Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4555: Taiyue's hole card

In a valley in the world of Immortal Palace, there is the humongous energy that monks dream of. This is the ancestral energy of heaven and earth, even if the Supreme Dao Supreme encounters it, it will be moved.

You know, this kind of rare artifact is hard to find in the world, and it is a great fortune to get a strand.

And now, in the depths of this humble valley, a shrine enshrines a mass of majestic aura, which is absolutely enough to drive these quasi-superior people crazy.

The **** sons and saints of the Taishi Realm also wished to slam directly into the temple and seize the great spirit in the temple.

However, outside the temple, there are nine stone men, blocking all the powerful gods and saints of the Taishi Realm.

This is a killing array with nine stone men. They are extremely powerful and can easily kill the gods and saints who broke into the array. Within the range of the stone men's killing array, there are many corpses lying in various directions.

Many powerhouses who entered the fairy house before have fallen here.

Among these corpses, lies a black flood dragon that is a thousand feet long. Even if this dragon is dead, it is still very ferocious and vicious.

This black dragon is the quasi-sovereign black dragon who entered the Xian Mansion before. This black dragon comes from the ancestor realm and is peerlessly powerful. It actually fell here.

Except for this black flood, there were seven or eight of Quasi Supreme who fell outside the temple, and a gray-haired old man fell on the steps in front of the temple.

This old quasi-sovereign almost broke through the stone-man killing formation, but in the end he fell on the steps. Only a few steps away, he was able to pass the killing formation, enter the temple, and get the great spirit.

However, the reality is so cruel, only a few steps away, but the result is heaven and hell. If this old quasi-senior can break through the killing array, he will definitely reach the sky in one step.

However, it is a pity that this old quasi supreme has no more ifs.

At this time, the stone man killed the formation, murderous, a little fat man directly slammed into a group of **** children and goddess of the Taishi realm, raising his hand, blasting a **** son into a cloud of blood.

The **** son who was as powerful as the Taishi Realm was also killed by the little fat man raising his hand.

"Quickly, disperse quickly."

There is a **** yelling.

However, the little fat man laughed, folded his hands together, and the next moment, his hands slammed, and countless palm shadows immediately slapped out in all directions.





The dull sound of impact continued to sound, and the divine sons and saints shot by the palm of the hand were directly shaken into masses of blood fog, and even the soul was shaken away.

This is an indiscriminate attack.

Everyone was shocked to the extreme. With this blow, Little Fatty directly killed more than a dozen **** children and saints of the Taishi Realm.

The palm shadows all over the sky dissipated, and only three particularly powerful beings blocked the fat man's blow. The others were all dead, and they died completely.

"Hey, all **** sons and saints are scum, vulnerable, and dare to show off here, it's ridiculous." The little fat man said disdainfully.


The two gods and a saint were both frightened and angry. They survived the trick of the little fat man, but they ooze blood, messy hair, and embarrassed.

This guy's combat power is too amazing, even better than Chihao and Chaos Zi.

You know, even if Chi Hao and Chao Zhuanzi make their best efforts, it is impossible to kill more than a dozen **** sons and saints in one move. The combat power shown by the little fat man is simply against the sky in the eyes of these two **** sons and a saint. Up.

"Chihuahua dog, just kill it." The little fat man was very strong and immediately shot.

I saw a big hand appeared in the void, grabbing directly at the two gods and a saint.

"Taiyue Shengzi, when will you wait without using your hole cards?"

One of the gods exclaimed.


The other **** child sneered. The next moment, he smashed the talisman in his hand, and a brilliant light burst out of his hand.

This brilliance instantly turned into a heavenly sword and directly split the big hand that the little fat man had grabbed in half.

The light of the sword shocked the world, and easily broke the big hand of the little fat man. At a turning point in the void, he slashed directly towards the little fat man, and the speed was extremely fast.


When the knife passed, the little fat man's figure was split in half.

"Kill him?"

The **** son of Taiyue was surprised and happy when he saw this, and the other **** son and saint were also ecstatic.

However, the expression on their faces froze in the next moment.

I saw that the figure that was split in half by the Heavenly Dao had disappeared into the void, and there was no sudden appearance of blood.

"Haha, disappointed!"

A horrible voice that sounded like **** in the ears of God Child Taiyue and others suddenly sounded from behind them, and they almost fell from the air in fright.

Divine Child Taiyue and the others turned around abruptly, and saw that the evil little fat man was holding his hands, looking at them triumphantly and playfully.

"Cut it again!"

Divine Son Taiyue pointed his right hand towards the little fat man, the blade light that hadn't dissipated immediately changed its direction in the void, and cut it towards the little fat man again.

"Back to you!"

As soon as the little fat man stretched out his right hand, the force of rebellious chaos rushed out of his hand, and the void in front of him was instantly distorted.

The moment the knife light from the slash smashed into the twisted void in front of Little Fatty, it actually slashed out in an instant, and it slashed directly towards the Taiyue Divine Child.


The surprise of Taiyue Divine Child is really extraordinary. This guy can reverse his attack, and the other party has this magical power. Isn't it invincible?

"how is this possible"

When the other godson and saint saw this scene, their eyes were straight, and they couldn't believe what they saw.


Divine Child Taiyue didn't even think about it, so he roared wildly and dodged desperately. However, the knife light was too fast, and the blood flashed by, and one of his arms fell off.

"Ancestor save me."

The **** son Taiyue roared, and a piece of jade talisman on his chest exploded fiercely. A phantom immediately appeared in the void, and a terrifying coercion erupted from this figure.

A wave of power that was infinitely close to the extreme path spread out from this figure.

This is a black-clothed old man, tall and mighty, glaring in anger, intriguing.

"Little fat guy is going to be unlucky."

Above the sky, the Gu Ling who saw this scene frowned. These guys in the Taishi Realm really had a lot of means to save their lives, and even an almost extreme avatar jumped out.

Only Jidao Supreme has such a powerful incarnation.

You must know that the combat power of the avatar cannot be stronger than the body, and the combat power of the avatar of the Extreme Dao Supreme can only be infinitely close to the Extreme Dao Supreme.

It is impossible that the incarnation of Ji Dao Supreme is also Ji Dao Supreme.

"Little guy, dare to hurt me to teach God, you are not brave!"

As soon as the old man came out, the entire world of void seemed to be solidified, and the power of endless laws spread out from his body, covering the world.


The little fat man also became nervous, and he sensed a dangerous aura from this incarnation.

"Old ancestor, kill him."

Godzi Taiyue roared, at this moment, half of his body was stained with blood, and one arm was chopped off by the Heavenly Sword.

This made him hate the little fat man.

"Well, then kill it!"

As the avatar said, he slapped the little fat man with a palm.

"Boom Rumble"

The whole world shook, and the incarnation shook the world as soon as it shot.


The little fat man was finally moved, he wanted to avoid, but the next moment, he found that he could not even move a finger and was imprisoned by a powerful force.

He could only watch the opponent's big hand and pat his head at him.

"Unreasonable, bullying the small with the big!"

The little fat man shouted in his heart, he couldn't even speak now.


The little fat man turned his destiny into profound art, and a layer of divine light immediately emerged from his body. The next moment, his body could move.


At the same time, the big hand bombarded and shot the little fat man from the sky directly and into the ground.


When Taiyue Shenzi and others saw this, they were surprised and delighted.

"This guy is not dead yet?"

The gods of Taiyue and the others are extremely proud. The gods and saints of their great sects and holy places have some hole cards in their hands. Of course, they will never use these hole cards as a last resort.

"Gu Xiaofeng"

With a move in Gu Ling's heart, the next moment, she disappeared into the void. When she reappeared, she had already entered the valley and came near the temple.


A dull roar came from the ground, and then, the ground exploded and the dust soared into the sky, a figure rushed out of the ground directly, and a powerful aura erupted from above this figure.

The little fat man was not slapped to death by the incarnation.

"Old guy, just an avatar, just want to kill me? Just kidding!"

The little fat man said while patting the dust on his body.

"Sister you"

At this time, Qin Yao came to Gu Ling's side.

"Uncle Master"

When the little fat man saw Gu Ling, he immediately ran over, then adjusted his clothes and bowed to Gu Ling very formally.

Seeing the unbelievable little fat man, he actually bowed to a masked woman in a flattering manner. The **** son Taiyue and others were shocked and inexplicably, this woman turned out to be the uncle of the fat man?

My nephew is so good, isn't this uncle even stronger?

"Where is your father?"

Gu Ling asked.

"Father didn't come, he went to visit Master."

Gu Xiaofeng said carefully.

"Oh, then you continue."

Gu Ling glanced at the incarnation opposite and said.

"Uncle Master, I want to borrow something from you." Gu Xiaofeng said.


Gu Ling was curious.

"It's nothing, it's your supernatural power, Shishu."

Gu Xiaofeng smiled.

Gu Ling smiled, flipping his right palm, and a bronze magic mace appeared in her hand immediately.

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