Immortal Martial Venerable

Chapter 4236: Break through the Southern Sky City

The Mo Family's influence in Nantian City is not small, but the Mo Family is a world of one person, that is, the lord of the Nantian City, Mo Tianyi.

Mo Tianyi, the absolute powerhouse of the Mo family, the number one expert, even those big elders and second elders, dare not presume in front of him.

Because the Mo family was able to be so beautiful in the original ancestor star because of the emergence of a Mo Tianyi, if there was no Mo Tianyi, the Mo family would be destroyed or annexed by other forces immediately.

This is the law of the weak eating the strong, only the strong can be proud of the nine days, and the weak can only become vassals.

Therefore, as soon as Mo Tianyi came out, the first elder and second elder of the Mo family had to bow their heads obediently.

"You are the city lord of Nantian City, why did you close the Nantian Gate and not let us enter the original ancestor star?" Yan'er did not leave, but questioned Nantian City lord Mo Tianyi.

"This little girl..."

The people around were shocked and inexplicably shocked when they saw this. Many people were sweating for Yan'er. You know, the lord of Nantian City in the sky!

Lord City Lord, who controls the life and death of a city's creatures, who would dare to talk to the City Lord of Nantian City like this?

"Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!"

A monk of the older generation looked at Yan'er and muttered.

"Huh! I'm afraid there is something incredible behind this little girl!"

Someone said such words.

The super clans, super big sects or super dynasties on the original ancestor star are all super powers that oppress a region, and the descendants of these powers often come out to exercise.

These descendants are guys with unique skills, with countless amazing methods.

When encountering these guys, even the older generation of cultivators are not willing to offend and deal with them carefully.

Many people think that Yan'er is the successor who came out of those superpowers on the original ancestor star. Otherwise, how could she dare to talk to Mo Tianyi like this?

"It has nothing to do with me if the gate of heaven is not closed."

Mo Tianyi glanced at Yan'er, then disappeared into the void, disappearing.

"What does he mean by this?"

Yan'er was inexplicable, could it be that the Lord of this city couldn't even control the opening and closing of the Heavenly Gate?

At this time, outside the Nantian City, countless alien races from outside the sky gathered from all directions, each of these alien races was extremely fierce and powerful.

The number of alien races outside the sky is too huge, and the entire starry sky is full of them.

The tragic evil spirit filled every inch of void, even if it was blocked by the guardian formation, the creatures on the original ancestor star still felt heart palpitations.

"Is the foreign race in this world actually invaded by the clan?"

Countless monks in Nantian City were shocked to the extreme when they saw this scene.

Among those alien races outside the sky, there are several huge alien races as huge as mountains that exude terrifying evil spirits. These evil spirits are much stronger than the evil spirits of the alien race before.

"what happened!"

There was a panic in Nantian City, which was not a good thing for everyone in the city.


The loud noise sounded again, and the entire Southern Sky City shook, a frightening aura came from outside the city, and countless monks in the city were frightened inexplicably.

"act recklessly!"

There was a loud shout from the city lord's mansion, and then a divine light pierced the void and directly pierced the strange beast that was attacking Nantian City outside the great defense formation.


I saw the strange beast roared, and the blood suddenly appeared, and the figure directly penetrated the body of the strange beast outside the sky.

Although the creature outside the sky was powerful, it still suffered heavy damage and retreated straight away.


There was an exclamation from the city lord's mansion. Someone was surprised that this blow did not kill the strange beast.

At this time, countless alien races from outside the sky rushed directly towards Nantian City. The next moment, a intensive impact sounded, and those alien races directly slammed into the invisible shield formed by the power of the city defense formation.

Suddenly the blood burst into light, and countless alien wild beasts were directly shaken to death, falling from the sky, the smell of blood permeated, and it was disgusting.

Countless monks in Nantian City were shocked to see this scene.

These guys are really desperate!

The power of the defense formation is extremely powerful, and it is definitely not an easy task to break through the formation and enter, otherwise it is impossible for this alien race to besiege the original ancestor for more than ten years, and it is only today.

However, soon, the monks in the city discovered that the blood of those alien races outside the sky could actually corrode the mask formed by the power of the great defense formation.


The monks in the city were not calm.

No wonder these guys rushed forward desperately. It turns out that these guys have blood problems.

"What to do, once these guys are allowed to come in, we will all be finished."

"What are you afraid of, with the Lord of the City, what storms and waves can these alien races be able to overcome?"

However, although those who are composing themselves say that there is no fear in their mouths, they are terrified in their hearts. You know, everyone has only one life, and when they die, everything is finished.

At this time, on a star more than tens of thousands of miles away from the original ancestor star, Gu Fei stood in the sky above a ruin, looking far away towards the original ancestor star.

There was a smell of blood in the ruins, and there were dozens of alien beasts lying down around the ruins, all of which were killed by a single blow.

Of course, only Gu Fei can have such a capable person.

"The alien race outside the sky is actually attacking the original ancestor?"

Gu Fei was so knowledgeable, he had to be moved at this time. There were too many alien races outside the sky. The entire starry sky in front of him was full of such alien brutal beasts.

No wonder these guys can sweep the entire star field.

"Look at it first!"

At this time, Gu Fei had sensed the existence of Gu Ling, and his daughter was near the original ancestor star.

This is an induction of blood.

There is a teleportation array on the star where Gu Fei is located. This teleportation array can transport people to the four ancient cities of the original ancestor star.

However, the teleportation array on this star has been destroyed, the location of the teleportation array is just below Gu Fei, and the teleportation array has become ruins.

The Great War broke out, all the alien races outside the sky were all out, and they attacked the four big sky cities at the same time. All of a sudden, the shouting and killing shook the sky, and countless monks were shocked and inexplicable.

The blood of this alien race can corrode the power of the great defense formation. Over time, the four heavenly cities will not be able to hold them, and the consequences of being unable to hold them are very serious.


In the east sky city, a portal suddenly appeared on the protective shield, and then a battle army directly killed out, and the flesh and blood flew everywhere.

The emergence of this divine army directly tore a gap among the countless alien beasts.

Once the killing array composed of tens of thousands of Heavenly Soldiers in the Eastern Heavenly City becomes operational, even the saints will evade.

This killing array composed of tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers swept past, and countless alien beasts fell from the sky like dumplings. This scene was extremely bloody.

However, no one sympathizes with these alien races outside of the sky, because these alien races in the outside world are extremely fierce, and wherever they go, the whole star field will suffer and be eaten by them.

Compared with the active attack of the East Sky City, the other South Sky City, the North Sky City, and the West Sky City all directly opened the great defense formation, allowing the alien beasts outside to attack wildly.

Once the great formations of the four heavenly cities are in operation, they can communicate with the heavens and the stars and attract endless power.

The alien beast outside the sky, but it can't threaten the monks in the sky city at all.

However, this time, among the alien beasts from the outside world came a peerless and powerful alien beast.


At this moment, a fierce blood light suddenly rushed out of the countless savage beasts outside the sky, and directly blasted on the light shield of the southern sky city.

I saw that **** light exploded. Although it could not corrode through the mask made by the power of the great defense formation, the cultivators in the whole city were frightened.

At this time, among the countless alien races outside the sky, a **** light burst into the sky and fell towards the southern sky city, as did the other three heavenly cities.

The blood light turned across the sky, all falling towards the four heavenly cities.


The four heavenly cities are constantly shaking.


Above Nantian City, there was the sound of something breaking.


The most feared thing happened to countless monks in the city, and cracks appeared on the shield of the city. Is this still worth it?

"Master, is this moat formation going to be broken?"

On the square of Nantian City, among countless monks, Gu Ling, Yan'er, Meng Long and Zhao Hao stood in a corner. Among the countless monks, they looked very inconspicuous.


Gu Ling suddenly coughed a few times, and saw her face a little sallow, as if she was hurt.

"Master, don't you mind!"

Yan'er was shocked when she saw this.

"Damn heaven and human race!"

Meng Long clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. It was the Celestial Clan who injured the Gu Ling. The Celestial Clan was a strong family in the Primitive Ancestor.

The reason why Gu Ling was wounded was that when she was practicing on the original ancestor, she competed with the young master of the human race in a spiritual place for a magical medicine.

That day, the young master of the human race was not an opponent, and was beaten by Gu Ling, but this guy called a master of the family to besiege Gu Ling. Gu Ling was injured by the strong man of the heaven and human race in order to protect Yan'er and others.

"Senior Sister, it doesn't matter you!"

Zhao Hao said worriedly.

On the square of the southern sky city, there were also members of the Celestial Clan, but at this time, everyone's attention was on the outer savage beasts outside, and the few fellows of the Celestial Clan did not find Gu Ling.

"I'm fine, I feel my father is nearby."

Gu Ling said suddenly.


Zhao Hao and others couldn't help being surprised and delighted when they heard this.

"Master is nearby, how is this possible..."

Zhao Hao said in disbelief.

However, Gu Ling never speaks big words. She said that the master is nearby, and that master must be nearby. The master is here, hum, this day the people are going to be unlucky.

The Celestial Clan injured Gu Ling, but this touched Gu Fei's bottom line.

Family, to Gu Fei, is more important than anything else!


At this moment, there was a loud noise from the sky, and everyone looked towards the sky in horror, only to see that the protective light shield in the sky was blasted out of a big hole, and countless alien beasts from outside the sky were rushing towards that big hole like crazy. go with.

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