Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4436: One step to defeat the devil

Yuanshi Demon Lord really deserves to be one of the best among the 100,000 Demon Mountain, and can compete with the Undead Demon Lord.

After this guy merged with the Sacred Mountain of the Demon Race, the power of the stone demon transformed into it was overwhelming. As long as he didn't step on the red line, he would be almost invincible, whether it was in the heaven or the world.

Of course, that is almost nothing, there are still existences that can contend with this stone demon, whether in the celestial realm or the human realm.

At this time, in the area near the Yaozu's ancestral land, divine lights rose into the sky directly into the starry sky.

Powerful forces fluctuated violently in the world.

Even in the ancestral land of the demon race, more than a dozen demon lights rushed out, turning into sky-shattering rainbow lights into the starry sky.

These are ancestor-level existences in the heavens and the human world. They simultaneously appeared near the ancestral land of the demon race and entered the starry sky at the same time.

Since the Dark Ages, no matter in the heavens or the human world, there have not been so many big figures gathered together. This time, they gathered here for a great battle.

The battle between Gu Fei’s martial arts clone and the Yuanshi Demon Lord in the One Hundred Thousand Demon Mountain shocked countless old antiques in the heavens. Some old antiques were closed for hundreds of thousands of years. After sensing this battle, they all jumped out. Come and watch the game.

Because the battle between Gu Fei's Martial Dao clone and Yuanshi Demon Lord represents the peak battle below the Supreme, which has greatly inspired all quasi-seniors.

No one wants to miss such a battle.


The world shook, billions of stars trembled, and two strong figures moved quickly in the starry sky. Wherever they passed, the stars were directly blasted.


The stone demon looked up to the sky and screamed, only to see his body shook, his body was actually rushed out of the nine magic shadows, the nine magic shadows directly pounced towards Gu Fei's martial arts incarnation.

Where the Nine Demon Shadows passed, the void was silently annihilated, leaving a series of pitch-black space cracks.

"this is……"

When Gu Fei's martial arts incarnation saw this scene, his pupils couldn't help but shrank. This guy's magical powers seemed to have some ways, and the nine magical shadows seemed to corrode everything.

This kind of corrosive demon energy is no small matter. As long as there is a wisp of corroding demon energy on the upper body, even the quasi-sovereign will be corroded, and the body will die.

At this time, Gu Fei's martial arts incarnation was actually sitting in the void.


A divine light rushed out from the center of his eyebrows, his eyebrows split open, like a **** eye suddenly opened, and then, the phantom rushed out of his eyebrows.


A sword slammed into the sky, and the phantom that rushed from the brows of Gu Fei’s martial arts incarnation turned into a sword light. I saw that sword light swept out directly, and instantly swept the nine magic shadows. Cut in two.

This is not an ordinary sword light, but a Dao sword transformed by the power of the soul. This kind of sword light can't hurt the flesh, and it can cut the opponent's soul.

The nine demon shadows were transformed by the stone demon with tyrannical minds.

After being slashed by Gu Fei's Yuanshen Dao sword, the Nine Demon Shadows dissipated in the void and turned into demonic energy, as if they had never appeared before.


Seeing this, the stone demon couldn't help being taken aback. How could this guy break his own assassin?

However, the facts are not deceiving.


After the sword light slashed the nine demon shadows, it slashed in front of the stone demon in an instant.

The stone demon couldn't feel the extreme danger, and quickly turned his body, the sword light directly rubbed his face and slashed.

That sword light directly cut thousands of miles away, and then dissipated into the void.


The stone demon stared at Gu Fei's martial arts incarnation, wishing to tear this guy to pieces.

"Enough, don't rely on the old to sell old in front of me, I have killed all creatures older than you, let alone you?"

Gu Fei's martial arts incarnation said coldly.

"What are you bragging about, there is something older than the deity in this world? Just kidding."

The stone demon said disdainfully, he is the demon master, the oldest demon, the creatures older than him in this world, have died or disappeared.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's fight!"

Gu Fei's martial arts incarnation took a step, and instantly appeared above the stone demon's head, and then stepped down. This foot seemed to have stepped on the entire world.

Stepping into the sky, this is the supreme martial art created by Gu Fei.


Without any suspense, Gu Fei's martial arts incarnation stepped on the stone demon from the starry sky with one kick.


The stone demon exploded several stars one after another, and then fell towards the heavenly earth.


Seeing this scene, all the strong people watching the battle nearby were stunned. This incarnation of Gu Fei was too strong and too abnormal, and he stepped on the stone demon from the starry sky with one foot.

This kind of combat power has exceeded everyone's expectations, including that Dongtian Overlord.

Gu Fei’s incarnation’s martial arts cultivation base might have already touched the extreme realm, and this kind of cultivation actually appeared on an incarnation body, which made the Eastern Heaven Overlord even had to move.

Defeat the devil in one step!

The power displayed by Gu Fei's steps is really amazing.

"Damn it!"

The stone demon transformed by the Yuanshi Demon Lord was almost mad, and countless cracks appeared on the invincible demon's body, which was something he couldn't imagine.

You know, this stone demon battle body was transformed by the holy mountain of the demon clan, even if it was bombed by the ultimate Dao weapon, it would not be possible to leave any traces.

However, the foot of Gu Fei's avatar shook the stone demon battle body into countless cracks.

This is beyond the scope of power, and this is no longer something mere power can do. The foot of Gu Fei's incarnation has some kind of strong power.

Beyond the extreme path, only this kind of power can shatter the stone demon battle body that the demon ancestor holy mountain has transformed.

"With one hand!"

Gu Fei's martial arts incarnation walked directly from the sky with one step. With just one step, he caught up with the falling stone demon, and then shot the stone demon battle body with a palm.

The power of Huatian came out from the hands of Gu Fei's martial incarnation, and the next moment, the stone demon battle body was exploded by this palm.

Countless stones shot out in all directions, even the smallest piece directly penetrated the void.

The stone demon battle body shattered, and a demon shadow rushed out from the shattered stone demon battle body. The next moment, countless stones suddenly became bigger and turned into a broken demon mountain, with devilish energy overwhelming.

Countless fragments of the magic mountain gathered together, and a ball of magic light emerged, covering the entire magic mountain.

In the next moment, this broken magic mountain was reorganized.

"Haha, our holy mountain is immortal, no one can destroy our holy mountain."

Yuanshi Demon Lord screamed frantically, like crazy!

"is it?"

Gu Fei's martial arts incarnation descended from the sky.

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