Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4316: Five Town Celestial Realm

In the heavens, there are peerless figures born in every generation, and this life is no exception.

In this life, there was a so-called invincible existence in the heavens, emperor nine days, emperor nine days, not a defeat.

Di Jiutian is mysterious and unpredictable. No one knows where he comes from or his background against the sky. However, he was born out of nowhere, pushing the five realms of the heavens, almost invincible.

Why is it almost?

That's because the people who fought with him have all lost, but there are also many experts recognized by the heavens who have not yet shot, like the old turtle, the descendant of the sky demon, and the golden spirit ape Yuan Hong.

These people have never met the Emperor Jiutian, let alone fight against each other.

The emperor of the Qin clan from the human world, the little monk Fanxiu, Heitian and others, have never made a move in the heavens.

However, these people are absolutely powerful. Among these people, there are some who claim to be invincible, and these are all characters on the bright side, and secretly, it is not known how many potential guards exist.

At this time, in the primitive star field in the depths of the heavenly starry sky, the aura of destruction was vast.

The robbery cloud enveloped the entire primordial starry sky, and a figure stood under the robbery, flying in white, transcendence, facing the strongest robbery, the cloud was light and breezy.

At this time, the robbery cloud covering a primitive star field suddenly rolled violently, and then receded like a tide.

The terrifying aura of destruction also faded and weakened. Soon, the huge cloud of tribulation disappeared completely, and a powerful figure appeared in the original starry sky.


That figure was terrifying, but standing there quietly, the entire original starry sky was shaking.

"this is……"

The strong men who watched the ancient Lingdu Tribulation from a distance were shocked and inexplicable.


The old turtle stood up fiercely, his expression a little nervous.

Only Gu Fei was still calm, still sitting on the big star, but his eyes looked at the mysterious figure suddenly lit up.

"Yin-yang Avenue, yin-yang supreme?"

Gu Fei said such words.

He used to cross the quasi-sovereign tribulation in the heavens, but at that time, he was not the strongest. Moreover, when crossing the tribulation, the mark of the road caused was also determined according to the cultivation base of the cross tribulation.

Gu Ling's cultivation base at this time has surpassed that of Gu Fei. The dao brand she induced is naturally the strongest. The yin and yang are supreme, and in the heavens, it is also an existence that can be compared with the strongest such as Taihuang.

She didn't cause Taihuang's avenue branding, but it caused the yin and yang supreme avenue brand.


At this time, the figure moved, although it was only a quasi-supreme cultivation base, but the next moment, the entire primordial starry sky exploded and turned into chaos.

The terrifying power of Chaos directly drowned Gu Ling in.


When Baron and others saw this, they were directly shocked.

The figure broke the world as soon as it shot, and they were like ants in front of such power.

At this time, the void was shattered and the chaos was mighty, the two figures fought in the chaos, and even the chaos was broken and split.

However, in this scene, not many people can see that the chaos has isolated all the breath, and even the existence of the holy-class like Baron can hardly see into the depths of the chaos.

Only the Quasi-Supreme can see the war in the chaos.

The Yin-Yang Dao Body absorbed the power of the entire Heavenly Tribulation. At this time, the Yin-Yang Dao Body was definitely the strongest, even if it was Gu Fei that year, after he achieved Quasi-Supreme, it was nothing more than that.

Gu Ling was able to fight endless battles with this Yin-Yang Dao body, and Gu Fei felt a little surprised by such combat power.

Gu Fei was not worried that his daughter would fall in the heavenly catastrophe. You must know that his daughter was wearing a sky-blue fairy and golden armor. Although he couldn't protect his daughter from the heavenly catastrophe, it was still possible to protect his daughter's soul.

As long as the soul is not destroyed, there is hope for everything.

At this time, in the chaos, Gulin faced the strongest opponent since his debut, without any reservations, and tried his best.

The Nine Phoenix Cauldron directly blasted towards the Yin and Yang Dao Body, and the nine divine phoenixes rushed out from the Nine Phoenix Cauldron, and the sacred fire from the nine divine phoenixes burned out the surrounding chaos.


With a trembling, the Yin-Yang Dao body just fisted, and the Nine Phoenix Cauldron that had been killed by the blast blasted away, and the nine Divine Phoenix wailed and dissipated into the void at the same time.


Gu Ling was taken aback. This Nine Phoenix Cauldron was the ultimate treasure of the Heavenly Sect of the Extreme Dao. It was blown out by this guy with a punch?

The punch of the yin and yang Dao body's burst of power is as strong as the yang, as if it can destroy everything.

This is the Yang Dao in the Yin-Yang Dao, with the strongest power.

"The five elements transform yin and yang!"

Gu Ling roared, and the power of the five elements rushed out of her body and turned into a five-dimensional body. The next moment, the five-dimensional body directly rushed into her body again.


With a loud noise, Gu Ling's entire body exploded and turned into a cloud of blood. Only one armor was floating in the blood fog, and a group of five elements of divine light was intertwined and collided.

"What..., exploded your own Taoism?"

Seeing this scene, the old turtle almost fell from the air.

Even Gu Fei was shocked.

This is the path that Gu Fei has walked. The five elements transform Yin and Yang. Once successful, Gu Ling's combat power will increase by at least ten times, which is the least.

If Gu Fei displayed this magical power, his combat power could increase a hundredfold, and he could kill all opponents.

"what happened!"

This is, Yan'er and Xiaoqing have come nearby.

Yan'er's gaze penetrated the chaos directly, just to see the scene where the five elements of the ancient spirit unite and explode the Dao body.

"This is too dangerous."

Yan'er came directly to the big star where Gu Fei was.

"The more dangerous, the stronger the power you can get."

Gu Fei said disapprovingly.

Yan'er didn't speak, but she was still nervous. After all, that was her precious daughter. If anyone else in this world could make her nervous, there were only two people, Gu Fei and Gu Ling.

Because only these two people are the people Yan'er cares about most.

At this time, in the chaos, the Yin-Yang Dao Body did not make a move, letting Gu Ling reorganize the Dao Body.

Even if it is a great road brand, there is also a proud side. The great road brand left by the Supreme Yin and Yang is naturally a bit arrogant, allowing the ancient spirit to upgrade his cultivation.


With another loud noise, the power of the five elements finally successfully merged, and a powerful figure appeared in the void.

The Sky Blue Immortal Golden Battle Armor flew directly to Gu Ling and automatically put it on her body.

In the next moment, Gu Ling became a goddess of war again.

With a move from Gu Ling's right hand, the Nine Phoenix Cauldron, which was fisted by the Yin-Yang Dao Body, broke through the chaos and flew into her hand. There was a fist imprint on the Cauldron.

"Good guy..."

Gu Ling was taken aback. The Yin-Yang Dao body was so extraordinary that it could leave a fist mark on the Nine Phoenix Cauldron.


Suddenly, the chaos in front of Gu Ling exploded fiercely, and a bright golden fist hit her directly.


The corner of Gu Ling's mouth rose, and then he smashed it against the coming fist.


The two fists smashed into each other in an instant. The next moment, a violent force burst out from the two powerful men, and the surrounding chaotic energy was immediately dissipated like a remnant cloud.


Outside of the chaos, the old turtle couldn't help being surprised when he saw this. After Gu Ling reorganized his Dao body, he became so powerful.

"I said, brother, you are supernatural!"

The old turtle said to Gu Fei that he and Gu Fei were on two big stars, but they could clearly hear each other's words.


Gu Fei said calmly.

"Teach me how?"

The old turtle said.


Gu Fei smiled, and pointed it out directly, a divine light rushed out of his fingertips, and then fell into the center of the old turtle's eyebrows.

"Not bad, haha, with this magical power, next time I can hang Fan Xiu's little bald head."

Laogui's opponent, in addition to the descendants of the sky demon and the remnants of the ancient times, there is also the Buddhism that exists in the world and the sky.

Especially that little monk Fanxiu, this guy has been very active over the years, has appeared in the ancestors of life, and has also been to the heavens.

Laogui wanted to stop Fanxiu, but this guy was very cunning. Laogui didn't stop Fanxiu and let the guy escape.

In the Celestial Realm, the old tortoise is the most powerful existence. The Celestial Realm can be said to be the land of the old tortoise. When Fan Xiu dares to come to the Celestial Realm, the old tortoise wants him to look good.

"It's over."

Gu Fei suddenly said, with a smile on his face, his daughter's strength was beyond his expectations.

At this moment, in the chaos, a figure disappeared into the void.

At the same time, a figure walked out of the chaos, and saw him wearing a battle armor, holding an ancient cauldron in his hand, stepping into the sky, a breath of extreme Dao, looming on her body.

At this time, in the heavens, the five ancient cities were suspended above the sky, suppressing the ten directions, and the terrifying breath came out from the five ancient cities.

The creatures in the area of ​​tens of thousands of miles were terrified to the extreme.

The countless celestial beings overwhelmed by the five ancient cities could not lift their heads.

At this time, on the earth, the strong gathered, and the strong from all major forces in the heavens came, and countless armies gathered, extremely crowded, but the surroundings were quiet and terrible.

Even the fiercest savage beast fell on the ground and shivered.

"It's unreasonable, what exactly these guys in the other world want to do?" The Holy Master Taiqing said bitterly, and he was chased and killed by those guys in the other world that day.

The Holy Master of Taiqing has long wanted to find a place in the past few days.

"I said Taiqing, why are you in a hurry."

Holy Master Xuantian appeared beside the Holy Master Taiqing.

"You don't want revenge?"

Taiqing Holy Lord said angrily.

"Think, very much, very much."

There was a fierceness in the eyes of Saint Xuantian.

"That's not it?"

Holy Master Taiqing glanced at Holy Master Xuantian and said.

"Those guys don't do anything, are they doing some conspiracy?"

Someone said such words.

Just when everyone was staring at the five alien ancient cities in the sky, the five alien ancestral cities moved, and the five ancient cities were suppressed directly from the sky toward the heavenly army on the ground.

The terrifying aura swept across the ten directions, as if to crush the entire heavenly earth.

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