Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4485: Earth-shattering

After Gu Fei sat for three years, his vitality not only recovered completely, his cultivation level had also reached the pinnacle below the extreme path, but it was not so easy to go further.


On the top of the mountain, Gu Fei's body shook, and an extremely powerful divine might immediately erupted from his body, and there were a series of dark cracks in the surrounding void.

The heavens are perfect heaven and earth, the laws of heaven and earth are extremely powerful, and the void of heaven and earth is extremely stable.

"What is that guy doing?"

In the ancestral hall of the demon clan, Laogui suddenly had a bad feeling.

The next moment, the old turtle disappeared in the ancestral hall. When he appeared, he was already on the top of the mountain where Gu Fei was.

"Zhu Dao pinnacle, which step are you going to take?"

The moment Laogui saw Gu Fei, he almost fell from the sky in shock.

He has practiced hard for two lives, and only allowed the supreme intermediate level of cultivation. This guy has cultivated for two lives, and both have surpassed himself. What is the supreme bloodline and what is the use?

Laogui knew at this time that the so-called supreme and noble supreme bloodline was actually a catastrophe for him, a catastrophe that was difficult to overcome.

He knew very well that the supreme bloodline restricted his realm. Although the power of the bloodline was powerful, it was like a seal, sealing his cultivation base below the extreme path.

It is not impossible for Laogui to take that step, but the first thing to do is to cut off the supreme bloodline that he inherited from the Emperor, otherwise, everything is a dream.

However, it is not an easy task to cut off one's own supreme blood. If you want to succeed, you have to pay a huge price. If you are not careful, you may die.

Who is the old tortoise, the son of the emperor, he will naturally not be willing to succumb to others, he wants to become the supreme Supreme.

At this time, when he saw that Gu Fei's cultivation had reached the extreme below the extreme path, he couldn't help but be surprised and happy, and intuitively told him that Gu Fei could help him cut off his supreme bloodline.

"It's not easy to take that step."

Gu Fei shook his head and said, he used to be the eternal supreme, and naturally he has experienced the supreme calamity. It is more difficult to become the supreme supreme than to reach the sky.

"Then how about you also borrow that sword for me to use?"

The old tortoise landed in front of Gu Fei from the sky, looked at Gu Fei eagerly and said.


Gu Fei directly flew up and kicked Laogui's ass.


The old tortoise screamed, like a cannonball, soaring into the sky from the top of the mountain, and flew directly out of sight.


The high-level demons at the foot of the mountain were all dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Gu Fei went down the mountain, and then some old people began to visit.

"Gold Winged Little Peng Emperor?"

The first person to visit Gu Fei was the Golden Winged Xiaopeng Emperor of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan.

"This guy is still alive."

Gu Fei was a little surprised. Back then, it was rumored that the Golden Winged Xiaopeng Emperor had already fallen, but now it seems that all these are rumors!

"Quasi Supreme Peak, great!"

Gu Fei saw the cultivation base of the Golden Winged Little Peng Emperor at a glance, and the cultivation base of the Golden Winged Little Peng Emperor actually broke through to the pinnacle realm of Quasi Supreme.

No one knows what the Golden Wing Xiaopeng Emperor has experienced over the years.

The Golden Winged Xiaopeng Emperor fought against Gu Fei and was defeated by Gu Fei. Then he was rescued by the ancestors of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan, and finally entered the forbidden retreat of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan.

This is not a normal retreat, but a life and death pass. Once successful, the cultivation base will increase sharply, but once it fails, it will end in a tragic end.

Obviously, Golden Wing Xiaopenghuang succeeded.

The Golden Winged Xiaopeng Emperor came to Gu Fei to fight Gu Fei, even if he knew that he was not Gu Fei's opponent, he still came.

The ancestral land of the demon race, on the top of a big mountain, stood two figures. The two powerhouses were facing each other, and the sky over the mountain suddenly changed color and the sun and the moon were dark.

"This guy is simply tired of life."

The old turtle looked at the two figures on the top of the mountain, without asking, the Golden Winged Xiaopeng Emperor was not an opponent of Fei at all.

"Courageous courage!"

Xiaoqing smiled.

The end of this battle was already doomed. The Golden Winged Xiaopeng Emperor was defeated. He could not even stop Gu Fei's punch, so Gu Fei directly blasted away.

Gu Fei did not kill the Golden Winged Xiaopeng Emperor.

After the Golden Winged Xiaopeng Emperor, the second to look for the ancient flying is the Qinglong, yes, the human world, the Southern Territory, one of the four strong clan Qinglong.

This Qinglong was the one who fought against Gu Fei.

However, although Qinglong is strong, it still doesn't look enough in front of Gu Fei.

The Golden Winged Xiaopeng Emperor was defeated, Qinglong was defeated, and even Yuan Hong, who was among the Golden Spirit Apes, fought against Gu Fei. That battle was so dark.

Gu Fei intends to complete Yuan Hong.

However, Yuan Hong has not been able to break through the quasi-supreme realm and become the ultimate supreme.

In fact, Yuan Hong is also facing the same dilemma as the old turtle. The supreme bloodline in Yuan Hong's body also makes it difficult for him to make a breakthrough. If he wants to become the supreme supreme, he must first cut off the supreme bloodline in his body.

Otherwise, there is no other way!

In these three years, the heavens were very peaceful.

However, just after Gu Fei and Yuan Hong discussed the matter, the sky over the Yaozu's ancestral land suddenly darkened, and a breath of horror fell from the sky.

The magic light directly shattered the void and rushed out, turning into a giant pillar, enclosing the entire demon clan ancestral land.

"this is……"

The sudden and dramatic changes stunned the countless powerful monsters in the ancestral land of the monster clan. No one would have thought that the demon clan would take action at this time.


The countless magic pillars surrounding the ancestral land of the demon clan burst out endless magic fire at the same time, and the magic fire actually burned the void of the heavens and the earth to annihilate continuously.

"Devil refining the universe, Gu Fei, die!"

With a roar, a terrifying ghost fell from the sky.

The moment this magical shadow appeared, a huge magical formation appeared between the heavens and the earth, and the location of the magical shadow was the eye of this super magical formation.

The powerful magic power of this super magic array is directly at the extreme level.


The power of Heaven's Punishment was directly triggered, and the power of destruction came out from the depths of the sky and was wiped out.

However, what shocked everyone was that those magic pillars actually propped up a huge magic map, blocking the power of Heaven's Punishment.


Laogui immediately launched the guardian formation of Yaozu's ancestral land.

However, what makes Laogui unbelievable is that the guardian formation of the demon ancestral land can't stop the power of the super magic formation, countless ancient demon clan Dao patterns dissipated in the void, the guardian formation of the demon ancestral land It collapsed directly.


Laogui directly sacrificed the seal of the Emperor.


A big seal appeared in the sky above the ancestral land of the demon race, blocking the power of the demon array that was eroding down.

"Ancestral Demon?"

Gu Fei suddenly raised his head and said such words.

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