Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4544: Azure Dragon Ancestor Blood

The big figures in the alien world have arrived, and the previous chaotic powerhouses are all his servants. This shocked everyone who saw this scene through the Tianji live broadcast.

You know, among the previous chaotic powerhouses, there are Quasi-Supreme-level existences. Even Quasi-Supreme is the servant of this person. If you want to kill, you can kill. It is conceivable that this person is absolutely powerful and powerful enough to be targeted. Supreme is the point of ants.

"I am the Taishi Realm, the **** son of Qi Tianzong, Chi Hao, you want me to be your servant? Haha..."

The young man in white laughed.

It turned out that the world opposite the Chaos Crack was called Taishijie. This guy who waved his hand to the extreme supreme, was actually a **** son of Qi Tianzong.

The amount of information revealed from this white-clothed Chihao's sentence is huge.

Everyone is very curious, what kind of world this Taishi Realm is, there can be so many powerful people.

"I care who you are, if you don't be my servant, just die for me!"

Qinglong exerted his power desperately, the whole world was shaking, and the endless power of the world gathered towards him like crazy.


The big dragon halberd in his hand shook violently, and directly shook the opponent's hand that grasped the big dragon halberd.


The Azure Dragon, like a phantom, retreated violently.

The guy named Chi Hao didn't make a move.


Chi Hao looked at the opposite Azure Dragon, and a sharp light flashed through his eyes. This Azure Dragon was much better than his own subordinates, but he still couldn't see enough in front of him!


Qinglong's killing intent was shocking, and he didn't have a half-hearted feeling for these guys from other worlds. At this time, he made a full move and borrowed the power of the world.

He raised the dragon halberd with both hands, struggling to smash it down at Chi Hao.


The violent power erupted from the big dragon halberd, and the big dragon halberd gave out a divine light like a divine flame, and countless patterns emerged from this pole tool.

"Do you have only this ability?"

Facing Qinglong's earth-shattering blow, Baiyi Chihao still only extended his right hand, and then directly grabbed the halberd that was slashing down.


The big dragon halberd in Qinglong's hand was as if it had been split on an immortal mountain, and the entire void shook abruptly, and a circle of void ripples visible to the naked eye spread from the body of the white-clothed Chihao.


This time, Qinglong had to be moved. Just now, he was grabbed by the opponent's big dragon halberd with his bare hands, because he hadn't tried his best.

However, with his own blow, even the strength to suckle was already surging, but the opponent still grabbed his own big dragon halberd.

At this moment, Chi Hao shook his left hand with five fingers, and hit Qinglong with a fist. The next moment, Qinglong flew out, and the big dragon halberd in his hand was taken away.

Qinglong flew upside down thousands of miles away, coughing up blood in his mouth, barely stopping the retreat, and looking down, there was a fist mark deep in the flesh on his chest. The place where the fist was hit, the bone Are all broken.

"Huh? You hit me and you didn't die?"

Chi Hao was a little surprised.

And everyone who saw this scene was stunned, this guy simply crushed Qinglong completely.

Even Gu Ling's eyes were shining, and Qin Yao, as an emperor, had blood boiling over. Such an opponent is definitely a rare opponent!

"Even Qinglong has lost, who is this guy's opponent?"

"Where did Di Jiutian go?"

"Where is Gu Fei, a peerless bull?"

The Tianji live broadcast has exploded, and the number of people pouring into the Tianji live broadcast platform is increasing frantically, which makes the high-level people of Tianji Shenfu happy.

The more people use the Tianji live broadcast platform, the more Tianji Shenfu will earn.

Whether it is using the Heavenly Mystery Rune to collect vitality or earning the Celestial Crystal Divine Stone, the Heavenly Mystery Divine Mansion has all earned it during this time.

In the deepest part of the Tianji Divine Mansion, the endless vitality gathered by Tianji Jian was all absorbed by a strange divine stone. Around the divine stone, there are mountains of immortal crystal divine stones.

That seemingly inconspicuous divine stone is actually devouring the spiritual energy of the fairy crystal divine stone, and countless fairy crystal divine stones are going crazy and revealing aura.

Those auras are all converging towards that stone.

"How much aura is needed to succeed?"

On an altar in the distance, standing a few elders from the Tianji Divine Mansion dressed in purple, they were talking with their spirits.

"do not know!"

An elder in purple shook his head. They must be cautious in the next big game.

They were the Heavenly Mystery Divine Mansion under the command of the ancient Heavenly Court, and they did their best for the Heavenly Court. Even if the Heavenly Court was destroyed, they still passed on.


At this moment, Chaos Crack, outside the Immortal Mansion, Baiyi Chixiao took a step, and instantly appeared in front of Qinglong. He didn't hesitate, and punched again.

"Qi Tianquan!"

The white-clothed Chihao's punch seems to have no power, but it is extraordinary in the eyes of Qinglong. It contains the will of the heavens. This kind of power, to a certain extent, is borrowed from the supernatural power of the Qinglong clan. The trends of the sky are different in the same way.

However, this white-clothed Chihao's power is simpler, he himself is like heaven and earth, he doesn't need to borrow it at all.


The Azure Dragon roared frantically, and a huge dragon shadow rushed out of him, revealing an ancestral dragon breath. At this moment, he was like the rebirth of the Azure Dragon ancestor.

A huge dragon claw directly greeted Chi Hao's fist.


The dragon claw was directly shattered by Chi Xiao, and Chi Hao's fist hit Qinglong's body again.

Qinglong screamed and was blown away again, and there was a sound of broken bones on his body. The whole person was almost beaten in two by Chi Hao. His entire chest collapsed and his internal organs were thrown out. .

"That's horrible!"

"That's the Azure Dragon, who swept the world and invincible, just like this?"

Whether it is the heaven or the human world, countless powerful people are wailing, these guys from the Taishi Realm are too strong, much better than those guys in the Profound Extreme Realm.

The Profound Extreme Realm still belongs to the realm of the heavens and myriad realms, but this Taishi Realm is probably not in the cosmic realms of the heavens. Of course, only a few people know this secret, Gu Fei and Laogui.

Because Gu Fei possessed the treasure of the heavens and the world wheel, he could sense the breath of the heavens and the world from this treasure.

"The ancestor of the blue dragon has some blood relationship with us, do you want to save him?"

The old turtle said.

The old turtle and his old uncle came into the chaos crack and appeared near the fairy mansion, just in time to see the scene where the Qinglong was hanged and beaten by Chihao in white.

"You can save if you want, don't expect me to help."

The old uncle shrugged and said indifferently.

"Oh, my eldest niece is over there, hey, does she want to make a move?"

Laogui discovered Gu Ling and Qin Yao.

"The little princess of the Qin clan?"

The old uncle's gaze fell on Qin Yao.

This old demon has lived for endless years, has experienced countless storms, and is used to seeing great ups and downs. Although the Qin people have inherited endless years, he still has experienced the times when the Qin people ruled the heavens.

However, even if it was as strong as the Qin clan, it finally declined. Once it loses the asylum of Jidao Supreme, this clan will be oppressed by other rising strong clan and have to choose to retreat.

However, now, the Qin is about to rise again.

"My eldest niece really wants to shoot?"

At this time, the old turtle exclaimed.


Just when Qinglong was about to be killed by Chi Hao, a fist struck from the side, and vast power filled every inch of void. This was not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing was that the punch was embedded in it. The kind of invincible fist that moves forward.

This is an invincible boxing technique, even Chi Hao is moved.


Chi Hao punched backhand.


With a muffled sound, the two fists smashed together in an instant, and the burst of power shook the surrounding sky and the void, and the spatial ripples visible to the naked eye spread to all directions.


Chi Hao's heart moved, this person could actually catch his punch?

He gave a soft drink and violently exerted force, but just as he exerted force, the other party was also exerting force.


The bursting power of the two fists directly shattered the void, and the two figures flew out at the same time, and a black hole appeared between the two.

"Finally someone can compete with this guy from another world?"

On the Tianji live broadcast platform, everyone was staring at the live broadcast, very nervous.

"Who is that person, or is it a woman?"

"With my face covered, how do I know who it is?"

The Tianji live broadcast platform is extremely popular, and everyone is curious.

"My junior sister is still impulsive!"

Qin Yao shook her head and smiled bitterly.

At this time, the Qinglong who had escaped the catastrophe quickly backed away, took out a bottle of dark red things, uncorked the bottle, and drank it in one mouthful.

After Qinglong drank the bottle, there was a strange noise on his body, the broken bones were quickly connected, and the injured body was quickly recovering.

Just a few breaths, Qinglong returned to its peak state.

"Ancestral blood?"

The old uncle stared at the Qinglong in the distance, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. The ancestor of the Qinglong clan seemed to have left a lot of good things. This ancestor's blood was absolutely invaluable to the people of the Qinglong clan.

However, for other races, it is poison, because only the descendants of the Qinglong clan can refine and gain power from the blood of the ancestor of the Qinglong clan.


The Azure Dragon looked up to the sky and roared, and the terrifying Ancestral Dragon phantom rushed out of him again. The violent power was in all directions, and the world was shaking.

The blood of the ancestor of the Qinglong made Qinglong's combat power stronger, which caused changes in Qinglong's body, and something similar to scales began to appear on his body.


Qinglong's pupils turned blood red, with crazy gazes. He was in a state between madness and non-crazyness. With a sway of his body, he immediately turned into a huge dragon, fiercely rushing towards Chi Hao. , It's almost like the arrival of the ancestor of the blue dragon.

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