Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4492: King Kong does not damage the body of Buddha

Gu Fei and Laogui came to West Desert and went directly to Xilin Temple.

However, the little monk Fanxiu seemed to have expected them to come a long time ago, and he provoked Laogui a bit, which was regarded as a disgrace to Laogui.

However, what surprised Gu Fei and Laogui was that an old monk appeared in this ancient Xilin temple, and this old monk was actually a personal disciple of the legendary Buddha of the ages.

A personal disciple of the eternal Buddha, such a generation, in Buddhism, can be said to be supreme, you know, the eternal Buddha has disappeared.

In Buddhism, apart from the eternal Buddha, the seniority of his direct disciples is naturally the highest.

Although the little monk Fanxiu was not found, the old turtle would not leave so easily, and he would directly confront the descendant of the ancient Buddha.


The Buddha power and the demon power collided, and the old monk pinched the Buddha's seal against the old turtle's ancestral dragon's claws. The invisible power radiating from the two of them caused the high-levels of the ancient Xilin temple in front of the hall to tremble.


The old turtle suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, which surprised Gu Fei. The next moment, he knew why this guy vomited blood. This guy was so crazy that he was attracting the other's Buddha power to wipe out his blood.

Using this extreme method to cut off the blood, if you are not careful, you will be severely injured by the opponent, and even be destroyed by the opponent.

"You are crazy!"

Gu Fei transmits sound to Laogui.

"Hey, I'm not crazy, I'm very awake!"

The old turtle smiled and spoke to Gu Fei.


At this time, the old monk's heart was shaken, is this guy really looking for death? Even gave up resistance?

The golden light that emerged from the old monk's eyebrows gave out an incomparably bright golden light, and the powerful Buddha power continuously emerged from the golden light.

Soon, the old monk's body shook, and the next moment, he felt a tyrannical demon power burst out of the opponent's body, which was essentially different from the demon power of the old turtle.

The old monk struggled to turn his fate into Buddha's power, and finally blocked the incomparable force that erupted from the old turtle.

"The power of blood?"

The old monk is a direct disciple of the ancient Buddha, and his knowledge is naturally extraordinary, and he immediately knew what the old turtle was doing.

But even if it is known, so what.

At this time, the old monk was also struggling to ride a tiger, he could only continuously provoke the Buddha's power to continuously obliterate the force that burst out of the opponent's body.

Soon, the old turtle's body shook, and tiny cracks appeared on the ancestral dragon's claws that appeared from his right hand.

The old turtle started coughing up blood constantly.


Gu Fei on the side sighed, Lao Gui failed in the end. Although the disciple of the ancient Buddha master is powerful, it is impossible to cut off the blood in Lao Gui.

Gu Fei knew that if he didn't make a move, Laogui would be bombarded and killed by the disciples of the ancient Buddha, even if he could survive, he would be hit hard.

He didn't hesitate, and blasted out a punch.


With a muffled sound, a violent force erupted directly between the three of them, and the old turtle and the old monk stepped back and avoided at the same time, only Gu Fei was motionless.

The old tortoise staggered a few steps, and another mouthful of blood spurted out, only to see that his body was powerful, and the Buddha power on his right hand was constantly being forced out.

After the personal disciple of the ancient Buddha master stabilized his figure, a golden Buddha blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.


This shocked the Buddha Lord Xilin and others. The strength of this ancestor is absolutely unquestionable, and what he cultivates is the method of the Buddha's body becoming holy.

Among the twelve disciples under the master seat of the ancient Buddha, only one is the method of walking the Buddha's body to become sacred.

The cultivation base of this burning sorrowful Buddha had already surpassed the holy order, and he successfully took that step to become a quasi-supreme. His Buddha body was even more powerful.

"it is good!"

Burning Sad Buddha's body shook, the next moment, his whole person turned golden, and ancient Buddha patterns appeared on his golden skin.

"this is……"

Gu Fei and Laogui were taken aback, and the invisible pressure radiating from each other made them feel moved. Is this the legendary Buddhism King Kong not corrupting the Buddha body?

This is the strongest Buddha body in Buddhism that can contend with the immortal body of the demons.

The current Burning Sorrowful Buddha, the whole person is a powerful Buddha artifact, and every gesture has great power and is extremely powerful.

I saw his feet bend slightly, the next moment, he pushed hard, and immediately, like an arrow from the string, directly rushed towards the old turtle opposite.

It was like a golden rainbow cut through the void, burning sorrowful Buddha directly slapped the old turtle with his palm.


The old turtle sneered, squeezed the five fingers of his right hand sharply, and then greeted the golden palm of the opponent with a fist.


The palms of the fists smashed together instantly, and a dull thunderous sound erupted. The old tortoise only felt a huge force coming from the opponent's hand, and he could not help but withdraw four or five steps backwards. Every step left a deep footprint on the ground.

"You actually borrowed the power of the ancient Buddha?"

The old turtle was shocked, the Buddha power that burst out from the golden light on the eyebrows of the other party was vast, and such a huge Buddha power was not the power of the personal disciple of this ancient Buddha.

"I heard that when the ancient Buddha attained the supremacy of the ultimate path, Nirvana was reborn, leaving behind nine relics." Gu Fei suddenly thought of something and said.

"Huh?" The sorrowful Buddha couldn't help being startled when he heard the words: "You know a lot."

"That's it!"

Lao Gui suddenly realized that the buddha light on the brow of this big bald head seemed to have been transformed by a relic of the ancient Buddha.

Through the ages, Buddha masters have achieved supremacy, but the Buddha's body is Nirvana and rebirth. The nine relics left behind contain endless Buddha power, and the power of each relic is between the quasi-supreme and the ultimate path.

The gathering of the nine stars can even strike a blow from the Buddha of the Supreme Dao.

Obviously, this burning sorrowful Buddha only got a relic.

However, even so, the power of this relic has increased the strength of the Buddha's body that burns the sorrow to a point where the general quasi-senior is desperate.

However, Laogui is not vegetarian.

When Burning Sadness Buddha hit another punch, Laogui stretched out his right hand and directly grasped the fist that Burns Sadness Buddha hit. The next moment, a powerful force burst out of him. .

The bloodline power in the old tortoise exploded in an all-round way, and his injuries healed immediately at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his monster body became stronger.

A faint figure appeared from his body.

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