Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4480: With one punch, I am invincible

Gu Fei's battle with the Supreme King, one of the Twelve Supreme Kings of the Ancestral Realm, shocked the heavens and the earth.

Countless strong men rushed to the ancient battlefield of starry sky in heaven.

Even some super old antiques that have disappeared for endless years jumped out, and for a while, countless powerful people gathered outside the ancient battlefield of the starry sky.

Compared with the strong in the heavens and the human world, the strong from the ancestor world are few and pitiful.

The strong men who crossed from the ancestor realm are just dozens of people, while the strong men in the heaven and the human world are countless, and there are powerful figures everywhere in the starry sky.


The dozens of strong men from the Ancestral Realm were shocked and inexplicable when they saw this formation.

Only then did they realize that they had underestimated the powerhouses in the heavens.

Previously, the great powers of the Ancestral Realm smashed the Quartet, and they were invincible. That was because the real powers of the Heaven Realm hadn't made any moves yet.


At this moment, a loud noise came from the ancient battlefield of the starry sky, and an extremely powerful wave of power emerged from the ancient battlefield of the starry sky.

"Have it finally started?"

Everyone is refreshed.

In the ancient battlefield of the starry sky, the two figures collided together in an instant. The next moment, a terrifying force of destruction came out in all directions.

Where this force passes, everything is directly obliterated.

"What Supreme King, in my eyes, but only ants."

Gu Fei was extremely powerful, and tyrannical power burst out from his body, and the surrounding void was shaking, bursting into a series of pitch-black space cracks.

As if this world could not accommodate his powerful Dao body.

"Haha, you are not ashamed, do you think you are still the invincible Gu Fei? You are just a quasi-supreme now." The Supreme King laughed and shot, fighting endlessly with Gu Fei.

"is it?"

Gu Fei moved fast in the void, and every punch he punched had the power of breaking the sky and the earth, and the tyrannical martial arts power showed great power.

No matter what magical power the Supreme King displayed, Gu Fei came and went with a punch. Although his punch seemed simple, it was all-encompassing and was the strongest combat skill he had realized.

This type of boxing is the Puji Boxing created by Gu Fei when he was in the realm of eternity.

"Breaking the sky!"

The Supreme King roared, and finally used his assassin. As soon as his magical powers appeared, the whole world collapsed and shattered, and the destructive force formed was incredibly powerful.

This destructive force directly overwhelmed Gu Fei.

However, in the next moment, Gu Fei broke through the destructive force and rushed out.

"One cut!"

Gu Fei had just rushed out, and the Supreme King slashed towards Gu Fei with a knife.

"I only broke the sky!"

Gu Fei roared, and squeezed the five fingers of his right hand, directly blasting his fist towards the light of the knife that was slashing.


The sharp knife light smashed into Gu Fei's fist, and the next moment, there was a sound of golden iron trembling, and the knife light was directly shattered by Gu Fei's punch.

Gu Fei's invincible fist just broke out.

"With one punch, I am invincible!"

Gu Fei hit the strongest punch directly, and this punch broke his limit in an instant, both in strength and speed, reaching the extreme.

"this is……"

When the Supreme King faced this punch, he couldn't help being shocked. Before he could even turn his thoughts, the opponent's fist had already hit his chest.


The Supreme King roared, and the next moment, his whole body exploded, all the **** muscles and bones were shattered and turned into a cloud of blood.

The three divine lights rushed out from the blood mist. They were three Jidao Dao artifacts, each of which contained a powerful Qi Dao breath. These three Ji Da Dao artifacts wanted to escape.

"Huh! Want to escape?"

Gu Fei stretched out his big hand and immediately grabbed the three divine lights, and then threw these three extremely Taoist artifacts into Shanhe Ding Neizhen and sealed it up.

Except for these three extremely Dao artifacts, all the other things on Supreme King's body were smashed by Gu Fei's fist, leaving nothing behind.


Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw this scene, especially those from the Ancestral Realm whose eyes almost fell to the ground.

"how is this possible……"

The Supreme King's subordinates didn't believe that their master had been defeated, and he was defeated so quickly.

That was the supreme king among the twelve supreme kings of the ancestor realm. The most powerful existence among the twelve supreme kings was turned into scum by a punch.

Because of the power of Heaven's Punishment, the Heavenly Realm cannot use the power of the Extreme Dao level, but the Supreme King-level Dao Body of the Supreme King is genuine.

The flesh body as powerful as the supreme king level could not stop Gu Fei's punch.

One can imagine how powerful Gu Fei's punch is.

"The Supreme King was actually defeated..."

Those strong in the ancestral world are all like mourning concubines.

The strong man in the heavens cheered, and his voice shook the sky. Who said that the creatures in the lower realm were weaker than those in the heaven? Who said that the creatures of the ancestor world are superior?

Gu Fei blasted the Supreme King with a punch, and all the powerhouses in the heavens felt a sense of exhale and raised eyebrows.

"This guy……"

All the strong from the ancestor realm realized at this time that the creatures of the lower realm could grow to an unimaginable degree.

Just when everyone thought that the Supreme King was killed by Gu Fei's punch, but at this moment, a powerful wave of divine consciousness appeared between heaven and earth.

"The Supreme King is not dead?"

Those strong people in the Ancestral Realm were all surprised and happy.

"I just said, that is the Supreme King, how can it be killed so easily?"

Ancestor-level existence said.

At this time, the blood mist shrank fiercely, and a figure appeared.

"Dying struggling?"

The corner of Gu Fei's mouth rose, and then another punch came out.


With a muffled sound, the Supreme King who had just appeared exploded again.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Is this guy Gu Fei so powerful?" Qinglong couldn't help but shrink when he saw this scene.

The Golden Winged Xiaopeng Emperor also had to admit that he was still not Gu Fei's opponent!

"The master is too good."

Heifengzhizun and the others are overjoyed. Gu Fei seems to have only a quasi-supreme level cultivation base, but his combat power is against the sky, and he hit the Supreme King with a punch.

This supreme king, but one of the twelve supreme kings of the Eastern Territory of the Ancestral Realm, even if Heifeng met this guy in the Ancestral Realm, he had to take a detour!


At this moment, thunder rang out in the depths of the sky.

"this is……"

All the powerhouses in the heaven and earth world have all changed color.


Even Emperor Jiang Ren raised his head and looked into the depths of the sky, a light flashed in his eyes.

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