Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4530: Shoutu Emperor Jiutian

"Unless you worship me as a teacher."

Gu Fei's words are shocking to the world, he actually wants to accept the three masters of the local realm as a teacher?

Through the Mirror of Heaven, everyone who saw this scene was stunned. That was the supreme existence of the master class, and that Gu Fei was too crazy, he was only in the quasi-superior realm.

At this time, the old supreme who had lived for endless years came out to speak, and Gu Fei had only borrowed a powerful force to kill the six great masters with one sword.

That sword is definitely a super killer.

However, Gu Fei may only be able to use such an invincible sword once.

Of course, this is the guess of the old supreme. No one is sure if Gu Fei can only cut one sword, if he can cut a second sword?

No one dares to take risks. If you know, there is only one life. If the estimation is wrong, the result is that Gu Fei will be killed with a single sword, and the body will be destroyed.

"Wow... apprentice?"

The old man looked at Gu Fei in disbelief. He lived for endless years and was an ancestor-level existence. Now this little guy wants to accept himself as a disciple?

The other two great masters also wondered if they had heard it wrong.

"There is a sequence of hearing the Tao, and the expert is the first. Why, do you think I am not qualified to be your master?" Gu Fei looked at the three great masters opposite with a smile.

Even though these three great masters had already professed themselves and forced their cultivation to the quasi-supreme realm, the invisible power that came out of them was still not something ordinary quasi-supreme could bear.

However, Gu Fei directly ignored this coercion, with a calm look.

The three great masters couldn’t see Gu Fei’s reality, but they were very reluctant to ask them to worship Gu Fei as a teacher. You know, their identity in the heavenly realm represents the strongest combat power and represents Supreme majesty.

If they worshiped Gu Fei as their teacher, wouldn't they be laughed at by the world?

"Farewell fellow ancient Taoist, goodbye!"

The mysterious lord rose directly into the sky as he spoke, leaving the ancestral land of the demon clan.

The old man hesitated and left.

Only the middle-aged warrior with the blood spear in his hand did not leave.

"My emperor Jiutian pursues the ultimate power throughout his life. Are you sure you can get me the ultimate power?"

The middle-aged fighter stared at Gu Fei with an extremely solemn expression.

"What..., he is Di Jiutian?"

Everyone was shocked. Di Jiutian's name was absolutely thunderous to the monks in the heavens and the world, but no one had seen the true face of Di Jiutian.

Some people say that Di Jiutian is a young man, others say that Di Jiutian is an old man, and some people say that Di Jiutian is a female.

However, no one would have imagined that Emperor Jiutian was a middle-aged uncle. Of course, this middle-aged uncle was still very stylish, holding a **** war spear, sighing scum, and water chestnut face. It is much stronger.

"Di Jiutian?"

Gu Fei was also a little surprised. He had long heard that there was an invincible presence in the heavens and the world, almost invincible, but he could not think of this person, it turned out to be the middle-aged warrior in front of him.

"Ultimate power, what is the ultimate power? I won't teach you, but you can follow me." Gu Fei said calmly.


Emperor Jiutian was taken aback when he heard the words.

"At your level of cultivation, I have nothing to teach you. You can only realize everything by yourself. Whatever you realize is what you realize."

Gu Fei looked unpredictable.

"This guy is fooling people again."

The old turtle and his old uncle didn't go there, they just watched.

This old tortoise has lived through tribulations and life and death with Gu Fei. It is not good to say that he knows how many hairs there are on Gu Fei.

"This kid turned out to be a big fool?"

Laogui's old uncle murmured.

The old turtle looked at his old uncle with some contempt. If Gu Fei was a big flicker, this old predecessor would be a super flicker.


At this time, Di Jiutian hesitated, Gu Fei would not teach him anything at all. This was where he hesitated, because his road had come to an end.

Di Jiutian felt that if there was no help from external forces, he would not be able to break through on his own. He was already desperate, but Gu Fei gave him hope.


Gu Fei suddenly pointed at Di Jiutian's eyebrows.

Di Jiutian was taken aback, and a bright divine light burst into his eyes. Before he thought about it, the blood dripping spear in his hand directly pierced out.

A warrior like Di Jiutian, at the moment of being attacked, would naturally instinctively shoot, and it would be a lore.

He pierced the spear, and directly pierced Gu Fei's eyebrows, fast, ruthless, accurate, without any hesitation.

However, at the moment he took the shot, Gu Fei's finger was already on the center of his eyebrows, and then quickly backed away and returned to the boulder.

At this time, Di Jiutian was still frozen, as if he had been cast on a body curse.

"what happened?"

The countless powerhouses who saw this scene through Tianji Jian were stunned. This Gu Fei was really incredible. At the same level, even Di Jiutian was not an opponent!

If Gu Fei wanted to kill Emperor Jiutian just now, Emperor Jiutian would have died long ago.

At this time, Gu Fei looked at the opposite Di Jiutian with some unpredictability.

And that Emperor Jiutian, who was known as the invincible fighting war, closed his eyes unexpectedly, as if he was feeling something.

In fact, those were nothing, it was just some fragments of Gu Fei's battle with the First Ancestor First Demon into the sea of ​​knowledge of Emperor Nine Heavens.

Although it was just a flashing image, the terrifying figure of the First Ancestor First Demon still made Di Jiutian's soul tremble.

"Too...too strong..."

Di Jiutian's forehead oozes sweat beads, he really can't believe that Gu Fei has been fighting endless battles with this terrifying demon. The power displayed by the two powerhouses absolutely surpasses the master class.

Power beyond the master class, is this the ultimate power in the legend?

Di Jiutian had to move.

The fragments that Gu Fei broke into his sea of ​​knowledge were limited, and soon Di Jiutian woke up from shock.


Di Jiutian directly retracted the **** spear that had been pierced out, and then bowed down to Gu Fei with a "touch!"


"What did I see? Di Jiutian actually worshiped Gu Fei as his teacher?"

"how is this possible……"

All the people who saw this scene through Tianjijian's live broadcast were shocked, and those who knew the power of Di Jiutian were even more incredible.

"You can figure it out clearly, as soon as you enter my door, life and death is my responsibility." Gu Fei looked at Di Jiutian who was kneeling on the ground, and said calmly.

"Think clearly, the disciple is willing to follow Master."

Di Jiu Tian made up his mind, he is a pure warrior, as long as he can obtain the ultimate combat power, he will not even scrutinize any means.

"it is good!"

Gu Fei talked about forming a seal with both hands, and directly inflicted a series of seals into Di Jiutian's body, planting a forbidden method in Di Jiutian's body.

When Dao Yin entered his body, Di Jiutian's body trembled slightly, and a gleam of light flashed under his eyes. Under his inner vision, he did not even perceive the existence of that Dao Yin.


Although Di Jiutian was calm on the surface, he turned a monstrous wave in his heart, and his cheap master's method was really amazing!

He knew very well that the Dao Yin that Gu Fei had penetrated into his body was definitely not a good thing.

"Once you enter my door, life and death are up to me!"

What Gu Fei said just now emerged in Di Jiutian's mind.

"Is this life and death up to me?"

Di Jiutian already knew what the effect of the seals disappeared in his body.

"Get up!"

Gu Fei said.


Di Jiutian stood up, then took a step forward, and came to Gu Fei's back, standing there quietly, there was still fresh blood dripping from the spearhead of the divine spear in his hand.

This is an almost invincible fighter.

Countless powerful people in the heavens witnessed this scene through the light curtain in front of them, and they were all shocked and speechless. That is the Emperor Jiutian, who actually worshiped Gu Fei as a teacher.

"This Gu Fei..."

It is difficult for everyone to understand.

"Di Jiutian..."

The old man who left and the mysterious lord were also moved. Could this Gu Fei really make them take that step? Did they miss a big opportunity?


At this time, the power of Heaven's Punishment was receding, and all the supreme beings of the Lord level that crossed from the Ancestral Realm were almost killed by Heaven's Punishment.

The news spread back to the Ancestral Realm and caused a super storm.

You know, even in the realm of ancestors, the existence of noble master level is the ancestor of a family, or the originator of a group of existence.

Once such a supreme figure falls, the chain effect produced is absolutely unimaginable.

The entire Ancestral Realm was surging. Even if Gu Fei was not in the Ancestral Realm, he was still famous in the Ancestral Realm. Those big figures in the Ancestral Realm knew that all of this was made by Gu Fei.

"Gu Fei..."

In the Ancestral Realm, the second ancestor of the Li Clan stood on a mountain, gritted his teeth, this guy was too capable of tossing, even the first demon of the ancestor could not kill him.

Sooner or later this guy will kill the ancestor world again.

The Li clan felt the threat from Gu Fei and had to choose to run away, because the Li clan could no longer withstand the toss. Once he, the second ancestor of the Li clan, was also killed by Gu Fei, the entire ancestral world of the Li clan would have to game over.

The same is true for the Celestial Clan. This time, the Celestial Clan has suffered heavy losses, and the newly promoted Lord has fallen to the Celestial Realm. This is definitely a blow to the Celestial Clan that has just re-emerged.

The Celestial Clan was also afraid that Gu Fei would enter the Ancestral Realm to find them afterwards, and had to find a way out first.

The other powerful ancestors who had enemies with Gu Fei had also converged a lot, and were afraid to attack Gu Fei's territory.

The forces that Gu Fei left in the Ancestral Realm also got a respite.

At this time, those various forces who want to fight Gu Fei's territory in the Ancestral Realm must first weigh whether they can compete with Gu Fei.

This time, Gu Fei slashed the six great masters with one sword, and really suppressed those enemies in the ancestor realm.

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