Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4440: Real war

Whether it is the Eastern Heaven Overlord or the Gu Ling, they are the most powerful female quasi-sovereigns in the world. There are not many female quasi-sovereigns in this heaven and earth.

The Eastern Heaven Overlord came from the world, and Gu Ling, in fact, can be regarded as the supreme female supreme in the world.

At this time, the two quasi-prime females were fighting outside the ancestral land of the demon clan, and the two strong females were just competing against each other, but when the cultivation level reached their level, even if they were competing against each other, it was extremely dangerous.

At this time, the strongest fighting spirit broke out on the two female quasi-supreme bodies.


The two female quasi-seniors roared at the same time, and saw Gu Ling step forward, and the speed of her movement suddenly soared, making her figure almost invisible in the void.

Even the existence of Quasi-Supreme-level, at this time can only capture a faint figure of Gu Ling, and below Quasi-Supreme, even the existence of the holy summit, it is already difficult to capture the shadow of Gu Ling.

At this time, the Dongtian Overlord was full of sword glow, as if she had transformed into a heavenly sword, walking towards the ancient spirit cave, and the sword energy swept the sky and the earth.

A series of pitch-black space cracks silently appeared around her.

"Wu breaks the world!"

Gu Ling shouted and punched directly.


Jian Guang collided with his fists, making a sound of collision and friction between gold and iron.

Both Gu Ling and Dongtian Overlord both shook their bodies, and then flew back at the same time.


Gu Ling looked down and saw that a faint blood stain appeared on his fist, and no blood oozes from this blood stain.

"Good guy..."

Dongtian Overlord was shocked, this ancient spirit actually blocked her peerless sword with a body of flesh and blood, could it be that her martial art was even stronger than the Quasi-Supreme Dao Weapon?

At this time, Gu Ling punched her, an invincible fist burst out of her body.


When Dongtian Overlord saw this, his pupils couldn't help but shrank. This Gu Ling made his debut late, but he had cultivated to this level, it was too abnormal.

"A sword breaks the sky!"

Dongtian Overlord no longer retains his strength, and directly displayed his most proud swordsman power.

I saw an immortal sword light rushing out of the hand of the Dongtian Overlord. Wherever the sword light passed, the void of heaven and earth was directly cut apart, and the indestructible sword light seemed to be able to kill everything.

This sword has never moved forward.

"Good job!"

Seeing the sword of the Eastern Heaven Overlord, Gu Ling's eyes suddenly brightened, and then he fisted towards the peerless sword light that had arrived.

A layer of firelight emerged from her fist, and in the firelight, dense Dao patterns were intertwined, revealing an aura of vast roads.


Gu Ling's fist collided with the sword light hit by the Dongtian Overlord again, and the sword light was directly smashed by her with a punch, and the fist slammed directly at the Dongtian Overlord.

"What a powerful boxing technique!"

Dongtian Overlord was taken aback and quickly backed away.

However, Gu Ling's fist followed like a shadow, still smashing towards her head, and couldn't avoid it at all.


Dongtian Overlord's figure was blurred for a while, and the next moment, she was divided into three, and the three figures rushed out in different directions.


When Gu Ling saw this, he was taken aback. This guy also practiced the secret technique of transforming one Qi into three clears.

However, Gu Ling soon sensed that this kind of secret technique was not the Nine Secrets of the Immortal Dao, but another kind of magical power that was somewhat similar to Yi Qi Hua San Qing.

Among the three figures transformed by the Emperor Dongtian, one was the real body, but no one knew which one was her real body.


At this time, Gu Ling's fist fell, and an incarnation of the Eastern Heaven Overlord exploded immediately.

"Not the real body?"

Gu Ling was startled.

At the moment when Gu Ling exploded an incarnation of the East Heaven Overlord, the two figures of the East Heaven Overlord had already shot towards the Gu Ling.


The sword slammed into the sky, the Eastern Emperor's sword was unsheathed, and the Eastern Emperor's sword turned into a sword light, and instantly slashed in front of Gu Ling.

"It's a fast sword, but unfortunately, I have the world's fastest speed."

Gu Ling's footsteps left a trail of afterimages directly in the void, the speed reaching the extreme.

The sword of the Eastern Heaven Overlord only extinguished the few afterimages she left in the void.

"Fist to break the limit, palm to heaven!"

Gu Ling directly displayed the unique skill created by Gu Fei, only to see her doing two things with one heart, and her right fist blasted directly at the figure of the Eastern Heaven Overlord.

The figure of Dongtian Overlord was directly forced back thousands of miles.

At the same time, Gu Ling's left palm was facing another figure of the Eastern Heaven Overlord.

In the next moment, the power of Heavenly Transformation in Gu Ling's hand exploded, and the figure of the Eastern Heaven Overlord instantly became faint and unreal, and finally disappeared completely and was transformed.


The Eastern Heaven Overlord had to be moved. Both of his own incarnations had the strength of the quasi-supreme elementary level, and they were so easily killed by Gu Ling.

Even the old tortoises who watched the battle were a little surprised. You must know that this Dongtian Overlord is not an ordinary quasi-supreme.

Even if he faced the Eastern Heaven Overlord, he might not be able to defeat her.

"Is that the martial art created by the older brother?"

There was a flicker in Xiaoqing's eyes.

"This kind of martial arts seems to have surpassed Ji Dao."

The old turtle looked solemn.

With Laogui's insight, he could see at a glance the power and horror of the martial arts displayed by Gu Ling.


Xiaoqing couldn't help being shocked and inexplicable when he heard the words, surpassing the extreme way, what realm is that?

It was the first time he heard that there was a higher realm of cultivation above the extreme path.

Xiaoqing's knowledge is naturally far less than that of the old tortoise. You must know that this old tortoise is the descendant of the queen, and has experienced countless winds and rains until many secrets of the world.

Tai Huang once said to him that Ji Dao is not the end, and there may be a higher level of realm above Ji Dao.

Of course, even Taihuang has never broken through the extreme realm and stepped into a higher realm.

When Laogui was talking with Xiaoqing, the battle between Gu Ling and the Eastern Heaven Overlord changed.

The incarnation of the Dongtian Overlord was cut off, causing a great impact on the Dongtian Overlord. She was shocked and almost fell from the sky.


Gu Ling's fist fell, the entire sky was shaking, and the stars in the sky were exploding, terrifying.

Under this fist, the Overlord of the East immediately flew for tens of thousands of miles, slamming into the starry sky one by one, and the big stars continued to explode where he escaped.


Everyone was taken aback when they saw this scene. Even the best in the world, Dongtian Overlord, is not the opponent of Gu Fei's daughter?

"how is this possible……"

"How long has she only debuted, how can she have such a strong cultivation base and combat power."

The old antiques in the heavens are unbelievable. They have cultivated countless years before they have the supreme cultivation base. Some old antiques have even survived two or even the third life before they have the current supreme cultivation base.

And how long did Gu Ling practice? Three hundred years? Three thousand years?

Hundreds of thousands of years, for these old antiques in the heavens, are just the time between their fingers. They just retreat for a while, all counted in thousands of years!

When some old antiques sit in the life and death barrier, they can sit for hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

It is the Overlord of the Eastern Heavens, and also an old antique. It crosses the ancient world and has lived to the present. It is peerlessly powerful, and has even beaten the invincible hand of the Eastern Territory of the human world.

And now, Gu Ling actually blasted the Dongtian Overlord with a punch.

While everyone was still in shock, Gu Ling stepped into the sky, took one step, and directly soared into the sky, entered the starry sky, and caught up with the Eastern Heaven Overlord.

"Damn it!"

Dongtian Overlord roared, and a bright sword light rushed out of her immediately.

As soon as this sword light came out, the entire world was trembling, and a terrifying aura that made the heavens discolored erupted from this sword light.

"this is……"

The ancient inspiration came to an extreme danger, and stopped immediately.

"Dong Huang Jian, she is finally going to use this sword."

The old turtle said.

The previous battle between Gu Ling and the Eastern Heaven Overlord was just a warm-up. When warming up, they all put away their Dao tools.

Now, the Dongtian Overlord, who Gu Ling had forced, had to use her strongest power, which was also one of her hole cards.


The sword light that rushed out from the body of the Eastern Heaven Overlord made a turn in the void, and directly slashed towards the ancient spirit. The sword light rushed for thousands of miles, as if to split the entire starry sky in half.

Seeing the sword light swept away, dozens of stars exploded directly.

The Eastern Emperor Sword is an extreme sword weapon, even if the spirit of the device is sleeping, it can explode almost to the extreme level of power.

The sword light fell from the sky, and Gu Ling didn't even think about it, but moved one step horizontally.

The sword light wiped her clothes and slashed past.

The sword light of the Eastern Emperor Sword turned in the air, and strangling towards Gu Ling again, the cold sword aura spread out, directly covering most of the starry sky.


Gu Ling took another step, evading the sword light from the strangulation dangerously and dangerously.

At this time, Gu Ling's forehead was sweating, and she was almost smashed by the sword light of the East Emperor Sword. It would not be a joke if she was slashed by the sword light of the East Emperor Sword.

The sword light of the Eastern Emperor Sword had already locked the Gu Ling.

The Dongtian Overlord sat cross-legged in the void, urging the Donghuang Sword with all his strength, and sweat on her forehead.

It takes a lot of vitality to use the Eastern Emperor Sword, even if it is as strong as the Eastern Emperor Overlord, it cannot activate the Eastern Emperor Sword for a long time.

She wants to defeat Gu Ling within a limited time.

And Gu Ling couldn't always use the stepping step. You must know that using the stepping step also consumes a lot of vitality, and she will also defeat the Eastern Heaven Overlord within a limited time.

This way, there will be a good show.


A fire cauldron rushed out of Gu Ling's body and directly hit the strangling sword light.


Huo Ding and Jian Guang collided in an instant, and there was a loud noise.

A terrifying storm of power swept out in all directions, and countless stars exploded directly and turned into dust.

The two female quasi-seniors finally made a full shot.

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