become truly strong.

Among the strong men in the distance who were watching the battle, there was a mighty presence of the Five Elements. Those who belonged to the Five Elements Gate, they also came, but they did not show up at all.

"Unexpectedly, the little disciple of the Chixiao Clan had cultivated Hunyuan Life and Death, and possessed Hunyuan Dao Body."

"This kind of incomplete practice, no one will practice it. I never imagined that this little guy is not afraid of death."

Above the sky, two young men in cyan shirts were communicating with their spirits.

"This kind of physique seems to have not appeared in our territory for hundreds of thousands of years!"

"Well, I have read the oldest classics in the door. The last time Hunyuan Taoist style appeared was really in the era of Emperor Heng 130,000 years ago."

The two young people communicated spiritually because they did not want to be known about their conversation.

Emperor Heng was an extremely powerful emperor who appeared in the Taishi realm 130,000 years ago. At that time, even the Five Elements Heaven Sect had to obey this extremely powerful emperor.

However, Emperor Heng also had enemies. It was an existence with Hunyuan Dao Body. He once competed with Heng Emperor for the position of Godlessness. In the end, Emperor Hengdi won and succeeded in proving the Dao Dao. However, Chaos Dao Body was wounded and escaped and disappeared.

Hunyuan Taoist Hunyuan Tiangong is definitely one of the top Tiangong in Taishi Realm, comparable to the immortal Tiangong of Hengdi.

The fragments of Hunyuan's life and death decision obtained by the Chixiaomen sect may be born from Hunyuan Tiangong.

"This person named Chu Shaoyun cannot die."

The two Tsing Yi disciples of the Five Elements Sect wanted to know how this Chu Shaoyun cultivated such a powerful profound art.

At this moment, opposite Gu Fei, both Chi Sha and Mo Hong directly despised Gu Fei. This guy is only at the realm of God Transformation, and he is a powerful person in the same way. The difference between the two is not a god-defying magic, abnormal. Magic weapon can make up for it.

In the icy void, the murderous aura was mighty, everyone watching from a distance stared at Gu Fei and Chi Sha, Mo Hong, is this Chi Xiao Clan disciple seeking his own way of death?

"Mohong, did you do it or did I do it?"

Chi Sha glanced at Mo Hong and said.


Mo Hong sneered, and ignored Chi Sha.


Chi Sha smiled, he really didn't bother to kill an ant.

"If you don't take action, then I will take action."

As soon as Gu Fei said that, he smashed directly into the two powerful men on the opposite side, and the speed was extremely fast.


"This guy was kicked in the head by a donkey?"

Everyone was taken aback.

"Bold ants, go to death!"

Chi Sha shot, the endless black evil spirit erupted from his body, turned into a magic net and shrouded Gu Fei who was rushing.

Gu Fei immediately grabbed the magic net, then pulled it hard, and directly pulled out a hole, then rushed out, and instantly slammed into Chi Sha's body.

The next moment, Chi Sha flew upside down, his body heard the sound of broken bones, and a ray of blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.


The elder Mo Hong at Lian Demon Mountain could not help being surprised when he saw this scene on the side.

That Chi Sha, a strong cultivation expert in the realm of Harmony, was hurt by a little monk who only had the realm of transforming gods, which was incredible.


Chi Sha leaned up to the sky and roared, the violent magic power burst out from his body, and a magic shadow loomed on his body, terrifying.

"Little guy, you angered me."

Chi Sha stared at Gu Fei on the opposite side, and his pupils turned blood red, revealing a kind of supernatural power that seemed to be able to hook away the opponent's soul, as if it could stun the soul and destroy the opponent's soul at a glance.

However, Gu Fei is not afraid of such evil eyes.

"What about angering you?"

Gu Fei shrugged and said indifferently.

"I will smash your corpse into thousands of pieces, nail it to the soul card, burn it day and night, and suffer the pain of soul refining."

Chi Sha gritted his teeth and said.

"Really? You try."

Gu Fei hooked his fingers at Chi Sha again.


The next moment, Chi Sha moved, and the demon shadow that emerged from his body also moved. The vast devilish energy swept away, and instantly enveloped the space of a thousand-square-meter radius, and also enveloped Gu Fei.

"Junior Brother Chu is in danger."

Luo Yue's complexion changed drastically.

However, the next moment, a figure flew upside down from the magic fog, coughing up blood constantly.

"how is this possible……"

When I saw that the person who flew upside down from the magic mist turned out to be Chi Sha, everyone's eyes almost fell to the ground.

There is a fist mark on this guy's chest, which is deeply plunged into his body.

"Hunyuan swallows the sky."

Gu Fei directly displayed this magical power, and the next moment, the surrounding demonic energy gathered towards him, swallowed and absorbed by him, and turned into his own power.

It was just a breath of time, and the devilish energy in the sky was swallowed by Gu Fei.


Chi Sha looked at Gu Fei like a monster, this guy dared to swallow his own devilish energy, and he was not dead yet, which made them unbelievable.

"Let's go together, otherwise you won't have a chance to shoot."

Gu Fei said calmly.

"Damn it, dare to underestimate us."

Both Chi Sha and Mohong were furious.

Mohong directly sacrificed the treasure of Refining Demon Mountain, the magic seal of that side.

When the magic seal came out, it was earth-shattering.

"To drop or not to drop!"

Mo Hong stared at Gu Fei and said coldly.

"Cost your head."

Gu Fei said angrily,

"Then you go to die!"

Mo Hong said that he directly urged the demon mountain to kill Gu Fei Town, and the powerful demon aura erupted from his body, and he was as terrifying as the same ancient demon king.


The entire heaven and earth void became unstable.

Seeing the demon mountain pressing the top, Gu Fei's expression was still calm, and he directly blasted his punch upwards.


With a loud noise, Gu Fei's fist slammed on the magic mountain that was down from the town, and the fierce power directly shook the magic mountain.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Moshan was fisted by Gu Fei, and then he stretched out his big hand and directly grabbed Mohong by the neck.

"Do not kill me!"

Mo Hong's surprise was truly extraordinary.


As soon as Gu Fei's right hand was hard, the next moment Mohong was directly pinched off his neck by him, killing him.


Chi Sha turned around and fled. Even Na Mohong was easily killed by Gu Fei. The cultivation base between himself and Mohong was only between the uncles. Since Gu Fei could kill Mohong, he could definitely kill himself.

Don't run away, do you stay and wait for death?

"Can you escape?"

Gu Fei suddenly smiled. The next moment, he suddenly turned into a heavenly sword, the human sword merged into one, and he caught up with Chi Sha in an instant, and then passed through his heart.

In the end, Chi Sha was dead.

Just when Gu Fei killed Crimson Fiend and Demon Hong, there was a horn sound in the distance. Then, after hearing the horn sound, the powerhouses of Black Fiend Lake and Refining Demon Mountain retreated like a tide.

The disciples of the Chixiaomen chased away directly, and the two sides followed the battle in the mountains, leaving many corpses on the road.

No one thought it would end like this.

Under the leadership of the senior brother Luo Yue, the people of the Chixiaomen directly chased and killed hundreds of miles away before turning back.

The Black Fiend Lake and the Mountain of Refining Demon have suffered heavy losses.

The war ended, and the strong from all sides retreated.

In the evening, Zhao Jianyu's injuries improved and he directly summoned Gu Fei.

Sure enough, Zhao Jianyu asked about Gu Fei's cultivation situation as soon as they met, and Gu Fei had already figured out a countermeasure.

"You are at the juncture of life and death, you have an epiphany?"

In the room where Zhao Jianyu was recovering from his wounds, everyone was shocked. No one thought it would be like this. Their little junior brother Chu Shaoyun had an epiphany when he was about to die. Easily get rid of the strong cultivators in the realm of harmony,

In fact, in Chu Shaoyun's memory read by Gu Fei before this, Chu Shaoyun had practiced a very peculiar technique called Hunyuan Life and Death Secret Art.

This practice is a flawed practice, and the flaw is very serious.

The head of Zhao Jianyu once brought this incomplete technique to the Five Elements Sect to visit the **** of the five elements gate master.

The master of the Five Elements Sect does not appreciate this incomplete exercise. If this Hunyuan Life and Death Art is a complete exercise, it is absolutely comparable to the Five Elements Heavenly Art.

However, because the incompleteness is too serious, it has no value at all.

The reason why Gu Fei dared to show the power against the sky was because of this technique.

Who can achieve an epiphany between life and death?

Of course, the real Chu Shaoyun was really dead, and the current Chu Shaoyun was Gu Fei.

Soon, the will of the Five Elements Gate was sent directly to Chixiao Gate by the messenger, and the Five Elements Gate master called to see Chu Shaoyun.

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