Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4566: Waving the Supreme

Gu Ling got the Harmony Qi. In fact, her father Gu Fei had already cultivated the Chaos Harmony Qi, which was actually nothing to her.

Of course, she is the grandeur she got, with different meanings.

However, if it hadn't been for the sky blue fairy and gold battle suit given to her by her father Gu Fei, she would not have been able to break through the stone killer formation outside the temple, nor could she completely ignore the attack of the Supreme Elder Cang Mie of the Chaos God of War.

However, using the sky blue fairy and gold battle clothes cost her a lot of money, and her vitality was taken away by the sky blue fairy gold battle clothes by 80%, making her almost collapsed.

In this world of immortal mansion, there was danger everywhere, and she directly took a drop of undead liquid that was from the young monk Fan Xiu.

After that drop of undead liquid dissolved in her body, the vitality she had consumed was completely replenished in just a few breaths.

"This Immortal Liquid is really against the sky!"

In response to the changes in her body, Ancient Inspiration couldn't help but move her face. Not only did her exhausted vitality come back, it seemed to be much stronger than before.

The most important thing is that the undead substance contained in the Undead God Liquid melted into her body, which strengthened her vitality and strengthened her vitality a lot.

Because there was a sky blue fairy gold armor that blocked the aura on Gu Ling, no one could tell that Gu Ling had recovered her vitality, and they were all wondering if she was also hit hard when she fought against the Cangmai Zhanzu. .

In the cultivation world, whoever has a strong fist can dominate the life and death of others. This is an eternal law that does not change everywhere.

The strong dominate the weak, this is the truth.

Gu Ling took away the great energy in the temple, which would make many people stare at her. In the cultivation world, killing people for treasure is the most commonplace.

"Hongmeng Qi was actually taken by her."

Little Monk Fanxiu smiled and walked away.

He didn't dare to provoke Gu Ling, who knows how many powerful things she had, it was Gu Fei's daughter, and the consequences would be serious if he provokes his daughter.

"Oh, I slipped too."

The old tortoise is like a thief, quietly retreating, if he gets entangled by this little niece, he will inevitably bleed again!

In the heavens and the human world, anyone who knows the origins of Gu Ling dare not have any thoughts of killing people and stealing treasures. Who dares to touch Gu Fei's daughter in the sky and the earth?

That is more ruthless than the peerless ruthless person, more fierce than the eternally fierce Xuanhuang, an angry can flatten the restricted area, a sword can cut the supreme, shocking the heavens and the human world.

It was Emperor Jiutian who surrendered to his feet and became his disciple.

Many people have seen that Emperor Jiutian has also entered this world. That is the supreme existence of the master class, which can compete with the master of the ancestor world.

Of course, for the people of Taishi Realm, they don't know who Gu Fei is, who Gu Ling is, and who is Emperor Jiutian.


Someone couldn't help but directly shot, a group of divine sun suddenly appeared in the gloomy sky, and the breath of the sun filled every inch of void in an instant.

"Bring Hongmeng!"

An extremely majestic voice came from the sky, and the terrifying heat burned the sky and the void, and the phantom of a three-legged bird appeared on the Shenyang, looking down at the ancient spirit below.

"Golden Crow? Extreme level Golden Crow?"

The powerhouses in the heavens and the world were taken aback.

In the heavens and the world, the figure of the Golden Crow clan has never disappeared, but the Golden Crow clan does not have a supreme existence.

Moreover, this Golden Crow Supreme dared to attack Gulin, naturally he did not know the origin of Gulin, so he dared to do it.


Gu Ling looked up to the sky, but there were still people who dared to attack him?

"The humble ant, offer a great spirit, and then get out."

The Golden Crow Supreme in the sky didn't put Gu Ling in his eyes at all, his tone was extremely arrogant, as if he didn't even bother to shoot an ant to squeeze to death.

"What is this guy talking about?"

The strong from the heavens and the human world are all dumbfounded.

"This guy is so awesome, I have to admire it!"

"This flat-haired beast was kicked in the head by a donkey?"

"The guys from the Taishi Realm are different, they dare to provoke the people of the ancient family."

The powerhouses from all major forces in the heavens all looked at the golden crow in the sky like an idiot, what about the supreme? Gu Fei and his daughter are fearless.

It wasn't that Gu Fei had never killed the Supreme, and even that great fierce Xuanhuang was not Gu Fei's opponent. He was captured by Gu Fei, and he didn't know his life or death.

"Shut up all to me."

The golden crow supreme in the sky roared, and the terrifying coercion was overwhelmingly powerful. Some guys with weak cultivation were directly oozing blood from the shocked ears.

What's more, they were shocked by the terrifying sound waves and fell from the sky.

"A stupid bird, what a roar!"

A huge phantom appeared in the depths of the Xianfu world, the huge figure, like a giant **** of open sky, could not even see his head at a glance.

The terrifying coercion came in mighty, the whole world seemed to be crushed, and dark space cracks appeared in the void.

"Friends of Taoism, I advise you to be less nosy."

The Golden Crow Supreme in the sky turned his head and sneered at the figure in the depths of the fairy mansion.

"The frog at the bottom of the well thought it was invincible from the Taishi Realm? Can it really overlook the heavens? Ridiculous!"

The voice of that figure roared between heaven and earth, and the whole heaven and earth became very unstable.

"what did you say?"

Just like the golden crow supreme in the sky was angry, the supreme was angry, the sky was shaking and the earth moved, that day it would almost burn through the sky.

"Little stupid bird, let me teach you how to be a human, ah no, it should be how to be a bird."

The figure said disdainfully.


The Golden Crow Supreme sneered, and the next moment, a golden claw directly grabbed the Gu Ling below, it wanted to kill the Gu Ling first, and get the group of great energy, and then deal with the guy in the depths of the fairy house.

The guy in the depths of the Xianfu world is very strong, and a face of heaven and earth can make Quasi-Sovereign pee directly. That is a strong enemy, and Jin Crow Sovereign dare not underestimate this existence.

The same is the Supreme Dao, under the sympathy of Qi and machine, who is strong and who is weak, at a glance, the guy in the depths of the world of Xianfu, the cultivation base and combat power are definitely not under him.

Golden Crow Supreme is not afraid of such existence.


Gu Ling sighed, then directly took out a page of yellow paper and threw it at the Golden Claws grabbed from the sky.

"Yellow paper?"

Seeing this scene, some strong people who were watching from a distance were suddenly shocked.

"this is……"

Even Ye Lingtian's eyes widened suddenly.

For ordinary people, this page of yellow paper has no power at all, but not long ago, Ye Lingtian used a page of yellow paper to kill Chihao, the **** son of Qi Tianzong of the Taishi Realm.

And many people saw that scene.

Ye Lingtian's page of yellow paper broke the extreme way and killed God's Son. In the eyes of ordinary people, this was a miracle, a myth in the legend.

Of course, when Ye Lingtian killed Chi Hao, the Golden Crow Supreme hadn't arrived yet, so naturally he hadn't seen the horror scene like a myth.

The golden crow god's claw, which was as huge as a mountain, grabbed the yellow paper directly.

"Little girl, are you scared by your deity?"

Jin Crow Supreme sneered, this little thing threw yellow paper at himself, wanting to use a page of yellow paper to block his blow? This is really funny.

However, the page of yellow paper that Gu Ling threw out flew past, and then the sharp claw grabbed by the Golden Crow Supreme split the two halves silently.

The golden blood was spilled from the sky, and every drop of golden light was blooming, like a large dense cluster of golden stars falling from the sky.


Jin Crow Supreme’s surprise was truly extraordinary. It was just a page of yellow paper without any power fluctuations. How could it hurt yourself?

The strong people watching the battle nearby are also dumbfounded.

The page of yellow paper that Gu Ling threw out still flew towards the Golden Crow Supreme.

A page of yellow paper, as if being blown by the wind towards the Golden Crow Supreme, still flashed by, and then the round of Shenyang that the Golden Crow Supreme had transformed was separated in two.

"how is this possible……"

Jin Crow Supreme couldn't believe that he would be killed by a page of yellow paper.

A page of yellow paper seems ordinary, but at this time, no one dare to look down on this page of yellow paper. The eyes of all people staring at that page of yellow paper are different.


The figure in the depths of Xianfu world was very surprised to see this scene. The huge figure taller than the sky also disappeared between the heaven and the earth, as if it had never appeared before.

"Is that the back hand left by that existence?"

Ye Lingtian suddenly thought of a person, an existence that even he felt trembling.

This Ye family is a big superpower in the Ancestral Realm, and the ancestors of the Ye Family are behind it. Back then, Gu Fei swept the Ancestral Realm with his own power, and even the Mu Clan was destroyed by him.

Ye Lingtian had definitely heard of Gu Fei's reputation.

In addition to Gu Fei, who else can refine a page of yellow paper that can kill the supreme among the heavens and worlds? That is not a Taoist artifact, but a decree of the supreme being from the eternal realm.

Once the eternal decree comes out, the Supreme will die.

I saw that the page of yellow paper that Gu Ling threw out after cutting the Golden Crow Supreme in half, it burned and turned into ashes, as if it had never appeared before.

And the Supreme Dao Supreme, the Supreme Golden Crow from the Taishi Realm, after being split in half by that page of yellow paper, both the body and the soul burned and turned into ashes.

The day that was on the sky disappeared, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as if a mountain was moved away from the heart.

This is the extinction of form and spirit, the lofty generation of supreme, unexpectedly fell into this world of Xianfu, which made those people from Taishi Realm directly stunned.

No one would have thought that the existence of this Extreme Dao supreme level would fall. You know, this is the supreme existence standing on the top of the heavens!

At this time, even those guys from Taishi Realm knew that this little girl was not easy to mess with, and there was no way to mess with it.

"how is this possible……"

All the strong from the Taishi Realm were unbelievable.

And just when everyone was stunned, a vast and boundless breath suddenly passed in from the entrance of Xianfu World, and a **** figure appeared in Xianfu World.

Behind that figure stood a dozen powerful beings.

The bodies of those figures were full of shocking warfare and murderous aura, these people were like a group of war gods coming from the chaos.

"The people from the Chaos Palace of War are here..."

Someone exclaimed. https:

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