Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4450: Too awesome

Qin Yao, a generation of emperor, whose father is the legendary ancestor of the Qin nationality, the great Emperor Yin and Yang.

In the Qin nationality, Qin Yao's status is still higher than that of the clan leader, and she is the saint among the Qin nationality.

But at this time, Qin Yao actually wanted to worship Yan'er, an unknown fellow, as a teacher. How could this be possible.

Seeing that Qin Yao actually bowed to Yan'er, the people of the Qin clan couldn't sit still.

"His Royal Highness, this is absolutely impossible!"

The old antique of the Qin nationality jumped out and said loudly.


Qin Yao shouted at the man.

"Your Royal Highness..."

The old antiques of the Qin nationality were shocked and inexplicable.

"She is not even the Supreme Master, and she is not qualified to be the master of His Royal Highness!"

The old antique of the Qin clan said excitedly.


Yan'er immediately became upset when she heard the words.

"I didn't want to accept disciples, but now it seems that I can't accept them anymore." Yan'er swept the Qin clan's old antiques and said calmly.

She even said she was not qualified to be Qin Yao's master, so she just wanted to be Qin Yao's master to show those who look down on her.

"You should know yourself!"

The old antique of the Qin clan stared at Yan'er and said.

"Huh! Even if the Supreme Master is face to face, he dare not talk to me like this, what are you guys." Yan'er was really angry.

"Sister, Master, don't be angry, and treat me to teach these inexperienced fellows."

Qin Yao was also angry, these guys dare to spoil their good deeds?

She wants to worship Yan'er as a teacher, in fact, the purpose is to obtain one of the nine secrets of immortality, the secret technique of eclosion, this secret technique of immortality is of great use to her.

If she can understand life and death, she can become the Supreme Supreme.

Nothing is more respectful than being oneself.

Moreover, this Yan'er is Gu Fei's wife, and that Gu Fei is definitely the most heaven-defying existence she has ever seen.

Being able to establish a relationship with Gu Feila is definitely a good thing for the entire Qin clan.

Qin Yao was about to take action to teach those people who did not have long eyes, but at this moment, a terrifying demon aura came out of the 100,000 Demon Mountain.

Everyone was taken aback.

"That fellow Tyrant is really useless. It's a shame to be defeated by a little girl!"

An erratic voice came from the 100,000 Demon Mountain.

Then, the devilish energy was mighty, and a huge demon face appeared in the sky.

"Pretend to be a fool!"

Yan'er glanced at the demon face in the sky, and then pointed out with her right hand, a divine light immediately rushed out of her fingers, and directly broke the demon face in the sky.


The demon face collapsed, and a demon hand fell from the sky and directly slapped Yan'er below.


Yan'er was very upset. With a wave of her big sleeves, a violent force swept across the sky, and all of a sudden, the magic hand that had fallen from the sky was dissipated.


Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and inexplicably shocked, especially those old antiques of the Qin nationality, who almost dropped their jaws.

"Little girl, you are looking for death!"

The magic sound sounded again.

"If you have the ability, come out and fight."

Yan'er is very strong.


When the magic sound sounded, a figure appeared in the depths of the One Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain, only to see this magic shadow directly stepping on the black rainbow, and quickly approaching Yan'er.

The terrifying breath of death erupted from this demon shadow, and everyone's soul was trembling.

"The Immortal Lord?"

People with a weaker cultivation base already had their legs trembling.


As soon as the peerless demon master stepped down, the mountain below was immediately exploded, and the earth cracked like the end of the day.

"Be careful, this guy is the undead master."

The old turtle quickly said to Yan'er.

"The Immortal Lord?"

Yan'er heard the words, her pupils couldn't help shrinking, she naturally heard the name of the immortal demon, is this guy the demon that is known as the immortal?

At this time, the Undead Demon Lord had already come to the opposite side of Yan'er, and saw the devilish energy behind him, covering one party, and in the devilish energy, it was as if there was a demon realm looming.

"Little girl, how do you want to die!"

The Undead Lord stared at Yan'er and said coldly.

This was a white-haired teenager with a pale face. This teenager was slender, and the skin exposed outside his clothes was sickly pale.

This is the number one demon of One Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain, the immortal demon master.

"Do not make jokes."

Yan'er said disapprovingly, although this guy is very strong, it is impossible to kill herself.

"Sister Master, this fellow is not comparable to the Tyrant Demon Lord, you have to be careful." Qin Yao stared at the undead demon Lord opposite, her face extremely solemn.

"Little girl, sometimes being too self-confident can become arrogant."

The corners of the undead demon's mouth rose, revealing a cold smile.

"So much nonsense!"

Yan'er said impatiently.

"Haha..., well, die!"

The undead demon laughed furiously, and saw a move from his right hand, "Boom!" A demon mountain broke through the endless demon energy directly behind him and flew out.

A powerful and terrifying demon aura erupted from this demon mountain, and countless creatures panicked to the extreme.

I saw this magic mountain smashed directly at Yan'er, and this smashing might directly broke through the void of heaven and earth, as if it could destroy everything.

"The holy mountain of the demons?"

When Lao Gui saw this magic mountain, he couldn't help being surprised.

This magic mountain is no stranger to him. This magic mountain is the demon sacred mountain of Yuanshi Demon Lord, but now, this demon sacred mountain has fallen into the hands of the undead demon master.


When Yan'er saw the magic mountain hit, she just stretched out her right hand and slapped her palm on the magic mountain. The moment her palm hit the magic mountain, her aura suddenly soared.

The strength that suddenly soared in Yan'er's body was almost equal to the extreme power.


With a loud noise, the entire magic mountain was swept away by Yan'er.


Seeing this scene, the eyes of those old antiques of the Qin nationality almost fell to the ground. They were not qualified to be Qin Yao's master from Yan'er just now.

But now, Yan'er's displayed combat power was hitting them in the face fiercely.

Blasting the demon sacred mountain with bare hands, this scene didn't make the major powers of the heavens shocked their jaws, even the undead demon master was shocked.

The power that suddenly emerged from Yan'er just now made the Undead Lord feel a great threat.

However, the power only appeared for a moment, and then disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"The secret technique to instantly increase combat power?"

The eyes of the undead master lit up.

Get rid of this little girl and get this secret technique.


As soon as this thought came out, the Immortal Demon Lord was extremely excited, and saw him roar, and the nine chains of death rushed out of him, directly entwining Yan'er!

However, she smiled suddenly, then flipped her right hand, and a divine sword immediately appeared in her hand.

In the next moment, Yan'er danced the sword with her hand, "Clang!" The sound was endless, and the nine death chains were directly cut off by her, and the chains turned into demon energy and dissipated in the void.

A faint aura spread from the divine sword in Yan'er's hand.

In the depths of the sky, there was a vague sound of thunder.

"this is……"

The old turtle fiercely raised his head and looked towards the sky, the power of Heaven's Punishment was about to be induced?

The power of Heaven's Punishment is not a joke, once it is induced, even the true Supreme Dao Supreme will kneel, and any Supreme Dao tool will be blasted into a common iron.

"Extreme sword weapon?"

Qin Yao, who was standing by, looked at the divine sword in Yan'er's hand and was shocked. The extreme aura from the sword made her heart palpitating.

"Purple Golden Sword?"

Xiaoqing next to the old turtle stared at the sword in Yan'er's hand and almost screamed.

Yes, the magic sword in Yan'er's hand is the purple gold magic sword.

Xiaoqing is Gu Fei's brother. He has followed Gu Fei since his debut, but the Zijin Divine Sword is very familiar to him.

Gu Fei gave Yan'er the Zijin Divine Sword to Yan'er. Xiaoqing was not very surprised. You know, Yan'er is Gu Fei's wife.

"Purple Golden Sword? How could it be possible!"

When the Immortal Lord saw the divine sword in Yan'er's hand, two **** magical lights shot out in his eyes.

"Are you a descendant of Dao Ancestor?"

The Undead Lord stared at Yan'er and said in a deep voice.

"Dao ancestors?"

Everyone was taken aback. Dao Ancestor, who was the ancestor of the Immortal Dao, created the Supreme Immortal Dao, so that countless people can cultivate immortality and enlighten Dao, and he is one of the best people in the past.

In the current world, immortal Dao is the mainstream of the cultivation world. No matter the number of practitioners or the spread of cultivation techniques, there is no other cultivation system that can match it.

It can be said that there are countless descendants of the supreme ancestors in both the heaven and the earth.

Yan'er's practice also belongs to the category of the Immortal Dao system.

It seems that Yaner is the heir of the Supreme Dao Ancestor.

"you guess!"

Yan'er smiled.

"Guess you! Go to hell!"

The undead demon master roared with a move with his right hand, and the demon holy mountain that was blasted by Yan'er's palm flew back again.


The demon sacred mountain shook violently, endless magic patterns rushed out from the sacred mountain, and a terrifying aura of destruction erupted from the sacred mountain.

With just one blow, the whole world exploded.


At the same time, Yan'er shook the purple-gold sword in his hand. In the next moment, countless ancient Dao patterns emerged from the purple-gold sword. With the sound of the sword that rang through the sky, the purple-gold sword smashed into the devil. On the sacred mountain.


I saw sparks splashing, and the Demon Sacred Mountain was slashed out again. This time, a stone was cut off from the Demon Sacred Mountain.


Seeing this scene, the undead demon couldn't help being shocked, and his face turned paler.

This is the sacred mountain of the Demon Race. No one has ever done any harm to this sacred mountain. However, today, a small part of it was cut off by the sword of Yan'er.

Although it is only a trivial part, it is enough to shock the world.

"Sister Master is too awesome!"

Even Qin Yao opened her mouth wide in surprise.

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