Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4574: Taishijie, I'm here

After Gu Fei left the pass, he originally wanted to enter the fairy mansion in the chaos crack, but suddenly a big hand grabbed it from the chaos crack.

That big hand directly caught Gu Fei into the depths of the chaotic crack, and came to a place not far from the Taishi Realm.

That is a mysterious supreme in the shot.

However, Gu Fei wasn't a vegetarian either, the Jidao cultivation base broke out and the big hand that grabbed him was shattered.



Without any hesitation, the two powerhouses fought directly.

Gu Fei's retreat this time, refining endless demon energy, the demon energy of the Ten Absolute Demon Stars, too large and pure, actually restored his cultivation to the first stage of the extreme path.

As long as he is willing, he will be able to overcome the calamity immediately and become the true supreme Supreme.

Gu Fei used to be the supreme existence of the eternal realm. Although the first demon of the first ancestor used his life to start the reincarnation, he was beaten into the reincarnation, cutting off his eternal level, even the ultimate level of cultivation, and almost knocking him back. Prototype.

However, he continued to practice again one step at a time.

Because it was a re-cultivation, he was already aware of all realms, and he walked all the way again without any bottlenecks at all, and he was familiar with it.

Even if he hadn't crossed the calamity yet, Gu Fei's current cultivation base was enough to compete with the Supreme Dao.

"Back to you."

Gu Fei easily reversed the nine sword lights that the mysterious supreme of the Taishi Realm had penetrated into him. The nine sword lights burst out with brilliant sword lights, and directly broke through the chaos, and immediately caught up. The mysterious supreme.

"Damn it!"

Mysterious Supreme's body shook, and the next moment, the sharp sword light that Nine Dao strangled at him was directly shattered by a divine ring rushing out of him.

"go with!"

When the mysterious supreme was moving his thoughts, the divine ring that bloomed with colorful divine light directly slammed into Gu Fei, and the power of the five elements at the extreme level burst out from the divine ring.

"This is the Five Elements Avenue?"

Upon seeing this, Gu Fei's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

If it was his first life before being beaten into reincarnation by the First Ancestor First Demon, then after being beaten into reincarnation by the First Ancestor First Demon, it was equivalent to his second life.

The cultivation of the two lives has made his great foundation more solid. He has cultivated to the extreme in every realm, and has reached the level of perfection in every realm.

Especially since he has eternal true bones, his martial arts are extremely powerful.

Even if he only uses the power of martial arts, he can still crush opponents of the same level.

He did not expect that he had just re-cultivated to the Supreme Dao, and he met a Supreme Master of the Five Elements who had cultivated the Five Elements Dao to the extreme.

The Five Elements Supreme of the Taishi Realm was too powerful, and had already used the Extreme Dao-level Five Elements Dao implement, which made him take seriously.

"Po Jiquan!"

Without hesitation, Gu Fei directly displayed the supreme boxing technique created by his previous life.

I saw him blast out with this fist, as if the open sky giant had broken through the chaos, and his body was as if the sun, moon and stars were shattering, and the vision was amazing.

This is the supreme fist created by Gu Fei when he cultivated to the eternal realm in his first life, breaking the extreme fist, breaking the limit with one punch, and even the primitive power between earth, water, wind and fire, was beaten out.


When the Five Elements Supreme of the Taishi Realm saw this scene, his pupils couldn't help but shrink, his face extremely solemn.

He could sense the horror of Gu Fei's punch. The moment Gu Fei punched this punch, his entire body was erect, as if facing a great horror, a great crisis.

Gu Fei was enveloped in the sacred light of the sacred light. This sacred power was strong and powerful, and spurred this punch with the power of the ultimate sacred power. It was indestructible and could not be broken.

This punch hasn't been completely punched yet, and that kind of grand to the extreme punch has dispelled all the chaotic energy within a radius of more than 100,000 miles.



Gu Fei punched the five-element divine ring that had come by the bombardment, and directly blasted away the ultimate Taoist weapon of the Five Elements Heavenly Sect of the Taishi Realm.


A large mountain in the distance was hit by the ring of the five elements, and it exploded and turned into dust in the sky.

"Shake the Extreme Dao Device with your bare hands?"

The Five Elements Supreme shook his body and the corner of his mouth oozes blood. With a move from his right hand, the Five Elements Divine Ring flew directly back into his hand. He looked down and saw that the colorful divine ring was walking through the cracks, as if it might collapse at any time. Broken.

Although he had been mentally prepared for a long time, the Five Elements Supreme still stared at the Five Elements Divine Ring with his eyes widened, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

I sacrificed a life-long natal Dao weapon, and almost caused this guy to smash it with a punch, which made the Five Elements Supreme both startled and angry.

"who are you."

The Five Elements Supreme stared at Gu Fei. If his eyes could kill people, Gu Fei probably didn't know how many times he had died. His Taoist artifact was half ruined.

If Gu Fei punched again, his Dao weapon would definitely not be able to bear it, and would be shattered.


Gu Fei didn't say a word, and was honest, he hit another punch directly, the power of this punch was much stronger than the first punch.

What is breaking the extreme is to surpass one's own limit, and to raise one's own combat power to a level beyond one's own limit.

With Gu Fei's second punch, the void in front of his fist was directly shattered and annihilated, and the area of ​​10,000 li was directly turned into powder, destroying everything and obliterating everything.

This is the Fist of Destruction. It is spurred by the power of the Extreme Dao rank. It can sink a continent and destroy a world. The horror is unimaginable.


The Five Elements Supreme roared wildly, and directly retreated violently. At the same time, the power of the Extreme Five Elements exploded from his body and blocked forward.

The emptiness shrouded by the light of the five elements is densely packed, and they are all five elements.

However, Gu Fei's fist directly broke through the power of the five elements of the first heavy pole road, then the second and the third, as if breaking a bamboo.


In the end, Gu Fei's fist slammed on the body of the Five Elements Supreme, and six or seven body guards shattered in an instant. These extreme level guards couldn't even last for a breath.

The Five Elements Supreme only felt his body shook. The next moment, he saw his extremely powerful Five Elements Dao body torn apart and his head flying high into the sky.

"how is this possible"

The five elements supreme was so depressed that he vomited blood, and his dignified Supreme Elder of the Five Elements Heaven Sect of the Taishi Realm, an extremely powerful expert, could not even hold the opponent's second punch and was bombarded with his body.

However, in the next moment, the flesh and blood of the multicolored divine light was rapidly reorganizing, the power of the five elements was mighty, and a figure appeared in the five elements of the divine light.

The existence of Extreme Dao supreme level is difficult to kill, especially the existence of Extreme Dacheng.

"I want to see how many punches you can hold."

Gu Fei hit the third punch as he spoke.


The Five Elements Supreme was shocked and wanted to leave, but the next moment he realized that every inch of the void between the heaven and the earth was filled with grand fist, no matter how he escaped, there was only one ending, and that was death.

"Can't escape"

The Five Elements Supreme can only make a full shot and Gu Fei head-on.

The result was miserable. The arms of the Five Elements Supreme were bombarded by that punch, and then the body and limbs were all directly shocked by the terrifying fist.

The Five Elements Supreme was completely bombarded and killed, but in the next moment, he actually reorganized his body again and appeared in Gu Fei's eyes.


Gu Fei couldn't help frowning. Could this guy really be beaten to death?

"With one hand!"

Gu Fei stretched out his big hand and grabbed it directly towards the Supreme of the Five Elements. A wave of heavenly power spread out, and instantly enveloped the Supreme of the Five Elements.


The Five Elements Supreme was taken aback, and then he saw the most horrible scene in his life, and saw that his body was actually breaking down and turning into nothingness.

Soon, the flesh and blood of the Five Elements Supreme was melted away, leaving only a skeleton. I saw that every bone on his body was gleaming like a **** jade above the nine heavens.

However, this powerful bone couldn't last long, cracks began to appear on the bone, and finally with the sound of "touch!", the five element bones also exploded, and were wiped out by the power of heaven.

The flesh and bones have disappeared, and the current Five Element Supreme, only a group of divine souls remain, but the next moment, this group of divine light will be blown out like a flame.

The Supreme of the Five Elements has fallen, and the Tao Xing that has been transformed by Gu Fei's Tiantian hand, and finally the whole person has been transformed, as if he had never appeared before.

It's a pity for Gu Fei, if he can swallow this guy's ultimate origin in one bite, his cultivation level should be improved a lot!

However, under his own Huatian hand, the Supreme Elder of the Five Elements Heaven Sect received the box of lunch directly.

"Taishijie, I am here"

After Gu Fei killed the Supreme Elder of the Five Elements Celestial Sect, he went directly to the Taishi Realm.

Taishijie, deep in the southern mountains, is a fairyland on earth, with pavilions looming, and waterfalls and springs dotted with fairy, birds and animals wandering leisurely.


Something suddenly shattered in an ancient temple on top of an aura-shrouded mountain.

"What, the Supreme Elder actually died?"

A monk guarding the Palace of Life was mad and rushed out of it.

"The life card of the Supreme Elder is broken."

The news spread, and the peaceful Five Elements Heavenly Ancestor Land became lively immediately.

"what happened!"

"How could the Supreme Elder die?"

In the ancestral land of the Five Elements Heaven Sect, no one believed it, but the fate card of the Supreme Five Elements enshrined in the Palace of Life had been shattered, which was a fact.

Once the life card is broken, it means that the person has fallen.

Even Jidao Supreme is no exception.

When the Five Elements Tianzong was in chaos, Gu Fei broke through the boundary wall, entered the Taishi Realm, and came to a place called Chiwu Ridge.

There is a small school named Chixiaomen.

In a woods fifty miles away from Chixiao Gate, a young woman was hunted down by a dozen men in black.

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