Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4526: War broke out

In the ancestral land of the demon race, the old turtle made a strong move and directly used the Chaos Heavenly Sealing Map, intending to directly kill all these so-called high-ranking, self-conscious guys.

In the Ancestral Realm, the Lihuo clan did not actually confront Gu Fei head-on, but as the Ancestral Realm clan, the Lihuo clan intermarried with other big clans.

Such as the Celestial Clan, such as the Mu Clan, are inextricably related to the Lihuo Clan.

This time, the reason why the Great Lord Lihuo made the move was also at the request of the newly promoted Lord of the Celestial Clan. At this time, the Lord of the Celestial Clan was also outside the Demon Race's ancestral land.


At this time, in the ancestral land of the demon clan, the quasi-supreme of the Lihuo clan, Manshan, etc., had reached the point of life and death, and the sovereign-level coercion emanating from the decree suspended above their heads was increasing Weak.

The nine Dao patterns on the decree began to dim.

Chaos Sealing the Heavens Picture is very strong, as long as it has enough power, this Dao Picture can show the most powerful power. In the beginning, this Dao Picture could contend with the Heaven's Punishment.

At this time, the old turtle aroused the power of the entire Yaozu ancestral land, and this power was unimaginable.

You know, this is one of the methods left by the Emperor Taihuang in order to enlighten his descendants.

In fact, this power can help Laogui to hit that realm, but now, he has to use this power, and only he can use this power.

Because to use this kind of power, the bloodline is needed. In fact, the Emperor has already calculated that his bloodline stays in the body of the descendants, which will prevent them from becoming the supreme Supreme.

However, it is difficult to obliterate the Emperor's blood in the old turtle, but it is not impossible.

When a drop of Laogui's blood flew out from his fingertips, flew into the depths of the Yaozu's ancestral land, and landed on an ancient altar, a figure appeared over the Yaozu's ancestral land.


A supreme pressure erupted from the figure, and the next moment, the entire Demon Race's ancestral land was completely silent, and everyone looked up at this huge figure that seemed to be able to support a side of the world.

"this is……"

The seven great masters outside the demon clan's ancestral land were all shocked. They felt an aura that made them palpitations. Although it was just a phantom, it seemed to threaten them.

"how is this possible……"

"It's just a ray of obsession, how could it threaten us."

The seven Lords are whispering.

"Father... Father?"

When the old turtle saw this figure, the whole person was shaking with excitement.

All the big demons in the ancestral land of the demon tribe have all been lying on the ground, and all the demon tribes who felt the breath radiating from that figure are kneeling in the direction of the ancestral land of the demon tribe.

"Ten Thousand Demons Dynasty Sect?"

The giants of the heavens were all shocked.

Tianjijian broadcasts the events that happened in the ancestral land of the demon clan to the entire celestial realm. As long as the tianji rune is activated, it can be seen even in the farthest corner of the celestial realm.

"That is……"

Everyone was shocked inexplicably.

"Tai Huang?"

West Desert, in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Palace, opposite Fanxiu Little Monk, there is also a light curtain, the figure that appeared on the light curtain, even through the light curtain, still made him feel great pressure.

"It's just an obsession, it's so powerful."

The Burning Sorrowful Buddha beside Fan Xiu said in surprise.

At this time, the big figures of all forces in Nanling, Eastern Region, and Beiyuan of the Heavenly Realm were all nailed to the scene that took place staring at the ancestral land of the demon clan.


In a Jedi in the heavens, an old man walked out, and in front of him, there was also a light curtain transformed by a magic rune.

"Do these guys think my monster clan has no one?"

The old man said and waved his hand, took away the light curtain, and disappeared into the void in the next moment.

At this time, the Great Venerable Lihuo, who was blocked by the old man outside the entrance of the Demon Race Ancestral Land, was extremely anxious. Although it was just an obsession, once this kind of existence was released, the Manshan and others inside would be dead.

That is the most outstanding group of descendants of the Lihuo clan. If they are completely wiped out in it, even the entire Lihuo clan will suffer irreparable and heavy losses.

"Go away!"

Dazun Li Huo directly hit the old man with a cane with a fist, but his finger bones that were knocked by the old man with a cane just now had cracks in his wrist.

He didn't dare to underestimate this old man now.


Endless Lihuo erupted from the fist of Great Lihuo, like a hundred thousand volcanoes exploding directly, and the void was burnt and annihilated.

The old man opened his mouth and inhaled, and the vast and vast endless Lihuo gathered in his mouth like crazy, and was quickly swallowed by him.


The Great Lord Lihuo had to be moved when he saw this scene. How dare this guy directly swallow the Lihuo he played? how can that be?

This is the Lihuo Clan's combat skill, Lihuoshen Fist, this combat skill is displayed in the hands of the Lihuo Great Master, and its power is naturally earth-shattering.

However, no one would have thought that this old man would directly swallow the Mantian Lihuo.

Even the Lords from other ancestor realms were shocked when they saw this.

At this time, the old man's abdomen was swollen.


He spit out fiercely, and the Li Huo that he had swallowed spouted out of his mouth, instantly turning into a fire dragon and rushing towards the opposite Li Huo Great Lord.


Li Huo Dazun hit the fire dragon with a punch and was directly forced back.

"Dear fellow daoists, when will you wait if you don't act now?"

The Great Venerable Lihuo roared, and saw that his body was far away from the fire, a huge phantom bird emerged from his body, and the power of Lihuo increased sharply.

The ancestor Jie Lihuo clan is actually the descendant of the Nanming Lihuo Suzaku. Because it is not a pure-blooded Suzaku descendant, this clan did not dare to call itself the Suzaku clan.

You know, the ancestor realm, but there is the existence of the Suzaku tribe.

The ancestor Suzaku is definitely one of the most powerful races in the ancestor world.

The impure descendants of the Lihuo clan were not recognized by the ancestor Suzaku clan.

"Yes, don't waste time."

The master-level existence nodded.

"Then do it!"

The Lord of the Celestial Clan also said.


A terrifying breath erupted from the Lord of the Celestial Clan, and the supreme pressure of the Lord-level made the entire world shake, as if it had overturned the universe.

Strong vitality fluctuations also erupted from the bodies of other Lords.

Seven master-class auras appeared between the heavens and the earth, and countless creatures in the entire celestial realm were panicked under the envelope of these seven auras.


The lord of the local heavens roared, and their bodies also burst out with a powerful aura of lord level.


All the strong men who watched the live broadcast through the heavenly secret runes were all stunned in shock. The ten great masters' coercion exploded, and the surrounding void couldn't bear it, and it continued to crack.

At this time, within a million miles of Yaozu's ancestors, there was no more powerful creature to be seen.

All the stronger creatures escaped at this time.

"Are you finally going to do it?"

Gu Fei, who was sitting on the top of a mountain in the ancestral land of the Demon Race, suddenly opened his eyes.

It seems that there are only these seven guys. He originally wanted to wait for a little more Lord to do it, because he can only use the Nine Sky Stars Sword once, and the sword spirit of the Nine Sky Stars Sword will fall asleep.

Even if Gu Fei wanted to wake up the sleeping sword spirit again, it would not be so easy.

"Still wait and see."

Gu Fei felt that there should be someone watching the show, and did not make a move.


The Great War broke out, and the Seven Great Lords of the First Ancestor simultaneously attacked the three Lords of Heaven.


The **** divine spear pierced through the void and directly penetrated towards the heavenly **** Chixiao.


The right hand of the great **** of heaven directly blocked the spear of blood dripping through the hole, and a layer of metal luster emerged on his palm, which was a glove.


The surrounding void exploded and shattered, and a black hole appeared between the middle-aged warrior and the great deity.



The middle-aged fighters fought fiercely with the gods.

"Humble ants, die!"

The Great Lord of the Celestial Clan directly sacrificed a ring to the middle-aged warrior. On the ring, there were nine primitive Dao patterns. As long as it was trapped, even the Lord would have to be caught.


The middle-aged warrior directly picked up the ring, and then blasted towards the great celestial clan with a punch.


The middle-aged warrior and the Great Lord of the Celestial Clan slapped a palm, and at the same time, the **** war spear in his hand pierced towards the Great Lord of the Celestial.

"Who is the ant?"

The middle-aged warrior shouted loudly. He was full of intent to fight, and he was extremely strong. Although he was one enemy two, he did not fall in the slightest.

"Damn it!"

Whether it was the Great Lord of the Heavens or the Great Lord of the Celestial Clan, they were both shocked and angry, and their joint efforts could not help the natives in this backward world.

On the other side, the mysterious lord of the heavens appeared and disappeared, and he also dragged the two great lords from the ancestor realm at the same time.

However, the remaining two great masters of the Ancestral Realm killed the old man at the same time.

"Boys, haven't you eaten? Work harder."

The old man blocked the three great masters with a cane.


The Great Venerable Lihuo was furious and turned into a Vermillion Bird and rushed towards the old man.


The endless Nanming divine fire erupted from Vermillion Bird's body, and the burning void was directly annihilated. Nine powerful Dao patterns hovered around him, releasing terrifying heat.

"Namming Suzaku?"

The old man smiled, took out a cloth bag directly from his body, and then opened the mouth of the bag.

"Little bird, little bird, come into the bag!"

A powerful swallowing force came out from the cloth bag, and instantly enveloped the Great Lord Lihuo. In the next moment, the Vermillion Bird, which was as huge as a hill, quickly became smaller and was put into the cloth bag.

"how can that be……"

Everyone was taken aback by this scene. The Great Venerable Lihuo, a well-known master-level existence in the Ancestral Realm, was actually taken away with a rag bag?

Those Lords from the Ancestral Realm were all dumbfounded.

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