Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4578: Akasaka Gate Crisis

The countless great religions and **** sons and saints of the Holy Land who crossed from the Taishi Realm swept across the heavens and defeated all the powers of the heavens, and no one could compete with them.

The divine sons and saints of the Taishi Realm even set up a ring around the heavens to challenge the quasi-supreme of the heavens.

And in the center of the heavens, in the Tiandi City, the **** child Taichen put down a ring, and directly defeated countless heavens who came to challenge him in the past few days, and even the quasi supreme of the human world.

The **** son of Taichen was shocked in the ten directions, and countless celestial powerhouses who were born with his own force bowed their heads, looking at the world, and did not put the countless powerhouses in the celestial realm in their eyes.

He even named Dao to challenge Emperor Jiutian, the Demon Lord of the Demon Race and Gu Fei.

However, just when God Child Taichen was extremely arrogant, Gu Fei had already entered the Taishi Realm and came to the southern region of the Taishi Realm.

This is the territory of the Chixiao Gate. In a mountain forest only fifty miles away from where the mountain gate of the Chixiao Gate is located, a girl in white is being chased and killed by a dozen men in black.

"Be obedient and catch it, otherwise, kill without mercy."

A middle-aged strong man headed by a dozen people in black stared at the woman in white and said coldly.

"Hmph, Chixiaomen and Heisha Lake are mortal enemies, Chixiaomen only have disciples who died in battle, and there are no surrenders." The white-clothed girl gritted her teeth.


A blade of light flashed, and blood spattered on her left shoulder, and her white clothes were stained with blood.

She snorted, and a ray of sword light strangling with a sword in her backhand, the whole person rushed forward directly, as long as she hurried back to the sect, she could survive.

"Hey, it's just a dying struggle. After today, there will be no Chixiaomen in this world." The headed middle-aged black man stared at the white girl gloomily and said.

"what did you say?"

The white-clothed girl was taken aback, and was almost stabbed by the knife light from behind.

It seems that Heisha Lake is deliberately planning to destroy the Chixiao Gate this time!

The girl in white can't help feeling very anxious when she thinks of this place, she wants to rush back to Chixiao Gate as soon as possible, and the Heisha Lake is committing a crime. This time, it is different!


On a mountain a hundred miles away, Gu Fei looked at the scene in the mountains ahead with no expression on his face. He suddenly moved in his heart and disappeared on the mountain in the next moment.

When he appeared again, people had already come to the side of a young man in Tsing Yi who was seriously injured and dying.

This Tsing Yi boy was only fifteen or six years old. He was lying in a pile of rocks under a cliff. He was chased and killed by a man in black before falling from the cliff.

The young man in Tsing Yi was only a cultivation base in the realm of transforming gods. In the southern region of the Taishi Realm, there were many cultivators of transforming gods, and the sixteen-year-old monks in the realm of transforming gods were very ordinary.


The boy in Tsing Yi looked at Gu Fei with scattered eyes.

Gu Fei just glanced at it and knew that this Tsing Yi boy would not survive. He had three transparent cuts on his chest and abdomen. This was not fatal. The fatal thing was that there was a blood stain on the center of his brow. Obviously It was wounded by the sword qi and cut the soul.

He looked at the boy in Tsing Yi who was about to die completely, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

"You can tell me what you want."

Gu Fei said to the boy in Tsing Yi.

"Save... Save... Junior Sister..."

A faint wave of divine consciousness came out from the boy in Tsing Yi.

"This is it?"

Gu Fei asked.


The boy in Tsing Yi did not die, and a trace of spiritual thought continued to spread.

"I can save her, but I want your physical body."

Gu Fei stared at the boy in Tsing Yi and said.


The purple-clothed boy agreed. As long as he can save his junior sister, let alone his physical body, he can commit suicide directly. Of course, he doesn't need to commit suicide.

Gu Fei didn't speak any more, he turned into a divine light and rushed into the purple-clothed boy's body. The next moment, he directly read the purple-clothed boy's spirit and knew everything about the purple-clothed boy.

This purple-clothed boy, named Chu Shaoyun, is the seventh disciple of the Chixiao Sect. His cultivation level is average and he is not liked by the master. Other brothers also look down on him. Only the little junior sister Zhao Qianqian is not in friendship with him. general.

Although he liked the younger sister in his heart, he did not have the courage to confess, because in front of the younger sister, he was very inferior and felt that he was not worthy of the younger sister.

Because the younger sister is the beloved daughter of the master master.

This time, Chu Shaoyun and Zhao Qianqian went out of the mountain to experience, but they accidentally smashed the black evil lake conspiracy, this black evil lake colluded with Lianmo Mountain, and wanted to conspiracy to destroy the Chixiao gate.

As a result, the master of Heisha Lake chased and killed Chu Shaoyun and Zhao Qianqian all the way.

This Chixiao Gate, in the Taishi Realm, is just a small sect among the countless sects, the strongest head in the sect, that is, the existence of the Hedao realm, not even the fairy gods.

Compared with the top-notch master, Chixiaomen, where there is a supreme master, it is not even a small shrimp, at best it is a small sesame.

After Gu Fei came to this Taishi Realm, he was strongly suppressed by this world of heaven and earth, because the avenue of his cultivation did not originate from this world of heaven and earth.

He wants to cultivate here and realize the great road of heaven and earth here, but he needs an identity, so he will help Chu Shaoyun.

At this time, the wounds on Chu Shaoyun's body were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all the wounds on his body were getting better quickly.

However, Gu Fei sealed all his extreme Dao level power on Chu Shaoyun's body, and his whole person was in a state of similarity and deep sleep.

He separated a divine mind and entered the body of Chu Shaoyun.

At this time, he was Chu Shaoyun, and as his cultivation improved, Gu Fei's power would be unearthed like a treasure.

Taishi Realm, the grandeur and longevity of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, are not under the ancestor realm. He wants to practice the Taishi Realm's exercises here, understand the laws of the Great Realm, and become a strong man in this realm.

He wants to use this world of Tao to perfect his "Tao."

This is equivalent to re-cultivating here, starting from a small monk at the bottom, and then becoming the strongest person in this world.

This time, he has to lay an extremely solid foundation before he can finally leap and become the eternal supreme being. He does not want to be lacking. He wants to be the most perfect and become the strongest existence in the world.

Soon, Gu Fei repaired Chu Shaoyun's injured body.

"Since I promised you to save your little junior sister, I won't break my promise."

As soon as Gu Fei said, he rose directly from the bottom of the cliff towards the mountains five miles away.

In order for Chu Shaoyun to survive the little junior sister, he knew he was going to fight to death, and he did not hesitate to stop the master of Heisha Lake who was chasing after him.

"You Kun, do you really want to burn the jade of the Scarlet Cloud Gate with me in the Black Sha Lake?"

Zhao Qianqian roared angrily. At this time, she was already surrounded by the dozens of Black Fiend Lake masters. At this time, no one would fight these guys for her.

"Hey, you girl is so stupid, since we dare to do it, we have absolute certainty to destroy the Chixiao Gate." The middle-aged black man headed by Heisha Lake sneered.

"Elder You, this little girl is the one I named the young master of Demon Mountain, so don't really hurt her life."

At this moment, a strange sound of Yin and Yang sounded, and then a thin old servant in Tsing Yi came out of the woods.

"Young Master Bu Tai of Demon Mountain?"

Hearing the words of the old servant in Tsing Yi, Zhao Qianqian's expression suddenly changed. The young master of Demon Mountain, Bu Tai, is not a good person. This person is good and looks like life. If he falls into his hands, it will be absolutely miserable.

Zhao Qianqian was ready to die. She would rather commit suicide than fall into the hands of Young Master Bu Tai of the Mountain of Demon.

"Haha, since this little girl has been favored by Young Master Bu, we naturally dare not kill her, so we will capture her and send her to Young Master."

Yukun laughed.

"It's so good!"

The old servant of Tsing Yi smiled and nodded.

"You bastards..."

Zhao Qianqian trembled all over her body. She was only a cultivation base of the God Transformation Realm. It was too difficult to escape from Yukun's hands.

You know, this Yukun, but the elder of the Black Fiend Lake, has reached a half-step anti-virtual state.

If he wasn't carrying a few protective treasures from his father, he would have been captured by these guys a long time ago.

"Oh, come with me to see my young master!"

The Tsing Yi old servant said coldly.

"Don't think about it, even if I die, I won't go to see the demon."

As soon as Zhao Qianqian gritted his teeth, he was about to explode the origin of God.

However, at this moment, the old servant of Tsing Yi made a move. As soon as he pointed it out, Zhao Qianqian's power was directly sealed, and she instantly transformed from a monk in the realm of God Hua to an ordinary person.


When You Kun saw this scene, he couldn't help being taken aback. He never thought that this humble old servant in Tsing Yi turned out to be a strong man in the realm of anti-emptiness.

"Hey, you can't die even if you want to die without permission from my young master."

The Tsing Yi old servant stared at Zhao Qianqian with a grin and said.

I have to say that this Zhao Qianqian is indeed extremely beautiful, and his young master's vision is still very good.


Zhao Qianqian almost fainted with anger.

"Come here!"

The old servant of Tsing Yi stretched out his right hand and grabbed Zhao Qianqian directly.

"Retract your dog's paw!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the sky, and the next moment a figure fell from the sky, directly falling between the old servant of Tsing Yi and Zhao Qianqian.

The Tsing Yi old servant exclaimed, he actually retracted his right hand, stepped back, staring at the man in front of him with a look of uncertainty.


As soon as Zhao Qianqian saw this man, he was immediately extremely excited.

"It's you? Didn't you fall to death from the cliff?"

Yukun looked at this man with a face of disbelief.

This person is Gu Fei, but in the eyes of Zhao Qianqian, You Kun and others, he is Chu Shaoyun.

"Brother Chu, it's really nice that you are fine."

Zhao Qianqian was surprised and delighted. She thought that Chu Shaoyun had died in the battle, and she was very guilty, because Chu Shaoyun died in the battle to help her hold the enemy.

Now that Chu Shaoyun is not dead, she doesn't need to feel guilty.

"Boy, since you are not dead, you should run away. If you don't think you came to die, then we have to kill you again."

Heisha Lake elder You Kun stared at Chu Shaoyun with a grin.

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